Chapter 11 Don’t let me forget you, okay?

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  Chapter 11 Don't let me forget you, okay?
  "Shiro really has a problem!"

  Shinji, who was hiding in the dark, looked stern.

  What surprised him even more was that the ANBU ninja who was hunting Shiro was originally sent to monitor him.

  In the driving range.

  Another firework bloomed in the night.

  The ANBU ninja looked at the sky and said with a smile: "We made an appointment to meet tonight. You guys really know how to choose the time. I almost succeeded."

  Bai didn't say a word, but slowly backed away.

  "The village is indeed too kind. It should treat you and that kid next door like pests and eradicate them completely!" the

  ANBU ninja said in a cold tone.

  Bai no longer hesitated, and jumped into the woods beside the training ground with a 'swish' sound, and fled into the distance.


  The ANBU ninja snorted coldly and was about to give chase.

  But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned back and looked at the grass not far away.

  I saw a figure wearing a fox mask in the grass, slowly walking out.


  The ANBU ninja took out his kunai and looked wary.


  The figure wearing the fox mask is Shinji hiding in the dark.

  He first glanced at Shiro's figure who had gone away, and then moved his gaze to the ANBU ninja in front of him.

  He has been so close to Bai recently, and if something goes wrong with Bai, he is likely to be implicated.

  What's more, from what this ANBU ninja just said, he felt the undisguised malice. The other party should be Danzo's root, and the purpose of monitoring him was probably to cause trouble for him.

  In this case, if the other party is allowed to catch Shiro, Danzo will not be unreasonable and will definitely take the opportunity to involve him.

  Fireworks still bloom in the sky from time to time.

  Under the brilliant light and shadow of the fireworks, Shinji and the root ninja were facing each other in a strange atmosphere in this remote training ground.

  At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the grass nearby.

  The two people in the tense confrontation noticed at the same time, and the vigilant root ninja threw the kunai in his hand directly into the grass.

  Almost at the same time, a small head poked out from the grass, holding an apple in its mouth. A pair of big eyes looked curiously at the two people in the practice field.


  Shinji was shocked.

  The kunai thrown by the root ninja was very close to the confused Shion at this moment. Maybe in the blink of an eye, Shion would be shot by the kunai and die on the spot!
  So he didn't have time to think, and instinctively stretched out his left hand towards Ziyuan.


  A yellow shadow quickly projected out from his body, and like an extension of his left hand, it instantly transformed into a huge skeletal arm, holding Aster in the grass.

  Immediately afterwards, with a harsh impact, Kunai was bounced away by the skeleton arm protecting Shion.

  The place fell silent for a moment.

  The three people present, including Shinji himself, were all shocked by this scene!

  Shion was stunned for a moment, as if he had broken free from something, and then looked at Shinji with a face full of surprise: "Brother, is it you? You saved me again!" The root ninja looked at the one projected from Shinji's body

  . The mighty giant skeleton arm loomed, and his face changed drastically: "Who are you!"

  Under the fox mask, Shinji also looked confused: "Am I seriously ill? Why do I need to use 'Susanohu', Shion That guy obviously has a bell weapon!"

  He regretted the 'Susanoh' he used instinctively.

  After a brief shock, the three of them took action at the same time.

  Shion crawled out of the grass, not even caring about the apple that fell on the ground, and rushed towards Shinji.

  The ninja subconsciously wanted to flee.

  Shinji's scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan was already one step ahead, staring at the root ninja.

  In an instant, the ANBU ninja's crouching and jumping posture was abruptly interrupted, and then he straightened up and froze on the spot.

  It's like it's dead.

  After "Hoo"

  temporarily trapped the opponent with illusion, Shinji breathed a sigh of relief.

  Shion rushed forward at this time and grabbed Shinji's arm: "Brother, I didn't even have time to thank you last time, so you left!"

  Shinji, who had released Susanoo, looked helpless.

  It seems that after witnessing himself activating 'Susanohu', the psychic suggestion he had previously given to Shion with the Mangekyō Sharingan became ineffective.

  Shion asked again and again: "Brother, what's your name? Are you a ninja from Konoha? Can we be friends?"

  Shinji broke away and Shion grabbed his hand: "I"

  didn't wait for Shinji to finish speaking, Shion said He rushed to say, "I know, you don't want to reveal your identity! I promise, I won't tell anyone about you. This is a little secret between us!" "Little secret" Shinji was



  Shion pouted and looked at Shinji pitifully: "So this time, don't let me forget you, okay?" "


  Shinji hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded with difficulty.

  Shion immediately beamed with joy: "Really?"

  "Really!" Taking off the fox mask on his face, Shinji showed a sincere face: "If you don't believe it, look at my eyes!"

  Shion looked obediently. Shinji's eyes.

  It was a pair of pupils that exuded a strange light. Just one glance made people unable to extricate themselves, and they instinctively had the urge to explore.

  Shinji's eyes narrowed, and he took the opportunity to quietly activate the Mangekyou Sharingan, and once again implanted a psychological suggestion into Shion: "You are here, and you haven't met anyone." Shion's eyes were blurred at first, and then gradually became dull, and he muttered

  : "I didn't meet anyone. I didn't meet anyone."

  After completing the illusion, Shinji gently patted Zion's shoulder: "Go to sleep!"

  Zion softened and fell to the ground.

  Looking at Shion who fell asleep on the ground, and the root ninja who was temporarily trapped in the illusion not far away, Shinji began to think.

  He was not surprised at all that Bai had problems.

  Because he knew that Haku was born in Kirigakure's ice escape blood family, and now he appeared in Konoha's ninja school. It was very strange.

  But even if Bai Zhen has a problem, given his current situation, he must help cover it up.

  This is why he decisively showed up to cover Bai's escape.

  He needs time to grow.

  During this period of time, he could not give Danzo any excuse to attack him.

  "It seems that Shiro should be a spy planted in Konoha by other villages. I don't know how he did it."

  Recalling what the root ninja said just now, Shinji had a rough judgment on Shiro's identity.


  An idea flashed in his mind!
  Because he recalled that the root ninja mentioned just now that the time chosen by Bai He to connect was very clever, and it almost succeeded without anyone noticing.

  This made him realize that tonight, right now, the village was most in short supply of manpower!
  Suddenly, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ANBU building: "Would you like to take a risk?"

   It seems that I can't post book reviews. It should be fine in a few days
  (end of this chapter)

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