40.Chapter 40 Crystal Ball Exploration

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  Chapter 40 Crystal Ball Exploration

  "Master Hale is willing to help, thank you very much." Earl Dogger quickly thanked him after hearing Hale's immediate agreement.

  Hale waved his hand: "You're welcome, it's all trivial. I'll help you use magic to see where the person you are looking for is." As he spoke, Hale

  took a metal suitcase from the side and opened it. Inside was a flawless, fist-sized crystal ball.

  Hale held up the crystal ball with his right hand, waved his left hand gently, and said to the many women around him: "Get aside, don't disturb me." "

  Sir, don't ignore us." A few women with no eyesight After hearing what he said, not only did he not leave, but he also stuck to Hale.

  Hale's eyes widened slightly, and the next moment he shouted loudly: "Don't make me say it a third time, get out of here! Get out of here!" The

  last word was shouted out, like a muffled thunder exploding in the room, and the walls were shattered. Some of them shook slightly, and many women were frightened, running away in fear, hiding in corners and shivering.

  Earl Dogger and the old servant also felt uncomfortable. Their ears were ringing and they struggled to hold on.

  Hale glanced at the women hiding in the corner, snorted coldly, then looked at Count Dogger, and pointed to a chair next to him, indicating that he could sit down.

  Then he held the crystal ball with both hands and concentrated on operating it.

  "Kerry... Moro..."

  As Hale uttered an obscure spell, a faint blue light appeared inside the crystal ball. Hale stared at it and asked Count Dogger: "Tell me as much information as possible about the people you are looking for, such as names and ages."

  Earl Dogger just sat down on the wooden chair. After listening to Hale's question, he quickly said: "Yes." The person you are looking for is called Isa, who is thirty-four years old this year, and her daughter is called Fleur, who is fifteen years old."

  As Earl Dogger spoke, the crystal ball in Hale's hand glowed brighter blue.

  But Hale frowned and was not satisfied: "That's not enough. Describe their appearance. Also tell me which road they have taken before and which road they plan to take to escape to Lensa." "Okay

  . The mother looks like...the daughter looks like...before she walked...then she probably went north into the Green Dew Forest, and then..." Earl Dogger said quickly.

  The crystal ball in Hale's hand became brighter and brighter, and finally flickered suddenly and became dim.

  Hale frowned deeply and looked up at Count Dogger: "No, the information is still not enough, especially the escape route. It should be completely wrong, which makes it difficult to find the current location." "Then... what should we do,

  Hale Sir?"

  "I need more and more specific information. For example, the other party's exact birth time, place of birth, or the other party's blood." "

  This..." Earl Dogger hesitated for a moment and shook his head. Both the time and place of birth are too private, and unless they are blood relatives, it is difficult to grasp. As for the blood, he knew that during the chase, the Marquise Isa, her daughter Frey, and the people around her were all injured, but he never had the consciousness to collect it.

  After all, he is not a wizard, so there is no use in collecting them.

  "I don't know. I don't have any..." Hale pursed his lips, thought for a while and asked, "What about the other party's intimate clothes? Clothes or items that have been worn or come into contact with are also acceptable." "Yes."

  Doge The earl nodded, "When my men were chasing him, he fled in a hurry and left a box of luggage behind. I didn't know what the use was, so I put it in the utility room. If you need it, sir, I'll have it delivered immediately. "

  Don't let anyone give it to you. Ask people around you to pick it up immediately. Remember to wash your hands when picking it up. It's best to wear gloves and wrap it in clean cotton cloth to reduce all unnecessary contact and external contamination. Use Send it as soon as possible." Hale said seriously.

  Earl Dogger did not dare to delay and nodded to the old servant beside him, who quickly walked out of the door.


  Not long after, the old servant rushed back and handed Count Dogger a pure white cloth bag.

  Dog quickly handed it to Hale, who had been waiting for a long time and was slightly impatient.

  Hale took it, quickly opened it, took out a light pink handkerchief, put it under his nose and smelled it, showing a satisfied expression: "Yes, this handkerchief has been in contact with the other party, and it is suitable for wiping sweat. "

  After saying that, he reached out and took out a silver knife from the metal suitcase. Without looking, he made a swipe between the ring finger and middle finger of his left hand, quickly cutting open the flesh.

  After being cut open, no blood flowed out. Instead, a multi-legged black insect poked its head out. It looked a bit like a centipede, but more slender.

  Hale brought the handkerchief to the black bug, and the black bug immediately crawled out of Hale's body and crawled on the handkerchief.


  There was a sound, and Hale suddenly squeezed the handkerchief tightly in his hands and crushed the bugs on the handkerchief to death.

  Then he calmly took a wine glass from the side, dipped the handkerchief stained with black insect remains into it, raised his neck, and drank all the wine.

  Earl Dogger and the old servant were frightened, a little disgusted, and a little frightened, but they did not dare to show it.

  Hale, however, remained calm. After drinking the "spiked" wine, he held the crystal ball again with both hands.

  This time, blood-red light began to emit in the crystal ball, which reflected Hale's face, which turned bright red and looked a little bloody.

  After a long time, Hale spoke up and asked Count Dogger: "You said before that you had the wife and daughter of your enemy who were hunted by your men, and they disappeared, right? Tell me his name, age, and appearance." "

  He His name is Mengsi, he is thirty-two years old, and he looks like..."

  As Earl Dogger spoke, the inside of the crystal ball was like blood coagulation, and by the end, the entire crystal ball was blood red, which made people feel heart-stopping.

  In the midst of palpitations, the crystal ball shook, the blood light dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

  Hale took a long breath, looked at Earl Dog, and said slowly: "It's almost clear. The enemy's wife and daughter you are looking for have left your territory and are far to the north of your territory. However, The traces are very strange. During my exploration, they appeared intermittently and occasionally. There was no accident. Someone should have rescued them. The other party had some skills, but it was definitely not a wizard like me. Even a wizard

  , They are also wild wizards who have not received systematic training, or they are very weak and just starting apprentices, because during my investigation, I did not detect any 'interfering' power." "The power of interference?" "What is the power of


  ? ” Count Dogger looked at the wizard apprentice Hale and asked.

  "You don't need to know the specifics." Hale laughed, "That's an ability that only a wizard like me has. Lord Earl, you just need to know that people who don't even have the power of 'interference' are vulnerable to me. ."

  (End of chapter)

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