Chapter 248 Ring of Branding

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  Chapter 248:
  It is not difficult to make the spiritual materials of the Brand Ring, and it is also not difficult to draw and carve the spell model.

  Spiritual apprentices who have been working for several years can skillfully make spiritual materials and draw and carve spell models. It is just their weak perception of spiritual materials that prevents them from making spiritual cards.


  Duke sat on the sofa chair and kept turning a 1-ring slide card with his fingertips, while he was communicating quickly with Xiaoyi in his mind.

  "There is a technical difficulty in this. How to fuse the spell model with the spiritual material?"

  "Manual card making. If the card maker is not careful during the psychic drawing and carving, the entire spell model will be destroyed, and the card will be connected. The material has also been destroyed."

  "A complete spell model is stuffed into the card material. How to ensure that it can be completely preserved?" "

  Master, perhaps you can conduct the following experiment to use the steady-state psychic ability of the steady-state ring level meter. Field, maintains the integrity of the spell model, and adjusts the microstructure of the spell model through the affinity between subtle energy lines and spiritual materials." "You mean, let the spiritual

  energy adjust by itself?"

  "According to Xiaoyi's It is judged that this plan has a certain probability of success, but first it needs the help of more experimental data." "Please

  sort out the experimental process, and I will start arranging it as soon as possible."

  "Good master, I have sorted out the new experimental process for you. ."

  "Then, let's do it!"

  The communication between thoughts was complete in an instant. Duke flicked the card and inserted the 1-ring slide card into the card storage rack on the table.

  The first is theoretical verification.

  This required Duke to disassemble several steady-state cyclostats and then assemble a large-scale steady-state cyclostat suitable for experiments.

  Aoshou 1.0 executed his idea perfectly, and half a day later, a large-scale steady-state ring position analyzer that could accommodate one person stood in his independent laboratory. At the same time, there is an instrument that can continuously outline the magic model of the slide card.

  In this way, Duke does not need to operate manually, and there is a steady stream of slide card spell models available for his experiments at any time.

  "Open the force field." Duke controlled the arcane hand with his mind.

  After the force field was turned on, psychic energy continued to surge in the entire large-scale steady-state annular instrument, while spell models continued to be outlined in the instruments on the side.

  Duke used spiritual energy as a guide to continuously compress these spell models into the card material.


  The first card was burned directly.

  "There are too many errors in the spiritual distribution of the spell model and card materials, and it is impossible to maintain the operation of the spell model." Duke summed up the failure experience, "But Xiaoyi, during the compression process, you saw that the spiritual energy and card materials Do you have the affinity?"

  "I see it, Master, but the affinity cannot resist the closeness of the spell model itself." "

  How do you think it should be changed?"

  "More experimental data is needed to support it."

  "Okay." Duke continued In the ground experiment, one card after another is damaged. It seems that the entire experiment always fails. Generally, the arcane mage may give up.

  But Duke is different.

  Failure is not only not depressing for him, but also gives him a sense of joy.

  The reason is simple. Every time Xiaoyi can extract certain experimental data from failed experiments and expand the database.

  It is equivalent to saying that every failure of his is a part of the progress bar of success.

  "Failure is success, you're so right!" Duke couldn't remember exactly how many failed operations he had repeated in half a month.

  If Xiaoyi hadn't reminded him that the database was constantly expanding, he would have given up long ago.

  But Xiaoyi's reminder made him know that every time he failed, he was taking a small step towards success, until now.

  "Master, in the complete spell model, the energy lines have been solidified. We need to cut a small opening in the spell model to ensure the stability of the basic structure and at the same time keep the energy lines in an excited state, thereby increasing the affinity with the card material."

  " No problem, do it!" Duke started experimenting again.

  This time, the spell model sketched out from the instrument was not a complete ring, but had a gap.

  The powerful force field of the steady-state ring positioner can stably preserve this incomplete ring.

  Duke only needs a simple operation to compress the incomplete ring into the card material, and wait for the incomplete ring to fuse with the card material on its own. When the fusion reaches the final step, a little more psychic energy is injected to completely close the ring.

  But unexpectedly, it failed in the end.

  "This gap is not chosen correctly, Xiaoyi. Calculate the position of the spell model, which will have the smallest restriction on the spiritual distribution of the card material." "

  Okay, I have calculated it for you, master. Please keep the gap from the seventeenth protrusion, node 38 . This gap belongs to the vertical series connection method. There is no specific requirement for the spirituality of the card material. It will not cause conflicts when encapsulating the spell model." "

  Understood." Duke quickly adjusted the instrument and set the spell model set in the instrument to the tenth The seventh protrusion and node 38 are disconnected.

  Repeat the previous operation.

  The incomplete spell model was compressed into the card material, and then he injected a little psychic energy into the gap.

  next moment.

  The entire spell model shone with a little luster, completely forming a stable ring and disappearing into the card material.

  "Done! Haha!" Duke was overjoyed, "We two are really geniuses!"

  Lingka is the best product of spiritual arcana spreading to society. It can be said that all walks of life cannot do without Lingka. Lingka is the development of society. Foundation.

  This is also an industry of infinite scale, a field that countless arcane mages study.

  "Xiaoyi, tell me, once my spirit card imprinting technology is released, will a monopoly company like United Card Store go bankrupt?" "Based on the available information, the

  shareholders behind United Card Store include Loren Shan Kagome, Siskoli, Jefferson Rockbird..." Xiaoyi listed the names of a group of arcane mages.

  Duke doesn’t need to know them all.

  All you need to know is the first Loren Sankagome to know that it is basically impossible for the United Card Store to close down.

  This is the only 7-ring Morning Star arcane instructor in the Wind Breath Realm.

  In other words, he is the only Morning Star arcane instructor living in Runwu City. Several arcane mentors have emerged from the Wind Breath Realm, and they have all settled in the Arcane Holy City. Even Loren Sangome spends half of every year in the Holy City of Offa.

  "Well, it's basically impossible to make United Card Store go bankrupt. However, if I invest in technology, I can do it if I want 25% of United Card Store's shares, right?" Duke thought again.

  If you can't beat it, join.

  Faced with the impact of spirit card imprinting technology, the United Card Store's hand-crafted production method will definitely not be able to defeat it, and it can only choose to accept new technologies; similarly, facing powerful arcane mages such as Loren Sankagome, Duke also If you can't beat it, it's better to invest in technology.

  The revenue of the United Card Store is definitely more profitable than companies like Giant of Light and DreamWorks, and it is not even much worse than the revenue of the Hippi Spirit Mine Company.

  Xibi can only monopolize the spiritual mines in the Black Dragon River, but the United Card Store can serve the entire Seven Towers Federation - the transportation cost of spiritual cards is very low, and it can break through geographical restrictions.

  "According to calculations, Master, you have a 75% probability of investing in United Card Store with your technology. However, there are too few conditions and factors for how many shares you can acquire, and Xiaoyi cannot calculate it." "Never mind." Duke smiled


  The technology is in his hands, and the patent is in his hands. Even if he doesn't invest in United Card Store, he will still be paid a penny in royalties.

  It's raining lightly, and it's the cold season of the year again.

  Duke did not rush to announce its new technology. Instead, it improved the spirit card imprinting technology and renovated professional card production equipment.

  Dozens of related papers have been written, and hundreds of patent applications have been filed.

  In fact, the spirit card imprinting technology involves too much content. There are as many types of related patents that can be applied for as many kinds of spirit cards.

  "Duke, what have you been busy with lately? You never have time." Kilia Furious Wave said with a slight complaint.

  When Duke got into work, he even went on fewer dates.

  "I'm changing the world, Kiliya. I've been too busy recently. I'll spend more time with you after I'm done." Duke coaxed Kiliya and eliminated Kiliya with a French wet kiss. Ya's complaining mood during this time.

  The specific work content was not disclosed to Kiriya.

  In the afternoon, another staff member from the Union Tower came: "Sir Duke, I have received a notice from the Union Supreme Tower. Please go to the Union Tower before ten o'clock tomorrow morning to prepare for an enlarged meeting to discuss the plan for formulating rules for the phantom industry."

  "Well, are we finally going to discuss phantom splitting?" Duke raised his eyebrows, "Okay, I understand."

  Regarding box office splitting, theater unification, content review, phantom classification, etc., the rules of the film industry on earth are , Duke had already revised and improved it, and he wrote and sent it to the Supreme Tower of Knowledge less than half a year ago.

  The Erudite Supreme Tower also wrote back to express receipt.

  But there has been no further follow-up, and it was not until today that there was a discussion on the expanded meeting of the Union Tower.

  The next day Duke went to the Union Tower on time to attend the enlarged meeting. There are five great arcane mages and a learned sage called Duke in the entire Black Dragon River area, a total of six members of the enlarged conference. But in this meeting, only Duke and Erwin participated.

  This is a discussion in a new industry, and the level of the expanded meeting is not high, so only relevant personnel were invited to the meeting.

  No Great Ao Mage projected over.

  Only using arcane projection technology to transmit each document related to the plan, Duke and Erwin would formulate their own opinions and then transmit them back.

  The content of the plan is lackluster. Basically, Duke's original proposal has been modified to suit local conditions, making the plan more in line with the system and ethos of the Seven Towers Federation.

  Than a meeting.

  Duke is more interested in the arcane projection technology itself: "The Great Arcana Mage can use the ring of projection and the arcane projection technology to reach places thousands of miles away. And documents and the like can also use the arcane projection technology. , transmitting the information itself."

  In Duke's view, this is a type of communication technology.

  It's just that this communication technology is too high-end, the content parameters are complex, and the information transmission effect is very weak. It even requires a Da'ao mage to operate it.

  "So, the teacher gave me a good research direction." Duke drafted his ideas on the document and waited for the document to disappear automatically.

  He thought silently in his mind: "The direction of ring-copying materials is definitely the basis for future communication. Arcane projection can transmit information and even people thousands of miles away. It can be said that the basic framework of communication has been given."

  He The search for electromagnetic waves and spiritual magnetic waves had failed before, but the technology of arcane projection convinced him that communication technology could definitely be realized.

  "Duke, Duke!" Erwin shouted twice when he saw that he was distracted.

  Duke came back to his senses: "What?"

  "What are you thinking about?"


  "I haven't seen you much recently, what are you hiding in the mage tower and studying?" Erwin asked Du Ke was much more attentive than the others, "Is it true, as the newspaper said, that you are researching ring replication materials and letting ordinary arcane mages master the ring of projection?" "Absolutely, but

  my mage tower has just been built and is in urgent need of talents. Recently, I have been mainly busy transferring teachers to Cuihai City."

  This kind of transfer involves taking care of the whole family.

  "I really envy you. When you meet this teacher Suktara, everything is handed over to you, saving you a lot of difficulties in getting started." Erwin sighed.

  An arcane mage has to go through a lot of difficulties if he wants to prepare his own mage tower.

  Especially talents need to be accumulated bit by bit and it takes a long time. Although some level 3 Arcane mages have built mage towers, they are just empty frames, such as Clarinda.

  Duke is different.

  With the foundation provided by Suktara, his mage tower can easily recruit enough manpower to maintain operation.

  "I'm very grateful to the teacher."

  "You are very lucky, and your teacher is equally lucky. Her greatest hope in this life is to find an academic heir. I didn't expect that he would find him, and he would find an outstanding heir like you. Tsk tsk, She will go down in history because of you."

  "It's all spiritual guidance." Duke smiled slightly.

  The enlarged meeting lasted from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, and most of the rules of the phantom industry had been decided.

  Basically, they are not much different from the rules of the film industry on Earth.

  "Ah!" Erwin stretched out and hit his shoulder quickly, "I feel sore and backache even after a two-hour meeting." "I

  think your body is even better than that of a young man. ." Duke said, and this is indeed the case. The arcane mage's appearance may be aging, but his physical quality is blessed by spiritual energy, and he will always be in the best condition, away from old age and illness.

  "Speaking of which, I'm not much younger than your teacher. If I die, I only have forty or fifty years left to live." A

  fourth-level earth mage can theoretically live to be 210 years old, which is almost the three lifetimes of an ordinary person combined. .

  Duke prepares to leave.

  Erwin asked him to go to the internal cafeteria of the Union Tower to eat together: "Let's talk about the next development of the Phantom Industry Base and the Film and Television Base. The Phantom Industry Bill will be introduced soon. We, one city and two cities in Heijiao River, must seize this opportunity. This is an opportunity."


  In fact, there is nothing to talk about. Duke basically said everything about how to develop the film industry on earth.

  All that remains is to adapt measures to local conditions and allow the phantom industry to develop vigorously in Heijiao River.

  "The film and television bases can basically be located in Shenjiao City and Cuihai City. Although there is a lack of seaside scenes here, there are mountains and water suitable for filming. The four thousand years of human history of adventure in the wild jungle can be condensed in the film and television base."

  "Cultivate well-known film and television companies, buy out the film and television copyrights of well-known works, cultivate more film and television stars, and shoot various types of fantasy films."

  "Develop film and television technology, then open a Phantom Festival and set up Phantom Awards... Sir Erwin, if you do these well, Shenjiao City will basically have a place in the entertainment capital." Duke suggested that Shenjiao City is too geographically remote. It would be nice to have a seat at the table.

  In fact, the most suitable place for developing the film and television industry is the Holy City of Offa and the eighteen surrounding lakeside cities.

  As well as central cities in various major areas.

  "Tsk, tsk, it would be great if the spring in Cuihai City was not a spring of spirituality, but a river of spirituality. Maybe the capital of the Seven Towers Federation would have to be moved here in the future." Erwin couldn't help but start to feel obscene, " We always want to go west and explore deeper into the wilderness jungle!"

  Human beings set foot on the wilderness continent.

  The first stop is the area where the Storm Empire is located, which is why the Storm Empire is called the ancestral land of mankind. The knights of the Storm Empire marched forward and opened up the original habitat for mankind.

  Later, the Arcane Master left north and established what is now the Seven Towers Federation.

  The Storm Empire split into the Holy Spirit Federation.

  Basically, these three regimes are the three largest and most stable countries in human society. The other fifteen regimes are all too weak.

  Some governments even have only one city.

  For example, Return Island City, Mercenary City, Endless City and Xinhai City, these four political regimes are all built on a single city.

  "The land to the west of the Holy Spirit Federation is the endless sea. I'm afraid this part has come to an end." Duke recalled the map. "The Sea Soul Empire that expanded to the southwest and the Rainstorm Empire that expanded to the south encountered obstacles from the sea. In other words, our Seven Towers Federation is still expanding."

  "Yes, the Ice and Snow Kingdom in the north is not very suitable for living. The only way out is to the west of the Seven Towers Federation. Our Black Dragon River land is open to the outside world. The Pioneer Land." Erwin followed, "There is only one spiritual river left." "

  Don't explore further west, and you will encounter the sea."

  "Probably not, the Holy City of Arcane organizes arcane mentors every year The battleship team is exploring the surrounding forests. So far, they have not explored the western border." "

  I know this."

  "And even to the west of the Holy Spirit Federation, there are a huge number of islands in the Endless Sea, including Endless City and Xinhai City. They are all built on these islands, not necessarily farther west. There is no new continent, but we haven’t explored that far yet.”

  From the phantom to the world, and from the world to the spiritual arcana, the lunch ended.

  Erwin went to work in the Erudite Tower.

  Duke also returned to Suktala Master Tower to continue his unfinished work and improve the spirit card imprinting technology: "This technology involves the field of card making and natural history. What can it bring to me? The title of card making sage, Or the light of the Four Learning Towers?"

  "No, it's not just that!"

  Duke thought of other fields.

  Any field that involves the fusion of rings and spiritual materials, such as spirit cards, puppet cores, contract papers, and formation disks. In other words, the imprinting technology of spell models is the most basic application technology.

  "Hiss! In this way, naming it Spirit Card Branding Technology is not general enough. It should be called... Ring Branding Technology, or just Ring of Branding!" Duke's eyes lit up


  Arcane mages like to name advanced technologies the Ring of XX, such as the Ring of Projection or the Ring of Distortion.

  Now the technology invented by Duke can bring great convenience to research and production in almost many fields. It is not an exaggeration to call it a branding ring.

  "The technology is called the Ring of Imprinting. What about this device that can copy the spirit card... let's call it the Spirit Card Imprinting Device. As for equipment in other fields, I don't have much experience in it for the time being. I will only write a paper and not study the specific equipment. Made."

  The equipment that replicates the puppet core can be called the puppet core imprinting device; the equipment that replicates the contract can be called the contract imprinting device; the equipment that replicates the array disk can be called the array disk imprinting device.

  "Branding ring, branding device..."

  Duke placed his improved spirit card branding device on the experimental table, and then inserted a 1-ring civilian card - a slide card.

  Start the instrument.

  With a creaking sound, the spirit card imprinting device has extracted the rings of the slide card, copied the same rings, and loaded them into a blank card material.

  As the ring and card material merged, the instrument added the last stroke of psychic energy to activate the ring.


  A new slide card came out. Duke picked it up and tried to activate the new card. He found that the effect was pretty good. The entire ring was very smooth. Although it was not as good as the slide card made by Duke himself, it was not bad either. too much.

  "This spiritual card imprinting device can only copy civilian cards. If you want to copy arcane cards, you have to insert a special psychic box." The energy

  lines of civilian cards are all outlined by psychic energy.

  The energy line of the arcane card contains not only spiritual energy, but also a large number of spiritual powers with elemental attributes, all of which are outlined together.

  Therefore, if you want to copy an arcane card, you must insert the corresponding psychic box.

  Duke has prepared a fantasy card psychic box. After plugging it in, he will insert the level 1 fantasy card into it and copy it.

  After the creaking, the instrument began to copy arcane cards again, which took a little longer than copying slide cards, and then a level 1 fantasy card came out freshly.

  "Well, compared to the copying effect of civilian cards, the copying effect of arcane cards is a little worse, but it can barely be used." Duke activated it and loaded Xiaoyi's calculations, and he could instantly identify a spiritual card. The good and the bad.

  "We need to continue to improve!"

  Just like that, another half a month passed, and the end of the year came in a blink of an eye.

  Snowflakes fell from the laboratory windows.

  Duke was holding tea that his assistant had just made.

  While sipping tea, he controlled the hand of the arcane weapon with his mind, and quickly made the latest improved imprinting instrument and fantasy card psychic box with an afterimage.


  The arcane hand stopped, Duke also put down the tea in his hand and rang the rope bell on the table.

  "Sir, I'm here." Mulali walked in with her water snake waist twisted, her face became more and more charming, and her every move exuded a strong smell.

  Duke was able to turn a blind eye: "I made a list, you go and send these spiritual materials."

  He quickly used the typewriter to print out a list and handed it to Mulali.

  Mulali took the list and left the laboratory.

  Duke closed his eyes and looked inside the spiritual sea. Xiaoyi's congratulations were still echoing: "Congratulations, master, for successfully completing the upgrade of the Austrian Hand 2.0. The first-level Austrian Hand has been officially promoted to the second-level Austrian Hand. The Austrian Hand has more powerful functions. , it can bring greater help to the master."

  Waiting for Mulali to bring a lot of spiritual materials over.

  Duke immediately carried out alchemy, turning the pile of spiritual materials into luminous light, and finally gathered them into the Arcane Hand spell model that had been promoted from the first orbit to the second orbit in the spiritual sea.

  With the slight flash of the spell model, Arcana 2.0 is officially completed.

  "Come out!"

  With a thought from Duke, a lifelike crystal hand appeared in front of him. There was not much change in appearance from the Arcane Hand 1.0. However, the inner abilities of Austrian Shou 2.0 have been greatly strengthened and are no longer the same.

  Without any sound, with the control of Duke's mind, Austrian Hand 2.0 began to show its upgrade effect.

  I saw this crystal hand suddenly expanding outwards, and in an instant it turned into a transparent cover that could perfectly wrap Duke.

  Duke raised his hand, and Sand Eagle 2.0 materialized.

  Aim at the hood and pull the trigger.

  The moment the bullet came into contact with the cover, it made an outward dent in the cover. However, as the dent became larger and larger, a faint multicolored luster from the crystal cover rushed towards the dent, pulling on the bullet like brown candy.

  The unparalleled speed and power of the bullets were eliminated in a short period of time.


  The bullet dissipated and the depression became flat and smooth again.

  "With softness overcoming strength, even Sand Eagle's bullets can be blocked. Austrian Hand 2.0 can be regarded as a defensive arcane weapon." Duke praised.

  However, the sand eagle's flaw was also discovered. The attack power was too strong. When encountering such a flexible defense, the power of the bullets was greatly weakened.

  "Try armor-piercing bullets!" Switching Sand Eagle's bullets with his mind.

  After pulling the trigger, an armor-piercing bullet flew out in a spiral, instantly piercing the crystal cover and flying out of the window.

  "Fortunately, once loaded with spiral armor-piercing bullets, it can still deal with the flexible defense." The

  sand eagle disappeared.

  The arcane hand has also transformed into a crystal hand again, and the damage caused by the armor-piercing bullet has been repaired as before by psychic energy.

  Another thought flashed through Duke.

  The Austrian hand suddenly attached itself to his right hand, completely wrapping it like a liquid, turning into a crystal version of the unicorn arm.

  Moreover, the material of this unicorn arm can flow and wander around Duke's body at will. One moment it flows to the legs and turns into unicorn legs. Another moment it wraps around the head and turns into a unicorn helmet. The next moment it forms a small vest on the torso. , protect the chest and back.

  "It's ever-changing, a bit like the venom in superheroes..."

  He walked to his Dou Qi training room, faced the dummy on the martial arts stage, and suddenly stretched out his hand. The unicorn arm transformed by the Austrian hand seemed to turn into a steel needle in an instant. Poke a big hole directly into the dummy, which is made of special spiritual gold material.

  "This power is already equivalent to a second-level arcane spell, and is much more powerful than my current grudge attack."

  He shook his head.

  Duke didn't really care. No matter how powerful the Arcane Hand was, its attack power couldn't be compared to the Sand Eagle. It was always a auxiliary Arcane weapon.

  The next moment, driven by his thoughts, the Austrian Hand turned directly into a spirit card branding device.

  Duke inserted a blank spiritual card and a spiritual storage card into it, then inserted a slide card, activated the button, and quietly, a brand new slide card was copied.

  Holding the new slide card.

  Looking at the incomparably exquisite crystal spirit card imprinting device, Duke finally showed a satisfied smile: "This is the correct way to open the arcane hand!" I'm late, so I won't

   ask for votes~
  (End of this chapter)

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