Chapter 10 Spirit Card

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  Chapter 10 The spirit card
  gathers gas and liquid, which is the sign of a one-star spiritual apprentice.

  When there is the first drop of spiritual liquid in the spiritual sea, it means that Duke can mobilize the power of the spiritual liquid to exert extraordinary power - of course, the extraordinary power that can be exerted is limited.

  Close the door and fasten the latch.

  Duke thought briefly made contact with a ring of sand eagles in the spiritual sea, and in the next moment, a silver-gray Desert Eagle pistol appeared steadily in his hand.

  Holding the heavy sand eagle, he could feel that this one-ring arcane weapon was consuming the spiritual liquid in the spiritual sea every moment while maintaining its real form.

  "Xiao Yi, how long can the Sand Eagle materialize?"

  "According to the current consumption of a drop of spiritual liquid, it can materialize for about three minutes without using the Sand Eagle. Because Xiao Yi still maintains meditation and absorbs free spirituality at a speed , you can increase the materialization time of Sand Eagle to six minutes."

  "What if I pull the trigger?"

  "It takes the master to try once before Xiaoyi can collect enough data."

  You must try, but it is impossible to The inn tried, but Duke could only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​pulling the trigger, and continued to ask: "Xiao Yi, can this Sand Eagle continue to be upgraded?" They

  also traveled together.

  The mobile phone traveled through time and became a nine-ring Xiaoyi, but the pistol was just a one-ring sand eagle. There was a huge gap between them.

  "Theoretically, it's possible. Xiaoyi can improve the sand eagle's spell model, but this requires collecting a lot of data for calculation." "It would be

  nice if it can be upgraded."

  Duke played with the sand eagle for a moment, dispersed the sand eagle, and signaled to Xiao Yi Continuing to practice the "White Paper Meditation Method", I started reading the books I purchased.

  Give it a cursory look.

  Xiaoyi will help him remember all the content and then feedback the information anytime and anywhere.

  It is precisely because of such a powerful golden finger that Duke is not worried about his low spiritual arcane talent. Talent is only one factor that affects the future, not absolute.


  the next day.

  As soon as it got light, Duke left the inn, bought a few meat buns from a roadside stall, and walked into the West Railway Station while eating.

  I found the route sign for Sheshou Town, and then waited there until the sun rose and the Black Beetle drove into the station on time. It was still the same car as before, with the same driver and conductor, but the great knight following the car had been replaced.

  There are always dangers on the route, so it is essential to follow the great knight.

  Two great knights with one ring can eliminate most dangers.

  The return trip went smoothly without any danger. When the Black Beetle pulled into the station and got down to earth, Duke felt that his mood was completely different when he saw Snake Head Town again.

  "Registered spiritual apprentice, safety is finally a little guaranteed."

  Before going to the Faling Pagoda for registration, as an ordinary person without relatives, even if he is murdered, it is just a local security case. The Sheriff may simply go through the motions and close the case. .

  Once registered in the Faling Tower, the nature is different.

  The Seven Towers Federation is a paradise for arcane mages. Anyone who dares to murder arcane mages and spiritual apprentices will be defined as a provocation to the Seven Towers Federation, and must be investigated to the end.


  There are no absolutes, and true safety depends on yourself.

  Returning to the rental house, he saw that there were only two rooms and there were leaks in the roof. He no longer wanted to live here: "It's time to move to another place to live." The

  layout of Sheshou Town has two horizontal, two vertical and four streets. , dividing the town into a nine-square grid.

  The most central area is naturally the best in terms of safety, environment, and convenience, and it is built in a place rich in spirituality, which is most suitable for spiritual sea practice. However, the rent is extremely expensive, and Duke cannot afford the rent here for the time being.

  He wanted to find a house on the edge of Second Street.

  Because the Little Sam Shoka store is located at No. 214 Erzhu Street, renting it nearby is convenient for commuting.

  He spent the whole afternoon looking for a house, and finally rented a two-story house with a yard in a small alley on Ershui Street, with two rooms on each floor.

  With two deposits and three deposits, the monthly rent is four and a half silver dragons.

  Duke moved his humble home and went to a nearby spiritual shop to buy a spiritual water heater and installed it in the bathroom stall of the building. He really couldn't stand the environment without hot water for bathing, so this move just solved this need.

  Busy with everything, washing rice and cooking.

  Duke then continued to open the purchased books and used his own eyes to provide Xiaoyi with more data. As a nine-ring arcane weapon, Xiaoyi, without data, could play very little role. Only by continuous cultivation can Xiaoyi play an increasingly important role and help him survive better in this world.

  "The spirit card is a set."

  "All carriers that can compress a standard spell model, that is, a ring, and keep the energy circuit running intact, can be called spirit cards." "The spirit card can be

  a The card can also be a ball, or even a soft puddle of colloid." "

  However, usually the spirit card will be fixed in a card structure, which is easy to carry, easy to operate, easy to make, and simple to maintain. It can move the maximum amount with the smallest volume. energy."

  While reading quickly, Duke also placed his only three spiritual cards on the table one by one for comparison.

  Spirit Dragon Card, Magic Spirit Card, Spirit Storage Card.

  "Among these three spirit cards, the spirit dragon card and the magic spirit card are both single-sided cards, the simplest kind of spirit card; the spirit storage card is a three-dimensional card, a more complicated spirit card." He glanced at the spirit card. ,continue reading.

  The spiritual cards recorded in the book are roughly divided into several categories such as single-sided cards, double-sided cards, superimposed cards, nested cards, clustered cards, irregular cards, and three-dimensional cards.

  The common ones are single-sided cards, double-sided cards and three-dimensional cards.

  "I'm going back to work tomorrow. I wonder if I can get started and cultivate a spirit card myself." Duke thought in his mind.

  After reading like this until late at night, he turned off the lights and lay on the bed to sleep, while Xiaoyi was still maintaining the operation of the "White Paper Meditation Method" in the spiritual sea.

  The free spirit in the outside world is absorbed into the body bit by bit, and finally gathers in the spiritual sea.

  Originally there was only a drop of spiritual liquid.

  There are twenty-eight drops of spiritual liquid at this moment.

  These spiritual fluids surrounded Xiao Yi and Sha Ying and kept beating irregularly, but Duke could feel their closeness to him and could mobilize them with just a thought.

  "When the spiritual liquid forms an energy line, I will be promoted to a two-star apprentice."

  However, the condensation of spiritual liquid is not so easy. As the spiritual liquid in the spiritual sea increases, the efficiency of condensing spiritual liquid also begins to decrease. This is because the body The acceptable spirituality tends to be saturated.

  The spiritual sea is not a real sea and can accommodate unlimited spiritual power.

  The spirituality that the spiritual sea can accommodate is closely related to the body. Of course, these spiritualities will also subtly improve physical quality, prolong life, and eliminate diseases.


  "I'm here."

  "What do you think about repairing cards?"

  "The trick to repairing cards is to identify the weak points of the energy circuit, and then strengthen or unblock the weak points. Theoretically, Xiaoyi can already repair ordinary single-sided spirit cards." "Not bad, not bad." Duke was in a good mood, "

  You Knowing how to do it means I know how to do it."

  "This is true in theory, but Master, Xiaoyi cannot control your body, so the specific repair techniques must be performed and practiced by you personally." (End of this chapter


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