Chapter 231 He came from the light and shadow

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  Chapter 231 He walked from the light and shadow to

  Whale Song Mirror Lake, the largest spring of spirituality among the Seven Towers Federation and even among the eighteen human kingdoms in the entire Wilderness Continent.

  This huge lake is named after Whale Song because there are real whales living in its lake.

  Compared to the sea, Whale Song Mirror Lake is too small.

  The reason why whales can survive here is because there is a top spiritual spring below this lake. The rich spirituality nourishes the lake above, allowing the small lake to maintain the top ecological circle.

  "Two thousand years ago, the senior Arcane mages pioneered here and were quickly attracted by this lake. They believed that Arcana would prosper from here and moved the federal capital here. Two thousand years later, the Seven Towers Federation has indeed flourished. There are already twelve realms."

  Siskoli introduced briefly.

  The system of the Seven Towers Federation is somewhat similar to that of Millikin. Each field, region, and even market town has a high degree of autonomy, but the overall power is concentrated in the Holy City of Offa.

  after all.

  The seven highest towers of the Seven Towers Federation all stand in this lake city.

  One of the tallest towers is located in the center of the city, towering into the clouds and reaching a height of at least three thousand meters to the naked eye.

  As thin as a sharp spear, it pierces the sky.

  "That is the Offa Tower. All human knowledge of spiritual arcana is gathered and sealed in this supreme tower. Everything can be found here. It contains all the knowledge of the Offa civilization!"

  Sith Koli pointed to the tall tower that pierced the clouds in the Holy City of Arcane in the distance, and said happily: "There is an Arcane Mage who has lived on this tower all his life and has never come down once. His knowledge can never be fully studied in a lifetime. "

  Tsk, tsk." Duke was shocked.

  But after all, he had watched too many science fiction movies in his previous life, and this extremely majestic holy city did not exceed his imagination.

  He just asked: "Will my investiture ceremony be held in the Tower of Offa?"

  "How is it possible!" Siskoli couldn't help but refuted, "The title of Sage is not qualified to be canonized in the Tower of Offa. Only Offa Only the chief sage of the tower can receive the canonization here."

  But he quickly added: "In addition, the ceremony for being selected into the Temple of Heroes is also held here. Of course... most of the candidates are ancestors who have passed away many years ago, and they are spiritual arcana. , has made indelible contributions to the Seven Towers Federation."

  "Well, I understand." Duke nodded.

  I thought to myself, I don’t know when I will be qualified to become the chief sage of Offa Tower - this is basically the Seven Towers Federation version of "academician".

  As for being selected into the Temple of Heroes, it is probably similar to the level of being admitted to the Man Mo Temple.

  The Canglan battleship did not sail into Whale Song Mirror Lake, but landed at a flight station in a lakeside city to the southwest of Whale Song Mirror Lake.

  "Blue Whale Bay City." Duke saw the name of this lakeside city on the sign of the flight station.

  There are eighteen long white jade bridges outside the Holy City of Aofa.

  Symbolizing the eighteen countries that human civilization has established, at the end of each long white jade bridge is a similar lakeside city.

  After getting off the battleship, the staff of the flight station came to greet them and register the purpose of the Blue battleship.

  Upon learning that they were escorting the newly consecrated erudite sage Duke to attend the investiture ceremony, the staff immediately responded: "The directors of the Erudite Tower have sent a formal letter and received the news of Lord Duke's arrival. Please wait a moment. Wait, a special car will be sent to pick you up soon."

  "Then let's wait here." Siskoli said.

  The flight station immediately sent out a Swift message.

  Here in Whale Song Mirror Lake, there lives a special 0-ring spirit beast - the Flying Arrow Swift, which is extremely fast and has an excellent memory.

  So some animal taming scholars tamed the Arrow Swift to replace the post owl in delivering letters around the Whale Song Mirror Lake. Basically, it only takes a few minutes to fly from the coastal city to the holy city of Offa, rain or shine, and the letter can be delivered to the destination accurately.

  So there was no long wait at the flight station.

  A fleet of large shuttles filed into the flight station and stopped in front of Duke and Siskoli.

  "Which one is the Duke Scholar, and which one is the Chief Director of Siskoli?" An arcanist mage wearing an arcane robe came down from the convoy.

  Siskoli took a step forward: "I am Siskoli, and this is Duke next to me." "I have

  met Chief Director Siskoli, and I am the welcome envoy of the Erudite Tower, Gerio Baidu. "Mage Ao said enthusiastically, and then looked at Duke again, his eyes brightened and said, "I have met Sage Duke. You are the same as the description in the data, no, you are younger than the description." "Hello, Your Excellency Gerio Baidu

  . ." Duke greeted reservedly.

  Today is different from the past. After being awarded the title of Erudite Sage, his status has become equal to Master Da'ao, and he needs to respect his identity.

  After finishing the courtesy.

  Gerio Baidu bowed slightly and invited: "You two, please come with me. Several directors of our Erudite Tower are already in the tower and are ready to welcome you." The

  group got on the Erudite Tower's motorcade and quickly left the flight station. Speeding along the long white jade bridge towards the Holy City of Aofa.

  The long white jade bridge hugs the lake.

  Looking around, the sky is reflected like a mirror, and the water and sky are the same color.


  Another huge whale jumped out of the water, let out a resentful cry, and then crashed into the lake water, causing the calm lake surface to sparkle.

  Gerlio said with a smile: "The big whale today is a little more restless than usual. Perhaps it is because he knows that Duke is here to congratulate you on your promotion to a learned sage. Your invention has greatly promoted the development of spiritual arcana. Whale Song The Overlord of Mirror Lake is here to cheer you on."

  "What kind of whales are these?" Duke asked.

  "It's the 7-ring spirit beast - the Mirror Lake Singing Whale, the only whale that lives in land lakes." Gelio explained with a smile, "They have been tamed, and they protect each other with the Holy City of Offa, and there are still whales in the group. There is a king, a queen, and two dragons - Mirror Lake Cetiosaurus."

  "It's really beautiful." Duke praised.

  After enjoying a whale song, the shuttle fleet also entered the Holy City of Offa, and the city skyline had turned into a forest of tall towers.

  Looking up, I can only see the clouds but not the top of the tower.

  The streets are orderly, with shuttles and cars coming and going freely, and the Grand Knight Guard on horseback patrolling along the designated roads.

  The base of Aofa Holy City is suspended on the water. In many places, there are scenic openings downwards, where you can see the water of Whale Song Mirror Lake. When many pedestrians pass by the scenic entrance, they will feed food inside, and fish will jump out of the water to snatch it.

  On both sides of the street, there are old trees.

  I don’t know how much soil the base of the Holy City of Arcana carries, enough for these ancient trees to take root.

  Flocks of birds roost in the shade of the trees, wild cats and dogs turn a blind eye to the pedestrians on the street, and all kinds of strange little beasts chase each other.

  The harmonious coexistence between man and nature is reflected everywhere.

  The people who clean the streets are not sanitation workers, but various puppets. Some puppets are responsible for sweeping the floor, some are responsible for pruning branches, some are responsible for sprinkling and watering, and some are responsible for collecting garbage from scenic spots, and so on. .

  The shops are dazzling and the customers are either rich or expensive.

  Sitting on the shuttle passing by, Duke felt like he had entered an international metropolis, with neon lights flashing and a sci-fi future at the same time.

  The concentration of spiritual particles in the city can be felt through the window of the shuttle, and the drunkenness hitting the face is extremely strong. It is even richer than the spiritual aura combed by the 3-ring Tree King-Mysterious Vine in the Union Tower in Shenjiao City.

  The shuttle carried everyone through the streets like a horse, and in a moment they came to a tower that towered into the clouds.

  We took the special bus passage and stopped in front of the gate of the highest tower.

  There was already a group of arcane mages wearing arcane robes waiting in front of the gate. After Duke and his entourage got off the bus, they immediately came forward to greet them.

  The reporters waiting around raised their equipment, which looked like a camera, and started taking pictures of Duke and others. It looked like a press conference on Earth.

  "Welcome the learned sage Duke and Chief Director Siskoli to the Erudite Tower in the Holy City of Offa." The leader is a balding middle-aged man. The Offa robe he wears is mainly decorated in blue. This is The configuration of ordinary arcane mage.

  But behind him, there was a group of arcane mages, wearing arcane robes mainly decorated with purple decorations. They were all obviously great arcane mages.

  Gerio Baidu immediately introduced Duke: "This is the chief assistant to the director, Assistant Louis."

  Duke responded with a smile.

  Gerio then introduced the following great mages, three of whom were directors, and the others also held positions such as supervisors in the Erudite Tower.

  As for the chief director, he happened to be out today.

  The directors and supervisors showed up, and after paying their respects, they returned to their posts. Only one director, Lambton, who was at the 6th ring level, was left, along with Assistant Louis and Gerio the Welcome Envoy, responsible for receiving Duke and Sis. Kohli and his party.

  Visit the Erudite Tower first, then host a luncheon.

  By the afternoon, Maderon Rhodiola, the chief director of the Erudite Tower and a member of the Supreme Committee, the 7-ring Morning Star Arcane Instructor, arrived belatedly.

  "You are here." Madron's face was serious and his tone was rigid. "Duke was awarded the title of Erudite Sage by the unanimous recommendation of the Supreme Council. The conferment ceremony should not be taken lightly. In addition, Sir Thelsus said that it is best to have new ideas in the ceremony. Lamberton, you take full responsibility."

  "Yes, Chief Director." Director Lamberton nodded.

  "Then the time will be chosen three days later, leaving three days for you to prepare." Maderon quickly set the time, "Duke, Siskoli, you guys will cooperate in the past few days and strive to hold the awarding ceremony successfully as soon as possible."

  " Yes."


  After Duke and Siskoli agreed, Madron said to Duke: "Your attainments and talents in natural history are recognized by the entire Supreme Committee. Chairman Selsus , I hope you can study in the Holy City's Erudite Tower for a few years."

  "Study?" Duke did not agree immediately.

  The water in the Holy City of Arcane was much deeper than the water in the Whale Song Mirror Lake. He was not willing to set foot in it so early as he would easily drown.

  Madron didn't know what Duke was thinking, and didn't seem to care about what Duke thought. He said to himself: "When you finish your further studies, the Supreme Committee will expand a member position for you. You can serve in the Erudite Tower, or you can Commissioner only, academic freedom."

  "Thank you and Chairman Selsus for your kindness, I need to think about it," Duke responded.


  No more chatting.

  As a tutor of arcane magic, Madron has a lot to deal with every day and will not focus all his energy on a new learned sage like Duke.

  After he left, Director Lambton and others talked with Duke and Siskoli about how to hold the investiture ceremony.

  Assistant Lewis took the lead in saying: "The canonization of sages is a big deal. The seven highest towers have the authority to canonize sages in different fields, and the conferment ceremonies are also different. In our learned supreme tower, it is usually combined with the achievements of the sages. "

  In conjunction with achievement?" Duke asked.

  "Yes, for example, Duke Sage, you invented strong light technology and film and television technology, then the awarding ceremony can be held around these two technologies." After Lewis finished speaking,

  Director Lambton continued: "So my plan is, The awarding ceremony should be combined with film and television technology, which should not only reflect your invention, but also have new ideas... Let's brainstorm, Duke, you can also put forward ideas." Not only that, Director Lambton also summoned several young people in the

  tower Arcane Mage, join the discussion together.

  In the end it was Duke himself who came up with an idea.

  "Film and television technology takes images from the past and plays them in the present, so why not combine them to create a novel debut ceremony?" "Oh,

  what do you have in mind?" "

  I think we can use a camera first. Shoot different scenes, and then combine these scenes into a slideshow. Then while the video is played, I, as the protagonist of the awarding ceremony, slowly walk out of these scenes." The more Duke talked, the more he felt good: "By

  then , you can create a dream scene that is both real and fake, allowing everyone to see the effects of film and television technology." "

  Well, this is a good idea!" Lambton agreed.

  So this plan was chosen.

  In the next three days, Duke had no time to visit the Holy City of Aufa, and spent all his time rehearsing the investiture ceremony.

  In order to make his investiture ceremony go down in history, he even resorted to making movies.

  Fortunately, Erudite Supreme Tower's mobilization ability was extremely strong, so he was able to capture his thoughts one by one in such a hurry.


  Three days flew by.

  April 22 is an ordinary day, but it is also a special day. Today, the Erudite Tower will hold a ceremony to confer the title of Erudite Sage to Duke.

  Although there are many arcane mages with the title of sage in the Holy City of Arcana, each sage has made outstanding contributions to the spiritual arcana, so the awarding ceremony must be treated grandly. Even the arcane masters will attend the awarding ceremony.

  For example, Duke’s investiture ceremony.

  It has been confirmed that all the learned sages who have settled in the Holy City of Offa and the surrounding eighteen lakeside cities will attend.

  Among them are four arcane mentors.

  In the entire Seven Towers Federation, the number of arcane instructors does not exceed fifty.

  In addition to the arcane mentors who guard the twelve areas and the arcane mentors who explore outside, there are only twenty-one arcane mentors who have settled in the Holy City of Arcane. Four of them hold the title of Erudite Sage, and one of them was even selected as the Chief Sage of Offa Tower.

  The chief sage of the Tower of Offa, the title does not distinguish between fields. It belongs to the great arcanists who have reached the pinnacle of their respective fields of research.

  It is also the pillar of the entire Seven Towers Federation.

  "The adults are all seated!" Assistant Lewis hurriedly came to the backstage of the awarding ceremony, "It will start in ten minutes!"

  Director Lambton nodded calmly: "Don't be impatient, everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared. It’s fine, and the playback device has been backed up, so there will be no errors.”

  Then he looked at Duke, who was resting with his eyes closed: "It seems that the protagonist is not nervous now, and even feels a little sleepy. Assistant Lewis, please inform the chief director. There will be no omissions and let him preside over the awarding ceremony normally."

  "Okay." Lewis left in a hurry.

  Duke raised his eyelids: "Sir, as long as there is no problem with the equipment, there won't be any problems on my side."

  Xiaoyi will assist him in completing the entire process on the Dou Qi holographic screen.

  So no mistakes can be made.

  Lambton nodded: "Yeah."

  The past few days of filming and rehearsals have also proved that Duke does not make mistakes, and he can do it 100% after listening to the basic process once.

  at the same time.

  The auditorium above the clouds has no windows and only pillars. White clouds can blow directly into the auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of people.

  Looking out, one can see the spiers of five other supreme towers on the clouds, as well as an arcane supreme tower whose top cannot be seen.

  The auditorium was already filled with thousands of people.

  In addition to the arcane instructors and arcane mages in the rostrum area, there are ordinary arcane mages and ordinary citizens in other positions.

  Of course, a large number of reporters are indispensable.

  If it were just a simple conferment ceremony of learned sages, it would not attract so many people to attend. After all, there are only two or three hundred sages in the Holy City of Arcane Law, not five hundred, so it is not worth being rare.

  But if this new learned sage holds the three records of being the youngest 2nd level arcane mage, the fastest promoted to the 2nd level arcane mage, and the youngest erudite sage, then it would be extremely rare. Everyone would Wanted to take a look.

  Madron Rhodiola, chief director of the Erudite Supreme Tower, walked onto the stage.

  There was no smile on his serious face, and his tone was flat: "Welcome to the Erudite Tower to confer the title of Erudite Sage on Duke, the inventor of film and television technology and bright light technology." "In the past

  , In the past two years, Shenjiao City, a borderland of the Wind Breath Realm, trained a young arcane mage Duke." "Spirituality loves the world, and arcane magic loves the wise." "


  , with his outstanding wisdom, follows the spirit The strong light technology is glimpsed in the luminous structure of the wind lantern, and the film and television technology is invented from the light and shadow images of the slide card. These two inventions of natural history will bring about earth-shaking changes to the development of the Seven Towers Federation and even the entire human civilization. ."


  "After the unanimous recommendation of the Supreme Review Committee of the Learned Supreme Tower, and the ruling of the Judgment Committee of the Arcane Supreme Tower, Duke is officially canonized as a learned sage." The

  words fell.

  Thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

  Waiting for the applause to subside, Madron continued to speak calmly: "For this erudite sage conferment ceremony, Chairman Selsus of the Supreme Review Committee was invited to crown Duke the title of erudite sage. Chairman Selsus is invited to come to the stage. Speak."

  Maderon stepped aside, and an old man with white hair and beard came to the podium. After standing still, he faced the audience.

  "This year is the 4415th year of the Storm Calendar." Selsus' voice was loud and clear. "It has been five thousand years since humans landed on the Wilderness Continent. The Storm Empire of the ancestral land was established, and the Storm Calendar was just beginning. Then in the Storm Calendar year 1127, seven The Tower Federation was established."

  "If you do the math, it has been 3,288 years old." "

  In these 3,288 years, countless arcane masters have successively promoted the development of spiritual arcane magic, leading to today's glorious achievements." After a pause,

  Seer Sass said loudly: "So today I am honored to award the title of Erudite Sage to an outstanding newcomer in the field of spiritual arcane magic. Duke, a young second-level arcane mage and a record-breaking Erudite Sage, please He comes on the stage."

  After saying this, Cersus retreated to the position with Madron amid applause.

  next moment.

  Curtains hung between the columns around the entire auditorium, blocking the sunlight from outside and plunging the auditorium into darkness.

  The audience in the audience couldn't help but burst into whispers.

  But soon.

  A ray of light lit up from the awarding platform, like a portal suddenly lighting up in the darkness. The portal gradually expanded until the entire auditorium was illuminated.

  Everyone either closed their eyes or raised their hands to block the dazzling light.

  When they opened their eyes again, the light had dissipated, and amid a loud cry, the scene on the ordination stage had changed into a simple house.

  A young couple whose front was not visible were holding a crying baby, rocking it gently, and humming an unknown local ditty.

  Snowflakes were falling outside the window, and singing was singing softly in the house.

  "Little snowflakes, little snowflakes, accompany me to my dreams at night; small and white, cool, swaying happily to me. Crystal-like snowflakes, may you fly and grow freely forever. Little snowflakes, little snowflakes, always wish me good health."

  The baby stopped crying as he listened to his mother's singing, and a happy smile appeared on his tearful face.

  Then slowly fell asleep.

  Dad gently pulled out the memory card under the dim lighting.

  The lights in the room were turned down, and the entire auditorium fell into darkness again. After a long time, a faint light came on.

  It seemed like a dark night, with a little child huddled in the corner with his hands and knees.

  When the camera zooms out, the signboard of the Sheshou Town Welfare Home seems to blend into the night, with only a dim yellow lamp in the distance emitting this insignificant ray of light.

  The darkness didn't last long before it was replaced by the light of dawn.

  Scene change.

  Wearing a blue jacket, brown casual pants, and a pair of large black leather shoes, a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old walked out of the entrance of a welfare home with a tool bag on his shoulder.

  Facing the rising sun, I walked into a shop with the sign "Little Sam Card Repair Shop" to work. I cleaned, wiped instruments, and prepared card materials. I was busy until the sunset, then I rubbed my arms and started again. Put your tool bag on your back and leave the store.

  When I returned to my home, it was no longer an orphanage, but a small and closed bungalow.

  Skillfully cook the rice and steam a piece of sausage.

  The young man came to the partition of the room and was busy on a simple work table, studying a spiritual wind lamp.

  The scene changed very quickly. While eating sausages and rice, the boy finally developed a portable lamp.

  He turned on the button of his portable light and shined it outside. The next moment, the light shone into the auditorium of the auditorium.

  Then the brightness of the light suddenly increased.

  There was only light on the awarding stage, and no background could be seen. After a while, the light was no longer aimed at the auditorium, and the scene had completely changed.

  They were newspapers with bright lights on them.

  The bright light on the newspaper seemed to be real, very bright, and the text next to it was also highlighted: "Duke, son of the sun, turns night into day!" "Dispel the darkness of the world, illuminate the corners of the world, Duke is awarded the

  title Title of Erudite."

  "Duke, the Messenger of Light!"

  "Duke, the inventor of strong light technology, is affectionately called the Giant of Light by the citizens." "

  The Seven Towers of the Federal Erudite Tower will promote strong light technology, and the reputation of Duke, the son of the sun, will spread throughout the twelve realms."

  These are all real releases. Newspapers are stacked one after another, and only the images on the newspapers are always a bright, strong light.


  The newspaper faded, and a hand reached out and turned the lamp.

  The camera slowly opened to reveal the young man just now, who was replacing the strong lighting for the Sheshou Town Welfare Home. Many children surrounded him, cheering.

  At the same time, a voice sounded nearby: "The orphanage is as bright as daytime, and the children are cheering for joy. I think that from now on, the nights in the orphanage will never be so dark and scary." The phantom on the awarding stage was played to this point, and all the audience in the

  audience , have all understood the meaning of these constantly changing scenes.

  "This is the growth history of Sage Duke!" an ordinary audience member sighed softly.

  Some emotional women had already wiped away tears: "It was not easy for Duke Sage when he was a child. The life in the orphanage definitely frightened him." "The genius Arcana

  Master who came out of adversity was precisely because he wanted to In order to change my bad life, I came up with an invention that changed the world!" " It's

  a very interesting award ceremony, isn't it." "

  This is directly using film and television technology to pave the way for the opening. I have already felt the charm of film and television technology. It is so interesting. This investiture ceremony!"

  Not only ordinary viewers were shocked by this unique entrance ceremony.

  Even the arcane instructors and arcane mages sitting on the rostrum couldn't help but approach each other and whisper in their ears.

  "It's very interesting."

  "But what's even more interesting is that Duke has actually appeared on the stage, hasn't he." "Yes."

  An arcane instructor squinted his eyes with a smile on his face, "He has long been transformed from light and shadow. I came out of it."

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  (End of this chapter)

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