Chapter 45 Pink Velvet Spider Group

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  Chapter 45 The pink velvet spider group

  got off the car and came outside the cave. Russell and Dr. Xia Mu stood in front of the space crack to observe the situation in the secret realm. The accompanying sergeants were busy setting up camp and guarding the area.

  After finally making a trip to the central area of ​​the Black Dew Forest, it was naturally impossible to go back and forth on the same day. The supplies carried in the armored vehicle were enough for the entire team to live here for more than a week.

  "Is that pink mist the spider silk?"

  Russell, who looked into the cave for a while and saw nothing but pink mist, turned around and asked.

  "Yes, this kind of energized spider silk is very special. It is usually non-toxic, and it also has abundant spiritual energy. However, no one knows when and which spider silk will the spider beasts go up and down. Poison."

  After hearing this, Dr. Xia Mu gave an affirmative reply.

  After preliminary official detection by the Beast Mastering Alliance, it was found that the spiritual energy in the secret realm came from these spider silks, so they rejected the plan to storm in from the beginning.

  If you just explore slowly against countless spider threads, even if Senluo City's strongest defensive beast master takes action, he can only last for less than an hour under the constant erosion of mental toxins.

  The space in the secret realm is conservatively estimated to be as big as a small town. In addition, there are many strange rocks and winding roads. It is impossible to explore in a straight way to the end. Even the outermost area cannot be explored in this short time.

  "Let me go in first to check the situation..."

  After watching for a while, I felt that there was really no way to see the doorway from the outside, and the spider beast in the record did not even show the slightest shadow. Russell planned to enter the secret realm to take a look. .

  "Do I need to send a defensive beastmaster to follow?"

  Unexpectedly, Russell was so decisive, Dr. Xiamu asked with some worry.

  "No need for the moment, I will just observe the area near the entrance for a while. The insect whisperer talent can improve my insect affinity, but it is not effective for others." After waving his hand, Russell declined the idea of ​​finding someone to accompany him


  Anyway, the spider beast in the cave will not attack directly, but if it releases mental toxins, it will take a certain amount of time to take effect. As long as it does not go too deep, he can retreat outside the secret realm to detoxify.

  And judging from his previous experience with other insect-type pets, Russell's insect-type affinity is indeed very high. Even if the spider pets in the cave are not as friendly as Queen Bee and Candle Shadow Moth, they probably won't take action right away. Well...

  "Then take this with you. You can also drink a bottle before entering."

  Seeing Russell mentioning the limitations of the beast control talent, Dr. Xiamu didn't have much to say, so he could only hand him a bottle that could be hung around his waist. Small medical kit.

  There are several bottles of light blue solution in the box, which is half of the mental antidote prepared by Senluo Beast Control Research Institute. Although it cannot completely detoxify, the detoxifying ingredients and mental stabilizing effect can help the user delay hallucinations. produce.

  After drinking a bottle of mental antidote with a light fragrance, Russell felt a refreshing energy pouring into his mind. Not only did he feel refreshed, but his thinking also became clearer and more active.


  After drinking the potion, he took another deep breath and stepped into the crack with ripples in the space.

  Passing through the secret door, Russell felt as if he had passed through a layer of blisters, with a slight sense of obstruction, but it was not uncomfortable.

  The next moment, he moved from the dense forest to a vast and rugged cave.

  Standing inside the secret realm, Russell immediately felt the spiritual energy permeating the air. Even in the meditation room specially built for spiritual beast masters in the Beast Taming Alliance Building, the level of spiritual energy would probably be at most the same as here.

  However, there are only a few dozen meditation rooms in the entire Senluo City that require thousands of credits to open one hour, and if this secret realm is properly planned, it can accommodate thousands of people. It is no wonder that the Senluo Beast Control Alliance attaches so much importance to it.

  Rustling -

  As Russell's figure walked slowly in the pink mist, soon, the sound of crawling could be heard all around.

  On a stalactite hanging down one or two meters above him, Russell could be regarded as seeing the true appearance of the spider beast in the secret realm.

  In the image data provided by the Beast Control Research Institute, these secret land aborigines are far apart, and only a blurry pink shadow can be seen.

  After all, it is the instinct of most pet spiders to hide in a distance and weave webs to ambush them. But Russell exuded an aura that made them want to get close, so this pet spider crawled so close to take a closer look at this seemingly different human being.

  However, when this little spider was observing Russell, Russell was also observing it.

  "It's so cute, are you serious..."

  What surprised him was that this kind of insidious pet beast described in the literature as being fond of poisoning people and making people crazy, actually looked quite cute.

  Its whole body is covered with light pink down, and its four pairs of spider eyes are like round, soft and bright pearls. It tilts its head and looks at Russell with a particularly innocent and cute look.


  Feeling that the pet spider beast in the cave didn't seem very vicious, Russell tried to say hello to it.

  "Intruder...who are you?"

  The intelligence of spiritual beasts is usually the highest among the same-level beasts. Even low-level beasts can talk to beast masters with sensory abilities. Russell It sent out a telepathic message, and asked in a cute little child's voice.

  "I don't mean any harm, I just want to know more about this cave. Have you lived here for a long time?"

  Seeing that the other party's attitude was acceptable and he could communicate, Russell felt happy and started chatting.

  If we could directly find out from this seemingly inexperienced little spider the weaknesses of their race, or some other clues related to the secret realm, it would be very helpful in deciphering the secret realm.

  And this little spider was indeed stupid. It was unsuspecting of Russell's question and opened its mouth to answer:
  "We, the pink velvet spiders, are guarding here..."

  Unfortunately, it had just finished saying one race name, and another A clearer, more solid, and full of majestic spiritual message broke into Russell's mind.

  "That's enough. There is an aura about you that makes me feel familiar and close. I don't want to hurt you. Please leave immediately!" The source of

  this telepathic transmission probably saw the purpose of his entering the cave to inquire. It was supposed to be The peaceful sound transmission contained anger, which made Russell's brain ache.

  Just one sound transmission produced an effect similar to a mental attack, which shows the huge gap in mental power between the two sides.

  "The Cheating Beast Control Research Institute didn't tell me that there are high-level pet beasts in this cave, but it seems normal to have a boss in the secret realm..." Shaking his somewhat confused head, Russell looked up and looked around for the one just

  now The source of sound transmission.

  However, the mentally powerful pet beast deliberately hid its traces, as if it didn't want others to discover its location.

  And the expulsion order it just issued was no joke. Before Russell could take a clear look at the cave, dozens of pink velvet spiders the size of washbasins crawled out from behind the stalactites one after another, surrounding him.

  "Everyone, if you have something to say, I can ask someone to bring you whatever you like to eat or drink..."

  Facing a large group of wild pets showing hostility, Russell could only retreat towards the entrance of the secret realm while trying to Making the final delay.

  But he knew very well that he had attracted the attention of the Pink Velvet Spider Clan, and if diplomacy failed, the next time he entered the secret realm would probably be even more unsatisfactory, so he couldn't just leave without gaining anything.

  "The leader ordered...leave!"

  Among the spiders, a pink velvet spider that looked slightly darker in color and larger than its peers was staring at Russell, monitoring his retreating speed, and occasionally Send an urge.

  On one side are alien humans who have a slightly familiar aura, and on the other side are the leaders who have led the tribe for many years. It is self-evident who these pink velvet spiders will prefer.

  However, none of the pink velvet spiders noticed that a few points of invisible milky white light flashed on Russell's fingertips hidden in his sleeves.

  Just now, he had an idea and quietly put the thread of the "Cocoon of Evolution" on the spider silk.

  (End of chapter)

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