267. Chapter 267 is about to begin

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  Chapter 267 is about to begin.
  "Let's go." Brynn said.

  Under the leadership of Brin, Li He stepped into the cave entrance.

  After entering, what you see is a narrow passage. It doesn't look like it was dug manually, but more like a natural crack. It can barely accommodate two people.

  The stone wall is inlaid with shell-shaped luminous crystal lighting, emitting a pure yellow light, which is not very dim.

  A few dozen meters deep along the passage, a hall with a radius of more than 20 square meters appeared, and the line of sight couldn't help but become wider.

  Directly in front, a stone table appeared, and behind the stone table was a white stone wall.

  Brin walked to the stone table and tapped the surface of the stone table. A groove appeared. There were two scrolls in it, one red and one white.

  Brin picked up the white scroll and handed it to Li He and said, "Write down the questions you want to ask the apprentices on it." "So

  , if you want to ask the apprentices questions, you need to write them down on paper instead of asking them in person?" Li He said.

  "The Apprentice's Mouth is very special. In theory, it can answer all questions, but... some questions are too special and will cause damage to the Apprentice's Mouth, so this method is used to filter out inappropriate questions. Originally, more than ten years ago, it was That's not the case, but after we lost the academy war last time, we lost a lot of top resources. The apprentice's voice has become more important. We can't afford to lose anything, so we have to be cautious." Brin explained with some emotion, "An academy war. There have been too many changes, and I don’t know what will happen in the upcoming academy war..."

  Li He was silent. During this time, he had learned a lot about the academy war and had a rough outline. The Academy War is one of the tests for many wizard organizations. One failure will result in heavy losses, and two failures can almost declare the demise of the force, which has to worry even wizards like Brin.

  Similarly, due to the Academy War, Dark Heart Academy has tightened its control over the apprentice's mouth, which puts a certain limit on the questions he can ask.

  Some of the more unusual questions were obviously impossible to ask.

  For example, ask how many digits there are in pi and what are they?
  For example, how can a unified theory of the universe be constructed?

  Including the questions I asked when I first met the devil Alex, they are not suitable to ask.

  Otherwise, it will not pass the Brin review.

  That's fine. You don't have to think too much and just ask the questions according to the original plan.

  Li He took a quill from Brin, unfolded the white scroll on the stone table, and began to write his own question - how to complete the Aum Notes meditation method.

  After finishing writing, he returned the scroll and quill to Brin.

  Brin briefly glanced at it without saying anything else. He picked up another red scroll and began to translate the content into another language and rewrite it.

  Li He looked at it and found that the language of the translation was Farosco, which he had initially studied in the language course at Dark Heart Academy.

  This language is considered one of the lingua franca among wizards in the Wizarding Continent. Its status is slightly lower than that of Uruk. Its pronunciation and writing are more complicated, but its meaning is more precise and is often used in more important documents.

  Brin finished transcribing it carefully, checked it twice, rolled up the scroll, walked to the stone wall behind the stone table, tapped lightly, and a palm-sized hole appeared.

  Brin stuffed the scroll inside, the hole closed and disappeared instantly.

  At the same time, a crack appeared on the side of the stone wall, like a portal that could be entered, and white mist was faintly emitting outward.

  Brin raised his hand and said, "Go ahead. Once you go in there, you can get the answer to the question you want to ask." "Thank you,

  Lord Brin." Li He nodded, walked over, and entered the stone wall through the crack. .

  Enter it and the cracks will close automatically.

  Li He looked around and found a secret room of more than ten square meters.

  There is a shell-shaped crystal lighting that I have seen before in the corner of the secret room, but there is no other decoration.

  The four walls, including the floor and roof, are all smooth.

  Is this the "mouth of the apprentice"?
  Doubts arose in Li Hyuk's mind, and he couldn't see where to get the answers to the questions asked.

  Walking slowly on the ground, observing the details in the secret room, trying to find any clues.

  After taking a few steps, the soil and ground shook slightly, and a very dull sound sounded, as if coming from deep in the earth.

  "Boy, you stepped on my nose."

  Li He took two steps to the side. Looking back, he saw that the originally flat ground quickly rose up, and a huge human face appeared that occupied less than half of the ground.

  There is also a faint footprint on the nose of the human face.

  It turns out that this is the "apprentice's mouth", which is actually hidden underground.

  The apprentice didn't care about Li He stepping on his nose. In other words, he was used to it. He opened his mouth big enough to swallow people and made a hoarse voice: "You want to ask me a question? You want to ask me something?" All the knowledge of Orm's Codex?"

  "Yes, I..." Li Hyuk said.

  The apprentice ignored it and said directly: "Since you asked the question sincerely, according to the contract I signed, I will tell you everything I know. The only question is, are you ready to accept it? "

  Hehehe, hehehe..." At the end of the sentence, the apprentice laughed. The hoarse laughter was like a rusty saw cutting wood, which made people's ears sting.

  The entire secret room shook, and wisps of bright blue mist emerged and gathered in the air.

  Gradually, the blue luminous mist formed an extremely complex character, slowly rotating and appearing in front of Li He.

  Li He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the characters, feeling his brain tingling slightly. Many memories poured in, and the characters in mid-air were engraved into the depths of his brain.

  There was a thoughtful expression on his face, and he spoke slowly for a moment: "The complete version of the Aum Notes meditation method, so it is like this..." At

  this moment, he no longer had any doubts about the Aum Notes meditation method.

  But soon, he raised his eyebrows again and said: "No!"


  Based on the knowledge provided by the disciples and comparing it with the knowledge he had reasoned before, he found that there were subtle differences in many parts.

  For example, when he meditated on the complete characters, although he did not deduce all of them, he already had a general framework.

  Compared with the complete characters of meditation taught by the disciples, the whole character is consistent, but the specific internal structure is completely opposite in many places.

  For example, he previously deduced that a certain part was in the shape of a "piece", but what he learned from his disciples was in the shape of a "piece".

  What he had deduced before was the "ping" shape, but what he taught his disciples was the "pong" shape.

  What he deduced was "孓", and what was taught by the disciple's mouth was "孓"... The

  disciple's mouth had been used in Dark Heart Academy for so long, and he did not think that wrong information would be deliberately given, otherwise it would have been exposed long ago. And whether it is true or not, you can get the result by simply testing it.

  But if what the disciples say is true.

  Could what he deduced be false?

  However, the meditation characters he deduced during the previous meditation were all normal, and they could greatly increase the growth rate of his mental power.

  Or is there more than one version of the complete Aum Notes meditation method?
  Li He looked at the disciple's mouth to ask, but saw that after the disciple's mouth finished imparting knowledge, he quickly sank to the ground below, giving him no chance to ask.

  The luminous mist in mid-air dissipated, and the cracks entering from the side also opened and closed. "Okay..." Li He sighed lightly.

  What he asked for was the complete version of the Aum Codex, and now he has obtained it. As for the doubts that followed, the disciples would not pay attention to it, and he needed to find a way to solve it himself.

  He took a step and left the secret room.


  Returning to Blackstone Castle, Li He verified the complete characters of meditation obtained from the disciples many times and found that it could indeed greatly increase the speed of spiritual power growth without leaving any hidden dangers. It should be correct knowledge.

  However, after perfecting the characters I deduced based on the complete characters from the disciples' mouths, I found that similar effects can be achieved, and there are still no hidden dangers.

  This made him even more confused.

  He guessed that the two similar-looking cars had strange and complete characters in their internal structures, as if one car had been modified differently, one into a left-hand drive car and the other into a right-hand drive car.

  There seems to be a difference, but in fact the effect is the same and there is no essential difference.

  Will it?

  He didn't have a completely definite answer to this, and he still needed to invest time and energy in research.

  However, considering that the complete character of meditation has been obtained and the problem of meditation has been solved, this research topic is no longer urgent.

  After comprehensive consideration, Li He downgraded the importance of this research and prepared to study it as a daily long-term topic. With continuous meditation, he will study why there are two different complete characters of meditation.

  Could it be that in addition to this, there are third and fourth different complete meditation characters.

  Or, the complete meditation character is actually incomplete and needs to be completed.

  Then what kind of existence will it be after it is completely completed?
  Real ancient witchcraft?

  Li He thought a lot, recorded his thoughts one by one, and then got busy with other matters.

  The repair and expansion of Blackstone Castle will still continue.

  In addition, he planted many Noah's Vine seeds in the plantation. These seeds, exchanged for 0.5 crystals from Gauss, can be cultivated into entry-level staffs.

  He planned to use the knowledge in "Nopamo Staff Planting Technique" to cultivate and improve Noah's vine, and finally make a staff suitable for use in preparation for the future.

  For high-level apprentices and formal wizards, the staff is a relatively common magical weapon. It can effectively increase one's combat power and cannot be ignored. Of course, for apprentices and wizards who are keen on close combat or are poor, it is Another story.

  Apprentices and wizards who are keen on close combat will only find the staff a burden.

  Poor apprentices and wizards would never consider this kind of demonized weapon with a large investment.

  In addition, he added two new important research topics, namely the research on mechanical creation and magic matrix, and the research on potion configuration.

  He has had the idea to research mechanical creations and spell matrices for a long time. He eliminated the apprentice named Thomas Ill in the annual test and obtained the remains of the opponent's "Death Armor", which gave him more ideas.

  Later, he got the "Bruce Spell Matrix Notes". After a brief browse, he saw the huge potential of the combination of mechanical creations and spell matrix. Apart from the attached soul consciousness, Caesar's Activated Armor is actually a mechanical creation with the spell matrix engraved on it. If you invest in it, Resources continue to upgrade, not necessarily to the level of "Blood Red Armor", or even stronger.

  Of course, what he envisioned was actually in another direction, which was to see if it was possible to create a magic matrix-style mechanical creation on a large scale.

  If he can succeed, he can create an army of demonized armor similar to the "Caesar Activated Armor".

  An army with all third-level wizard apprentices!

  In this case, with a small amount of high-end power, a relatively complete combat legion can be formed.

  They usually reserve it in the expanded Black Stone Castle, and if they encounter any obstacles, they can be released directly, and they will be wiped out with a crushing advantage.

  Thinking about it makes me yearn for it.

  Of course, there is still a long way to go before we really reach this point.

  In recent days, in addition to contacting other wizard families who wanted to fund, Li He and wizard Brin had two more contacts, exchanged some research ideas, and generated more ideas on this topic, which they prepared to gradually verify and improve.

  As for the research on potion configuration, this is an important matter related to whether he can be promoted to a wizard.

  Wizard World Wizard World, Dean Gauss said it right before. In this world, only those who are promoted to wizards have a certain identity and the qualifications to participate in some things.

  Otherwise, even if he has knowledge, he will encounter many obstacles.

  Currently, his most important goal is to be promoted to a wizard.

  This matter has the highest priority.

  If you want to be promoted to a wizard, you have to solve the problem of promotion potions and make the promotion potions fit your status as much as possible.

  Whether it is configuring the recipe from beginning to end, or obtaining the primary state of the potion for improvement, it requires a lot of potion knowledge. That is why he spent 8 crystals to exchange for the "Hamok's Potion Handbook".

  With the continuous in-depth study of "Hammock's Potion Handbook", he also had a clearer idea of ​​his own promotion potion.

  There is already a clear tendency to choose potion or formula.

  The next thing to do is to tell Gauss his choice and go to perform the resource guarding task.

  During the resource guarding mission, prepare the perfect promotion potion to be promoted to a wizard as quickly as possible.

  At that time, it will be time for him to truly understand, explore, and analyze the world.

  By then, various studies will have new perspectives and ideas.

  By then, everything will be different.

  That will be a fresh start.

  Wizard World Wizard World, at that time he will set off as a wizard and use scientific thinking to figure out many mysteries.

  He was eager for this.


  In the blink of an eye, nearly half a month passed.

  Li Hyuk was busy waiting.

  Finally, Goss sent Sean to notify him and wanted to meet him.

  Li He's eyes were fixed, and he knew very well in his heart that Gauss wanted him to give an answer and set off to perform the resource protection mission.

  It's time to start.


  (End of chapter)

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