Chapter 536 New life!

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  Chapter 536 New life!
  After a while, Neji came to the grove where they agreed to meet.

  After seeing Neji appear, Shinji, dressed in the Akatsuki outfit, immediately walked out slowly from the shadow behind the tree.


  Ningci stepped forward and saluted.

  Shinji looked at Neji.

  The long journey back and forth, coupled with the loss of control of the 'biological exoskeleton' on his body, obviously made Neji a little tired. Even though he had washed himself, he still felt like he had not washed away the dust.

  Shinji asked: "Is it still honest?"

  Ningci's face darkened, and he said with some worry: "I can feel that it is about to wake up!"

  Shinji nodded gently and stepped forward to lift Ning away. The front of the clothes.

  Soon, the 'biological exoskeleton' that was almost integrated with Neji's skin and muscles was revealed in Shinji's eyes.

  "Follow me!"

  After saying this, Shinji jumped away.

  Neji didn't doubt his presence and quickly followed him.

  Not long after, Shinji took Neji to a hidden cave outside the village.

  Some unexpected things may happen in the next operation, so it cannot be performed in the village to avoid causing trouble.

  After entering the cave, Shinji took out the surgical equipment and told Neji: "Try to liberate it!" "


  Shinji nodded: "Well, right now!" Neji

  looked worried: "Sir, I'm worried about now Liberating it will stimulate its awakening!"

  "Oh, just to revive it."

  Shinji chuckled, and then took out a small nutritional tank containing the enhanced pure Byakugan from the ninja pouch on his waist.

  Almost instantly, Neji's eyes were attracted by the pair of enhanced pure white eyes floating in the jar, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Sir, is this?" Shinji did not rush to explain, but urged: "Let's get started

  . !"


  Neji had no choice but to bite the bullet and try to liberate the 'biological exoskeleton' on his body.

  Perhaps because the seals in the 'biological exoskeleton' had been cleared long ago, Neji successfully liberated the 'biological exoskeleton' on his body after a brief attempt.

  In an instant, white Zetsu-like cell tissue covered Neji's body, and Neji's chakra instantly rose to a higher level.

  Before Shinji could make any move, Neji shouted: "Sir, it. It seems to be waking up soon!" "Don't


  Shinji took out the enhanced pure Byakugan from the small nutrient tank, and quickly Ayumu came to Neji and started the operation.

  The 'biological exoskeleton' now has spirituality. If compared to those reincarnated eye puppets on the moon, the intelligence level is not low.

  Compared with ordinary reincarnation puppets, the 'biological exoskeleton' also has a living body made of cell tissue.

  It has spirit and
  The boundary between 'biological exoskeleton' and normal life body is actually very blurred.

  If at this time Shinji implants the newly fused pair of pure white eyes, which are probably the most powerful in the current ninja world, into the body of the 'biological exoskeleton', it will be equivalent to further blurring the 'biological exoskeleton' Identity positioning.

  What's more important is that this enhanced version of the pure white eyes comes from the Otsutsuki branch on the moon, so once implanted into the body of the 'biological exoskeleton', it is equivalent to marking the 'biological exoskeleton' with a member of the Otsutsuki branch. Tag of.

  If you have a spiritual and physical body, you can refine chakra on your own without relying on the giant reincarnated eye!
  With the enhanced version of the pure Byakugan of the Otsutsuki branch, you have the authority to communicate with the giant reincarnated eye!
  A 'biological exoskeleton' that combines the three elements of spirituality, body, and Byakugan at the same time, as long as it keeps a low profile, it can completely put aside its identity as a puppet and become a living member of the Otsutsuki branch.

  Neji is fighting against the "biological exoskeleton" that is gradually awakening, because he knows that the "biological exoskeleton" that has gained spirituality will compete with him for control of his body.

  At this moment, his expression suddenly froze and his eyes widened.

  Because he saw that Shinji had surgically implanted the dazzling white eyes that he had just soaked in the nutrition tank into the 'biological exoskeleton' on his body: "Sir, you. What are you!? "

  Shinji raised his hand, made a 'be patient' gesture, and then continued the operation.

  Neji had no choice but to shut up and watched as a pair of white eyes strangely appeared on his chest.

  With the completion of the operation, Ningji, who was in a liberated state and had fully gained the power of the 'biological exoskeleton', soon felt the white eyes on his chest. Then he was horrified to discover that the power of the pupils of those white eyes was actually It was several times more than mine, and the two were not on the same level at all.

  Only then did Shinji begin to explain: "From now on, you have to learn to recognize it again! It is no longer a piece of equipment, but a living life, a life that is attached to you and has independent consciousness! "

  But it will fight for control of the body, I'm worried."

  Shinji waved his hand and interrupted Neji: "If it is still a piece of equipment and can only run away instinctively, then you really need to worry. But if it becomes A life with a soul and an independent will, then there is no need to worry!"

  Neji was about to say something more, but suddenly his expression changed and he exclaimed: "No, it has woken up!"

  Ningci finished. As soon as it fell, the pair of white eyes implanted in the 'biological exoskeleton' began to move. It was like a child, curiously observing the surroundings through the enhanced pair of pure white eyes implanted by Shinji.

  Seeing this, Shinji smiled slightly.

  Neji was on tenterhooks because he felt that as long as the 'biological exoskeleton' was willing, it could take away control of his body at any time.

  After experiencing the initial confusion, the 'biological exoskeleton' began to try to take away control of Neji's body as expected.

  Neji's expression instantly became frightened. At this time, he could no longer speak and could only use his eyes to beg Shinji for help.

  Naturally, Shinji would not let the 'biological exoskeleton' do whatever he wanted. The moment the other party took away control of Neji's body, he launched a genjutsu on the enhanced version of the pure white eyes implanted in the 'biological exoskeleton'.


  To deal with living creatures, illusion is sometimes more effective than sealing!

  As Shinji activated the illusion of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the white eyes that were gradually becoming more active on the 'biological exoskeleton' immediately fell into a sluggish state.

  Shinji's lips curved.

  There is really no good way to use the 'biological exoskeleton' as his equipment, but once the opponent has independent thinking and eyes that can contact the outside world, then he can use the illusion of his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to easily subdue him. this new life
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  (End of chapter)

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