Chapter 153 Revenge of the Female Insect

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  Chapter 153: The Revenge of the Mother Insect

  The Seven Towers Federation and even the entire human society summarize the spiritual arcane field by using "rings" to express the levels of things.

  Things of the same ring level indicate that they are at the same spiritual height.

  For example, there is no generational difference between the spirituality of a 3-ring spirit beast and the spirituality of a 3-ring arcane mage. There is not much difference in height between them.

  But ring level does not represent a difference in strength.

  The 1-ring spirit beast is very powerful, and its innate and solidified arcane magic can not only destroy the world, but can at least create a big hole in the ground.

  But compared with the level 1 arcane mage, it pales into insignificance.

  There is no other reason. Even though the spirituality of the two is at the same level, wisdom allows the arcane mage to use his own spiritual height to leverage a huge arcane system, create many heaven-destroying arcane spells, and crush the 1st level. Spirit beast.

  Not only can a level 1 arcane mage crush a level 1 spirit beast, but a level 1 knight can also create complex martial arts with the help of fighting spirit to crush a level 1 spirit beast.

  This is the advantage of human beings and the height brought by wisdom.

  The higher the ring level, the higher the spiritual height, the larger the arcane system that can be leveraged, and the stronger the ability of human beings to fight beyond levels.

  Therefore, even if Bernoulli's Earth Arcane Mage is only 4th level, he can still hunt 7th level spiritual beasts like the Black Jade Scorpion King. Even just a clone created by the projection ring can beat the Black Jade Scorpion King to pieces and make him pee.

  "The airship from Bernoulli's Master Tower often hovers overhead, but that Lord Bernoulli has never appeared at all."

  After a pause, Zina added: "Maybe it's Lord Bernoulli, I think it's still the case now. Let's make a small fuss."

  The Cuihai Valley development war has been going on for more than a year.

  Several safe passages were opened, many areas around Cuihai Valley were cleared, and the hunted spiritual beasts made the spiritual materials market in Shenjiao City boom. Not only the Black Dragon River Land, but people from the entire Wind Breath Realm came over to buy the required spiritual materials.

  "That's true. The current war is probably just a small climax." Duke said thoughtfully.

  From Little Chicken's mouth, he got a general idea of ​​the situation in Cuihai Valley. The most powerful spiritual beast there was the 7-ring Black Jade Scorpion King.

  However, from his chat with Joanna and other arcane mages, he got some mixed information. This information revealed that Cuihai Valley does not seem to be as weak as imagined, at least far beyond the original Black Snake Lair Development War, when there was only one five-ring multi-headed black-necked snake. .

  The spiritual spring in Cuihai Valley is only medium-sized, suitable for building a market town, but not suitable for building a city.

  But there are ancient spirits in this spiritual spring. All spiritual springs in which ancient spirits exist are high-quality spiritual springs.

  The higher the quality of the spiritual spring, the more powerful spiritual beasts are definitely surrounding it.

  The original large spiritual spring in Shenjiao City was occupied by a 9th-level raging dragon.


  Broken Sword was not left for everyone to have dinner. Duke had an appointment in the evening and was going to the Black Snake family for a banquet. It was difficult to avoid social interaction.

  "The third-ring spirit beast - the mud train bug, even if I take action, it will take a lot of effort. Duke, you have made progress faster than I thought." High Priest Mulander Black Snake, when talking about the encounter on the route When he was attacked, he acted very emotional.

  There is also a hint of temptation in the words.

  Duke didn't hide it as much as before, but he didn't want to reveal his trump card. He just smiled and said: "There are many opportunities hidden in the forest. I just got better luck and got some wealth left by my predecessors."

  "That's it." Muland got the answer he wanted and stopped digging into the question.

  On the other side, the mayor of the town, Muhans Black Snake, said: "The appearance of the mud train bug on the route is by no means an accident. We are going to invite the Shenjiao City Route Company to send out an investigation team to look for the possible possibility of the mud train bug. "The nest."

  Duke nodded: "Indeed, mud train bugs generally rarely leave their territory. Most of the mud train bugs that expand outward are to create new groups, and there may be a pregnant female. Worms."

  Muhans agreed: "If there is a mother worm, it is a good opportunity to make money. The 3-ring larvae should attract the attention of many arcane mages and knights."

  Knights can not only contract with 1-ring spirit beasts, but also with 2-ring larvae. Ring, 3rd and 9th level spirit beasts.

  As long as the spirit beast agrees to the contract.

  Once the contract is completed for the cub of a 3-ring spirit beast, the knight will soon have a 3-ring spirit beast as a fighting partner, greatly increasing his strength.

  However, after the spirit beast is pregnant, it basically hides very tightly and cannot be found at all.

  Another great knight of the Black Snake family, Musis Black Snake, said: "This insect knows how to destroy roads and intercept passing vehicles. It is very smart. Once the female insect learns that the male insect is dead, she will probably evacuate the nest immediately. Don't have too much hope."

  Chatting and eating.

  The atmosphere at the dinner was quite harmonious.

  Muhans noticed that his daughter Mulali, who was allowed to attend the banquet, couldn't help but peek at Duke during the meal, feeling a little inexplicably sad.

  Female students are not allowed to stay in college.

  But then I thought about it, even though the high priest was used as a tool to win over and was sent to Duke, if Mulali herself was willing, it wouldn't be a bad destination.

  Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Muhans picked up the wine glass: "Duke, thank you for teaching Mulali. As a father, I toast you." "

  This is what I should do, cheers."

  After a while, Mulali He also blushed, raised his glass, and toasted Duke with a glass of wine.

  After the dinner, Duke rushed back to the farm and stayed there overnight. After eating breakfast cooked by Aunt Abi the next morning, he took the Black Beetle back to Shenjiao City.

  Returning to the location where we hunted the mud train bugs before, a construction team was re-laying the roadbed.

  Although the route road is a gravel road, the bottom of the roadbed is filled with stones, which can effectively prevent some small ground-burrowing beasts from damaging the roadbed.

  "Please wait a moment, the road will be repaired in about half an hour." the construction leader shouted.

  There was no place to go around, so the team could only wait where it was. Duke did not get out of the car and was reading a book by himself in the car.

  But before he could turn over two pages.

  Xiao Yi's alarm sounded in his mind: "Master, there is an abnormality in the ground at the right rear. It is strongly disturbing the breathing resonance with the surrounding plants. It is suspected to be a high-level spiritual beast!" At the same time, a small map was projected on the screen in the spiritual sea,

  Duke You can clearly see that the little red dot on the map is approaching quickly.

  "I'll go!"

  Duke was speechless: "The male is dead, and the female is here to take revenge?"

  But since the female also came to seek death, Duke had no reason to favor one over the other.

  He directly ordered his entourage: "Victor, go and inform the knight following the car that another mud train bug is coming. Let everyone get into the car and take shelter!" "Yes,

  sir!" Victor immediately got out of the car and shouted.

  Soon, everyone at the entire construction site hid in the steel-made Black Beetle and Black Centipede vehicles.

  Only the great knights formed a camp.

  Standing on the roof of the Black Beetle, paying close attention to the direction of the flashing red dot on the mini-map, Duke was ready to strike first.

  As soon as the female insect appears, give it a baptism of bullets.

  (End of chapter)

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