213.Chapter 212 The Effect of the Black Ring

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  Chapter 212 The Effect of the Black Ring
  "Yes, Snake Grass, what's the problem?" Li He looked at Alex and asked.

  "No...no." Alex shook his head, "I'll get ready right now."

  "Okay." Li He nodded, and Alex quickly left.

  Leaving the main castle and walking a few dozen meters towards the plantation, Alex's expression turned gritty.

  Snake plant, snake plant, this damn snake plant again.

  Now, when he hears the name, he gets angry.

  Because Li He broke through the bottleneck before, it was okay to suffer a loss. Just now he suffered another loss. If he hadn't recovered quickly, he might have been eaten away by the greedy snake grass.

  He hates this damn snake plant!
  If possible, I really want to burn them all on fire.

  But he also knew that he definitely couldn't do this.

  Li He put a lot of effort into the snake plant and other demonic plants in the plantation, and it was a very important research.

  If it is really destroyed, it will inevitably affect Li Hyuk's plan.

  Damn it, the more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

  Alex walked into the plantation with a dark face, and angrily walked towards the snake plant planting area. He originally wanted to collect a few snake plants roughly, but considering that if some parts of the snake plant were damaged and incomplete, it might not be complete. Influence the results of Li He's experimental study.

  I couldn't help but use a little less force when I started, and finally carefully picked a few intact snake plants.

  Afterwards, as required, they picked cord grass, shooter peas, and biting cabbage, and took out a sufficient number of white mice from the warehouse and sent them to the pest experiment area.

  Not long after, Li He used these "materials" to start research in the No. 1 operation room.

  As ordered, Alex waited outside the door of the operation room.

  While waiting, while continuing to express his resentment towards the snake plant, he listened to various vague sounds coming from the room.


  This is the sound of a boiling pot.


  This is the sound of violent burning.


  This is the scream of a white mouse. It sounds like the probability of survival is not very high... Alex guessed.

  Although I didn't see what Li Hyuk was doing, I could roughly guess Li Hyuk's current behavior after staying with him for a long time.

  Not surprisingly, they should be using mice to conduct living biological experiments.



  The mice screamed one after another. Alex shook his eyebrows and couldn't help but think: It feels like this experiment didn't go very well.

  Just as he thought of this, the sound of the white mouse screaming disappeared, followed by a series of vibrating sounds of glassware and the buzzing of instruments.

  Then, a small sound of "Yeah" sounded.

  Alex frowned, now he couldn't guess what Li Hyuk was doing.

  Could it be that he was using the demonized plants he collected for experiments?

  What kind of experimental method is that?

  Is it torture?
  If so, he sincerely wishes to torture that damn snake plant.

  Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a "crash" sound in the laboratory, followed by a series of breaking sounds, as if glassware was being broken continuously.

  Finally, accompanied by a "boom", the entire No. 1 operation room shook slightly, all sounds disappeared, and it became extremely quiet.

  Alexis was extremely curious and looked at the door of the operating room.

  A few seconds later, there was a "click" sound, and the closed mechanical lock opened from the inside. Li He walked out, wearing the black ring he had just tested and received from Dean Gauss, with a happy face.

  Seeing this, Alex asked quickly: "Master, you...research was successful?" "

  Yes." Li He nodded, "So be it."

  For Li He, this is the thirteenth research , there were some problems in the early stage, but the later stage went more smoothly. It was almost as expected, and I basically figured out the function of this simple black ring.

  To put it simply, it is reinforcement.

  Strengthening, the strengthening of living things.

  Similar to the incomplete Blood Amber Ring, or a reduced version of the fused blood potion.

  The disadvantage is that the improvement is not very obvious. For an ordinary wizard apprentice, it may not be bad, but for him who has the confidence to challenge an official wizard, it is somewhat tasteless.

  But this is obviously not the full function of the black ring, otherwise there would be no need to study it for so many days.

  Gauss said that this black ring was worn for many years and underwent many secret modifications.

  The purpose of Li He's research was to find out what this secret transformation was.

  Finally, through a series of tests, I figured it out and strengthened it.

  However, different species are targeted, and the strengthening effects are also different.

  It only has an ordinary strengthening level for animals, but it can reach a terrifying level for plants.

  This is because the iron ring is strengthened after being activated with energy. In order to protect the safety of animals or humans, there are restrictions on strengthening.

  But for plants, this limitation can be broken, and the full potential of the plants can be forcibly stimulated, so that they can be strengthened to a state far beyond their original state in a short period of time.

  This is somewhat similar to the plant spells that the White Fang Tower wizard Demon Heart is good at, but there are differences.

  According to Li He's research, the strengthening of the iron ring can be combined with the plant spells of the wizard's heart to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

  This is very good news for him.

  After getting the knowledge of plant magic from Demon Heart before, he has studied a lot, and now he has almost reached a bottleneck. With this iron ring, he can make a new breakthrough.

  Plant spells and iron ring enhancements were all used on several powerful demonized plants that he specially cultivated. He felt that there was another way to compete with official wizards.

  Thinking of this, Li He couldn't help but smile, looked at Alex and said, "Come with me to the plantation and test my research results." "Okay,

  Master Li He, let's go first The planting area of ​​biting cabbage?"

  "Let's go to the snake plant planting area first."

  "Ahem...Okay." Alex clenched his fist slightly, but said nothing, and walked forward with Li He. .


  Not long after, arriving at the snake plant planting area, Li He stopped in the corner and noticed several mature snake plants that had already produced seeds.

  "Master, this has just matured recently, and I am about to report back to you."

  "Yes." Li He nodded, without saying anything more, stretched out his hand, held a snake plant seed between his fingers, and gently Take it off.

  Then he flicked his fingertips and the seeds flew out.

  In mid-air, Li He recited the spell silently and cast the plant spell.

  Soon, the seeds landed in a clearing at the edge of the planting area.

  Visible to the naked eye, the seeds quickly grow fibrous roots and penetrate into the soil, then sprout green shoots and grow rapidly upward.

  Almost in the blink of an eye, it grew to several meters long, and its trunk kept swinging, like a poisonous snake raising its body and trying to angrily attack the enemy.

  At this time, Li Hyuk raised the hand wearing the black ring, pointed the black ring at the snake grass that spawned, injected energy into the ring, and released the ring's strengthening effect.


  The snake grass that spawned shook violently, and a hissing sound came from the structure at the end that resembled a snake's mouth.

  The sound of "cracking" sounded, and the snake grass expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming thicker and increasing in length rapidly. After a few breaths, it became more than ten meters long and as thick as a bucket.

  Rather than calling it "snake grass", it is more consistent to call it "python grass".


  The double-strengthened Snake Grass emitted a sound similar to "roaring" from inside while swinging its torso as if it was ready to attack at any time.

  Li He was relatively calm, carefully watching Snake Grass's every move and analyzing its true strength.

  Alex looked at the snake plant, and unknowingly let go of the hands he had held tightly since entering the plantation, but his brows furrowed deeply.

  Why does he think that in the clone state, he is no longer a match for this grass... Alex couldn't help but think.

  Is the grass too strong, or is he too weak?

  (End of this chapter)

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