206.Chapter 205 Can gems be synthesized artificially?

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  Chapter 205 Can gems be synthesized artificially?

  Geller looked at Li He, his eyes widening, and he said in disbelief: "You're not, aren't you, you really brought rubies? Do you
  have new rubies in your hand? You...you How many rubies are there? Your ruby ​​collection alone is comparable to that of several wizards! Did you discover a hidden ruby ​​mine privately?" "Have I discovered a ruby

  ​​mine ? , not important, but I did bring the ruby ​​​​that Wizard Bobo Bonas needs." Li He said, "So, please tell him that I have something to ask him, and I hope he can help. As a thank you, the ruby ​​​​is free. Give it to him."

  "Okay, okay." Geller said repeatedly, looking quite excited. He didn't expect that Li He, a wizard apprentice, could bring surprises one after another. Not to mention anything else, if Li He can hand over the rubies to his teacher today, as long as there are more than twenty rubies, it will make Bobo Bonas happy for a day or two, and his life will be much easier.

  "You wait, you wait, I'll call the teacher right away." Geller turned around and left.

  "You just said that he was doing experiments. Isn't it okay to disturb him?"

  "As long as you can get rubies, it doesn't matter if you disturb him from doing experiments. He said it himself." Geller said loudly, walking quickly along the corridor and into the depths of the wooden building. at.

  Not long after, a strong wind blew through the corridor of the wooden building.

  When the wind dissipated, Bobo Bonas, wearing an old robe, appeared in front of Li He, holding Geller in one hand.

  Obviously after the other party got the news, he didn't have the patience to come over. He directly cast a spell and carried his students here.

  Bobo Bonas still looked so old and thin, but there was a fiery gaze in his eyes. He looked at Li He and couldn't hide his excitement: "My friend Richard, I knew you could constantly bring surprises to me. ."

  "My name is Li He, Wizard of Bobo Bonas." Li He corrected softly.

  "Ahem, okay, my friend Li He! Forgive me, I've been a little busy recently and my memory is not very good." Bobo Bonas was a little embarrassed, put down Geller in his hand, and quickly changed the topic, "Also Let's get down to business. You came to me with the ruby ​​​​this time. You must have some difficulties that require me to take action, right?" "Yes.

  I am currently using the Aum Notes meditation method. I want to complete this meditation method. I don't know if there is one. What can we do?" Li He said directly.

  "Aum's Notes Meditation Method?" After listening to this, Bobo Bonas frowned slightly and thought aloud, "I know this meditation method, which is used in our Dark Heart Academy, White Bone Monastery, Shadow Academy, White Fang Tower, etc. It is spread by wizard organizations.

  This is an incomplete meditation method, not excellent, but compared with other popular meditation methods, it does not have many shortcomings. It is enough for the wizard apprenticeship stage. But it is really difficult to complete it. It's not easy, even if I try my best, it's still very troublesome..."

  After muttering to himself in a low voice for a while, Bobobonas looked up at Li He and said, "Seriously, if someone else asked me to do this, I will definitely refuse, but you are my friend after all. So, if you can help me find fifty rubies of the same quality as before, I am willing to spend five years to help you complete this meditation method, even if it cannot be done To be completely complete, it can be more than 80% complete. How about it?"

  "..." Li He was silent, as if thinking, and slowly said, "Is five years too long?"

  Bobo Bonas quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, my friend, I really am not exaggerating the difficulty. The Aum Notes Meditation Method is a meditation method that has been handed down from a long time ago. It is relatively ancient. If you want to complete it, you need to consult a lot of information. Therefore, using five years of I dare not say that I can completely complete it for you in time, but 80% completeness is enough for you to use. Five years really cannot be any less." "If I can provide you with

  five hundred high-quality rubies What?" Li He said.

  "Ah?!" Bobo Bonas was stunned, and Geller next to him was also stunned. "Five hundred rubies?"

  Bobo Bonas walked around in place, as if digesting this information, and looked towards Li He, his eyes flashed slightly: "If you really have five hundred rubies, then... my dear friend, I promise to use all my energy to help you complete this meditation method. Three years, give me three years Time, I will help you complete it to 90%. As for the last 10%, I'm sorry, I can't lie to you, I can only do my best. I can't guarantee the effect." "What about the five thousand rubies? Can you

  help How long should I shorten it to?"

  "Five thousand!" Bobo Bonas said in a tone and narrowed his eyes. "If you can come up with five thousand rubies, I declare that you will become my closest friend. . It is indeed not easy to complete the Orm Codex meditation method, but I can mobilize my other wizard friends to help, and it will take up to a year to help you complete it. But... the question is, do you have five thousand rubies

  ? ?Before, I almost collected all the entire academy, but only got more than 2,000 rubies, many of which were of substandard quality, otherwise my research would not have failed. But now, you can provide me with 5,000 rubies, My friend, I kind of doubt whether you are joking."

  Obviously, Bobo Bonas is not stupid. There are too many rubies and he doesn't think Li He can come up with them.

  Li He chuckled lightly, without arguing, and admitted generously: "I really can't come up with five thousand rubies." "

  So, are you really kidding me? This is not the behavior of a qualified friend." Bobo Bonas frowned slightly, "You know, I just interrupted the experiment and came out to see you." "

  It's true that I can't get five thousand rubies, but I know how to make rubies artificially. I don't need you to help me make them." For the complete meditation method, just provide me with the book knowledge that completes the meditation method. Is it reasonable to use the method of artificially making rubies in exchange for the complete knowledge of the Aum Codex meditation method?" "The method of artificially making

  rubies ?Ruby... can be synthesized artificially?" Bobo Bonas paused and asked in confusion, his eyes slightly widened, which obviously touched on his knowledge blind spot.

  Not to mention him, even the entire wizarding circle in Lan En Cape didn't know that rubies could be synthesized artificially.

  "If you really have a way to make rubies artificially, not to mention the knowledge of completing the Orm Codex meditation method, but also the knowledge and resources to become a wizard, it is not too much, especially for someone like me who desperately needs rubies. Come on." At the end of the sentence, Bobo Bonas was a little excited, "But the gems are all natural, how can they be synthesized?" "

  Of course they can be synthesized, otherwise how could I produce so many high-quality rubies? "Li He replied.

  "..." Bobo Bonas was silent for a while, then said, "Then how do you prove it?" "

  They are all here." Li He said, taking out a parchment scroll from his clothes and handing it to Bobo Bonas. What is written above is the synthesis process of artificial gems, but it is "translated" into a method that wizards can understand.

  In the field of science, synthetic gemstones are not considered high-end technology. He is not a miser, and if the opportunity is right, he doesn't mind exchanging it for something he needs more.

  The only risk is whether the other party will take advantage of the money, think that he is just a wizard apprentice, directly swallow the method of synthesizing gems, and then kill him and keep it secret.

  He has many hidden methods at his disposal, but he is not afraid of the wizard's actions and does not worry about his own safety.

  But when it comes to actually taking action, it's always a problem. It is very likely that if some of his secrets are exposed, he will no longer be able to stay in Dark Heart Academy and will need to "take refuge" in another wizard organization, or become a wandering wizard apprentice.

  However, considering the benefits, you still have to take some risks.

  (End of chapter)

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