257.Chapter 257 The Land on the Edge

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  Chapter 257: The Edge Land.
  The reason why we have reached the outskirts of the Pale Forest is that the surrounding pale trees have become sparse visibly to the naked eye.

  As we pursued and continued forward, there were fewer and fewer pale trees, and they also became shorter and shorter, showing signs of transformation from trees to shrubs.

  The pale forest gradually turned into a pale grassland.

  After chasing forward for tens of thousands of meters, the ground below became dry.

  Tens of thousands of meters further forward, the dry ground began to turn into sand.

  Slowly, the soil disappears and endless desert appears.

  The air became scorching, and the billowing heat waves quickly enveloped Solon and Li He's bodies.

  Li He looked at all this, and his doubts became more intense, because the appearance of the desert was too sudden.

  Although it is far away from the Pale Forest, the environment of the forest and the desert is so different that it is impossible to say that it appears. It is not like a natural formation at all, but more like the result of artificial intervention.

  How many secrets are hidden in this annual test area...

  Li He thought as he continued to pursue, he felt that his surrounding vision suddenly darkened again, and the air temperature dropped a lot in an instant. Just when I thought I was encountering the rapid change of day and night that happened just now, I glanced around and found that it was not the case.

  The area thousands of meters away was still bright, except for the sudden darkness around him, as if he suddenly ran into a large shadow.

  Moreover, the shape of this shadow is very strange. It is square and square, with a length and width of seven to eight hundred meters. It seems to have been precisely designed.

  The problem is, if you want to have a shadow, you need a cover and sunlight!
  However, since entering this pale forest, I have not seen any sunlight. The same goes for entering the desert outside this pale forest. There is also no sunlight. The heat wave I felt seemed to be born from the sand, and the dazzling light appeared out of thin air, which was extremely weird.

  So what's going on with this square shadow?

  Li He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, his eyes widened suddenly.

  I saw that the sky was still gray, like a gloomy sky.

  But just above his head, a square black piece appeared, as if a piece of the roof was missing, or as if a black brick was suddenly built on a roof that was entirely covered with white square bricks.

  It was this piece of black that caused an abnormal shadow to appear on the ground.

  The black top of the head is extremely eye-catching.

  Even more weird.

  Li He couldn't help but have a conjecture in his heart: Maybe... this annual test area is not a natural environment. It may be entirely man-made. In a sense, maybe it is like a box, and he and the rest of the people are the box. of people. And now, for some reason, this box is missing a piece...

  Could it be? Wouldn't it?

  Guessing, with extremely high speed, Li He chased Sauron out of the shadow area and continued to move forward.

  Slowly, the sand on the ground in front is getting higher and higher, and dunes are rising up, each one tens or hundreds of meters long, like mountains stretching across the front. The temperature in the air is also rising, making people feel like they are about to burn.

  Sauron's escape speed couldn't help but slow down. He walked around the dunes with difficulty and gritted his teeth before stepping forward.

  Seeing that Li He still maintained the same speed and got closer and closer to him, he yelled "It's absolutely impossible to catch up with me", and his speed exploded again, and he rushed forward suddenly.

  Then, under Li He's gaze, there was a "bang" sound, as if he hit some transparent wall, and he fell straight from the air. He rolled dozens of times and landed at the bottom of the sand dune, where he fainted.

  Li He suddenly stopped, looked at the unconscious Sauron for several seconds, and then slowly flew forward.

  Then, at the same position where Sauron hit, he reached out and touched an invisible barrier.

  Very tough. And there is no energy response, making it difficult for anyone to detect.

  Let alone Sauron, even a real wizard would be the same.

  But why is there such a barrier here?

  Li He dropped down in front of the barrier, stepped on the hot yellow sand, thought for a moment, and with a wave of his hand, controlled the yellow sand in a large area to fly up, like a waterfall, slamming towards the location of the barrier and its surroundings.


  With a muffled sound, all the sand grains stopped instantly and fell quickly after hitting an invisible barrier.

  Then the changes in the sand grains also allowed Li He to see the area of ​​the barrier.

  Hundreds of meters to the left and right, nearly a hundred meters upward...everywhere that the rising yellow sand could touch was blocked by invisible barriers.

  Li He squinted his eyes and quickly shot out multiple "acetylene-oxygen explosion fireballs". When he saw the fireballs staggering far away and turning into the size of a spark, they exploded. In the end, they were also blocked by the barrier, and he knew that this might be an endless fireball. wall.

  This reminded him of the stone wall in the treasure in Hester Village.

  The difference is that it was a stone wall at the beginning, blocking the group's retreat. But now there is a transparent wall, blocking the way to continue exploring outwards.

  Could this be the testing area—the edge of the Pale Forest?
  So the test area has edges?

  It would be fair to say that this place is on the edge.

  Li He tapped his chest gently, and using the enhanced perception of the Regeneration Heart, he could clearly detect that the stability of the surrounding environmental space was weak to a certain limit, which was far lower than the place he chose for testing in the Pale Forest before.

  According to theory, if space is so weak, it cannot exist stably at all. There should be a large number of space cracks.

  But actually, no.

  The space that should have been crumbling seemed to be glued together by another more powerful force.

  It feels like I have seen some truth about the Pale Forest here.

  Li He looked around, thoughts flying in his mind.

  After thinking for a long time, he took a deep breath and stepped towards Sauron, who was still unconscious at the bottom of the dune.

  Without hesitation, he flipped his hand, took out a syringe, stabbed it directly into the opponent's neck, and drew out a full tube of blood.

  Sauron sucked blood before to replenish energy, but his purpose of sucking blood is very simple. When he has time, he will study the secret of the bloodline of Sauron, the most amazingly talented apprentice.

  After drawing blood, Li He began to search Solon.

  Soon, he found the key of time that the other party had shown before. After careful counting, there were six of them.

  The six Keys of Time, plus the eleven Keys of Time he had before, brought the number of Keys of Time he owned to seventeen.

  With seventeen keys of time in hand, plus encountering an unimaginable weak spot in space, what are you waiting for?
  Li He walked to a relatively flat sandy area nearby and started the test directly.

  For him, in this special location, valuable enough results can be obtained regardless of whether the test is successful or not.


  (End of chapter)

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