Chapter 107 Dried meat

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  Chapter 107 Dried Meat
  The casualties in Snake Head Town have not been announced, but it is certain that at least several hundred people died, including Best.

  and Levine’s parents and brother.

  "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Levin knelt on the edge of the pit, crying heartbreakingly.

  Although his parents were not good to him and kicked him out of the house when he became an adult, they were the only relatives he had in the world, and now they are all gone.

  "Levin, look away." Duke patted Levin on the shoulder without much comfort.

  He was used to this kind of thing. He was a loner in his previous life, and he was still a loner in this life.

  "Boss, I have no relatives anymore."

  "Live well, they will watch you in the sky."

  "Yeah!" Levin tried his best to wipe away his tears with his sleeves. He was a straightforward person, and grief came and went quickly.

  "Go on, go back to the farm."

  "Where are you, boss?"

  "I want to walk around the town." Duke was ready to inquire about the situation and learn the specific details of the spiritual beast invasion.

  He went directly to Faling Club.

  Many spiritual apprentices gather here. Although there are no open classes today, Faling Club is still a good place to find out information.

  "It's a fifth-ring spirit beast - the Black Jade Scorpion." A spiritual apprentice said, "One of several high-level spirit beasts entrenched in Cuihai Valley, but the huge black jade scorpion in the lead obviously doesn't look like a fifth-ring spirit beast. , it should be a higher level."

  "I think it should be level 6!"

  "It can't be level 6. Although the adult body of the Black Jade Scorpion is rated as level 5, I have read the information and it is relatively weak among the level 5. Individuals, and even some adults, have not yet reached the fifth level." "

  Although the black jade scorpions are the weaker ones among the fifth levels, don't forget that they are entrenched in the spring of spirituality in the Cuihai Valley, and there is enough room for evolution." Spirituality

  . The apprentices are discussing the invading spirit beasts.

  However, after many discussions, we couldn't figure out what level the leading black scorpion was. In short, it was higher than level 5.

  "Do you know what happened to the arcane mage's shadow on the airship?" Duke asked.

  The other party shook his head: "I don't know, we have talked before, that is the method of the arcane mage, not an existence we can understand." A person

  next to him suddenly said: "But I know, that is the arcane mage of Bernoulli Earth, I have visited There is a slideshow photo of Lord Bernoulli on the airship. He is dressed like this. Well, he is very... majestic." "Needless to say,

  I know it is Lord Bernoulli. Except for you, no one can fight him off with bare hands. A spirit beast with a level above 5, and it is just a shadow."

  "You guys said, will Lord Bernoulli come to our Snake Head Town in person?"

  "Definitely!" "

  Yes, I think it will, too. The beasts have become so arrogant that they attacked Snakehead Town. My best friend Jack died in the invasion...even his body was not found. Lord Bernoulli will definitely take action himself to kill these big scorpions!"

  Everyone's mood suddenly rose, venting about the invasion of spiritual beasts.

  However, some people are more pessimistic: "The pioneering war cannot be finished overnight. The spiritual beasts in Cuihai Valley are powerful. Maybe... I should move. The child is still young. Now I just hope that he can grow up healthily."

  " Oh, little Sam, do you really want to leave?"

  "A long time ago, after more mercenaries came from other places, my wife told me that she wanted to move, but I just wanted to take advantage of the glory of the pioneering war. But Now you have also seen that the spirit beasts first invaded the farm, and now they invaded the town. We cannot bear it." "We should not be invaded by

  spirit beasts again in the future. Two safe passages have been opened. Establish a city on the front line, and then we will be safe."

  "Yes, the arcane mages from Bernoulli's Mage Tower and Erwin's Mage Tower will come one after another, and they will definitely live in Snakehead Town." "

  No. Spiritual beasts dare to invade again!"

  Despite the invasion, most people remained optimistic.

  Therefore, there were not many people who agreed with Little Sam's move. They soon started talking about other topics, discussing how the Black Snake family would end, how the frontline war was progressing, and when Bernoulli's arcane earth mage would appear.

  Little Sam was a little lonely. In fact, he didn't want to leave Snakehead Town, and he still wanted to reap the dividends of the pioneering war.

  He is still young and needs to fight.

  Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Duke who was listening to the conversation. Looking at Duke's face, which was younger than his own, little Sam couldn't help but sit over and said, "Young people are so good. They don't have any worries and can take risks without fear.

  " Huh?" Duke turned his head and looked at little Sam, a little confused.

  He was not familiar with Little Sam, they were just classmates in open classes. He only knew that Little Sam opened a bait shop on the first side street.

  As if he didn't care about Duke's doubts, little Sam continued with emotion: "When I was your age, I also learned to repair cards, but my talent was not in this area, so I joined the Black Snake Mercenary Group and went to the forest for a few times. Year."

  The Black Snake Mercenary Group was formed by the Black Snake family and is currently the only local mercenary group.

  Duke said perfunctorily: "Oh."

  Little Sam leaned back in his chair and sighed: "Later, my family encouraged me to get married and have children, so I didn't dare to go out and venture out anymore. I relied on my adventure experience to open a bait shop... Now And because of the invasion of spiritual beasts, we have to continue moving..."

  After a pause, he saw a listening expression on Duke's face.

  He sighed and said: "Actually, I really don't want to move. The years when I was a mercenary were the happiest years for me!" After

  hearing this, Duke said perfunctorily again: "Oh."

  He couldn't understand that the spiritual apprentice was like this. With such novice strength, why do you love excitement so much that you go on adventures as a mercenary?

  He holds a ring of sand eagles and is cautious every time he explores the forest.

  At this time, someone came over and shouted: "A notice has been posted on the Snake Head Tower. The Pioneer War Command is gathering an airship brigade to bomb the Cuihai Valley from a distance to avenge the dead residents!" ... deep in the Cuihai



  In the dark underground passage, emerald green light flickered.

  The little baby-like voice sounded again: "Oh, the stupid big scorpion has caused trouble and ran to human homes to kill people!" "..." "


  Branch, my opinion is to run away quickly, otherwise you will be caught and exposed." Become dried meat."


  "Oh, why are you so stubborn and brainless!" "


  "Oh, the little fat guy is here, Red Branch, you want to summon your kind to attack the grass that the little flying insects eat. "


  "You just need to find a new home for it, but sooner or later it will be dried into dried meat by humans, so why bother." "...


  As soon as he finished talking to himself, there were slight footsteps in the cave passage, and then a big fat ant crawled over.

  With the flashing green light, its belly can be vaguely seen, like a huge water tank.

  Dragging such a huge abdomen caused its movements to become sluggish. When it crawled past the flashing green light, it accidentally brushed against the green light.

  The doll's voice suddenly shouted: "Little fat boy, don't touch my Ji Yulu!"

   After the third update, please vote for me~
  (End of this chapter)

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