24. Chapter 24 Similar to Silver Pattern

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  Chapter 24
  A black bug that resembled silver streaks came out of the water and showed no mercy after climbing onto the floating board.

  It opened its front mouthparts and gnawed wildly at the board. In a short while, it had eaten the entire board clean, and then it pounced on another board.

  "This... what kind of bug... why does it eat everything..."

  "It doesn't bite people, does it?"

  "Stay away... be careful..."

  The voices of passengers on the deck outside could be heard faintly, Li He He moved his eyebrows and continued to observe.

  I found that these black bugs did not eat all the wood, but they were selective.

  Many boards were eaten cleanly, and many boards were ignored. In the end, some black bugs even pounced on the burning boards, but turned a blind eye to the large, safe and floating boards close at hand.

  I don’t know how long it took, but the black bugs gnawed a large piece of the floating wooden board. After eating the last favorite board, they all stopped as if they received some signal, and then screamed together, the sound was like A sharp awl penetrates the eardrum.

  Li He frowned, Alex looked uncomfortable, and a series of painful shouts came from outside the suite cabin.

  The black insect was screaming, and slowly spread its wings on its back. With a "buzz" sound, it flew in all directions through the rising flames like a flying arrow.

  Some of them flew straight towards the "Gray Bell" and were about to hit it.

  This frightened the passengers of the "Grey Bell" and shouted at the sailors to quickly turn the steering wheel.

  "Quickly move away from them."

  "Quickly avoid them. The bugs are coming on board and will bite people to death."

  "Go to the right..."

  "Turn to the left..."

  He shouted. In the sound, the helmsman seemed to have received the signal, and the whole ship swayed suddenly and tilted towards the shore.

  The black insect swarm that was about to crash into the ship flew past the ship and flew into the distance.

  Captain's passengers breathed a sigh of relief.

  Li He stood in the window, watching the insects flying past one after another, and narrowed his eyes. The next moment, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, opened the window, stretched out a hand wearing thick leather gloves, accurately caught a black insect flying behind the team, and carried it into the cabin.

  The swarm of insects did not notice or care that one of its companions was captured, whizzing away into the distance and disappearing into the darkness.

  Li He lowered his head and looked at the black insect in the glove. The insect was struggling violently, trying to escape from the glove.

  After struggling for a while, finding it futile, he opened his mouth and tried to bite.

  But the protective gloves Li Hyuk wears specially have a specially treated surface that makes them tough, and there are fine wires embedded inside. The black insect hissed for a long time without any effect, and finally gave up resistance and stopped motionless in the glove.

  Lee Hyuk was able to take a closer look.

  He found that the black bug was said to be a bug, but it was actually more similar to a bee. It was about five centimeters long and its body was divided into three clear segments: head, thorax and abdomen. It has six legs, two pairs of wings, a pair of compound eyes, no stinger on the tail, but sharp mouthparts on the head.

  What Li He paid special attention to was the pattern on the back of the black insect, which was silvery white, entwined in the middle and separated at both ends, like a complex character.

  And if he remembered correctly, it was probably the third time he had seen such lines.

  The first time was when a group of witch hunters broke into Blackstone Castle and were defeated by him, leaving behind a divine punishment stone that could suppress the magical power of Weier and Mayfair. There is an insect sealed inside the God's Punishment Stone, and there are lines like this on its back.

  The second time, he broke into Baron Murphy's residence and killed him. A bug flew out of the other party's body, which could control people's thoughts. He decisively shot it with the magic-modified magic rifle "Ambition". The other party also had this on his back. texture.

  Is this a coincidence?

  Or is it that these three bugs have different appearances, but they actually belong to the same species?
  If it's the same kind, through some method, can he use the one in his hand to make a second God's Punishment Stone, or cultivate a second insect that can control people's minds? Or even has a greater purpose?
  Even if they are not the same type, figuring out the secrets of the lines on the other person's back should be of a lot of use.

  Li He thought about it.

  Speaking of which, although he has been in this world for half a year, he has studied a lot of things with the help of his own knowledge. But we still know too little about this world, especially a series of unscientific things such as magical power, mysterious knowledge, magical creatures, etc. The more we understand, the more hidden secrets we find.

  And there is no other good way to do this.

  The only way to unlock the secret is to conduct research.

  Then research it!
  One day he will unlock all the unscientific secrets.

  Li He held the black bug in his hand and glanced out the window. He saw that the swarm of bugs had disappeared without a trace. The ship also sailed past the wreckage of the "Captain Griffith's Daughter" and was cautious in an atmosphere of fear and caution. Moving forward, nothing unexpected should happen in the short term.

  Thinking of this, Li He looked at the devil Alex again: "Come with me to visit the castle." "

  Yes." The devil responded respectfully.

  Li He reached out and took out the miniature black stone castle from his inner pocket. Alex immediately recited a spell: "Kerik..." The air in the

  cabin in the suite fluctuated, and the two of them disappeared the next moment. Without a trace.


  Almost at the same time, Li He and Alex appeared in front of the gate of Blackstone Castle.

  In the field of vision, the Blackstone Castle was almost the same as usual, except that a dark gray light curtain appeared above and around it, forming a barrier.

  According to Alex's explanation, this is the boundary of Blackstone Castle. If the strength is restored in the future, we can find ways to expand and increase the area of ​​Blackstone Castle.

  However, for now, Blackstone Castle is completely sufficient.

  Li He and Alex stepped forward and walked into the gate of Blackstone Castle. They could see that the open space here had been cleaned up. The bodies of the people who had been killed before had been disposed of. There was no trace of what had happened. Killing.

  Li He stepped into the main castle without staying in the open space.

  After the rapid assault transformation in the past few days, the entire main castle is currently used as a laboratory by Li He.

  The stone house in the open space used to be Laboratory Zero, and the current main castle is Laboratory No. 1. Of course, in a sense, it is more appropriate to call it a laboratory building or a test station.

  Entering the first floor of Laboratory No. 1 of the main castle, Li He walked directly into the former restaurant, which is now the main research room of Laboratory No. 1.

  Here are placed many props, potions, cabinets, tables and chairs transferred from the stone house, roughly showing a loop-shaped layout - in the middle are multiple test tables put together, with a series of commonly used things placed on them, and around them are some Large equipment, glass containers, pharmaceuticals, powders and other items.

  Li He walked into the room, walked to a shelf in the corner, took down a dark gray lead box, placed it on the test table in the middle and opened it, revealing the contents inside.

  It is the God's Punishment Stone.

   Please support, recommend, and comment, thank you all!

    ps1: If everything goes well... there may be another chapter around twelve o'clock in the evening.

    ps2: Currently there are two chapters a day, one at 11:00 and one at 18:00. Additional updates or requests for leave under special circumstances will be explained in advance. In short, it is being updated steadily. Please feel free to read and support me.


  (End of chapter)

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