84. Chapter 84 Master Li He

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  Chapter 84 Master Li He
  "What is this?" After listening to Dale Duncans' words, the lecturer Moko picked up the papyrus, stared at the content on it and said, "Well, this seems to be a test for me. The proof of the last question on the test paper, but the answer...21?"

  "I just calculated this." Duncans said slowly, trying not to irritate the eccentric lecturer, "Your proof question seems to have two One solution, the traditional solution 23 is correct, but the second solution seems not to be 23."

  "I know." Moko said coldly, looking askance at Duncans.

  "Hey? You know?"

  "Of course I know. What, Principal Duncans, are you questioning my academic level? Don't you know that there are two solutions to this question? It's just that based on the level of our students, the traditional It is enough to understand the method. The second method may stump them. After all, even you, the principal, are stumped, aren't you?" "

  What do you mean?"

  "Principal Duncans, look at the question carefully. If you calculate according to the second solution, the answer you get is not 21, but 20." Moko said without any shame, took out a piece of papyrus from the side and started calculating, forgetting the scribbled calculation process for a moment In front of Duncans.

  Duncans seemed to have spent a few minutes identifying what Moko had written. Then he checked it again and showed admiration: "It's really 20." "Of course it's 20.

  " Moko looked too lazy to answer. "Don't tell me, Principal Duncans, you called me here just because you calculated 21." "

  Actually, someone calculated 18." Duncans took out Li He's test paper.

  "Huh?" Moko's expression suddenly stiffened.

  "18? What do you mean, what does it mean to calculate 18?" Moko stared at the triangular eyes and walked up to Duncans. He first glanced at Li He's test paper, then frowned and took out a piece of papyrus and calculated again.


  He listed the process one by one and pointed it out to Duncans.

  Finally, the result of 20 was obtained again.

  "20! It can only be 20!"

  "What if we make a change here and advance the following formula?" Duncans looked at it for a moment, then suddenly made a point on the papyrus and said. His academic level is not as good as Moko, but it is not bad either, otherwise he would not become the principal. He thought carefully and found a new way to solve the problem.

  After hearing this, Moko couldn't help but want to get angry, but when he saw where Duncans was pointing, his eyes flashed slightly, he was a little stunned, and hesitated: "If... the transformation is made and the posture is advanced, then..." "

  Sha Shasha..."

  Moko calculated again, and finally wrote down a new result - 19 with his right hand, which was a little heavy.

  Taking a deep breath, Moko looked a little weird and whispered: "Well, it seems that I thought less. The smallest result is 19, but... but it must not be any smaller, it cannot be 18..."

  said In the end, Moko's tone was not very firm. He is proud but not stubborn. In his opinion, since it is possible to make a mistake once, it is also possible to make a mistake a second time.

  But the problem is, he racked his brains and couldn't figure out how to calculate the number 18.

  "18...18...18..." Moko kept mumbling to himself and calculating on the papyrus.

  Over and over again, but no answer at all.

  He became a little anxious and looked at Duncans with red eyes: "Principal Duncans, tell me, who came up with the answer? I want to 'ask' for advice personally!" "Li He." Duncans

  said .

  "Li He?" After hearing this, Moko was confused for a moment, then realized and said, "Is that the student who only attended my two classes and then stopped going? If Ms. Mira hadn't stopped me, I would have I've been looking for him for a long time, but how did he... come up with the number 18?"

  Moko couldn't help but pace in the office. After a few seconds, he suddenly remembered something key and said loudly: "Scrap paper! Scratch paper !"

  "Huh? What scratch paper, Lecturer Moko?" Duncans asked doubtfully.

  "Scratch paper!" Moko's voice became louder and his eyes widened. "For my course test, everyone is given scratch paper. He can calculate the number 18, and it may leave traces on the scratch paper. . I want to look for it, I want to see how he calculated it!"

  At the end of the sentence, Moko took a step and ran out.

  Duncans couldn't help but said: "Lecturer Moko, I remember that the scratch paper will be thrown away after the test." "

  I know! I know where I lost it and I can find it back!" "

  But how do you know which one is the right one? "Yes?"

  "It's too simple. It's together with the scratch paper for the test in this course. Whichever paper has the least content is the one. Besides, I remember the handwriting. As long as there are words, I will definitely recognize them. As long as there are words , As long as there is..." At the end of the sentence, Moko ran out quickly, leaving Duncans with a strange expression.


  Not long passed. In less than half an hour, Moko left and returned.

  Holding a piece of crumpled and stained draft paper in his hand like a treasure, he strode back to the office and placed the paper on the table.

  I saw that the content was actually written on it. It was two very short formulas, and the final result was 18.

  Duncans looked at it for a few times and was a little confused, because he found that the formula was not related to the problem. He looked at Moko and asked: "Is this the other party's calculation process? Is it wrong, Lecturer Moko?" "Wrong?

  " ? No, it’s me who is wrong, it’s us who are wrong, everyone is wrong!” Moko’s expression was very excited at this time, pointing to the content on the draft paper, and loudly said, “Principal Duncans, take a look, you are good Look, this is not a simple calculation process, this is the third solution to that problem, and it is a solution that has never appeared before. This is a new arithmetic

  discovery! It’s so amazing, so beautiful ! This student... no, it's sir... no, it's master! This Master Li He, no wonder he only took two of my courses and stopped going, just because the content I mastered was not worth it to him. Mention it. I need to get to know this master. You have to introduce him to me. I..."

  Moko became more and more excited as he spoke, and by the end he was looking at him with admiration.

  Duncans was just thinking about comforting him when suddenly there were footsteps at the door and another little old man appeared.

  The other person was about the same height as Moko, also about 1.5 meters tall, with small eyes, a pointed nose, and less hair than Moko. The top of his head was already bald, and only sparse hair was struggling to grow around it.

  The other party is another eccentric lecturer in the university - Flo who teaches astrology.

  Flo's face was not good-looking. He walked in and briefly greeted Moko. Then he looked at Duncans and said angrily: "Principal Duncans, there is something I have been holding back for a long time. I just passed by downstairs while walking. I saw that the light in your office was still on, so I just happened to come over and say something to you.

  Although Vice President Mira has been comforting me and telling me not to pay attention, I feel that for the sake of the reputation and honor of the entire Lensa University, some very outrageous things must be Students are expelled. For example, in my class, there was a guy who stopped coming after only one class. He even turned in blank papers for the first two days of the test. I should expel such a guy no matter what his status is. ! By the way, the other party seems to be called... Li Hyuk... Bang! Ah!"

  Before Flo could finish speaking, he suddenly screamed.

  He saw Moko standing next to him. Without any warning, he threw a book next to him at Flo's head. Then he jumped out with red eyes, grabbed Flo's remaining hair and started to struggle.

  "What are you doing! You're crazy, Moko!"

  "You're crazy. I won't allow you to insult Master Li He! You actually want to expel him! Go to hell!"

  "Huh? Ah!"


  (End of this chapter )

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