Chapter 40 First hearing about the secret realm

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  Chapter 40: First Hearing about the Secret Realm
  Sure enough, Dr. Xia Mu’s eyes lit up when he heard Russell describing his talent as an “Insect Whisperer”, and he immediately asked:
  “Can your communication with the insect beast be barrier-free? Are there any restrictions on talents?"

  Even telepathy talents have good and bad qualities. The two criteria for judging the quality of such talents are the related race and the detailed level of communication.

  If the associated race is too unpopular, or it is a pet type that has strong mental power and can learn telepathy by itself, the value of the talent will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

  On the contrary, if it is associated with several major elemental attributes that are popular in battles, or insect-type pets that are widely used in production and life, the value will naturally increase.

  Senluo City Beast Control Research Institute is in need of such talents!

  Moreover, Russell's "Insect Whisperer" talent seems to have no restrictions on its use. If he hadn't made it clear before that his main job was to be a professional beast master and he also ran an insect business, Dr. Natsuki would have wanted to recruit him immediately. graduate School.

  "The higher the intelligence, the better the effect. If the intelligence is too low, it may be difficult. After all, even among humans, adults may not be able to understand babies' babbling..." Regarding questions about

  communication, Russell did not brag, nor did he. Zangzhuo, replied 1510.

  The intelligence of black iron-level insect beasts is only a little higher than that of ordinary insects. If the other party does not have a complete mind at all, it will be difficult to have a conversation no matter how you sense it.

  Dr. Xia Mu basically agrees with this answer. Communication is communication. The intelligence and memory of the pet animal are also a variable factor. Even if there is no barrier to communication, it is definitely not possible to get a lot of effective information directly from the pet animal like the big silkworm. realistic.

  "How was the UFO Hawk Moth you contracted used to cultivate?"

  Having said this, Xia Mu suddenly thought of Russell's UFO Hawk Moth, which could only compete with thunder cloud elements.

  Perhaps, it was by relying on the gains from communicating with a pet beast that was close to the race lord level that he was able to successfully grow a UFO Hawkmoth to the Silver level, and also master several skills that ordinary members of the same race would be difficult to learn.

  "This is related to the cultivation secret of my personal family. It should not be included in the content of this cooperation..."

  Hearing this question, Russell was a little speechless.

  Are the professors at Senluo Beast Controlling Academy and the chief of the Beast Controlling Research Institute only majoring in their majors but not their emotional intelligence?
  "Sorry, I lost my composure."

  Russell Jian looked unhappy, and Dr. Xiamu suddenly reacted.

  It's rare to see a beast master with a talent of high scientific research value. He was so excited for a while that he really lost his sense of proportion.

  He didn't really care about the specific secrets of cultivating UFO hawk moths or silkworms that spun colorful silk. As long as Russell could cooperate with the insect research project of the Beast Control Research Institute, Dr. Natsuki had no intention of exploring his privacy.

  Now, what he has to consider is the model of long-term cooperation with Russell.

  "Since you have no intention of becoming a professional researcher,... are you interested in the identity of an external investigator?" After

  pondering for a moment, Dr. Natsuki asked Russell solemnly.

  According to his explanation, an outside investigator is essentially a part-time job.

  The institute will not interfere with the investigators' daily actions. The investigators' main task is to collect certain information and data during daily cultivation, battles, or adventures, and to provide regular feedback to the institute in exchange for rewards based on the value of the information.

  After introducing the nature of the work of the external investigator, Dr. Natsuki added:
  "Since you have the talent of insect whisperer, you run your own insect pet house, and you are also a professional insect master, I can unlock the forest for you. Luo Yushou Research Institute has access to all insect data. I also have the right to arrange contacts like today. If necessary, I can also dispatch a hunting team to accompany you to the wild." This treatment can be said to be very generous


  As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and the principle of having a golden house in the book is also universal in the world of beast control. The competition for the strength of pet beasts is the arms race of this world, and the industries related to pet beasts are the trade competition of this world, so about pet beasts First-hand research information is an extremely sensitive and important strategic resource.

  Although the data stored in a secondary city's Beast Control Research Institute are not yet classified as top-notch secrets, they are also related to many patented technologies, city development plans, and some survey data on surrounding scarce resources.

  Even if Dr. Natsuki was talking about "access rights to insect-type information," that would not be a problem at all. Russell only needed insect-type information anyway.

  However, faced with such tempting conditions, Russell did not rush to agree. Instead, he asked:
  "Then what do I need to do?"

  There is no basic salary for ordinary external investigators. On the contrary, even if the investigation work for a period of time has no results, in addition to Apart from working in vain for zero pay, there will be no other consequences.

  But Dr. Natsuki promised him so many benefits, and it was obviously impossible for him to pursue returns according to the standards of ordinary external investigators.

  "In addition to cooperating with some projects to communicate with pet beasts, and regularly providing optimized and bred insect beasts for us to study, you also need to assist the Senluo City Beast Control Alliance to fully crack the secret realm of [Dream Weaver Lair]." Ping He After feeling excited for a while, Dr. Xia Mu revealed an issue that he was most concerned about recently.

  If it was just for the progress of daily research, although he would be willing to provide Russell with some resources, he would not spend so much money.

  The reason why he was so excited after hearing about the innate ability of the "Insect Whisperer" was because the secret realm of the "Dream Weaver Nest" discovered in the Black Dew Forest had not been conquered for a long time and was about to close naturally.

  The concept of the so-called secret realm is actually not complicated. It refers to a place that is wrapped in a space barrier and is equivalent to a small independent world.

  There are various reasons for the formation of secret realms, including cracks left by natural space fluctuations, space distortion caused by fierce battles between high-level beasts, and even after the death of individual extremely powerful beast masters, their huge and solid beast masters can still Turn into a secret realm.

  Due to the relatively closed environment, there are often many rare resources and unique pets in the secret realm that are not available in the outside world.

  If there were secret realms where beastmasters once lived, there might still be ancient relics and treasures.

  Being able to completely crack and utilize a secret realm has long-term significance for regional development.

  But correspondingly, the rules in the secret realm are also different from those in the outside world, and cannot be treated as exploring a general wilderness.

  The "Dream Weaver Nest" secret realm discovered in the Black Dew Forest a few years ago has extremely strong spiritual energy. When you are in it, the spiritual power of both the beast master and the pet beast can be continuously improved, faster than meditating in the outside world. Nurture should be more than three times faster.

  However, while absorbing these spiritual energies, those who enter the secret realm will also fall into crazy hallucinations and dreams. In severe cases, they may even develop mental problems after the exploration.

  After a lot of casualties, the beast masters in Senluo City finally found out a flaw in the "Dream Weaver Nest": that is,

  these hallucinations are not caused by the spiritual power itself, but by a kind of spider entrenched in the nest. Pet-like beasts exert mental toxins through spider silk.

  This first-discovered insect-type and spiritual-type spider pet beast is not very strong individually, but they have been entrenched in the secret cave for countless years. Their transparent spider silks are everywhere and intertwined, making them completely unpredictable.

  Moreover, the spiritual energy filled in the cave is most likely produced from these spider silks. If a large-scale killing move is used to clean up the indigenous beasts, the secret realm will be permanently damaged and can no longer be repaired. How to crack it? It also loses its meaning.

  Originally, the Senluo City Beast Control Alliance planned to wait for the research institute to prepare a serum to resist this mental toxin, and then use the human sea tactic to slowly advance into the depths of the secret realm.

  However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. At the beginning of the year, a burst of space turbulence broke out in the Black Dew Forest for unknown reasons. The "Dreamweaver Nest" was impacted, and the entrance to the secret realm began to shrink, and it is expected to be completely closed this winter.

  Although there are also beast masters who master the space system ability in the Senluo Beast Control Alliance, repairing a small space is an extremely delicate matter that cannot tolerate any interference. Once interrupted by an attack, the restorer will definitely suffer backlash, and serious injuries will occur. Even if it is minor, direct death is not impossible.

  If the secret realm is not completely cracked, alliance personnel will not be able to enter and repair it.

  The Senluo City Beast Control Alliance also asked for help from the Southern Principality Alliance headquarters in Longquan City. However, the scale of the "Dreamweaver's Nest" secret realm was not large enough. In addition to abundant spiritual energy, it did not show greater value. The alliance headquarters was uneven. The core force was sent to investigate here, but the several teams sent did not make any greater progress than the local Senluo City.

  The purpose of Dr. Natsuki giving Russell so many benefits is to allow him to make full use of the talent of the "Insect Whisperer" and see if he can find out their weaknesses or what they want from the mouths of the spider beasts in the secret realm. So that the Senluo City Beast Control Alliance can truly master this rare secret realm within its jurisdiction.

  "Yes, yes, but you have to ensure my safety..."

  After listening to Dr. Xia Mu's description of the difficulties in solving the "Dream Weaver Nest", Russell nodded slowly.

  Exploring secret realms is the dream of many professional beast masters. As long as he is not serving as cannon fodder, he is also happy to see the world.

  "It's natural. You are the key to us breaking through the secret realm. Of course we won't let you be in danger, and as long as you don't fall into the illusion for a long time, ordinary antidotes and mental stabilizing drugs are also effective." Seeing Russell readily agreed to help crack the secret realm

  . Asked, Dr. Xiamu nodded with great satisfaction and directly gave him a senior permission card from Senluo Beast Control Research Institute.

  However, there were still a few months until the entrance to the space was closed, so he would not rush to the entrance of the secret realm with Russell on the spot.

  Thinking that there are still a lot of preparations that need to be completed, and some exploration plans also need to be adjusted according to the "Insect Whisperer" talent, Dr. Xiamu asked Russell to go home and have a good rest, and meet at the research institute next Monday morning to go to the secret realm to familiarize themselves with the situation.

  As for Tian Xiuqi, that old fox who is full of commercial value, if he wants to deepen cooperation, he can ask Russell himself...

  However, he must wait until there is progress in cracking the secret realm!
  (End of chapter)

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