Chapter 85 Unparalleled Fighting Will

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  Chapter 85 Unparalleled Fighting Will
  After receiving the increase in war will, the fighting spirit of Daodao Mantis greatly increased, and he rushed straight into the group of rabbits waving his metalized blade arm.

  These rabbits were basically pet beasts below the third level. Although the life energy intensity has increased a lot due to the increase of the Evernight Curtain, their skills have not changed much.

  The attack target chosen by Daodao Mantis is a small group of Bamboo Shoot Rabbits. These second-order bronze-level beasts that like to live in bamboo forests feed on bamboo shoots and use bamboo shoots as weapons. Their most proficient attack skill is "Bamboo Shoot Heavy Attack".

  This low-level plant skill must be used in conjunction with bamboo shoots. Under its catalysis, the bamboo shoots in Bamboo Shoot Rabbit's hands can mature instantly and double in size, turning into a high-quality weapon with the hardness and weight of a hammer. .

  However, bamboo shoots are just bamboo shoots after all. No matter how hard they are, they are only comparable to a hammer.

  In addition to the heavy attack with sharp bamboo shoots, the Bamboo Shoot Rabbit's attack mode only has the most basic plant-based skills such as entanglement and pollen interference. In the wild state, they basically cannot comprehend group attack skills.

  This kind of low-level pet beast with mediocre strength and no ability to attack from a distance and in groups is the opponent that Daodao Mantis is best at dealing with.

  Based on the insect's suppression of the plant system, and the superior life energy level of the mantis itself, it does not even need to use alloy claws, it can cut through those bamboo shoots and hammers with just a sharp slash of its blade arm.

  At the same time, the results of its previous special training at the Bloodstone Martial Arts Hall have also been fully reflected. With its flexible small-scale movement and its three-dimensional vision that can see 360 ​​degrees around itself almost at the same time, Daodao Mantis can do it alone. Chong went deep into the enemy's position and fought back and forth with ten or twenty bamboo shoot rabbits.

  Although it is inevitable to be hit by the bamboo shoot hammer when being attacked, the broadsword mantis, whose entire body has been slightly metalized, is fully able to withstand such an attack.

  After being hit by the hammer, its body shook slightly, and with a backhand slash, a bamboo shoot rabbit flew out. It held the chopped bamboo shoot in its hand and couldn't get up for a long time.

  I saw a large-sword mantis whose strength was average in the public opinion and not much better than the Bamboo Shoot Rabbit. He rushed into the herd of beasts as if he were in an uninhabited land and chopped down more than a dozen Bamboo Shoot Rabbits in a short time. He had just reluctantly accepted Ayou. People who can control physical illusions once again speculated on Russell's true identity.

  "I have worked in the Beast Taming Alliance for more than 20 years, and I have never heard of a legendary beast Tamer who specializes in insects. Whose second generation is this kid?" "Longquan City Beast Taming

  Alliance is willing to send nine The Beast Controller's participation in the operation must have something to do with him..."

  Since the Will of War skill greatly eased the pressure of survival, everyone's gossip souls were burning again.

  It's no wonder that these powerful enemies are still thinking about things at the moment. It's just that Russell's two pet beasts are a bit too brave.

  In the action team, except for a few high-level beast masters who resisted the main force of the beast tide, most of the technical staff and ordinary non-commissioned officers were around level five.

  For most beast masters from mediocre families, the standard pet beasts officially issued by the alliance are a very good choice. Basically, the ones they contract are gold-level pet beasts such as the Gale War Eagle and the Shield-Armor Beast.

  Facing the surrounding middle and low-level beasts, these fifth-level beasts were powerful enough to crush them, but in terms of skill configuration, they were far inferior to Ayou and Daodao Mantis.

  The Gale War Eagle is a balanced pet beast with both magic and martial arts. It can attack from a distance, and can also rush into the herd to fight with its wings and claws, but it very lacks the ability to attack in groups.

  Whether it is a remotely released wind blade, steel wing or tearing claw, it can only deal with one or two rabbit beasts at most at a time. The single target damage is completely overflowing, but the efficiency of clearing monsters is seriously insufficient.

  Moreover, all the Gale War Eagle's attack skills are ineffective against the ghost-type pet beasts mixed in the rabbit group.

  The Little Inspirit in pure spirit form can be greatly immune to physical damage. The Boneless Monster with the bone reconstruction skill can gather the surrounding bones and continue to regenerate as long as the soul fire core is intact and the energy is not exhausted.

  Due to the limitations of these factors, the Gale War Eagle's attack seemed to be able to sweep out a large area of ​​​​open space, but the actual effect was very limited.

  As for the defensive-oriented shielded dolphin, it is even more limited in terms of active attack. By the time it takes several seconds to release a roll or trample, the rabbits along the way will have already run to the other side to attack the open door. Beast master.

  After fighting at the back, the soldiers simply ordered the shielded dolphin beast to give up the attack, and instead activated the hardened skin skill, standing in front of everyone and using its body as a wall.

  On the other hand, one of Russell's two third-level pet beasts led more than a dozen phantoms to fly at low altitude like bombers. Each wave of bombings could blow up several rabbits that were unable to dodge.

  The other one was like a swordsman wandering among the beasts. He didn't seem to have much power, but in fact his attack speed was extremely fast and he attacked directly with every move. Not only did he defeat a group of rabbits that were difficult to parry, but he also easily eliminated many low-bone monsters.

  With the help of three-dimensional vision, the broadsword mantis's slashes without exception hit the cold blue soul fire in the skull of the bad bone monster. The bad bone monster that was knocked down by it could not get up again.

  According to everyone's visual inspection, in this chaotic battle, Russell at least produced an astonishing output of more than two and a half regular non-commissioned officers.

  This record is visible to everyone. It is very intuitive and shocking. It is much more intimidating than the title of Senluo City’s quarterly newcomer competition champion. Even Dr. Xiamu, who didn't like to meddle in such nosy matters, secretly planned to find out Russell's details after returning.

  After all, if a UFO Hawkmoth exceeds the standard of strength, it can still rely on luck to some extent, but to be able to cultivate two low-level insect beasts to this extent, there must be something.

  Once such a talented young man emerges on the competitive stage, all forces will probably swarm to win him over.

  By then, the benefits promised by Senluo City, a second-tier city, may not necessarily be appreciated by the other party.

  Fortunately, we got along well with Russell before. As long as we give him enough benefits, there should be no problem in continuing this cooperative relationship.

  Everyone has vanity. Looking at the surprised expressions of the people around him, Russell actually felt a little secretly happy.

  He is not afraid of people knowing about the strength of Ayou and Daodao Mantis. He shows his potential at the right time and sometimes gets a lot of conveniences.

  After all, the number of pet beasts that a beast master can contract with is very limited. Even if he is mentally damaged and has repeated contracts and contact, he can only contract with a dozen or so animals in his lifetime.

  It can only strengthen the beast-controlling talent of one's own contracted beast. Even if the effect is outstanding, it usually will not cause disaster.

  In the history of the league, the young geniuses who were abducted and disappeared because of their talents were basically beast masters in life and production.

  In the latest official news of a missing genius, the white-haired girl named Gloria possesses the rare talent "miracle light" that can slowly heal permanent wounds.

  Therefore, Russell has never dared to let anyone know that he can filter energy for non-contracted insect beasts.

  Insect-type pet beasts are not favored in the field of professional beast masters, but the scale of the insect-type industry is the largest among all attributes. The huge chain of interests behind this is enough to make some forces do crazy things.


  Withdrawing his thoughts, Russell turned his attention to Da Dao Mantis, who was becoming more and more courageous as he fought for a long time without any loss of fatigue.

  Russell can understand that Ayou can continue to fight for so long. After all, as a ghost-type beast, Ayou can obtain a steady supply of energy from the curtain of eternal night.

  However, the Will of War skill is a blessing skill with no side effects, and the benefit effect it provides is far less exaggerated than that of Curtain of Eternal Night. With Daodao Mantis's third-level strength, even if he is not exhausted, he should be showing some fatigue.

  With a trace of doubt, Russell concentrated his attention and observed Da Dao Mantis's information panel.

  "Attributes of the Great Sword Mantis

  : Insect

  Bloodline Level: Silver
  Life Energy Level: Level 3

  Skills: Stereo Vision, Blade Arm, Alloy Claw

  Growth Progress: 43%

  , of which 31% is insect energy and 12% is steel energy
  . Success:

  Mantis Fist (not yet understood, basic physical skills proficiency 90%, insect energy burst proficiency 41%.)
  Unparalleled fighting will (not yet understood, temporarily unlocked, fighting will strength 110%, 80% of which comes from "War Will Skill)"

  It's okay not to look at it. At first glance, Russell was suddenly overwhelmed by the sudden surprise.

  Bathed in the will of the war dragon and continuing to fight among the beasts for so long, the self-created skill Mantis Fist that Daodao Mantis has been unable to comprehend finally appeared in its ability development column.

  What's even more outrageous is that it actually temporarily mastered a very rare high-level skill, a magical skill that all melee beasts dream of - unparalleled fighting spirit!
  (End of chapter)

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