Chapter 129 New store opening

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  Chapter 129 The New Store Opened

  Back to the Chongwu House, and after making up a random excuse to deal with Lu Yinning's inquiry, Russell returned to his bedroom.

  He had been busy with Lu Dahu's hunting team for several days, eating and sleeping in the wild. Even if he did not encounter any danger, the consumption of people would not be too small.

  As for the action he and Turandot went through yesterday, not only did they run all night, but his pet was also injured in the battle.

  Even though the injury was not fatal, Russell still suffered some backlash. It was only because of the dangers in the Black Dew Forest that he kept his spirits up all the way.

  At this moment, back in a safe environment, discomfort and sleepiness came over him. Russell hurriedly drank a bottle of household healing potions and energy supplements, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

  He slept like this for nearly a day and a night. If he hadn't occasionally heard the snoring coming from his bedroom, Lu Yinning would have called the emergency call.

  The next morning, Russell was awakened by the feeling of hunger in his belly and walked out of the bedroom. He took out his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway with several hundred credits. He also took out some high-quality cultivation materials from the safe. Then he devoured it with his two pet beasts.

  After recovering from his injury, it was time to continue to replenish his nutrition. After eating several bowls of dishes made from pet animal ingredients, the heart-burning hunger in his belly was slightly relieved.

  However, with the current state of Russell and the two pet beasts, the recent nurturing and training may have to be put on hold.

  Forcibly training while injured will not only have no benefit in recovering from the injury, but may also damage the pet's potential and cause permanent irreversible damage.

  Normally, it would be a leisurely life to just sit at home and look at the phone every day, listening to Lu Yinning report on business changes.

  However, Russell was defeated by Ye Qingyu, the leader of the Green Leaf Gym not long ago. Now he is eager to make a comeback and get the badge of the Green Leaf Gym, so he is restless every day.


  Fortunately, the Beast Mastering Alliance is quite generous to its friends. Just for helping Turandot discover the fire-stealing group's camp and the entrance to the secret realm, he received tax-free treatment for a whole year, as well as a Large box of rare cultivation materials for mid-level and above.

  Dr. Natsuki also promised that Russell could go to the internal inventory of the Beast Control Research Institute and select another breeding material.

  You know, the internal warehouse of the Senluo City Beast Control Research Institute is much more advanced than the one in the Alliance Building.

  Even if you don't take into account the difference in quality and level, in terms of variety, the internal warehouse of the Beast Control Research Institute is a complete winner.

  The list of options sent by Dr. Natsuki alone is several pages long, and it is inevitable that people will be confused for a while.

  With this skill, even Russell, who had just experienced an unplanned fierce battle and his pet beast was injured, could no longer complain.


  For the next period of time, Russell repeated the life of self-cultivation at home.

  There was nothing wrong with Ayou. Under the nourishment of the "Cocoon of Evolution" talent, the small penetrating wound on its wings healed within two days.

  However, the mantis that bravely defeated the Purifying Water Elf was seriously injured. Before the advancement, its severed limbs could not regenerate. Recently, it had to lie in the beast control space to recuperate, and would only come out for a while to eat.

  In addition to recuperating the injuries of Ayou and Daodao Mantis, the most important thing for the Royal Chongwu in the near future is to hold the opening ceremony of its first branch "Dream Spiritual Sanatorium".

  Under Lu Yinning's strict supervision, the decoration work of the Dream Mental Sanatorium was successfully completed at the beginning of the month.

  The decoration materials in the world of beasts are much healthier and more environmentally friendly than those in the current world, and they do not need to be left empty for several months before they can be used.

  According to the workers' request, Russell only slightly opened the windows of the venue for ventilation for about a week, and then the newly painted five-story building was officially open for business. Now that the Senluo City Beast Control Alliance is treating Russell very favorably, he is not worried that after mentioning the origin of the pink velvet spider clan, someone will come to ask for the surrender of the pet beast, so he simply highlighted the "rare pet beast in the secret realm" gimmick.

  For the general public, although news about secret realms can often be seen, opportunities to truly come into contact with secret realms are very few.

  Once the gimmick of "secret beasts providing services" was publicized, it immediately attracted many customers who came to the opening event.

  In addition, Russell only mentioned it a little bit and asked Dr. Natsuki if he was interested in coming to support him. The latter actually came to the sanatorium with a lot of famous people in Senluo City.

  Dr. Xia Mu, who is the chief researcher, Tian Xiuqi, a famous entrepreneur in Senluo City, celebrity host Lindsay... Even the garrison army, which is very busy and rarely participates in such activities, entrusted deputy commander Meng Yuanfeng to send a congratulatory gift. .

  Although it didn't cost them much to just spend an hour or two standing on the platform and cheering, the enthusiasm and attention did make Russell a little surprised and a little touched.

  Such a high-profile battle naturally attracted several news media to report on it. After Dr. Xia Mu personally spoke and confirmed the efficacy of spiritual healing, dozens of customers applied for annual passes at the front desk on the spot.

  It can be said that as soon as the Dream Mental Sanatorium opened, it immediately became a well-known leisure and relaxation place in Senluo City and even several surrounding cities.

  Lu Yinning laughed completely from ear to ear at this, and Liang Kun was secretly grateful that he was lucky enough to find such a good job.

  With the expansion of Russell's business, both of them have now been promoted to management.

  Although they currently have only a few porters, buyers and gardeners, and their responsibilities are only to manage the daily operations of the store and woodland, they still feel that the future is bright.

  There is a generous boss who increases wages at every turn. While he is being vigorously cultivated by the Beast Taming Alliance, he is also vigorously cultivating himself. For a worker, this is very satisfying.

  While the name of "Dream Spiritual Sanatorium" quickly became known to everyone following news reports, the Insect House behind it also received a lot of attention.

  After learning that Tian Tian, ​​who had recently made a splash on the beast-controlling stage and wore more gorgeous dresses than the last, was a regular customer here, many businessmen engaged in the processing of insect products rushed to the opening site, eager to sign an agreement with Russell on the spot. supply contract.

  Seeing this scene, Tian Xiuqi suddenly became anxious. Taking the opportunity of his speech, he immediately announced in a high profile that Senluo Clothing Company was the exclusive cooperative customer of Yuchongwu Worm Silk Industry.

  As soon as these words came out, they really dissuaded most of the competitors whose financial resources were completely unable to compare with Senluo Clothing Company.

  However, businessmen are the best at seizing opportunities. Adhering to the classic idea of ​​"everyone comes, first come, first served", they still pester Russell to promote their business.

  Senluo Clothing Company is mainly engaged in the clothing industry, and the only insect-based materials they need are basically worm silk. If you can't grab worm silk, you can't win over Tian Xiuqi. You can also talk about other businesses.

  At the same time, at the buffet banquet at the entrance of the sanatorium, Xiang Pan, the owner of the Bloodstone Martial Arts Gym who was invited by Russell, twitched at the corner of his eye when he saw this unprecedented grand occasion near Fenglin Road.

  He knew that this kid Russell would definitely achieve something in the future, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

  Although he was only at the third level of strength, he had established relationships with a lot of senior executives and wealthy businessmen in Senluo City, and these people seemed to be trying to coax Russell.

  If he waits for him to grow into a high-level beast master, not to mention the entire Southern Principality, at least the area around Senluo City, wouldn't he just walk sideways?
  What's even more rare is that Russell has no airs and is not a profit-seeking character. Otherwise, how could he like a small bloodstone martial arts gym and be willing to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with him.

  To be able to hook up with such a network of people who are just around the corner to achieve great success must be the manifestation of the ancestors of the old Xiang family!

  Thinking of this, Xiang Pan immediately made up his mind.

  From now on, Yuchongwu will only charge the cost price for orders, so you can make a little profit!
  All apprentices of the Bloodstone Martial Arts School are required to be at your beck and call when it comes to the Insect Control House!
  If it weren't for the fact that the signboard of Omitsu House clearly contained the word "worm", which really didn't fit in with a martial arts school, he would have even wanted to ask Russell to name it and become a subsidiary of Omitsu House... (End of this chapter


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