Chapter 534: Fusion of Byakugan!

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  Chapter 534: Fusion of Byakugan!

  Shinji looked at the body of the old man from the Otsutsuki branch.

  The skin of the corpse was extremely pale. That was because the flesh, blood, organs, etc. inside the corpse had long been devoured completely by the mysterious man.

  So to be more precise, there is only a shell left of this body.

  Of course, this has no impact on Shinji, because what he really cares about is not the corpse, but the white eyes of the Otsutsuki clan in the corpse's eyes.

  Perhaps due to age, the white eyes of the old man from the Otsutsuki branch have lost some vitality and look a bit mottled.

  But even so, the value of these white eyes is immeasurable.

  First of all, it is the Byakugan of the orthodox Otsutsuki clan, which far exceeds the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan in purity. Secondly, these white eyes are not carved into the 'caged bird' and can be freely removed and transplanted.

  After skillfully removing the Byakugan from the corpse of the old man from the Otsutsuki family, Shinji put it into a small nutrient tank.

  Holding the small nutrition tank, looking through the glass at the white eyes floating inside, Shinji weighed it for a long time, and finally shook his head and sighed.

  The power of these white eyes should not be weak, after all, its owner was the elder of the Otsutsuki branch family during his lifetime.

  It's just that the old man of the Otsutsuki family is too old. Over the long years, his pupil power and vitality have been seriously lost.

  So just a pair of white eyes was obviously not enough to support Shinji's bold idea.

  "Now that I have decided to take a gamble, I can only continue to raise the bet!" After a pause, Shinji said secretly: "If it succeeds, my 'Reincarnation Plan' should be almost inseparable, and if it fails," Shinji

  said I didn’t think about it any further.

  Now that the 'biological exoskeleton' is out of control, he has no choice. He can only gamble once and put everything on the line!

  After making up his mind, he took the small nutrient tank and turned around to the newly opened and huge test area next to the secret laboratory.

  Arriving at the center of the test area, he sat down cross-legged, then opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and activated the 'Susanohu'.

  In an instant, a half-length golden giant appeared in the test area.

  Shinji breathed out, then activated the 'Susanoh Lamp', and took out the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Fugaku controlled in the second pair of eyes of his 'Susanōhu'.

  As a result, among the three pairs of eyes of his Susanoo, only his own pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and a pair of Byakugan from the Otsutsuki clan were left.

  After temporarily putting away Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope, Shinji took out the Byakugan of the old man from the Otsutsuki family from the small nutrition tank and held it in his palm.

  Shinji closed his eyes and then opened them suddenly.

  The second pair of empty eye sockets of the Susanoo that enveloped him suddenly shot out a golden light, picking up the pair of white eyes held in his palms from the air, and then sucked them into the eye sockets.

  Squinting his eyes slightly, Shinji completed the control of these white eyes through the 'Susan Lamp'.

  And through the 'Susan Lamp', he more accurately judged the pupil power level of these white eyes.

  Compared with the other pair of white eyes from the Otsutsuki branch, the pupil power of this pair of white eyes is slightly stronger, and this is despite losing part of the pupil power and vitality.

  It can be seen that if they are both in peak condition, the pupil power of these white eyes should be significantly stronger than the pair he obtained before.

  "It seems that the old man from the Otsutsuki branch who died in the hands of the mysterious man should have a high status in the Otsutsuki branch!"

  Shinji chuckled.

  This old man from the Otsutsuki branch had given him a lot of trouble before. During the battle in the Land of Grass, he suddenly jumped out and directly bombarded him with a meteorite.

  Fortunately, the mysterious man at that time did not know the identity of the old man of the Otsutsuki branch, launched an indiscriminate attack on him, and successfully killed the opponent through a strange vampire technique. Otherwise, Shinji may not be able to solve this problem. trouble.

  "It's time to start"

  Shinji collected his thoughts.

  Controlling two pairs of Byakugan at the same time will not bring him much additional pupil power benefits, so his purpose of controlling this pair of Byakugan by activating the 'Susan Lamp' is actually to use the magical fusion ability of the 'Susan Lamp' , merging the two pairs of white eyes obtained from the Otsutsuki branch.

  He is already familiar with the fusion of pupil skills and blood inheritance limits.

  The pair of 'red dragon eyes' in Yakumo's eyes, which are unique in the ninja world, are the final product of the fusion of several pairs of red eyes and several pairs of blood dragon eyes.

  Of course, the fusion of two pairs of white eyes, especially the fusion of two pairs of pure white eyes from the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, is definitely different from the previous fusion of the pupil technique blood inheritance limit.

  Even Shinji, who was experienced in fusion, could not make any predictions about this fusion before the fusion.

  Because almost all pupil techniques in the ninja world evolved or mutated from the original pupil technique of the Otsutsuki clan, the Byakugan. This is true for the Sharingan, the Rinnegan, and the Tsansigan.

  Even the pure eye that appeared later and Otsutsuki's special rice word can be regarded as a branch of the Byakugan. Therefore, the Byakugan, the source of the pupil technique, is actually a blood inheritance limit of the pupil technique with infinite possibilities.

  "Unfortunately, there is no way to use the 'Izanagi Life' to spy on the fusion result of the 'Susanoh Lamp'." The three

  pairs of eye sockets on Shinji's 'Susanoh' were all occupied, so he could not use them and removed them. Uchiha Fugaku's eye technique 'Izanagi Life' on his kaleidoscope.

  After adjusting his state for a while and preparing his eye power, Shinji, who was all ready, did not hesitate and immediately activated the 'Susan Lamp' to start the fusion of the two pairs of Byakugan.

  Accompanied by a roar from Susanoo, brilliant golden light emerged from the second and third pairs of eyes of Susanoo at the same time.

  Immediately afterwards, under the urging of Shinji's eyes, the two eyes began to overlap.

  Perhaps because of the same race and origin, the fusion this time went very smoothly. Shinji did not spend much power on his pupils, and the two pairs of Byakugan controlled by him started to fuse smoothly. However, the fusion process was a bit long, and it was not as smooth as Just like the previous fusions, it succeeded overnight after reaching a certain critical point.

  During the long fusion, Shinji sensed that there was a very close and vast source of chakra in the far distance.

  Shinji did not recklessly follow this feeling to try to resonate, because he knew that this close and vast source of chakra was the giant reincarnated eye on the moon!
  Now is obviously not the time to alert the enemy.
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  (End of chapter)

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