Chapter 272 Observation!

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  Chapter 272 Observation!

  the next day.

  After completing the ninja school classes in the morning, Shinji went to Konoha Hospital at noon.

  He planned to take advantage of his lunch break to go to the laboratory of the medical class to continue some cell fusion experiments that he had not completed before.

  There are experiments on the fusion of Yakumo's and Shiro Zetsu's cells, and there are also experiments on the fusion of Neji's and Kimimaro's cells.

  Whether two types of cells can fuse is actually affected by many factors.

  The fusion technology, the preparation of the fusion solution, even the timing of fusion, the status of the cells, etc. will all affect the fusion result.

  So there is no trick in this matter, we can only experiment again and again.

  Fortunately, the medical class has high hopes for Shinji.

  The higher-ups of the village also seemed to hope that Shinji, a remnant of Uchiha, could develop in the direction of medical ninjutsu, so he applied for some supplies and gave him some support.

  However, this kind of support can only allow Shinji to conduct preliminary cell fusion experiments.

  If he wanted to conduct more in-depth research and obtain higher-authority materials, such as the first-generation primitive cell samples, the village would obviously not approve it.

  Therefore, Shinji has already begun planning to build a laboratory of his own.

  Of course!
  Limited by his own technology and financial resources, the matter of building his own laboratory is still in Shinji's conception stage.

  When the lunch break was over, Shinji packed up everything and left the laboratory.

  "I've rested and can go back to the ninja school!"

  Just as Shinji was about to leave Konoha Hospital and rush to the ninja school, a shout attracted his attention.

  He looked around and found Naruto shouting loudly at the door of a ward next to the corridor.

  The person who stopped Naruto was none other than Tsunade!

  Tsunade pressed Naruto's head and pushed him into the ward: "Stop talking nonsense, just lie down on the hospital bed!" "

  Grandma Tsunade, I have really recovered!"

  Naruto struggled to think. Going out.

  Ever since he learned Tsunade's true age from Jiraiya, he had changed his title.

  When Shinji heard this, his heart tightened.

  Sure enough, after hearing what Naruto called her, Tsunade punched Naruto in the head, knocking him out.

  Shizune, who was standing by, sighed and moved the unconscious Naruto to the bed.

  At this time, Shinji noticed that Naruto's hand was tied with a thick bandage, and his palm seemed to be seriously injured. He thought to himself: "Naruto has not gone to Ninja School these days. Could it be that he has been staying with Jiraiya and Tsunade?" Together? The injury on his hand couldn't be caused by practicing the Rasengan, right?"

  At this time, Tsunade walked past Shinji and saw Shinji looking at Naruto's room. She stopped: "Uchi Shinji Namami?"

  Shinji nodded: "Tsunade-sama!"

  "I have seen the video of your operation. You are very talented in medical ninjutsu. Keep working hard and don't let this talent down!" He

  encouraged him casually. After that sentence, Tsunade left directly.

  Shinji felt a little regretful.

  His performance in the medical class actually attracted Tsunade's attention and made her recruit him as a disciple.

  Because he really covets Tsunade's 'Yin Seal'.

  But now it seems that even if Tsunade recognizes his talent, she has no intention of teaching him medical ninjutsu.

  He was not surprised by this.

  The relationship between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan is very delicate. It can be said that except for the first generation, the other Senju clan members have an inherent dislike and fear of the Uchiha clan.

  In addition, the Akatsuki organization, which is currently running rampant in the ninja world and threatening the five major ninja villages, has several members who possess the Mangekyō Sharingan.

  In this case, the Hokage family's fear of Uchiha not only did not subside because Uchiha was exterminated, but intensified.

  Therefore, the probability of Tsunade accepting him as a disciple is actually very low. Even the fact that Tsunade is willing to encourage him a few words now is because he chose medical ninjutsu.

  Soon, Shinji returned to the Ninja School.

  The afternoon class was confrontation training. Each class was brought to the playground by the teacher for one-on-one physical confrontation.

  While Shinji was attending class, he secretly observed several of his experimental subjects.

  Wearing goggles, Karan Phosphorus seemed to have adapted to the state of blindness. She was sparring with Shiro in the corner in a low-key manner, completely unable to tell that what was in her eye sockets was a pair of completely damaged Mangekyō Sharingan that could not detect light.

  "I didn't expect that restoring her eyes would actually improve her proficiency in the 'Kagura Heart's Eye'."

  Shinji felt a little speechless.

  If this progress continued, he was a little worried that his disguise of chakra would one day be seen through by Xiang Lian's 'Kagura Heart Eye'.

  After sighing, his eyes swept towards the distance calmly, to Sasuke and Yakumo of Naruto's class at the other end of the playground.

  Yakumo, who had just put on the red longan, looked a little weird at the moment.

  She seems to be full of curiosity about everything, and her eyes will stay on any object for a second or two unconsciously.

  In fact, the Red Dragon Eye, like the Sharingan, is a pupil technique that changes the shape of the pupils when turned on.

  When turned off, its pupils are a normal brown color.

  Precisely because the color of its pupils was somewhat similar to Yakumo's own eyes, Shinji did not let Yakumo wear any jewelry to cover his eyes.

  The red longan in the unopened state does not have the ability to see through.

  So Shinji felt speechless again. Yakumo seemed to be curious about everything, as if he could see through everything. In fact, it was not that she could really see through, but she was just impressed by the powerful insight ability of the red dragon eye when it was not opened. Shocked.


  Even in its unopened state, the red dragon eye's ability to see far exceeds Yakumo's own eyes.

  At this moment, with a muffled sound, a student was kicked out by Sasuke.

  Sasuke stood on the field with his hands folded: "Iruka-sensei, one-on-one sparring is too boring."

  Iruka put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly: "Sasuke, this is the classroom!"

  Sasuke spread out his arms. With both hands, he looked around at all the students in the class: "Teacher Iruka, why don't we let them come together? I want to test my recent training results!" "Is

  Sasuke crazy? He wants to challenge all of us alone?"

  " Doesn't that include Kimimaro?"

  "Did he learn any new ninjutsu?"

  Suddenly, there was discussion all around.

  Looking at this troublesome student, Iruka had no choice at all.

  He has already applied to the senior management to let Sasuke graduate from the ninja school early like the geniuses of the Uchiha clan before him.

  But for some reason, after the application was sent, it just disappeared, and there was no news at all.

  It seems that the village leaders don't want Sasuke to leave the ninja school so early. Here
   is the first update! Students who still have tickets in their hands, don’t forget to vote!
  (End of chapter)

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