73.Chapter 73 Li Hyuk’s method

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  Chapter 73 Li He’s method

  This is not an unfamiliar name.

  When she first lived with the Blood Countess in Blackstone Castle, her eldest sister had this name.

  In addition to being more certain that the Blood Witch and the Blood Countess were the same person, Li He fell into deep thought.

  If Fiona appeared beside the Earl a hundred years ago, wouldn't it mean that she was already over a hundred years old when she lived with him in Blackstone Castle?

  But... through daily contact, I can't feel the other person's age at all.

  It's not just appearance - appearance can be adjusted through potions, magic power and even scientific means, but the years of experience brought by age cannot be concealed. Even if you have an innocent heart, you cannot still be the same as a girl after living for hundreds of years. , there will always be a big difference in how you treat others.

  But according to his observations and feelings, Fiona may be relatively mature and cold among the sisters, but she still has the mentality of a girl.

  Then who is rumored to be by the earl's side?
  If it was really Fiona, what happened in the middle?
  Li He kept thinking and found more and more unexplained doubts.

  The Blood Countess is a complete mystery that is hard to figure out.


  Li He took a deep breath and rubbed his face to calm himself down.

  "You can't do this... You can't completely follow the rhythm of others. You can only follow suit. You have to follow your own pace, understand and study the world according to your own plan, and then solve the puzzles one by one." Li He said in his heart.

  If we proceed at his pace, the next most important thing to do is to find a way to get in touch with the real wizarding world and understand and control the real power of magic.

  Once you reach this point, many things and many puzzles will be solved.

  So...here comes the problem.

  How to get in touch with the real wizarding world?
  In other words, where can I find the hidden wizards in this world?



  several days passed by in a flash.

  Li Hyuk has been busy, and occasionally takes a walk in the purchased courtyard to relax during his free time.

  In the afternoon, the golden sunlight penetrated through the clouds and sparsely fell on the open space of the courtyard, forming scattered golden spots of various sizes.

  Li Hyuk stepped on the spots and walked slowly.

  Devil Alex walked in from outside the courtyard, holding a letter in his hand. After seeing Li He, he stopped in the distance and did not want to disturb.

  Li He saw it and took the initiative to ask, "What's the matter, Allen?"

  "Master Li He, I have a letter from you." Allen bowed and replied respectfully.

  "Mrs. Isa sent it?" Li He raised his eyebrows and asked.


  "Open it and read it to me directly." Li He said. He knew that although Alex didn't know the Devil's Contract text, he was still familiar with Fonarensa, Wuluk, etc., and was not truly illiterate.

  "Yes." Alex listened without being verbose. He opened it and read it quickly.

  The tone of the letter was respectful and the writing was gorgeous, but the main idea was simple.

  Two days ago, Li He sent a letter asking the Isa family to help find traces of the Lunsa wizard. The other party wrote back saying that they tried their best, but there were no accurate clues. Although I found a few people who claimed to be wizards, they were exposed after a simple test. They were just acrobats and jugglers cheating.

  "Didn't you find it..." After hearing what Alex read the letter, Li He let out a breath, a little disappointed, but not particularly disappointed.

  He made this prediction when he asked the Isa family to help search.

  To be honest, he didn't want to rely entirely on the other party.

  Alex blinked and approached Li He with the letter: "Master Li He, do you want to understand the wizard now and find out his traces?" "Indeed." "If you are


  , I can help you and do my best, even if I lift up all the stone slabs on the ground in Lensa, I can help you find it." "

  I..." Li He looked at Alex.

  Alexis was smiling with a smile on his face, but he felt a little faint in his heart.

  The reason why he offered to help was partly because he wanted to be a loyal and useful subordinate, and partly because of the training he was currently receiving.

  After arriving in Lensa, Li He had a lot more time than he had before on the road. As mentioned before, he began to give Alex an unexpected tutoring session to help him learn various scientific knowledge so that he could become a A capable, knowledgeable, and wise devil.

  Alex was very motivated at the beginning and really wanted to make progress. However, after the first ten minutes, he began to regret the many things Li He told him. He felt like he was back to the time when he first came into contact with Li He. one day.

  The feelings are the same.

  study? He would rather go back to the Pampas Box and remain locked up.

  For Alex, studying was really painful, so when he saw an opportunity to escape, he quickly fought for it.

  "Master, believe me, I can definitely do it." Alex looked at Li He and said seriously.

  "Okay then." Li He thought for a few seconds and agreed to Alex's application, "But you have to be careful during the process."

  "Understood." Alex nodded and walked outside without looking back. , and devoted himself extremely actively to the great cause of finding wizards.

  It’s impossible not to be proactive. According to Li He’s study and training arrangements, there are homework to be completed every day.

  Alex knew very well that he had not touched any of today's homework, so he left quickly.


  In the next few days, Alex also became busy.

  Go out early and come back late, or even go out early and not come back late.

  He wandered around the city of Lensa day and night, looking for the legendary wizard.

  But time passed and no clues were found.

  Alex couldn't help but start to feel anxious, then he felt guilty, and finally he felt faintly afraid.


  a few days later.

  Blackstone Castle.

  Alex, who had not returned for a long time, entered the castle and walked quietly towards the room where he was in the annex.

  As a result, after taking a few steps, he was suddenly called: "Mr. Allen?"

  Alex's movements froze slightly, slowly turned around, looked to the side, looked at the little girl wearing a white lace dress, and forced a smile. Greeting softly: "Miss Weier, why are you here?"

  "I'm waiting for you."

  "Huh?" Alex suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

  The next moment Weier spoke, confirming Alex's premonition: "Li He came to you and told you to go to him as soon as you come back. He should be doing experiments in the main castle now." "Hiss~~


  Alex He felt a toothache. He had been delayed for so long and couldn't find any clues. He was now very guilty. But when he heard what Weier said, he had no choice but to nod stiffly: "I understand, please, Miss Weier." Yes."

  "No trouble."

  Alex took some heavy steps to the main castle's No. 1 laboratory and entered the main research room.

  Here, Alex really saw Li Hyuk.

  Li He was busy, constantly shuttling between the test table and the iron rack holding various pharmaceutical materials. One of the severed hands was jumping around, constantly handing Li He a test tube, a glass plate or a beaker. Although it couldn't help much, it did make Li He a little more convenient.

  Alex looked at it, his eyes were slightly red, slightly red with jealousy.

  When he was running around outside before, he was lucky that he could leave his severed hand in Blackstone Castle without being harassed by the other party. I didn't expect that the other party would find an opportunity to be attentive...


  Alex snorted in his heart.

  After Li He was busy for a while, the experiment came to an end. After mixing a tube of orange medicine and a tube of transparent medicine, he poured it into the conical flask and sealed it. He turned to look at Alex.

  Alex's head immediately dropped.

  "What's the result of searching for wizards in the city these days, Allen?" Li He asked.

  "Master... I may have disappointed you..." Alex said a little disappointed, "I searched all over the city where wizards are most likely to exist, but I didn't find anything." "Where did you go?


  "The residences of most nobles." Alex said, expressing his inference. "Wizards need a lot of resources. If they want to live a good life in Lensa, they must have connections with the nobles. So, I lurked in the houses of many nobles. The mansion was looking for clues, and the result..."

  With an expression that was hard to explain on his face, Alex sighed and said: "In the end, apart from finding a lot of disgusting things about the nobles, I didn't find any clues related to the wizard."

  Li He nodded slightly after hearing this, without blaming him. He squinted his eyes and said, "Your idea is right. The wizard lives in Lunsa, and there is a high probability that he will come into contact with the nobles... However, considering that the wizard's traces are hidden, I don't want to have too many people." If you are more exposed, you are likely to pay close attention to the contact with the nobles, and may be controlled in a small circle. Only by accurately finding the nobles in the small circle can you find clues to the wizard. But this is not easy, and it may disturb to the other party."

  "What should we do, Master?"

  "The noble route is not easy to follow. Maybe you can try the low-level route."

  "The low-level route?"

  "Yes. For example, those people who are at the bottom of Lunsa, For example, the underground forces in Lunsa are not as aloof as the nobles, but everything big and small in Lunsa is related to them. Just like the nobles do not bake their own bread, the wizards who want to collect something certainly do not do it themselves. They are destined to have contact with the outside world, and will be related to the people at the lowest level layer by layer."

  "Is that so..." Alex nodded thoughtfully, "Then Master, what exactly should I do? "

  Simple. Find a hotel, neither very big nor very small, preferably one located in a place where poor people gather in the city. Go in, order a glass of wine, take out a silver coin, and ask the bartender at the hotel bar. ."

  "Is this okay?" Alex was a little confused.

  "Of course not, so the next step is the key..."

  Li He said, and Alex nodded repeatedly while listening.


  (End of chapter)

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