Chapter 318 Fierce Battle

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  Chapter 318 Fierce Battle

  Orochimaru stared at Yakumo as if he were staring at a work of art.

  In Orochimaru's eyes, whether it was Yakumo's body that successfully fused with the first-generation cells, or the red pupils shining with strange brilliance in his eyes, they were all things he longed for extremely.

  Rarely, Orochimaru let out a sigh: "What a perfect body!" "

  Is he the same name as Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama, and the same Orochimaru as the 'Sannin of Konoha'? He is really a Disgusting guy."

  Feeling Orochimaru's unabashed coveting of him, Yakumo felt a chill in his heart and had goose bumps.

  She didn't know what was going on today.

  The Akatsuki traitor hiding in the puppet that he met before also looked at him with this possessive look.

  The same is true for the Orochimaru he encountered now.

  It was as if he had encountered all the psychopaths and perverts in the ninja world in one day.

  However, her parents were still missing. Even if she was a psychopath, she still wanted to find out the whereabouts of her parents from the other person's mouth, so she met Orochimaru's gaze without fear: "Did you plot against my father and mother?" ? Where are they?"

  "I like the look in your eyes!"

  Orochimaru licked his tongue and walked towards Yakumo step by step.

  He walked slowly and looked relaxed, as if Yakumo in front of him was already in his possession.

  Yakumo glared at Orochimaru fiercely: "Don't you want to say it? Then I will have to kill you!" "

  Hahaha" After laughing for a while, Orochimaru said, "Kid, you can kill me" Me?"

  Snap!   Yakumo stopped talking nonsense and clasped
  his hands together: "Wood Release, the birth of the tree world!"   Suddenly, countless branches and vines surged out from the ground and rushed towards Orochimaru with overwhelming force.   Because the opponent was a strong man with the same reputation as Tsunade and Jiraiya, Yakumo didn't hold back at all this time and used the strongest wood escape she currently had.   Swish, swish, swish.   Almost at the same time that Yakumo launched the 'Tree Realm's Birth', accompanied by a burst of wind, several figures fell on a big tree on the edge of the battlefield.   These were none other than Shizune, who had escaped the enemy's entanglement, as well as Kakashi and Sasuke, who happened to be nearby and rushed over to support after receiving the call for help.   Shizune exclaimed: "Oh no, it was Orochimaru who stopped Yakumo!"   For Konoha ninjas, the deterrent power of the three words 'Orochimaru' is unquestionable.   "I didn't expect it to be that adult!"   Kakashi subconsciously used the honorific, the brows on his face tightly knitted together.   Sasuke said quickly: "Then why are we still standing here? Hurry up and support!"   Kakashi stopped Sasuke and shook his head: "Yakumo is launching the 'Wood Release', we can't just rush over."   Shizune He nodded lightly: "Yakumo is not yet familiar with the use of 'Wood Release'. If we rush over at this time, we will probably be attacked by 'Wooden Release' indiscriminately." Sasuke said: "Then let's do   this Are you watching?"   Seeing that Sasuke was a little eager to try, Kakashi said in a deep voice: "Sasuke, this is an actual battle, not a competition between your ninja schools! And this time the opponents are not only members of the Akatsuki organization, but also people like Orochimaru. If you are strong, if you act rashly, not only will we not be able to save Yakumo, but we will also catch ourselves."   Shizune agreed with Kakashi's point of view: "Well, the follow-up reinforcements should already be on the way, what we need to do now is to take good care of them. Yakumo!"   "Hmph!"   Sasuke snorted coldly.   Kakashi looked at the battlefield: "Don't worry, if the situation is critical, we will take action!"   On the battlefield.   Facing this sea of ​​​​trees that was approaching like a mountain, Orochimaru, who was smiling, not only did not dodge, but his body was ejected.   Like a snake, he shuttled through the gaps between the branches and branches of the sea of ​​trees. In just a blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Yakumo as if he was bloody.   "You!?"   Yakumo didn't expect that Orochimaru, facing the sea of ​​trees, would choose to make a surprise attack, and was stunned for a moment.   But Orochimaru didn't give Yakumo the slightest chance. His softened body suddenly wrapped around Yakumo: "You belong to me now!"   Under the crisis, Yakumo's hands clenched tightly and instinctively activated the 'Red Dragon Eye' 'The terrifying ability to control blood.   Orochimaru, who was about to take down Yakumo, suddenly froze, his movements slowed down, and his already pale face turned pale.   Undoubtedly,   the ability of 'Red Dragon Eye' has been activated.   At such a close distance, the 'Red Dragon Eye''s control of blood reached its extreme, and the blood in Orochimaru's body stopped flowing in an instant.   "Go to hell!"   Yakumo seized this opportunity and immediately launched his 'Strange Power Fist', punching Orochimaru hard in the face.   Boom!   In an instant, Orochimaru, who was hit by Yakumo's "Strange Power Fist", flew backwards, breaking countless branches and vines, and stirred up a large amount of smoke and dust.   "This!?"   The three people watching the battle were all stunned.   When Orochimaru succeeded in his surprise attack and was about to capture Yakumo, all three of them became nervous. Kakashi had even begun to form the seal to activate the 'Chidori'.   But no one expected that in an instant, the situation of the battle would be reversed.   Orochimaru still had the upper hand on the front foot, but he was punched away by Yakumo on the back foot. And what was hit was not an ordinary fist, but the 'Weird Power Fist' taught to Yakumo by Tsunade.   Just this one, most people will definitely die!   However, Orochimaru obviously does not belong to the category of ordinary people.   He crawled out of the ruins, with a slight smile on his beaten and deformed face, his eyes fixed on Yakumo: "So this is the power of your eyes!" Looking at Orochimaru, Yakumo   said Face frightened.   It was really hard for her to accept that Orochimaru, who had been hit by a "strange punch" from her, seemed to be fine.   Especially Orochimaru's twisted and deformed face, as well as his incompatible calmness, gave the whole scene an indescribable sense of weirdness.   "Go to hell! Go to hell!"   She was a little flustered and activated the 'Wooden Escape' randomly.   In an instant, the slightly silent sea of ​​trees became agitated again and pounced on Orochimaru from all directions.   "Psychic Technique!"   Orochimaru bit his finger, quickly formed seals with his hands, and then slammed it to the ground.   With a bang, a big snake jumped out of the white smoke.

  This big snake was tens of meters long, and its body was as high as three or four stories high. But even so, it was entangled in countless branches and vines as soon as it was channeled.

  Feeling the danger, the big snake struggled wildly, but no matter how many branches it broke off, more branches would immediately wrap around it, so it was submerged by the sea of ​​trees in just a moment.

  However, the Orochi submerged in the sea of ​​trees did not attract Orochimaru's attention at all. He seemed to only have Yakumo in his eyes. Taking advantage of the moment when the Orochi stirred up the sea of ​​trees, he pounced on Yakumo again. The first update is presented
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  (End of chapter)

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