Chapter 694 Past events

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  Chapter 694 Past Events

  "Hong, let me take the lead in recruiting an illusion team from the village!"

  Sandai made the decision.

  Bei Liuhu possesses five blood inheritance limits, and even the fourth generation Kazekage suffered some losses at his hands. This shows that it is so difficult to deal with him using normal means.

  Now that it is known that Beiruhu lost in the genjutsu duel to Shinji, who only has three Magatama Sharingan and is not good at genjutsu, forming a genjutsu class to target Beiruhu has naturally become Konoha's decision. The best choice for layers.

  When it comes to genjutsu, as a Jonin who specializes in genjutsu, the task of forming a genjutsu class naturally falls on Yuhi Kurenai's shoulders.


  Because it was a formal order from the Hokage, Hong stood up and responded.

  The corner of Shinji's mouth trembled, but he finally chose to remain silent.

  At this time, he can't loudly say that he can defeat Beiruhu in the illusion showdown because he has the most powerful pair of eternal mangekyō sharingan eyes in the current ninja world.

  "Perhaps Yuhi Kurenai's genjutsu is no worse than Beiruhu's."

  Shinji thought to himself.

  In the area of ​​illusion, he has limited energy to invest, so he is really not sure about Biluhu's level of illusion. What's more, in addition to eye illusions, there are also sound illusions and smell illusions. Anything that can affect perception can be used as a medium for illusions.

  Koharu went to bed and said at this time: "Hiruzhan, I heard that Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya left the village to practice. It is too dangerous to go out at this time. You should call them back as soon as possible!" The Jinchūriki who rescued Iwagakure Village

  was The top priority is urgent, but there must be no slacking off in protecting one's jinchūriki. Now that Naruto is not in the village, once he is attacked by the Akatsuki organization, the village will have no way to provide timely support.

  The third generation said: "I have informed Jiraiya."

  Koharu nodded as he went to bed.

  After all the topics were basically discussed, the conference room gradually became quiet.

  Kakashi pondered for a moment and asked: "Lord Hokage, at the temporary meeting in the Kingdom of Birds, each village agreed to share all the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization. Should we in Konoha also share it? "


  Sandai nodded lightly.

  Kakashi immediately asked: "Does the village know anything about Amegakure Village?"

  The third generation sighed: "Hey!"

  The expressions of the two consultant elders, Koharu and Mito Monobu, also turned gloomy.


  Tsunade snorted.

  The reaction of the third generation and the advisory board of elders made the atmosphere in the conference room strange. Those who knew something about it were silent, while those who didn't knew looked confused.

  After a while, the third generation said: "Actually, the village knows some information about the base of the Akatsuki organization and the leader of the Akatsuki organization." "What


  Many people in the conference room were surprised.

  Yakumo and Sasuke looked at each other and became nervous. Now that he has opened his mouth, the third generation no longer hides anything. From Jiraiya's acceptance of three orphans in the Land of Rain to Danzo's cooperation with Hanzo of the Rain Hidden Village, he also talked about the Akatsuki organization in the early stages of the siege.

  Kakashi asked: "Are the three orphans that Lord Jiraiya took in in the Land of Rain the same people who founded the Akatsuki organization?" "Yes!

  When we evacuated, we met Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan. They were war orphans. Jiraiya felt soft and decided to adopt them, so he stayed in the Country of Rain for three years. Later, after Jiraiya left the Country of Rain, he heard that they formed an organization headed by Yahiko, that is The predecessor of the Akatsuki organization!"

  Tsunade took over the conversation and briefly told the past.

  Of course, she didn't mention that Jiraiya traveled around the ninja world to recruit disciples because of the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, looking for the 'son of the prophecy'.

  Kurenai said: "So the leader of the Akatsuki organization is not Jiraiya-sama's disciple? Then why is he so extreme and wants to be the enemy of our five major ninja villages?" Tsunade said angrily: "It's not Danzo's fault

  . !"

  Then, she focused on Danzo's cooperation with Hanzo, the design to kill Yahiko, and the encirclement and suppression of the Akatsuki organization.

  "It's no wonder."

  Many people shook their heads and sighed.

  Everyone finally understood why the previous three generations and the advisory board of elders reacted that way.

  If Danzo was still in the position of advisory elder, it would be difficult to discuss these dark things in a meeting. In other words, if Danzo had not been expelled from the Council of Advisors and Elders and received top-secret files from the root, the village would not have known that Danzo had ever done such stupid things in the Land of Rain.

  But Kakashi looked serious: "Now that the Akatsuki organization has risen, wouldn't Hanzo of Amegakure Village?" The

  third generation nodded: "Hanzo has not appeared in public for several years, but in Amegakure Village It was too closed, so no news came out. So I think Hanzo is in danger, and the Ame Hidden Village, which has cut off all contact with the outside world, is probably the base of the Akatsuki organization!" Asuma asked: "Since

  Yahiko He was killed, then who is the leader of the Akatsuki organization now?"

  Tsunade replied: "The other one of the three orphans, Nagato! He was the one who revealed the 'Sage Eyes' during the war in the Grass Country!"

  Those who had participated in the battle in the Land of Grass immediately recalled the skinny red-haired man sitting on the wooden cart.

  After turning to bed, Koharu suddenly said: "If other villages know that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is a disciple of Jiraiya, will it cause unnecessary trouble?" Mito Kadoyan also agreed: "Yes, Danzo was the disciple of Jiraiya back then.

  " If the matter is revealed, it will inevitably become an excuse for other villages to attack us!"

  Tsunade snorted coldly: "We have done it all, what is there that we dare not admit?"

  The third generation said: "This is indeed worth worrying about!"

  If other villages knew that the leader of the Akatsuki organization was trained by Jiraiya, and that the contradictory plan originated from a conspiracy between Danzo and Hanzo, then they would definitely put the blame on Konoha.

  After seeing the concerns of the village's senior officials, Shikaku said: "Actually, we only need to share the information that the Akatsuki organization may be hiding in Amegakure Village with other villages. As for the relationship between the leader of the Akatsuki organization and Jiraiya, and the group's I think we should keep the conspiracy of Zang and Hanzo hidden!"

  The third generation nodded: "Yes, we are facing a powerful enemy, and we must maintain the alliance of the five major ninja villages!" The

  third generation set the tone, and the intelligence team began to share intelligence. Something happened.

  After the meeting.

  Both Yakumo and Sasuke have their own concerns.

  At the meeting, they learned about the origin of "Dark Dawn", so they couldn't help but think of the "Breaking Dawn" where they were, and speculated on the relationship between "Breaking Dawn" and "Dark Dawn".

  Shinji, who was finally free, didn't bother to worry about these old things. He had more important things to deal with!
   The second update is here! Please recommend and vote for me, monthly tickets! It’s easy, please everyone!
  (End of chapter)

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