134. Chapter 134 Fighting for the Big Ship

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  Chapter 134: Fighting for the Big Ship
  The entire operation room is about more than 200 square meters, and there are more than ten people gathered inside, three of whom are wizard apprentices wearing White Fang Tower robes and have never been seen in public. The remaining ten or so people were burly men about two meters tall with blank eyes, a bit like puppets or slaves, doing various things according to the wizard's apprentice's instructions.

  Inside the operation room, there are metal chains scattered all over, with complicated patterns carved on them, leading out from the middle and extending to all parts of the room.

  There is also a root structure like an intestine, which is also led from the middle and connected to every corner of the room.

  The bulkhead of the entire operation room is not wooden or metal, but more like the skin of some kind of creature. Through the blood-red surface, one can see the purple-blue blood vessels underneath, which continue to rise and fall as time goes by, as if they are breathing.

  The most amazing thing is the middle position.

  On a stone platform more than half a meter high, there are multiple crystal balls, which project bright images, like sea charts.

  At the very front of the stone platform is a rudder plate made of white bones, used to adjust the direction of the ship.

  In the center of the stone platform, there is a crystal coffin. When the lid is opened, you can see a corpse lying inside.

  It was a middle-aged man with purple-black skin and a stiff body. He looked like he had been dead for a long time, but he had undergone special treatment to prevent him from rotting. This man has no head and is completely bare from the top of his neck.

  Metal chains and intestine-like structures lead out from the neck and connect to various parts of the room.

  It seemed that the middle-aged man's body was the ship's control center and source of driving energy.

  As the door to the training room was destroyed, the wizard apprentice inside quickly reacted and directed a dozen coolie slaves to rush forward to defend, while he prepared spells from behind.

  Naturally, the wizard apprentices of the Shadow Academy did not want the White Fang Tower wizard apprentices to get their wish, so they cast spells first, defeated the coolie slaves, and rushed into the operation room.

  A battle broke out between the wizard apprentices and ended quickly.

  The White Fang Tower wizard apprentice who stayed in the operation room seemed to be only proficient in operating ships and not very capable in combat.

  The wizard apprentices of the Shadow Academy were obviously selected for this attack. Everyone was of good strength, and they used more to defeat the less, and they were prepared to defeat the unprepared. They defeated the wizard apprentice of the White Fang Tower in a single face-to-face encounter. .

  Then they dispersed to various corners, adjusting the steering wheel, crystal ball, metal chains, and intestinal-like structures.

  "Creak... creak..."

  Accompanied by the harsh sound, Li He, who was hiding in the corner, could clearly feel that the Conch was turning.

  The other party is obviously adjusting its sailing target, and it is very likely that it is sailing to the reception port of Shadow Academy.

  Li He squinted his eyes and tried to remember the operations of everyone. After understanding the principles of ship operation, he turned around and left without staying any longer.


  Aya Emily's room.

  Aya Emily was lying on the bed without a quilt covering her hair, and she just curled up and fell asleep.


  There was a violent explosion outside, the whole ship shook, and Aya Emily woke up.

  Then he saw a figure sitting at the table in his room, and he couldn't help but be surprised. Then he saw clearly that it was Li He.

  Aya Emily is not stupid, and she doesn't think Li He has any evil intentions when he appears in her room.

  Thinking about the explosion and Li He's sudden appearance in her room, she guessed a possibility and asked, "Senior Li He, did something happen?" Sure enough, Li He nodded the next moment

  , He turned to look at Aya Emily and said slowly: "Something has indeed happened. People from the Shadow Academy have boarded the ship and are taking control." "

  Then what should we do?" Aya Emily was a little flustered. He said authentically, "The people from Shadow Academy don't want to kill us all, do they? Should we find a place to hide?" "

  What a good idea." Li He praised, reaching out and handing out a test tube. It contained a small half-tube of colorless and transparent liquid.

  "Is this?"

  "Drink it, it can help you survive this danger safely."

  After listening to Li He's words, Aya Emily took the test tube and hesitated slightly. The main reason is that he doesn't know what the potion does, and he also can't figure out what the relationship between drinking the potion and safely surviving this danger is.

  Just when he was hesitating, there was a muffled "bang" sound outside, like something heavy flying in. The bulkhead of Aya Emily's room suddenly deformed and sunk inward, with dense cracks appearing.

  Aya Emily was startled, and the next moment there was another "bang" sound, and a small half of the wall was demolished, revealing the attacker outside.

  It turned out to be a huge octopus, swinging its tentacles in the corridor, destroying students' rooms and attacking students like metal whips. Some of them directly rolled the students out of the room, tore them into pieces, and then opened their mouths to eat them alive.

  Looking out of the room through the destroyed wall, I saw that the entire third floor below the deck had become a bloody battlefield.

  Several wizard apprentices from the White Fang Tower were organizing students to resist and counterattack the attack from the Shadow Academy. However, the wizard apprentices from the Shadow Academy were not polite at all. With the help of the giant octopus, they easily tore the bodies of many students into pieces and began to gather fire. Apprentice of the Tooth Tower wizard.

  As for the students who did not participate in the resistance but were accidentally injured and killed during this process, as well as the students who were devoured by hungry octopuses, they didn't care at all.


  There was another sound, and the room where Aya Emily was was completely destroyed. The huge octopus with bright eyes and purple body stretched out its tentacles and rolled towards Li He and Aya Emily in the room. Come.

  Aya Emily's face turned pale with fright. She currently did not master any spells, had no attack ability, and could not think of any way to solve the situation in front of her.

  Li He looked calm, looking at the tentacles that the octopus stretched out, and with a wave of his hand, a wind blade flew out and cut it off directly.


  The octopus made a strange cry and stretched out more tentacles with some anger.

  Li He snorted softly, flipped his hand, and the magic modified spell rifle "Ambition" appeared in his hand.

  Compared with before, Zhizi became thicker, with the volume increased by more than half. The barrel of the gun was enlarged and could almost fit a fist. It was better to say it was a gun than a hand cannon.

  This is exactly what it looks like after a recent improvement. It is not yet fully finalized and is just an experimental attempt. Considering that after becoming a wizard's apprentice and possessing spell abilities, you can deal with some low-threat targets more easily and flexibly with spells. The ambition of the original version is somewhat redundant. Therefore, after modification, the power of a single attack has been greatly enhanced, making it easier to deal with some medium and high threat or large targets, such as now.

  Li Hyuk held the improved "ambition" in his hand, faced the giant octopus, and pulled the trigger unceremoniously.

  (End of chapter)

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