269. Chapter 269 Green Goblin

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  Chapter 269 Green Goblin

  It’s late summer and early autumn.

  Atlante, Dark Heart Academy Star Flower Plantation.

  It was approaching autumn, many plants in the forest were turning yellow, and the grass on the ground was no longer so lush.

  Only the dense yate trees continued to grow tall and straight, like a long sword piercing the sky. The branches are covered with white leaves the size of fingernails, like a tree full of small flowers.

  A gust of wind blew, and a few leaves slowly fell, swirling down to a clearing in the forest.

  At this time, a group of people, about dozens of them, were standing in the open space.

  The first ones were two men in their thirties, both wearing Dark Heart Academy robes. There were two silver lines printed on their chests, indicating that they were second-level wizard apprentices. One is fat and the other is thin. The fat one is called Ali and is the person in charge of plantation management. The thin one is called Maifu and is the deputy management of the plantation.

  Behind them were six people who were also wearing Dark Heart Academy robes. Some were younger in their twenties, and some were older in their forties or even fifties. There is a silver pattern printed on his chest. He is a first-level wizard apprentice with not very good talent. He is considered the absolute bottom in Dark Heart Academy. But in this remote Atlante plantation, he can still be regarded as a core member.

  In addition to these six people, there are dozens of strong men wearing close-fitting clothes, with dull and unsmiling expressions on their faces, waiting quietly. They are ordinary staff of the plantation and those responsible for the specific planting work. Basically All are recruited locally.

  On one side of the many strong men, there were two somewhat conspicuous young women standing.

  They were both fifteen or sixteen years old. They were wearing gray robes that had turned white after being rinsed. They looked a little thin and their expressions were a little frightened.

  The face is not bad, but the skin is darker.

  The group of people kept waiting. Ali, who was standing at the front, suddenly grabbed a leaf in the air. Two chubby fingers accurately grasped a leaf of the Yat tree. He rubbed it gently, then flicked it with his fingers and turned to look to the side. Mai Fu asked aloud: "Is it almost time? Is it time for the senior of the third-level wizard apprentice to come?"

  After hearing this, the tall and thin Mai Fu stretched out a hand with obvious joints and touched it into his robe. He took out an old brass-cased pocket watch, opened it slightly, took a look at it, and nodded: "Based on the time, it's almost there, unless something delays it." "Then let's wait a little longer.

  " As Ali spoke, he grabbed another stray leaf of the Yat tree and fiddled with it while sighing, "I don't know what the people who come this time will look like." "What they can look like

  , Just like before, the third-level wizard apprentice, whose strength is close to the upper limit, is ready to break through the wizard. He has already obtained the prescription or potion, and is then driven to our remote forest to guard the star flower." Mai Fu said, "If it weren't for this, people would I definitely won't come."

  "That's not what I'm asking, Maiv." Ali shook his head, "I mean, what kind of character will the person who comes have. If it's the kind who doesn't want to bother, it's okay, he saves us trouble. It saves trouble.

  I'm afraid that someone who loves to be lively and troublesome will come here. It doesn't matter in the academy, but when he comes to our place and becomes the boss, he will start gesticulating in every aspect. He is happy, but the result is a mess. You forgot,

  Six The senior named Gus who came here seven years ago insisted on improving the plantation according to his ideas, saying that it could increase production. As a result, the production of the plantation decreased for three consecutive years, and we all followed him and were punished. It was really uncomfortable."

  "It's quite uncomfortable." Maiev nodded, turned to look at Ali, and chuckled, "Speaking of which, no matter what kind of personality the person comes this time, it will be quite uncomfortable for you, right?" "Huh?" "After all, it's


  . Before you came here, you were the person in charge. After you came here, you became the deputy just like me." "

  Then you are wrong." Ali shook his head, "You think being the person in charge is easy? I don't think so at all. I am greedy for this position. Sitting in this position, I have to think about a lot of things every day when I wake up. I have to ensure that the star flower grows normally, and I have to prevent the damn demonic creatures from destroying it from time to time. It makes my head big. And I am just a second-level wizard apprentice with average abilities and even more average talents. I am entangled in these things every day and have almost no time to meditate. I just hope that a boss will come and free me." "Lies.

  " Maiev shook his head and commented, "You don't think so."

  "You!" Ali was a little anxious and was about to argue when someone behind him shouted, "Here he comes!"

  Ali blinked and stopped the urge to speak. , raised his head and looked upward.

  Everyone else looked upward.

  Then he saw a black dot appear in the sky, rushing towards the clearing.

  When they got closer, they saw that it was a huge lizard with blue back and white belly and two wings. It was the blue-backed flying lizard, which was a common long-distance mount in Dark Heart Academy.

  A person was on the blue-backed flying lizard. As the blue-backed flying lizard descended, when it was still more than ten meters above the ground, his body jumped down and fell to the ground like a meteorite.

  And just as it was approaching the ground, a short spell sounded.


  The speed dropped sharply, and the opponent's feet slowly touched the ground and stood still.

  When Ali looked at the others, he saw a very young wizard apprentice. Like them, he was wearing the standard robe of Dark Heart Academy, but there were three silver lines on his chest, indicating that he was a third-level wizard apprentice.

  It was Li Hyuk.

  There is also a badge on Li He's chest, which is shaped like a golden oak leaf wrapping a dark black heart. It is the Golden Oak Leaf Dark Heart Medal, which was awarded to him by Dean Gauss before leaving the academy. On the one hand, it was to reward him for getting first place in the annual test, and on the other hand, it was to reward him for the scroll on the principles of synthetic gemstones, which helped Gauss solve several research problems.

  In the eyes of everyone in the plantation, there were some changes on their faces.

  After all, although there are not many third-level wizard apprentices whose strength is close to the upper limit, it is not uncommon either.

  But the Golden Oak Leaf Dark Heart Medal is much rarer.

  Looking at the Golden Oak Leaf Dark Heart Medal worn by Li He, the eyes of Ali and others became a little more solemn. Taking a step forward, Ali took the lead to greet him, smiled and greeted warmly: "Is this Senior Li He from the college?" "

  Yes." Li He glanced at everyone, looked back at Ali who was speaking, nodded lightly, and said, take the He took out a slender metal plate and handed it to Ali, "This is the voucher."

  Ali quickly took it, and also took out a slender metal plate, put them together, and closed them with a "snap" sound. They fit tightly and the surface was still bright. It glows light blue, indicating that the verification has passed.

  The smile on Ali's face grew stronger. He returned the slender metal plate to Li He, pointed to the side, and quickly introduced: "Senior Li He, let me introduce you. My name is Ali, and I was in charge of the plantation before you came. Next to them is Mai Fu, who is also the person in charge of the plantation.

  As for those six people, they are all members of the Dark Heart Academy like us. They are absolutely loyal and ensure the normal operation of the plantation. And those few people over there The ten people are responsible for specific planting matters. They are all recruited locally. They are not very good in character, but they are quite obedient. The most important thing is that they are cheap. Recently, the plantation is preparing to expand and plans to recruit a group of new people. Of course, they still need to It depends on what you mean."

  After listening to Ali's introduction, Li He nodded lightly, turned his eyes to the two thin, dark-skinned women in the corner and asked, "What about the two of them?"

  "They..." The corner of Ali's mouth curled up, and he took two steps closer and whispered, "They are all from the Principality of Black Valley. One is the daughter of an earl, and the other is the sister of a viscount." "Huh?" Ali came closer and


  . Explanation: "Senior, the Black Valley Principality is a country to the west of the Gray Forest Kingdom. It is currently at war. These two people are the prisoners captured in the war. We bought them from slave traders to take care of your life. Daily life. Don’t worry, although the two of them are young, they know everything they need to know, and they promise to be obedient, will do whatever you ask, and will not run away - their country is about to be wiped out, and they have no place to go. ."

  Li He frowned slightly as he listened to the explanation, but didn't say anything.

  Ali continued: "Look, senior, what are the arrangements for the next step? Maifu, I and other people from the college have prepared a banquet for you. Although the place is remote and not very rich, it is all local specialties. It feels a bit like welcoming you, senior, to come and lead us. Or maybe you are a little tired from traveling all the way. Senior can take a break first, just to see how the two slave girls serve others." "No need." Li He said

  . He said, slightly coldly, "Don't bother, let's all leave."

  "Huh?" Ali was a little surprised, obviously not expecting such an answer, "It's gone?"

  "It's gone. Apart from you, let's go." Let them do whatever they should do, and send those two female slaves back to where they came from. I don’t need such a existence to take care of my life." Li He said, adding in his heart: If you need slaves, He also needs slaves who are smart, obedient, and can help him with his research, not female slaves who have a single function and are useless.

  "This..." Ali hesitated, but under Li He's gaze, he quickly issued an order, "It's time to disperse. Let's go and get busy." The

  people gathered quickly dispersed, and Mai Fu showed a somewhat strange expression. His eyes led the people away, only two female slaves were still there.

  "Senior, these two female slaves were bought from slave merchants. You can return them, but you will lose a lot of money..." "

  Then arrange some work for them in the plantation. Just don't be idle." Li He said softly, without paying too much attention, and asked, "Where is the planting area?" "

  In that direction." Ali pointed in the direction ahead and said quickly.

  "Okay, take me to have a look, and give me an introduction to the overall situation of the plantation. Just keep it simple. I'm a direct person and don't like to be long-winded." "Yes." Ali nodded quickly and took Li Li's way

  . He walked forward and quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  At this time, he had a headache, and he could see that the new senior Li He was not a person who played by common sense, and acted very deliberately. In this case, if the other party is reliable, it will be fine, but if it is unreliable, it will be troublesome.

  Don't make a mess like that senior Gus before.

  With this thought in his mind, he spoke quickly and introduced the overall situation of the plantation to Li He.

  "Senior Li He, our entire plantation is divided into four areas, two large and two small. The two small areas are for breeding some high-quality star flower varieties, and the two large areas are for pure production. Star flower. However, it has been difficult to increase the yield of high-quality star flower. Every time, it is difficult to complete the task indicators assigned to us by the college."

  Li He nodded lightly and asked aloud: "In addition to production, what other aspects are there? What's the problem? Before I came from the academy, I heard that there are more demonized creatures here?" "

  That's true." Ali nodded, "To be precise, it's not more, but a lot. This is also our high-quality star flower. One of the reasons why the yield rate is not increasing. Senior, you should know that star flower can be used to make meditation aid ointment. When it matures, it will release a very strange aroma, attracting many demonized animals to destroy it. "

  "What kind of demonized animals are they?"

  "There are all kinds of strange animals. The most powerful ones are the fluorescent rhino and the thorn black bear. Their strength is close to the third-level wizard apprentice. Although their IQ is very low, it is enough trouble to meet one. Fortunately, they are They tend to live very deep in the Atlante forest and rarely 'patronize' our peripheral areas. The cleft-toothed dogs, scavenging gray wolves, purple-backed foxes, etc. are slightly more common, but they all have shortcomings. As long as you have them in advance Prevention is not a big problem. The most troublesome thing is the weakest Green Goblin." At the end of the sentence, Ali couldn't help but frown deeply and let out a long sigh.

  "Green goblin?" Li He asked in a tone of voice, "There are actually demonized creatures of the goblin species in Atlante?" He knew a little bit about the goblin race from a lot of information, and it was considered a very special kind of demon. Transformed creatures, I didn’t expect them to exist here.

  "They exist, why don't they exist?" Ali smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I really hope that they will all disappear, but they don't make my dream come true at all. These green goblins are very small, but they cause a lot of trouble. They are very big. Every time when the star flowers are about to mature, they will come in groups to cause trouble. Once I actually found that they took advantage of the night to harvest the star flowers in front of us, and then gathered them and took them back deep into the forest. The nest in the place caused the production of high-quality star flowers to drop by a full 10% that quarter, which almost made me angry." "

  You haven't thought of some means of dealing with it?"

  "Of course you have, but... it's difficult to work. "Ali shook his head and said, "Senior Li He, you don't know that these green goblins are very weak, but their vitality is very tenacious and difficult to kill. Moreover, their brains are not normal and they are not afraid of death at all. Once we finally caught them. There was a green goblin who lived outside the planting area and hung it up to try to deter the other green goblins from causing trouble. The result..." "

  What's the result?"

  "The result..." The corner of Ali's mouth twitched twice, "The second result Today, we saw three green elves hanging on the wooden frame outside the planting area. Two of the new green elves were tied up by ourselves using vines. The binding was very rough and they could break free with a little effort, but He just stayed on the wooden frame and refused to move."


  "We at the plantation almost had our heads broken before we guessed a possibility - maybe the Green Goblin felt that it was too lonely for a companion to be caught by us, so Two green goblins took the initiative to accompany it."

  "..." Li He was silent after hearing this, because Ali's guess was really unbelievable.

  (End of chapter)

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