Chapter 53 Members of the Inner Formation

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  Chapter 53 Members of the Inner Formation
  "Akatsuki? I haven't heard of it. You are an organization of wandering ninjas, so don't bother me. Let me show you what art is! Well!" said Deidara

  . He kneaded a ball of explosive clay.

  In just a moment, a lifelike clay spider was born in his hand.

  "Boring stuff." After a pause, Shinji continued: "If I win, you will join us." "How dare you

  underestimate my art!"

  Deidara was furious and threw out the clay spider in his hand.

  The violent explosion swallowed up the three of them in an instant. The main hall was also affected and half of it collapsed.

  Deidara stood in the damaged hall and laughed: "With only this little strength, you still dare to underestimate my art. What a ridiculous organization! Hmm!" Suddenly a misty voice came: "Is this

  your art? It's really boring!"

  Deidara felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard this, and looked around with sharp eyes.

  Although he is only twelve years old this year and has just reached the age of graduates from the ninja school, his strength has actually reached the jounin level. In terms of destructive power and mobility alone, even many elite jounin are not as good as him.

  So he immediately noticed something was wrong, and an uncontrollable look of surprise appeared on his face: "Am I under an illusion?"

  At this time, Shinji's figure appeared out of thin air in front of him.

  Immediately afterwards, the hall that he had just blown up was restored brick by brick in front of him. In the blink of an eye, everything was as before, as if the explosion just now had never happened.

  This time Deidara was convinced that he had fallen under the illusion, but his face was still full of surprise: "When did I fall under the illusion?"

  Shinji said calmly: "When you see my eyes, you have already lost."

  Deidara looked at Shinji, staring at the red pupils under his mask that glowed with strange light, and suddenly said: "Sharingan!? Are you from the Uchiha clan? Hmm!" Looking at the surprised

  Deidara, Shinji Suddenly something occurred to me, and then an idea came to my mind.


  A dazzling light appeared behind him, so bright that Deidara couldn't look directly at him, and could only subconsciously reach out to cover his eyes.

  Shinji then said: "You and your art are not worth mentioning! Do you want to know what true brilliance is? Join us!"

  While speaking, Shinji continued to activate his eye power.

  All the detonating clay in Deidara's hand turned into fly ash, even the clay bag on his waist was no exception.

  Looking at all this, Deidara was stunned.

  His artistic outlook is his nindo, and explosions are justice!

  But now in front of Shinji's Sharingan, the explosion he was so proud of has become a boring joke that can be deleted and repaired at will.

  He couldn't even control the detonating clay in his hand. Everything about him, even his persistence and belief, became ridiculous.

  "Is this the real art? No, how can there be art more brilliant than explosions! Damn it!"

  He stared at his hands in pain.

  Seeing that Deidara was beginning to waver, Shinji said, "Only by joining us can you see greater things!" "


  Although Deidara was unwilling to give in, he was still willing to admit defeat.

  And as he nodded, he suddenly felt a trance. When he came back to his senses, he found that the temple was still the same temple, and the three Shinji in front of him were still the same three people. Even their standing positions had not changed.

  When he lowered his head again, he saw that the clay spider that should have been thrown out and blew up the palace was still held in his hand. Everything was as before, as if the scene just now was just a nap.

  Looking at Shinji and the other three, Deidara felt completely different now than before. Even the red cloud cloak that he didn't care much about now seemed to have a mysterious artistic style.

  Shinji said: "From now on, you are a member of the inner circle of our Akatsuki organization."

  "Inner circle?!"

  Deidara was stunned for a moment.

  Not to mention Deidara, even Shiro and Karin who were standing behind Shinji were a little surprised.

  Shinji continued: "In the future, members of the outer formation will come to recruit you. You join them and then monitor their every move."

  Deidara was a little unhappy: "Hey, I don't want to stay with some trash! Hmm!"

  Shinji's tone was still calm: "Although those people in the outer formation are not very strong, they are not useless. You will understand after you get along with them for a while." "Hmph!"


  curled his lips, a little aggrieved. .

  Shinji ignored Deidara's little mood: "Some people in the outer formation have been acting strange recently. You should be careful when you lurk among them and don't expose your identity as a member of the inner formation." Deidara asked: "Then how can I contact you

  ? You?"

  "Contact me!" After slandering in his heart, Shinji said casually: "Don't worry, I will contact you!" "Okay then!" Deidara sat back on the ground, his eyes


  from time to time. He glanced at Shinji.

  Shinji stopped talking nonsense, turned around and led Shiro and Xiang Phosphorus out of the hall.

  When he came to a deserted place outside the palace, Bai asked, "Sir, just now."

  Before Bai could finish what he said, Shinji shook his head and signaled him not to ask any more questions.

  Bai understood immediately and fell silent.

  Shinji looked at Xiang Lian again: "The chakra you sensed before, was it him?"

  Xiang Lian shook his head: "I'm not sure, the feeling just now has disappeared now."

  Shinji pondered. .

  Now that the clues are broken, if you continue to stay here, you may bump into the real Akatsuki organization members who came to recruit Deidara.

  At that time, if one of them is not good, the group may be destroyed.

  Seeing Shinji hesitantly, Xiang Lian said apologetically: "Sir, I'm sorry. Maybe my perception was wrong just now. This kind of thing has actually happened before." Shinji waved his hand: "You are only seven years old

  . Even if you make mistakes, it's normal, don't take it too seriously."

  After hearing this, Xiang Lu felt a little less guilty.

  Glancing at the sky, Shinji said: "Okay, we have been delayed long enough this time, let's go back!" It

  is not safe to leave the apartment for too long. After all, the three of them either have blood inheritance limits or have possessions. The Immortal Human Body was a key target of the village's attention, so it was not ruled out that ANBU would suddenly inspect their residence.

  In an instant, the three of them disappeared into the woods.

  At this time, a dark shadow poked its head out of a bush not far away, with a look of horror on its embarrassed face: "It turns out they can track chakra. It's not in vain that I gave up half of my flesh and blood, and all of my possessions." The chakra that came here was so close to being caught by them!"

  Afterwards, the black shadow looked at the temple and thought thoughtfully: "Akatsuki Organization? Is the Lord Lantern who is in charge of this world the leader of this organization? I want to pass this information back!" The first update is here,

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  (End of chapter)

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