Chapter 135 The Secret of the Reincarnation Eye (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 135 The Secret of the Tsangikan (Please subscribe!)
  The prerequisite for everything is to restore the completely damaged Mangekyō Sharingan.

  As for why Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope was not used to fuse with the kaleidoscope in Kosovo's eyes, Shinji naturally had his own considerations.

  Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope was an insurance policy for him.

  If Sasuke cannot successfully obtain Itachi's pair of kaleidoscopes in the future, then Uchiha Fugaku's pair of kaleidoscopes can be used as insurance to ensure that Sasuke can fuse a pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan containing the chakra of Otsutsuki Indra.

  Therefore, he would not easily use Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope unless absolutely necessary.

  "Don't worry, I'm still young, I can take my time to plan things out!"

  Shinji calmed down.

  The 'power of all things' is a very high-end power in the ninja world, and is the threshold for entering the 'six paths level'. For thousands of years, only a handful of people in the ninja world can master this power.


  This kind of thing cannot be rushed, it requires the right time, place and people.

  For now, Shinji's starting point is already very high, and there is also the path Uchiha Madara has trodden ahead, which can be used as a reference.

  In addition, the reincarnations of Indra Otsutsuki and Asura Otsutsuki of this generation are all around.

  As long as he makes bold assumptions, carefully verifies, and explores a little bit, he can draw out the "power of all things", and hitting the Samsara Eye is by no means an unattainable goal.

  After closing his eyes and clearing his mind of all distracting thoughts, he began to concentrate and carefully sorted out his next plan.

  First, regularly exchange chakra with Xiang Phosphorus to enter a shallow state of 'Yin and Yang'.

  This will not only allow them to improve the quality of chakra, but also allow them to take the opportunity to explore the skills of merging chakra with the two attributes of yin and yang.

  Second, find a way to restore the completely lost pair of kaleidoscopes and fuse the second pair of eternal kaleidoscope sharingan.

  These two things are his recent focus.

  After removing 'Naobei' and 'Fujin' and closing the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, he walked out of the woods and walked towards his apartment.

  On the way, he remembered that Konoha had summoned other ninja villages to discuss dealing with the Akatsuki organization.

  "It's strange, what happened within the Akatsuki organization?"

  It stands to reason that the Akatsuki organization is now fully staffed and will not recruit anyone else.

  But this time the demon's escape clearly showed signs of intervention by the Akatsuki organization. In the end, Obito personally came forward to rescue the demon, which was obviously abnormal.

  Shinji, who couldn't think of a reason for this, thought: "It seems that I have to find an opportunity to contact Deidara using 'Naohbi'."


  Shinji overestimated the degree of unity within the Akatsuki organization, so he did not immediately consider the direction of internal strife.

  In fact, both Nagato and Obito are extremely wary of each other.

  Needless to say, Obito, the death of Yahiko and the destruction of the first group of Akatsuki members were all related to him, so he could never completely trust Nagato and Konan.

  Nagato and Konan, who discovered some clues, also cooperated with Obito and were wary of Obito.

  In order to kill Obito, Xiaonan even prepared a sea of ​​600 billion detonating symbols, enough to last for ten minutes!

  It's just that the purpose of both parties is the same, so before the nine tailed beasts were gathered in the original time and space, the two parties maintained a tacit understanding and were in a state of cooperation.

  This is also the reason why Shinji did not consider the internal strife in the Akatsuki organization.

  But what he didn't know was that his appearance unexpectedly broke this tacit understanding.

  His behavior of pretending to be a member of the Akatsuki organization became evidence in the eyes of Nagato and Obito that the other party was secretly accumulating power.

  It is impossible for the two sides, who are already wary of each other, to be candid and honest on this issue.

  Therefore, after missing the opportunity for frank communication, the only option left for Nagato and Obito was to secretly recruit people and prepare in advance for the internal strife that would inevitably occur in the future.

  Therefore, there are a series of events such as Obito recruiting the Demons and Shennong, and Nagato arranging Xia to recruit Beilihu.

  The reason.

  The culprit who triggered this series of chain reactions was Shinji himself who was troubled by this.

  "I don't know how the village will deal with the Akatsuki organization."

  Shinji shook his head.

  Then he remembered that the village summoned other ninja villages to discuss dealing with the Akatsuki organization, and it was Neji who said it, and he remembered Neji's sigh at that time.

  Then the thought came together, and the figure disappeared into the night in a flash.

  In a training ground not far from the Hyuga clan.

  Clang, clang,
  clang. Ningci was dodging and moving under the attack of countless kunai.

  He moved quickly, dodging while using the kunai in his hand to block it, sparking fires caused by the violent collision of metal in the night!
  "So strong!"

  Xiao Li on the sidelines was stunned.

  Tenten, who was controlling the mechanism and launching various kunai at Neci, said: "Of course, he is Neci!"

  Xiao Li clenched his fist: "I must catch up with him!"

  "Then you have to work hard. Yes!"

  Tiantian smiled and immediately moved his eyes to Ningji on the field.

  Her eyes were full of adoration, and she was fascinated by Neji's strength.

  At this moment, I don't know if Neji was a little tired. He couldn't completely avoid a kunai. The kunai flew past his face and scratched a shallow blood mark on his face. !
  "Be careful!"

  Tiantian exclaimed and quickly closed the mechanism.

  Neji in the field asked: "Why stop!"

  Tiantian said: "Ningji, your face."

  Neji wiped his face with his hand: "I'm fine, continue!"

  Looking at Neji's chest heaving violently , and his arms that could not hold the kunai tightly and were shaking slightly, Xiao Li said: "Ningji, take a rest!" Tiantian echoed: "Yes, it is too dangerous to perform

  this kind of training in a state of fatigue, we Let's rest for a while!"

  Neci glanced at him and said, "Don't you think I'm good at it too?"

  Tiantian and Xiao Li shook their heads together.

  "Go on, I'm fine!"

  Neji put himself into position and urged.

  Seeing Neci's persistence, Tenten had no choice but to activate the mechanism again.

  In an instant, kunai shot at Neji again.

  Xiao Li gritted his teeth: "Even a genius like Neci works so hard, so I shouldn't relax! Starting from tomorrow, my training will be doubled!"

  Tiantian was speechless when he heard this.

  Then, she looked at Ningji who was sweating profusely in the field, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

  She actually knew that Neji was competing with Sasuke.

  But what she didn't understand was that Neji was already so good, why he still had to compare with others, and why he still had to push himself so hard.

  Worry about what comes next.

  The tired Neji encountered several dangers in the field, and was so shocked that a layer of sweat oozed from Tenten's hands.

  After going on for a while, Tiantian could no longer hold on: "We can't continue!"

  Xiao Li also agreed: "Stop!"

  Tiantian quickly reached out to close the mechanism.


  Neji, who was almost out of breath, roared angrily.

  Tiantian's hand suddenly froze in mid-air, and for a moment, he was in a dilemma.

  At this time, there was a sudden change in the field!
  Neji's feet were unsteady and he took a staggering step. His rhythm was completely disrupted. His three defensive circles of eye roll, soft fist, and kunai instantly collapsed.

  As a result, he staggered, lost his defensive posture, and was completely exposed to countless kunai shot from all directions!
  Tiantian was so shocked that he stretched out his hand to close the mechanism.

  Xiao Li directly held the kunai and rushed to the field.

  However, neither Tiantian nor Xiao Li, who were far away on the sidelines, had no time to interfere with anything on the field.

  "Return to heaven!"

  On the line between life and death, Neji let out a roar from his chest!

  He staggered and spun around, his whole body like a whirlwind, facing the kunai coming from all directions!

  Clang, clang, clang.
  In an instant, a series of metal collisions sounded in the field. Those kunai clearly only hit the cyclone set off by Neji, but they seemed to hit the copper wall!


  Tiantian and Xiao Li were both stunned.

  They didn't expect that in such a desperate situation, Neji could actually turn the corner into safety. They were stunned for a moment, and Tiantian even forgot to turn off the mechanism.

  However, Neji, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, could not maintain a stunt like 'Kaiten'.

  So in just a few breaths, Neji was forced to exit the 'Kaiten' state and was once again exposed to kunai shot from all directions.


  Tiantian screamed. When she noticed something was wrong with Ningji, she had no time to turn off the mechanism.

  In the field.

  "Is that the end of it?"

  Looking at the kunai being shot from all directions, Neji, who was in so much pain that he couldn't use any strength, felt a sense of relief in his heart for some unknown reason.

  Just the next moment, his heart was filled with unwillingness.

  Thinking of his wronged father and the 'caged bird' on his forehead, he felt remorseful, but countless kunai attacked him, and no matter how much he regretted, it was of no use.

  Just at this moment!
  A golden light flashed, and then a giant golden skeleton hand grasped Neji.

  Then, kunai from all directions hit the giant golden skeleton hand, and fell to the ground in a series of 'ding-dong-dang' sounds.

  "This is..."

  Ningci, who had already accepted his fate, looked a little dazed.

  He recognized the giant golden skeleton hand at a glance as the kaleidoscope Uchiha's Eye Technique 'Susanoh' that he had fought against the monster before.

  But this obviously shouldn't appear here, so he thought: "Am I already dead? Are these all hallucinations before my death?" But he quickly realized

  that it was not him who died, but the golden statue. 'Susanoh' really appears!

  He stabilized his body, turned around suddenly, and saw the mysterious man wearing a hooded red cloud suit and a mask.

  The mysterious man lifted the Susanoo and said, "Are you so anxious to die?"

  Neji asked in shock, "Why are you here?"

  The other party's terrifying strength made him I used honorifics subconsciously.

  The mysterious man smiled and said: "Why can't I appear here?"

  Neji quickly looked to the sidelines.

  I saw that Tiantian and Xiao Li had been hit by the illusion at some point and fell to the ground. The mechanisms around the venue were also accurately shot by a kunai and stopped firing.

  The mysterious man looked around and said, "What you just used was your Hyuga clan's Kaiten, right?" "


  Neji nodded.

  "Just learned it?"

  Ningci didn't hide anything and said bluntly: "Well, I have never been able to master it before. It was the first time I successfully used it." "

  Desperate situations can really stimulate potential." Smiling, the mysterious man continued. : "But if I hadn't happened to pass by, you Hyuga clan would have held a banquet."

  Ningci lowered his head and said softly: "Thank you for your help."

  "Luck will not always favor you."

  The mysterious man said. , turned around and walked out.

  Neji hesitated for a moment and shouted: "Please wait!"

  The mysterious man stopped.

  Neji asked: "Why did you save me?"

  The mysterious man was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "Maybe it's because it's a pity!" "

  What a pity?!" Neji said in disbelief, "Like me Why do you feel it's a pity that a mediocre person dies?"

  The mysterious man turned around and said, "Because I don't think you are a mediocre person."

  Neji's face was full of surprise.

  He never expected that the strong man in front of him who could crush monsters would actually feel that he was not a mediocre person.

  After a brief moment of surprise, he said painfully: "But I can't see the future. My Byakugan is far inferior to your Mangekyō Sharingan." The mysterious

  man said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Of course the Byakugan is not as good as the Mangekyō Sharingan. "

  Neji looked lonely.

  At this time, the mysterious man then said casually: "If you want to be able to compete with the Kaleidoscope, wait until you open the Tenseigan!"

  Neji's expression perked up: "Tensigan! What is that!?"

  He had never heard of this word before. Heard it.

  But he couldn't explain why, but from what the mysterious person in front of him said, he firmly believed that this 'Reincarnation Eye' must be real.

  The mysterious man said calmly: "The Tsangigan is the advanced version of the Byakugan!"

  Neji was trembling with excitement: "The Byakugan can also awaken higher-level eye skills like the Sharingan!?" The mysterious

  man nodded.

  Neji thought of something and asked: "But why have I never heard anyone mention it? There are no records related to it in the family?" The

  mysterious man looked up at the night sky: "Did you see it?"

  Neji followed suit. He looked up, but after looking for a long time, he found that there was only the moon and stars in the night sky, and there was nothing abnormal: "There is nothing?" The mysterious

  man said, "You can't even see such a bright moon?"

  Neci was stunned. : "The moon?"

  The mysterious man said in a deep voice: "The secret of the reincarnation eye is hidden on the full moon above our heads. Only by finding a way to the moon can the reincarnation eye be opened." Neci became more and more confused

  : "How to get to the moon?"

  The mysterious man nodded and said, "That's why I'm here."

  Neji glanced at the Hyuga clan not far away and reacted: "You mean, the way to get to the moon? , hidden among our Hyuga clan?"

   Two chapters in one! Please recommend and vote for me, monthly tickets!

    My body is still normal today!

  (End of chapter)

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