Chapter 389: Don’t fall behind and be more well-behaved

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  Chapter 389: Can’t Fall Behind and Be More Obedient

  After leaving the forest where they met with Orochimaru, Shinji and the other three galloped all the way towards Konoha Village.

  Shinji has the Byakugan, Kagura has the 'Kagura Heart Eye', and Ido is a spiritual body, so the three of them together can eliminate all prying eyes and tracking, and there is no need to worry about their whereabouts being exposed.

  On the way.

  Idu kept staring at Xiang Lian, her eyes full of dissatisfaction, but she was frightened by Shinji's presence and did not dare to show it.

  At this time, Xiang Phosphorus glanced back at Idu, and then withdrew his gaze.

  Idu was shocked.

  At the moment when their eyes met, she tried to use her spirit body to invade Xiang Phosphorus's spiritual world, but as soon as she was about to take action, she felt a frightened feeling in her heart.

  She instantly understood that this was a spirit warning her.

  When chakra, or the spirit body, is powerful enough, it can possess all kinds of indescribable magical abilities.

  For example, the giant toad sage in Mt. Myoki can predict the future. Shion, a witch from the land of ghosts, also has the ability to predict death.

  Idu thought secretly in his heart: "She wasn't so strong last time. How come she has become so much stronger after just a few days? Damn it, who is this 'B'!" Xiang Phosphorus was also secretly

  thinking Paying attention to Idu behind him, he secretly said: "Is she also a subordinate of your Excellency? Strange, why does it give me a familiar feeling? Have we met somewhere?"

  Idu's appearance gave Xiang Phosphorus a big crisis. feel.

  Especially when she was dealing with the root ninja just now, the terrifying lethality displayed by Idu made her secretly frightened.

  This also made her understand that there is no shortage of subordinates around the Lord, so she secretly made up her mind: "I must not fall behind, and I cannot let the Lord think that I am a useless person!" Idu looked at Shinji at the front

  , She also thought to herself: "With such a strong subordinate around you, Yakumo and I will be in a bad situation! If we are abandoned by you..."

  She shook her head quickly, not daring to think about it any more.

  She knows better than anyone else that Yakumo's strength and status today are all thanks to you, so she must not let you down.

  As soon as she thought about this, she became more well-behaved, completely losing her unruly look at the beginning!

  After returning to his secret base, Orochimaru waited for Kabuto Yakushi to bring Kimimaro over while thinking about his recent meeting with Akatsuki Organization 'A'.

  During this meeting, 'A' gave him too many questions.

  "Who is 'A'?"

  "Why did 'A' focus on Kimimaro?"

  "'B' and 'D', these two strong men, why do they respect 'A' so much?" "

  ' Are A' and his group the Akatsuki organization?"

  Yes, after this meeting, Orochimaru began to suspect that 'A' might not be a member of the Akatsuki organization he was familiar with.

  Because 'A''s group is too strong.

  Moreover, with the Akatsuki organization's consistent attitude towards traitors, no member of the Akatsuki organization would choose to cooperate with him.

  At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the base. It was Kabuto Yakushi coming with Kimimaro.

  After seeing Orochimaru, Kimimaro immediately saluted: "Lord Orochimaru!"

  Orochimaru nodded.

  Kabuto Yakushi smiled and said, "Lord Orochimaru, Danzo asked me to go over and explain to him the reason for this failure."

  Orochimaru waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Go."


  Kabuto Yakushi Retired.

  After Kabuto Yakushi left, Orochimaru began a physical examination of Kimimaro.

  This secret base near Konoha is a private laboratory of Orochimaru. It is full of various instruments and fully equipped, so it only took a moment for Kimimaro's physical data to be bound into a book and appear in it. Orochimaru's hand.

  After carefully looking at Kimimaro's physical examination report, he frowned more and more, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

  Kimimaro, who was still lying on the operating table, saw Orochimaru frowning, so he asked, "Orochimaru-sama, is there really something wrong with my body?" "Yes!" Orochimaru nodded



  Kimimaro asked: "Is it serious?"

  Orochimaru put down the medical examination report in his hand, with a solemn expression: "The special calcium element in your bones is eroding the various organs of your body." Kimimaro

  stared at Orochimaru , some don’t understand.

  Orochimaru shook his head slightly: "In other words, your body is beginning to be unable to bear your 'corpse bone vein'!"

  Kimimaro's face was full of confusion: "Why is this happening?"

  Orochimaru continued to shake his head: "Have you Ninjas with blood inheritance boundaries will occasionally suffer from diseases caused by blood inheritance boundaries. This condition is collectively referred to as "blood inheritance disease". And because it is caused by blood inheritance boundaries, under normal circumstances, blood inheritance diseases cannot He was cured."

  Kimimaro sat up with a whoosh, a little excited: "Lord Orochimaru, my body is broken? But I am your spare body!"

  Orochimaru's face also looked a little bad.

  Just as Kimimaro said, Kimimaro's body is a candidate for Orochimaru's "Fushi Reincarnation". Now that Kimimaro is suffering from blood disease, he naturally cannot be his candidate.

  After a while, Orochimaru asked: "Has 'A' checked your body?"

  Kimimaro shook his head.

  Orochimaru felt a little strange and thought to himself: "Why is he so sure that Kimimaro is suffering from blood disease? Is there really any secret hidden in Kimimaro?" He picked up Kimimaro

  's physical examination report again and read it over and over again. After checking it several times, Orochimaru still couldn't see any clues, which made him realize that if he wanted to figure out Kimimaro's secret, he might have to cooperate honestly with 'A'.

  A few days later.

  At the invitation of Orochimaru, Shinji came to his secret base.

  He was overjoyed to see the various instruments in the base, as well as various books related to human anatomy, organ transplantation, and even cell fusion.


  He didn't show it, but came to the operating table calmly and glanced at Kimimaro on the operating table.

  Because he was diagnosed with blood disease, Kimimaro's true form has been in this secret base these days. The one in the village ninja school is Kimimaro's shadow clone.

  Orochimaru handed Kimimaro's physical examination report to Shinji and said, "You are right, he does suffer from a blood disease." After reading the

  physical examination report, Shinji's face also darkened.

  Obviously, Kimimaro's condition was more serious than he expected: "It seems that Orochimaru of the original time and space put a lot of thought into saving Kimimaro's life!"

  Because according to the physical examination report in hand, Kimimaro's body could not survive four years at all, and in the original time and space, Kimimaro died after four years. The second update is here
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  (End of chapter)

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