Chapter 412 Giving Spirituality

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  Chapter 412: Giving Spirituality to

  Konoha, Ninja School.

  During the break, when Shinji was lying on the table with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly a fellow student ran to the door of their class and shouted into the classroom: "Hurry up, Sasuke is going to compete with Kimimaro, everyone go and watch. !"


  "Where is it, on the playground?"

  "The long-lost battle of geniuses, you can't miss this!"

  In an instant, the students in the classroom became excited and swarmed towards the playground below. .

  Shinji slowly raised his head, glanced through the window, and found that Sasuke and Kimimaro were indeed confronting each other on the playground.

  On the playground.

  Sasuke moved his wrist and raised the corner of his mouth: "Kimimaro, after so long, you are finally willing to accept my challenge!"

  Kimimaro, who looked a little pale, said: "I just want to fight with Sharingan. It's a pity that you are the only one I can find in the village."

  "Want to fight with the Sharingan? Hum, I will give you an unforgettable experience!"

  Sasuke snorted coldly, and immediately opened the Sharingan, and the pair of eyes in his eyes His dark eyes instantly turned scarlet.

  Kimimaro stared at Sasuke's Sharingan and said, "Can we start?"

  Sasuke nodded and waved to Kimimaro: "Of course! If you don't have pupil skills, you can take action first, I can I don't want to take advantage of you!"

  In the classroom, Shinji frowned slightly.

  Because Kimimaro was implanted with a 'biological exoskeleton', through Naohbi's perception, he was even more aware of Kimimaro's current physical condition than Kimimaro himself.

  The 'biological exoskeleton' has been improving Kimimaro's physique, and the 'corpse bone vein' chakra absorbed by the 'biological exoskeleton' has also delayed Kimimaro's condition to a certain extent, but Kimimaro's condition has worsened. The extent was still beyond his and Orochimaru's expectations.

  Both he and Orochimaru gave Kimimaro suggestions to reduce the duration of training and reduce the burden on his body.

  However, Kimimaro couldn't listen at all. Perhaps in his eyes, if he was no longer useful, then the meaning of his existence would be lost.

  Therefore, even if his condition continued to worsen, he still did not relax at all.

  "What on earth does he want to do? If he continues like this, even a 'biological exoskeleton' can't reverse his condition."

  Shinji shook his head slowly, looking puzzled.

  Bang bang bang.
  At this time, the competition between Kimimaro and Sasuke began.

  Kimimaro still had his fierce and fast style, using his speed to bully Sasuke, and launched a series of attacks as soon as he got up.

  However, contrary to Shinji's expectations, Sasuke not only did not mess up his position, but instead used the insight of the three Magatama Sharingan to fight Kimimaro back and forth.

  With a 'swish' sound, Shinji stood up from his seat in the classroom.

  He stared at Sasuke on the playground and thought to himself: "What's going on? It's only been a month, how come his eye power has improved so much?"


  Shinji didn't know how much pain and remorse Sasuke had experienced when he was chasing Otsutsuki Toneri alone.

  It was at that time that Sasuke's eye power increased significantly.

  And the fact that he defeated Otsutsuki Toneri on his own also gave Sasuke a great stimulation, so during this month, he was busy taking Neji to rub the chakra of the giant reincarnated eye, but Sasuke did not take a moment to relax, and was there all the time. Keep practicing.

  The discussion between the two quickly attracted the attention of more students in the same period.

  There were exclamations and admirations on the playground, one after another, and whispers. When the two men fought to the point of danger, it even caused an overwhelming shout on the playground!


  Tiantian asked Ningci next to him: "Ningci, who do you think will win between the two of them?"

  Ningci stared at the field as if he didn't hear anything.

  After waiting for a while, seeing that Ningci didn't answer, Tiantian gave him a gentle push: "Ningci, what am I asking you? Who do you think will win?" "

  Oh" Ningci finally came back to his senses and said: " It should be Kimimaro!"

  Yakumo on the side took over the words and shook his head: "It's hard to say, Sasuke is from the Uchiha clan, they are different from ordinary ninjas! Kimimaro hasn't fully occupied it yet If you have the upper hand, the next situation will not be very optimistic!"

  Shion said: "Yakumo, do you think Sasuke will win?"


  Yakumo nodded lightly.

  The leader who changed her life was Uchiha, and it was Uchiha who overpowered her in the Ninja School and prevented her from obtaining the title of chief.

  Therefore, she has a special affection for the Uchiha clan that others cannot understand.

  Neji glanced sideways at Yakumo, then looked away, with a firm tone: "No, Kimimaro must be the winner!"

  Like Yakumo, Neji also had his own reasons.

  He didn't know that another half of the 'biological exoskeleton' was implanted in Kimimaro's body, but with the induction between the 'biological exoskeletons', he vaguely felt that Kimimaro was not using his full strength.

  This feeling was very strange, somewhat similar to the instinctive resonance produced when approaching the giant reincarnation eye on the moon, so much so that he was just a little distracted.

  In classrooms.


  Shinji, who sensed something, suddenly let out a light sigh, with an incredible look on his face.

  In an instant, his eyes moved from Kimimaro who was fighting fiercely on the field to Ningji on the sidelines, and said secretly: "Without the void passage created by my 'Fujin', Ningci's half-biological exoskeleton would 'It resonates with half of the 'biological exoskeleton' on Kimimaro's body? How is this possible? Is it because the distance is too close?" This phenomenon makes the designer of the 'biological exoskeleton

  ' Shinji was surprised.

  It stands to reason.

  Without the cooperative connection between his 'Naobi' and 'Fujin', the two and a half 'biological exoskeletons' would not have the ability to resonate.

  In terms of design, there is no similar function at all.

  "It's really strange. Why is this happening?" After a pause, an idea flashed in Shinji's mind: "Is it because of the Tenseigan Chakra?!" Thinking of this, Shinji suddenly thought that the Tenseigan Chakra does have the ability to confer death

  . Spiritual abilities.

  The reincarnated eye puppets on the moon, without the control of a puppet master, rely on the low-level spirituality endowed by the reincarnated eye chakra to carry out daily patrols, maintenance and other tasks.

  The 'biological exoskeleton' he created is a hotbed of cell tissue and chakra. Compared with the cold mechanical puppet, it is undoubtedly more capable of nurturing spirituality.

  "Can the reincarnation chakra really do such a thing?! It. It gives spirituality to the half of Neji's 'biological exoskeleton'?" After thinking of this possibility, Shinji looked dumbfounded and couldn't help

  but Confidence.
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  (End of chapter)

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