Chapter 302: The aftermath [Third update]

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  Chapter 302 Aftermath [Third update]

  Looking at the three people of Shinji’s team leaving, Naruto and Sakura found Sasuke.

  The expression on Sasuke's face at this moment was a bit complicated. He was happy that Shinji had defeated Yakumo, defeated 'Wooden', and saved Uchiha's face, but he was also unwilling to be just an audience, just a foil.

  "Damn it, I was obviously the one who awakened the Sharingan first, why am I not as good as Shinji?"

  He was secretly annoyed.

  Seeing this, Sakura said: "Sasuke, you still have us!"

  Naruto nodded heavily: "Yes, we will definitely not lose to them!"

  Sasuke took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Let's go!"

  Sakura and Naruto asked in unison: "Where to go?"

  Sasuke said angrily: "Of course I'm going to practice!"

  On the other side.

  Every day, Xiao Li also came to Ningci: "Ningci, we will work hard too!"

  Ningci nodded.

  He was greatly inspired by Shinji's calmness when he faced the almost unsolvable "Wooden Release" sea of ​​trees. He saw in Shinji the resistance to despair!
  He gently stroked the 'Caged Bird' curse mark on his forehead and said to himself: "I want to be like Shinji and resist fate in despair!" Shion

  found Kimimaro in the crowd.

  She pursed her lips and asked in a low voice: "Kimimaro, will you and Yakumo no longer want me?"

  Kimimaro said lightly: "Does it make any difference whether I want you or not?"

  After that, he turned and left. .

  Ziyuan was stunned for a while before she realized: "Yeah, you guys all treat me like a burden!"

  After a while, everyone watching the competition gradually dispersed.

  Only the ANBU was left at the scene, which was dedicated to cleaning the battlefield and removing traces.

  After sending Yakumo to the hospital worriedly, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi immediately came to the Hokage's office and reported to the Third Hokage in detail about the competition between Yakumo and Shinji.

  After listening to the report, the third generation said: "This time has a great impact. The large-scale exposure of 'Wood Release' will undoubtedly be a shock to other villages. You must be prepared for the aftermath." Tsunade nodded lightly: "Yes, I

  will Compile a copy of Yakumo's information as soon as possible and provide it to several other villages."

  Under the huge threat from the Akatsuki organization, the five major ninja villages have now reached a preliminary offensive and defensive alliance.

  Therefore, Konoha must give an explanation to other villages regarding the emergence of 'Wood Release'.

  After all, unlike Yamato who had always stayed in the roots and darkness, hiding in the shadows, Yakumo used his 'Wood Release' on a large scale in public this time, and it was difficult to hide it.

  The third generation warned: "Pay attention to details!"

  "I understand."

  Tsunade understood immediately.

  The third generation's intention was very clear, that is, just give other villages a justifiable reason, without actually revealing Yakumo's secrets.

  And Tsunade already had an idea.

  Yakumo's "Wood Release" was brought about by the first-generation cell transplant surgery. This surgery was inherently uncertain and could not be popularized. Therefore, all we had to do was blame Yakumo's physical disability and the surgery to extend his life. Just get the 'Wood Release' by accident.

  As for other villages raising questions or requesting surgery, Tsunade didn't mind giving it another try. She was from other villages anyway, and she didn't care whether they lived or died in the end.

  After pondering for a while, the third generation continued: "Do you think Yakumo still needs to stay in the ninja school?"

  Jiraiya said: "Let her continue to stay in the ninja school? She is only a child, even if she is When she recruits ANBU, she also needs to arrange special training for her. Rather than doing this, it is better to let her grow up normally in the ninja school." Kakashi said: "Well,

  I agree with Jiraiya-sama's idea. Now Ninja There are many talented children in the school. Letting them grow up together may be better than letting them enter ANBU prematurely!" "

  She is my disciple, and I will not let her enter ANBU."

  Tsunade said nothing. The reason was calm but unquestionable.

  The third generation also knew how much effort Tsunade put into Yakumo, so he nodded: "Okay, then let Yakumo continue to study in the ninja school. But you have to find a way to cover up the matter of her red dragon eyes, at least We need to confuse the information so that other villages or the Akatsuki organization cannot find out the true ability of Red Dragon Eye." "

  Well, I'm already making arrangements!"

  Tsunade had already thought of this.

  In fact, after agreeing to Yakumo revealing the red longan during the competition, she had already arranged for ANBU to spread various false information about the red longan.

  Although the blood inheritance limit of pupil technique is precious, it also depends on the target.

  For the five major ninja villages, or the ninja villages and organizations at the level of the Akatsuki organization, unless it is the level of the Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique blood inheritance limit, they will not pay too much attention to it.

  So Tsunade only needs to confuse the information and disguise Yakumo's red dragon eye as a red eye. The blood dragon eye's level of pupil technique blood succession limit can save Yakumo a lot of prying eyes and coveting.

  The third generation stood up and walked to the window, picked up his pipe and took a puff: "What do you think about Uchiha Shinji?" "


  Kakashi said concisely and to the point.

  He felt that using other words to describe Shinji was redundant, and only the word 'genius' was the most appropriate.

  Jiraiya nodded as well.

  Unlike Kakashi, he had trained four generations and mentored Nagato, who had the Rinnegan, so although his evaluation of Shinji was high, that was all.

  Tsunade said bluntly: "For Yakumo, he is a good whetstone, I need him!" The

  third generation nodded lightly.

  Although the three expressed themselves differently, their meaning was the same, that is, Uchiha Shinji was also a talent worth cultivating.

  The only concern now is his Uchiha identity.

  After all, unlike Sasuke, Shinji does not have an older brother with the Mangekyō Sharingan to protect him.

  Root base.

  Danzo looked at Orochimaru in front of him with a gloomy expression: "You told me that your transplant operation was the most perfect, but now Tsunade has trained a stronger 'Wood Release' ninja!" Orochimaru was stunned

  . He spread his hands and said with a smile: "Then you can cooperate with Tsunade!"


  Danzo snorted.

  He and Tsunade have never dealt with each other. Others in Konoha may be afraid of him and his controlling roots, but Tsunade is different. As the first-generation granddaughter, Tsunade is the princess of Konoha. Regardless of her status or prestige, she has no Not inferior to him as a consultant elder.

  Orochimaru saw through Danzo's lust and said: "So our interests are the same. It will be good for you and me to continue to cooperate with me!"

  Danzo said coldly: "I need to see the results!"

  Orochimaru said bluntly: "In terms of medical ninjutsu, Tsunade is the strongest in the ninja world, so I need you to provide me with detailed information about Tsunade's surgery. In addition, I am a little interested in the eyes of the child of the Kurama family. "

   The third update is here! Please recommend and vote for me, monthly tickets! It’s easy, please everyone!
  (End of chapter)

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