Chapter 109 Queen Ant

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  Chapter 109 After the ant queen
  sent away Captain Xina, Duke didn’t think too much.

  How the pioneering war proceeds has nothing to do with him. All he can do is pray that the Broken Sword Mercenary Group will not be destroyed.

  He also thought about becoming a sponsor of Broken Sword after being promoted to the 1st level Arcane Mage.

  "By the end of August, I should be able to be steadily promoted!" Returning to the breeding room, after teasing Dou for a while, Duke once again devoted himself to solidifying the spiritual core.

  In the ring in the spiritual sea, in the light of chaos, you can vaguely see the arcane trajectory traced by the spiritual power.

  Only when the spiritual power and the arcane trajectory are completely integrated and no longer distinguish between each other can it mean that the ring is completely composed of stable spiritual energy, which can no longer be divided, reversed, or broken, and thus solidifies into a spiritual core.

  "Work hard!"

  Nothing could attract Duke's attention more than moving towards the arcane mage bit by bit. He truly devoted himself wholeheartedly.

  Of course, you have to find time to do the work that needs to be done.

  Casting spells on the corn on the farm's 50 acres of land needs to be done every day; doing maintenance on the six-legged spirit puppet jars has to be done once a week.

  On this day, he took the maintenance materials and went down to the basement.

  There are two basements: light and dark. A lot of debris has been piled up in the light basement, which just blocks the entrance to the dark basement.

  The dark basement was transformed into a "parking garage" for jars.

  The escape route to the outside world is the entrance and exit of the garage where the can comes out. Occasionally when night falls, he will sit on the can and go for a walk in the wild, enjoying the joy of controlling the puppet.

  The only pity is that the can is not a driving type puppet.

  More like a multifunctional robot.

  Sitting on the disc-shaped body of the can does not provide a comfortable ride, especially when the speed increases, and it is easy to fall off.

  The core ring is put on the middle finger.

  With the introduction of spiritual power, the jar can be controlled with thoughts.

  "Extend the legs." Duke directed the can to extend a mechanical leg, and then applied special maintenance oil to each joint position.

  Although spiritual gold is magical, when exposed to the air, it will also react with free spiritual particles from the outside world, causing traces of rust. Regular maintenance is required to cut off this rust pathway and ensure the flexibility of each joint.

  Half an hour has passed since a set of maintenance was done.

  Duke asked Xiaoyi what time it was and found that it was already very late, so he gave up the idea of ​​driving the can out for a walk.

  A wave of his hand.

  The jar huddled in a corner, and Duke covered it with the tarp.

  There was a ring of sand hawks hanging on the wall, and the light of the tactical lights illuminated the dark basement. He took the sand hawks and walked out of the basement.

  I didn't want to sleep for a while.

  Then he climbed up to the attic on the third floor and cooled off while counting the stars.

  "There are countless stars in the sky, which are much brighter than the stars on the earth, but there is no similar constellation." There is

  no Orion, no Ursa Major, no Big Dipper, and no Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

  There is the sun and there is the moon.

  The Seven Towers Federation's understanding of the universe has not spread among ordinary people, but the high-level officials definitely have a lot of information about the starry sky.

  Because the Star Tower, one of the seven towers, is a tower that exists for astrology.

  This Tower of Stars only stands in the capital, the Holy City of Arcane. It is said that every few decades, the arcane mages of the Tower of Stars can enlighten and lead the future through prophecies brought by astrology.

  "So, where is this world?" Duke looked above his head and did not see the Milky Way across the sky. "If I can't see the Milky Way, does it mean that the world I am traveling to now no longer belongs to the Milky Way?" There is no answer

  . .

  Maybe this is just a parallel world, not the same universe as the earth.


  Cuihai Valley.

  The pioneering war was in full swing.


  The ground shook one after another, and clods of earth continued to fall in the dark cave passage.

  "Oops, I got hit on the head!" A voice like a little doll sounded, "Red Branch, let's run away quickly. If we don't run away, we won't be able to escape." "..." "Can't you see, humans are


  . Those who catch you want to dry you into dried meat, no, they want to make you into a specimen, and the result will be the same as that stupid big scorpion in the future." "..." "


  ants are just too stupid, let me tell you. You shouldn't find a new nest for the little fat guy. No, it was caught by humans. Well, I guess it will have been skinned and started to make specimens... Red branch, this is your fate!"

  " ..."

  "Let's go, come with me, let's escape together!"

  Bang, at the other end of the passage with flashing green light, there seemed to be a heavy body rubbing against the wall, and soon under the green light, a ferocious ant head appeared manifest.

  It has a well-developed upper jaw, a reflective carapace, and two trembling antennae.

  This huge ant could not speak, but only waved its tentacles vigorously, as if to express something.

  The little doll's voice sounded from the side, and his tone was particularly surprising: "Wow, Hongzhi, have you finally figured it out? You want to escape with me!" "..." "Okay, okay, let's run away quickly. By the way, where are we going to run away to


  " , Are you going to the Spring of Spirituality... No, but the other directions are blocked by humans. Those airships are so annoying, they can turn the entire underground into a hard lump!" "..." "Ah, go to the territory of


  . Run away, and then go around to the forest from other places. Wow, Hongzhi, you are so smart!" "


  "Let's go, let's go!"

  the little doll urged with a smile, and suddenly said loudly: "Red Branch , you bring my Ji Yulu!"

  The giant ant touched its head with its tentacles, and then the ant stretched out a pair of mandibles, pointed at the opponent that glowed green, opened its mouth to inhale, the green and glowing Something was attracted to his stomach by it.

  The crypt passage turned pitch black, and the little doll's voice shouted: "Let's go!" Crash


  There was a sound of friction between the body and the wall in the darkness. The sound went from near to far, and soon disappeared, leaving only a series of rumbling sounds above the head.

  I don't know how much time passed, but along with a violent explosion, a light suddenly shone through the dark cave passage.

  That's the light coming from the sky.

  The crypt passage has collapsed.


  A mercenary jumped in, looked at the passage that could barely walk upright, and shouted loudly: "Discover the Queen Ant Royal Family!"

  Soon more mercenaries jumped down and dived deeper into the passage.

  But a few minutes later, some mercenaries came out yelling and yelling: "The ant queen is gone, damn it, the biggest fish is gone, the arcane mages are going to jump again!" "Chase!" The mercenary group

  outside The leader immediately ordered, "This five-ringed queen ant is the largest, and the traces are the most obvious wherever it crawls. We must chase it! Brothers, as long as you complete this task first, you will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life!" "Fuck it!

  " !"

  "Catch up, it's only 5 rings, don't worry!"

  "Yeah, just catch up and send the signal. The Arcane Masters will take action, and we can just wait and make a fortune!"

  The mercenaries entered the crypt passage one after another, and then Holding the spiritual wind lamp, he carefully studied the scratches on the wall and quickly tracked towards the passage.

  (End of chapter)

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