Chapter 320 Ghost

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  Chapter 320
  In the spiritual world of ghost Orochimaru.

  Looking at the various blood bubbles on his body that were swelling and getting bigger and bigger, Orochimaru's expression was extremely ferocious.

  It was these blood bubbles that imprisoned him and caused him to lose control of his body.

  And his body was being manipulated to lift the kunai and stab his own throat. He was clearly aware of this, being controlled by the genjutsu, but he could do nothing about it.

  Such an embarrassing situation reminded him of the previous scene when he faced Uchiha Itachi.

  He had been famous for many years and had earned the title of 'Sannin' in the ninja world, but he was defeated by an Uchiha who was less than fifteen years old.

  And this Uchiha didn't even use his full strength.

  Now there is another member of the Akatsuki organization, another boy who looks young, and he can easily subdue him with illusions.

  That time and that moment, exactly this moment!
  "Damn it!"

  Orochimaru was very embarrassed.

  Idu was walking in Orochimaru's spiritual world, looking casual, as if he was visiting some scenic spot.

  Different from others.

  Orochimaru's spiritual world is a space of flesh. Wherever he enters his eyes, it is full of squirming flesh, which looks like a huge intestine somewhere.

  Most people will feel uncomfortable to some extent when entering such a space, but Ido obviously does not belong to ordinary people, so she controlled Orochimaru to commit suicide while visiting with interest.

  Outside the spiritual world.

  The kunai in Orochimaru's hand was only a few centimeters away from his throat. Although he tried his best to resist the illusion and the hand holding the kunai kept shaking, the tip of the kunai in his hand was still slowly approaching his throat. .

  At this moment, a kunai suddenly shot out and knocked away the kunai held by Orochimaru, thus resolving Orochimaru's crisis.

  Then, Yakushi Kabuto fell next to Orochimaru. After completing the seal with his hands, he pressed on Orochimaru's forehead and shouted: "Relieve!" In an instant, Orochimaru's sluggish expression

  regained his clarity.

  He staggered two steps, his face a little embarrassed: "Damn it, damn it!"

  This was the second time Yakushi Kabuto saw Orochimaru being so hysterical, so he hurriedly asked: "Orochimaru-sama, are you okay?" "

  Hurry up, that guy is still there. Nearby!"

  Although he was furious, Orochimaru was afraid of the members of the mysterious Akatsuki organization, so he chose to retreat.

  Yakushi Kabuto didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly supported Orochimaru and activated the teleportation technique. With a 'whoosh', Orochimaru disappeared from the spot.

  As soon as Kabuto Yakushi and Orochimaru left, Kakashi arrived at the location where they were just now.

  Immediately afterwards, there were two more blasts of wind, and Shizune and Sasuke from the outer circle rushed over.

  "Kabuto Yakushi turns out to be Orochimaru's man. Damn it, we have been plotted against!"

  Shizune was both shocked and angry.


  When she saw Kabuto Yakushi showing up to rescue Orochimaru, she suddenly understood everything.

  This situation had already started when Kabuto Yakushi sneaked into the medical class, and everything was just to lure Yakumo out of the village.

  The problem is that Orochimaru has already defected. Whether it is inserting Yakushi Kabuto into the medical class, issuing tasks to Kurama Congyun, or promptly leaking the news of Kurama Congyun's distress to the Kurama clan, etc., it is not something he can do easily. Yes, so there must be an accomplice of Orochimaru in the village, and this person's status is not low.

  Sasuke activated his Sharingan with all his strength, searching the silent sea of ​​trees around him, and asked anxiously: "Where is Yakumo?"

  Kakashi shook his head.

  Although he arrived here immediately, he found no trace of Yakumo.

  Not only Yakumo, but also the spirit body of the mysterious Akatsuki member who attacked Orochimaru just now, he didn't find.

  Shizune searched around but couldn't find Yakumo, and she suddenly became anxious: "What can we do?"

  Kakashi pondered for a moment and said: "Yakumo should have been kidnapped by the member of the Akatsuki organization who just attacked Orochimaru. ."

  Sasuke nodded: "Yes, I also saw it. The Akatsuki member Yakumo disappeared as soon as he appeared, just like..."

  He considered the words, but found that he didn't know how to describe it accurately.

  Kakashi, who has experienced the fourth generation of 'Flying Thunder God Jutsu', is no stranger to this. He said with a solemn expression: "If I guessed correctly, what the other party performed should be a 'space-time ninjutsu'."

  "Time and space ninjutsu?" Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, that's it! Yakumo disappeared in an instant, my Sharingan will never be wrong!" Shizune looked annoyed: "I didn't expect that

  even The Akatsuki organization is also plotting against Yakumo!"

  Kakashi also looked a little sad.

  He knew very well what it meant to be kidnapped by the Akatsuki organization.

  Yakumo's strong rise in the ninja school allowed him to see hope for the next generation of the village, but now the hope was extinguished before his eyes.

  Sasuke clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Damn it!"

  Shizune looked into the distance. On the other side, Tsunade, Scorpion, and Deidara's battlefield also made "rumbling" explosions from time to time. It was obvious that Tsunade was still In a fierce battle with two members of the Akatsuki organization.

  Thinking of Yakumo being kidnapped by members of the Akatsuki organization, Shizune blamed herself extremely: "How should I explain to Tsunade-sama!" On the

  other side.

  Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi were evacuating at full speed. They were extremely fast. In just a moment, they were already far away from the battlefield.

  Yakushi Kabuto asked: "Lord Orochimaru, are the enemies still following us?"

  "They should still be there!"

  Orochimaru did not look back, because he knew that observation was useless, because the spirit body is very special, and the observation with the naked eye is not accurate. .

  In fact, Orochimaru's guess was right.

  At this time, Idu was like a playful child who found an interesting toy, which happened to be hanging behind Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto.

  The specialness of the spirit body gives her extremely high concealment.

  Just like now, after she reduced the chakra level of her spirit body to the extreme, her spirit body became invisible to the naked eye.

  In this case, unless she is a perceptive ninja with very excellent perceptual abilities, or a pupil ninja with the ability to see through white eyes or red eyes, ordinary ninjas will not be able to detect her existence at all.

  Of course.

  In this state, she cannot perform any ninjutsu or genjutsu. Basically, she can only wander around like a ghost.

  And this is what Orochimaru is confused about.

  He could vaguely feel that Idu was following him, but the other party's spirit body carried so little chakra, and he really didn't understand what the other party wanted to do by following him like this.

  You must know that the spirit body cannot continue to refine chakra. The amount of chakra it carries when leaving the body is the same. Every time you use it, you will lose one point. If you want to replenish it, you can only return to the body to refine chakra again.
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  (End of chapter)

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