Chapter 233 Dui Zi

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  Chapter 233: Dui Zi
  "Duke, why did you come to the Offa Tower?" The Shell Wise Man was suspended in front of Duke, his body outlined by the bright light radiating out little bits of brilliance.

  It is the tower spirit of the Arcane Supreme Tower, named Shell. It is affectionately called the Shell Wise Man by arcane mages. It is said to be the most ancient ancient spirit.


  To be precise, it should be a group of ancient spirits.

  "I want to look up information in the Tower of Offa, and I would like to ask you, the wise man, to guide me to the library." Duke explained his intention.

  "What kind of information do you want to check?" asked the wise man.

  "Information about the Ring of Projection, especially about alchemy materials." "

  Please follow me." The Shell Wise Man gently shook his flat body, with symmetrical stripes on both sides of his body rippling like a skirt. Come.

  Swim gently towards the spiritual staircase.

  Duke, who was following it, looked at the shell and felt that the Shell Wise Man was like a colorful round pancake-shaped jellyfish.

  Wait a moment, and there will be a ding-dong sound.

  The spiritual ladder door opens.

  A middle-aged arcanist mage walked out. The arcanist mage seemed to recognize Duke, nodded lightly to Duke, and left quickly without any intention of saying hello.

  Although he didn't recognize the other party, Duke nodded in response.

  And he saw a colorful large round pancake jellyfish suspended in front of this arcane mage, which was exactly the same as the Shell Wise Man in front of him.

  no doubt.

  That's also the Shell Wise Man.

  Seemingly noticing Duke's gaze, Shell Wise Man shook his body slightly, and his voice rang directly in Duke's ear: "That's me too." "

  I understand, Shell Wise Man." Duke responded with a smile.

  The information that I had learned from someone before could not help but come to mind: "Shell... the wise man is the only ancient spirit in the Soup of Shell!"

  Soup of Shell.

  This is the oldest ancient ghost that Duke has just learned about.

  Spirituality is like the tide, which rises and falls. When the tide rises, everything flourishes, and when the tide recedes, everything dies. Once the tide rises and recedes, it is a spiritual era.

  In every spiritual age, when the life is spiritually exhausted, it is possible to leave an imprint on the spiritual spring. Then, prompted by some kind of opportunity, the imprint was replayed, as if returning to the original spiritual era. This was the shadow of the ancient times.

  "The oldest ancient phantom is not the Ocean of Insects that I experienced in Cuihai Valley, but the Shell Soup that only occurred in Whale Song Mirror Lake..." There are very few records about the Shell Soup

  . Only arcane mages who have met the Shell Wise Man can learn a thing or two from the Shell Wise Man.

  After all, Whale Song Mirror Lake has been developed by humans, and there will never be an ancient ghost like the Shell Soup again.

  It is said.

  In the era in which Shell Soup exists, the world is like a pot of boiling soup.

  There are countless tiny animals with shells living in the soup. They have no intelligence and no soul.

  They are the most primitive animals. Apart from being able to move, they are not essentially different from those plants. After the spiritual age withered, most of these primitive tiny shell animals were wiped out by time, leaving only a little residual spirituality.

  It was this little bit of residual spirituality that, after being imprinted by the spiritual spring, continued to merge with each other, and finally gave birth to the only ancient spirit of Shell Soup - the Shell Wise Man.

  "A shell is a collection of small shells."

  "So it is a shell wise man when gathered together, and a group of shell wise men when gathered together."

  While recalling the information about the shell wise men, Duke followed the shell wise men to the one hundred and dozens of floors. in the floor.

  The Shell Wise Man walked around while chatting with Duke: "There are many books in the Tower of Offa, but a lot of knowledge related to spiritual arcana cannot be recorded in books alone. It requires many methods to preserve, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive." "This is me

  . You know, I have read almost all of the library of Faling Pagoda in Shenjiao City, and the knowledge of spiritual arcana I have learned is too little." "

  Now you have invented film and television technology to record light and shadow on a small The slide card has given a lot of inspiration to the arcane mages in the tower. They are discussing using film and television technology to store spiritual arcane knowledge, and these libraries will soon change." The voice of the

  Shell Wise Man was soft, but Duke still heard it There was a hint of loneliness.

  Perhaps for the Shell Wise Man, looking at the full collection of books in the Offa Tower is happiness, but now the collection of books may turn into spiritual cards, making it sad.

  Duke didn't console it.

  An ancient creature that has lived for who knows how many ages probably does not need humans to comfort it and how to get out of its emotions.

  He just said: "Yes, changes often start from the beginning. Maybe a new era is waving to us."

  "You are full of confidence." The wise man said.

  "You can see it."

  "Duke, can you tell me why you are so confident about the coming new era?" The wise man asked curiously.

  Duke smiled slightly and said: "Maybe spirituality is guiding me. I see the beginning of a new era from the tall buildings and magnificent instruments. Shell wise man, if the development of human beings is divided into many eras, then now it should be called The grand era of arcane magic."

  "The grand era of arcane magic?"

  "Yes, the barbaric exploration of arcane magic continues to push society forward, ushering in such a vigorous era. I call it the grand era of arcane magic." "So

  new What about the era?"

  "As for the new era, I call it the Era of Dongwei Spirituality."

  Shell Wise Chewed the "Dongwei Spirituality" and flapped his sides quickly: "It's an interesting statement, Duke, I want to hear it from you soon. A description of the spiritual era of Dongwei."

  "I can't describe it in words."


  "But I will use actions to realize it bit by bit, Shell Wise Man, just wait with peace of mind, you will soon See the spiritual era of Dongwei." Duke's eyes were firm, not wavering at all about the coming new era.

  There was a hint of joy in the voice of the wise man in the shell: "Time is an insignificant thing to me. Although I can't wait, I will pay attention to you patiently, Duke. I am waiting to see the new era you mentioned."

  "Yes, yes."

  After finishing the chat with the Shell Wise Man, Duke began to browse every book on the bookshelf in the library.

  Soon he was sitting on the table with a pile of books in his arms, flipping through each one one by one. He was flipping through the pages so fast that he didn't even need to think twice.

  As its level gets higher and higher, Xiaoyi's hardware also improves, and the speed of data entry naturally becomes faster and faster.

  In the past, if you wanted to include a book, Duke needed to read it carefully.

  Just take a look now.

  "Are you reading so fast?" Shell Wise Man floated in front of Duke again at some unknown time.

  "Well, I'm just looking for information. I need to find relevant information and read it carefully again." Duke made an excuse and said perfunctorily.

  The wise man Shell stopped talking and slowly disappeared.

  For several days, apart from eating and sleeping, Duke spent almost all of his time in the Offa Tower, frantically seeking knowledge.

  There were many arcane mages from the outside world who wanted to invite Duke to various banquets, but he refused.

  On the last day, he finally did not go to Offa Tower, but found Madron Rhodiola, chief director of Erudite Tower.

  "Chief Director, after careful consideration, I have decided not to study in the Supreme Tower of Erudite for the time being. I plan to return to my hometown to follow my teacher and continue to learn alchemy knowledge." Duke declined the study in a sincere tone.

  Maderon frowned: "Alchemy, you don't plan to continue studying natural history?" "

  That's not the case. Natural history is to transform the results of various fields into what society needs. My research in other fields is still weak, so I just want to lay a solid foundation first."

  "That's right."

  Seeing that Duke had already made a decision, Madron stopped trying to dissuade him: "Then put the further study on hold in advance, and we will make arrangements for you when you want to come for further study." "Thank you for your understanding

  . ."

  "Well, let's go."

  After leaving Madron's office, Duke met up with his assistants and senior knights and took another round of play around Whale Song Mirror Lake.

  Then he returned to the battleship Canglan and prepared to return.

  Before dawn the next day, the battleship Blue slowly took off. Standing in front of the porthole, Duke looked at the increasingly smaller Aufa Holy City and the emerald Whale Mirror Lake, thinking silently.

  A big whale jumped out of the water, as if to see him off.

  He came as a learned man and returned as a learned and wise man.

  Son of the sun when he comes, Lord of light and shadow when he returns.

  In just ten days, his status, status and reputation were greatly improved, especially becoming a member of the Union Tower's enlarged meeting, which allowed him to rise to the top of the federation.

  "When I come back next time, maybe I will be able to bring communication technology with me and be promoted to the chief sage of Offa Tower!"

  Looking at the Holy City of Offa that has shrunk to a small dot.

  The corners of Duke's mouth curled up slightly.

  The Canglan made a clear whistle sound and rushed into the clouds, eventually leaving the Holy City of Offa and the Whale Song Mirror Lake behind.


  May 15th.

  The battleship Canglan arrived at the Chengdong Flight Station in Shenjiao City. It took Duke and his team a month and a half to finally return to the Black Dragon River.

  Then we took the shuttle and returned to Suktala Master Tower in a low-key manner.


  "Good boy!" Suktala couldn't help but be happy when she saw her student coming back. "Teacher has seen your news from the newspaper. The Lord of Light and Shadow really made a breakthrough in the Holy City of Offa." He has gained such a great reputation, and his achievements have far surpassed that of his teacher!"

  Suktala is only a third-level arcane mage, and is a big shot in the Black Dragon River, but looking at the entire Seven Towers Federation, he can only be regarded as an ordinary arcane mage.

  Duke, on the other hand, is a learned sage who is on par with Master Da'ao.

  "Spiritual favor, I have received many honors in natural history, but I am still weak in research in other fields. I have to continue to learn alchemy knowledge from you, teacher." Duke replied with a smile, without any arrogance.

  Even though his current status has surpassed that of Suktara, he still maintains respect.

  "The teacher is very touched that you have not forgotten your original intention." Suktara clapped Duke's hand with a kind smile, "Then we will resume teaching as soon as possible." "

  Uh... Okay."

  The teacher was worried about inheriting the copy material. Duke was also interested in the technology related to the projection ring, so the teacher and students quickly decided on the teaching time.

  After two days of rest, classes began.

  Before the two of them could talk for more, Butler Sully came over and informed: "Old madam, Lord Duke and Lord Erwin are here to visit." "

  Invite him to come over." Suktara ordered.

  Then he said to Duke: "It must be for your job arrangement. After you completed the canonization of the learned sage in the Holy City of Offa, the United Tower held a five-tower meeting to discuss how to arrange your new job in the Black Dragon River. ."

  Duke has one vote in the enlarged meeting, and this vote is the certificate of power and status.

  No one can ignore this.

  "Has there been any result from the discussion?" Duke asked slightly curiously.

  "No." Suktara said with a smile, "If it is a big matter that needs to be decided on the spur of the moment, Lord Christian will choose to cut the knot with a quick knife, but for such unhurried matters, this old guy likes to watch the show and let others make noises. Noisy."

  Duke commented: "It's a bad taste."

  "It's just a bad taste. In fact, not only has your new position not been arranged, but Bernoulli's new position has not been discussed and the results have been discussed." "

  Bernoulli also plans to Heijiao River?"

  "Of course he thinks that he can live for decades. If he doesn't occupy a position in Heijiaohe, how can he ensure that the family he founded can be passed down safely." As the internal supervisor of United Tower, Suktara was well informed on personnel matters.

  In other words, these personnel discussion meetings will eventually need to be filed with her, and she can see all the contents immediately.

  While talking.

  Erwin has already walked in with a smile. If you don't look carefully, he gives the impression of an ordinary little old man.

  While laughing, he muttered: "Duke, the son of the sun in the Black Flood River and the master of light and shadow in the Holy City of Arcane, has quietly returned to the place of spiritual guidance!" "Lord Erwin." Suktala bowed slightly

  . .

  Duke responded with a smile: "Lord Erwin, you are making fun of me." "

  How could it be teasing? This is the honor you have won. Because of your honor, the Black Flood River has become the Seven Towers Federation." A dazzling pearl." After Erwin came in, he sat on the chair. "In addition, with your current status, it is not appropriate to call me Sir. You and I can just use our real names." "How can this be done

  ? You are the senior."

  "In the spiritual arcane field, why should we follow the shackles of the vulgar rules of seniors and juniors? The master comes first. You and I call each other by our names. Otherwise, if you call me Sir Erwin, I will also call you Duke. Sir." Erwin insisted again and again.

  Duke could only nod in agreement: "Okay, Sir Erwin."

  Erwin cupped his hands and replied seriously: "Your Excellency Duke."

  "Sir Erwin, what are you doing here? What are you doing here?" Suktara interrupted the politeness and modesty between the two and asked proactively.

  "As a teacher, you can help me with this matter." Erwin took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Christian found me privately and asked me to ask Duke's opinion. I don't plan to discuss it for the time being. Duke arranged to serve in Shenjiao City, and he will make arrangements after Cuihai City is completed."

  After a pause, he continued: "The main reason for doing this is to block Bernoulli's mouth. Recently, Bernoulli has been obsessed with pursuing Shenjiao. We don’t want to give him a city position to prevent him from reaching a private agreement with the Black Jade Horseshoe Dragon and losing the opportunity for revenge.”

  The invasion of insects caused by the Black Jade Horseshoe Dragon directly killed one 2nd level arcane mage and two 1st level arcane mage in Shenjiao City.

  Christiansen and others cannot let go of this hatred.

  But Bernoulli wanted to put aside his hatred and draw the Black Jade Horseshoe Dragon into his camp, so that he could strengthen his own power.

  "Well, if that's the case, I'm willing to contribute and exchange the seeds with Bernoulli." Duke nodded in agreement.

  In fact, he doesn't want to be distracted by government affairs now. After all, he is only nineteen years old. At this time, he is laying the foundation and working hard to create an era of cave spirituality in the future.

  It is unwise to indulge in the power of just one place now.

  "I guessed that you would agree. If you stand up and agree to work in Cuihai City, we can stop Bernoulli's mouth and let him also work in Cuihai City." Erwin said with a smile, "Since It can block his alliance with the Black Jade Horseshoe Dragon and allow him to work harder to build Cuihai City, killing two birds with one stone!" After

  hearing this, Suktala snorted: "You big shots are plotting against each other and using Duke as a weapon. , don't be stingy with the benefits you should give."

  Erwin smiled and said: "Don't worry, with Sir Christian here, are you still afraid that Duke will suffer a loss?"

  Just as he was talking, Butler Sully came in again and walked straight to Next to Duke, he reported back: "Ms. Kylia Furious Waves is here."

  Erwin had pointed ears and immediately narrowed his eyes with laughter after hearing this: "Let me tell you, old lady, what are you worried about? You are a student here. The Black Dragon River Land can't suffer any losses."

  Suktala also laughed: "It's nonsense, he is still young, how can he not suffer any losses."

  Faced with the two people's teasing, Duke's expression did not change at all: "Ah Mr. Erwin, if there is nothing else, I will go out first."

  "You go and do your business. I will chat with your teacher for a while."

  Duke stood up and left.

  Soon he saw the blonde girl wearing an arcanic robe. No matter how he looked at it, Kiria looked good on him.

  "Lord Duke." Kiliya met Duke and bowed.

  Duke took Kilia's hand and said, "If you still salute me, wouldn't it break the relationship between us?"

  Kilia let Duke hold her hand and walked in Tower 2: "You are now a learned sage, and I am just a level 1 arcane mage."

  As she spoke, Kiria secretly looked at Duke with a sly smile.

  Duke raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle and looked at the white clouds outside the window: "So what, in my eyes, all people are born equal. Even the 8-ring Huiyue Arcane Master who lives in the Holy City of Arcane is no better than Shen Jiaoshi The beggars on the street are more noble."

  Kylia smiled and said: "Then do you dare not to salute Master Arcane?"

  "Dare...if they don't beat me, I really dare!" Duke spoke with a righteous tone. An awe-inspiring look.

  This was not a funny joke, but it made Kiria laugh.

  After a while, she stopped: "Oh, I almost forgot, I brought Platycodon." She waved to the assistant standing behind her in the corridor not far away.

  The assistant immediately trotted over to bring a basket.

  Kikyo's head was exposed inside, and she said rather resentfully: "Kilia, I thought you had forgotten me." "

  Sorry, how could that be?" Kiriya was embarrassed.

  Duke patted his belly directly, and the next moment, the chick rushed out arrogantly and locked onto Kikyo with one glance.

  The thick tail swung rapidly, and he raised his head and shouted: "Jiejie, I have already been to the Holy City of Arcane. Even the Arcane Master has seen a large group of them. Now I am the one who has seen the most worldly things in the entire Black Flood River." My little elf, it's not you anymore!"

  Platycodon platycodon said softly: "Okay, little chicken, you win."

  "Originally, I won. My little chicken has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot of the world." Little Chicken Tuo Holding onto the platycodon, it began to fly around in Tower 2.

  Duke took Kiliya's hand and climbed to the top of the tower.

  The sun was already shining brightly at this time, and the two of them hid in the shade of the corridor, listening to Duke talk about what he had seen in the Holy City of Offa.

  When she heard Duke appear from the light and shadow, and when he was called the Lord of Light and Shadow in the newspaper, Kiria would exclaim or praise him very cooperatively.

  Stimulates Duke to secrete more dopamine.

  "When I was in the Holy City of Arcane, the people I talked to most were not the arcane mages, but the Shell Wise Men, the tower spirits of the Arcane Tower." "Shell Wise


  "Yes, just as the arcane mages called it. , Wise Man, it is indeed a wise man who studies heaven and man. The entire Aofa Tower stores countless knowledge about spiritual arcana, and the Wise Man knows almost everything about this knowledge." Duke said with emotion: "

  But The Shell Wise Man is very humble, or in other words, he does not consider himself a wise man. To him, wisdom is more like the imprint imposed on him by time." "

  Yes, the ancient spirits may not have the same thoughts as us humans. Grandpa Iron Head does. For example, all it wants to do is return to the ancient times." Kiriya also sighed, "Grandpa Tietou has no memory of this era." It's a pity


  Ancient spirits are immortal and cannot commit suicide even if they want to.

  "So, eternal life may not be a reward." Duke said, raising his hand to lift the smooth chin of the beauty next to him, "Happiness is to enjoy yourself in time." After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her



  The next day was Duke’s birthday.

  Although he doesn't like celebrating birthdays - it's not his own birthday, but the birthday of his predecessor, so he doesn't like celebrating it.

  Unable to stand up, Shanfeisi, Joanna Bobcat and others contacted him early in the morning and wanted to hold a celebration ceremony for him.

  Duke refused.

  But when he saw Joanna and others questioning him, his tone already contained caution, as if he was afraid that he would refuse to celebrate his birthday with his friends because of his improved status. He was too embarrassed to refuse anymore, so he could only agree to hold a birthday ceremony.

  After getting Duke's definite answer, Shanfeis immediately made plans to hold a lively birthday for Duke.

  "In Tower 2, old acquaintances are celebrating together, and no one else is invited." Duke quickly interrupted, "Sanfis, you go invite colleagues from Master Penrose Tower, and by the way, ask Master Penrose if he would like to Come on; Joanna, just call your brother and the others."

  "Okay, leave it to us!" Shanfeisi clapped his chest, "Let's go, Joanna, let's act together." "

  No, let's act separately." Joe Anna gave Shanfeis a push, and she and Shanfeis also became friends because of Duke.

  But he would never give Shanfeis any wrongdoing.


  Shanfis looked at Joanna's decisive back, feeling disappointed in his heart. Then he looked at Kiliya who was flirting with Duke over there, and his heart was even more painful.

  There is a huge gap between people.

  Fortunately, he quickly adjusted his mentality and took the shuttle directly to Penrose Mage Tower.

  He quickly contacted Oriana and other former colleagues and made an appointment to attend Duke's birthday party tomorrow. Of the two mentors, Dr. Vikas also agreed to participate, but only Dr. Lidman refused because he was too busy with research.


  Shanfis asked again and learned that Mentor Penrose was in the tower at this time, so he knocked on Penrose's office door.

  "Come in."

  "Tutor, I, Shanfeisi, am back."

  Penrose, who was writing a document, asked calmly without raising his head: "What are you doing here? Card making is not suitable for you."

  Shanfeisi suddenly collapsed. Face: "Teacher, I've already gone to the Scott Wizard Tower, why don't you come to attack me again?" "Is it

  called an attack to tell a fact?" Penrose raised his head and asked with a straight face.

  "'s because what you said is the truth that you hit me."

  "Stop talking nonsense, why do you come to see me?"

  "That's right, Duke Sage's birthday is tomorrow." Shanfister meant "Sage" The two words were said with a strong bite, "You are invited to the birthday party."

  "Duke...sage." Penrose repeated Shanfeis's title.

  Suddenly, there was an incredible feeling. Once upon a time, Duke was just his primary school student. Since he built the Mage Tower, he has not taught fifty students, but also taught thirty.

  A blink of an eye.

  The former student has been awarded the title of learned sage and has become a big shot with a higher status than him.

  "It's a shame that I was still worried before. Duke surpassed me in the field of card making and encouraged him to distract himself from other fields... How could he become a learned sage by being distracted?"

  Penrose couldn't stop wondering and sighing in his heart.

  It really feels like a different world.

  "Mentor, mentor?" Shanfis saw Penrose deep in thought and couldn't help but waved his hand, "Are you going to participate?"

  This brought Penrose back to reality from his trance.

  Not knowing what he was thinking, Penrose nodded slowly: "Then let's participate. By the way, who will participate?"

  "Not many people, basically colleagues from the Master Tower, and Joanna, Kylia and the others." Shanfeis responded.

  "Well, I'll go over and chat with Suktara."

   Please vote~
  (End of this chapter)

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