Chapter 120 Encounter with the Fire Pirates

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  Chapter 120: Encountering a group of stolen fire

  "Be careful, there are unknown people approaching."

  Upon hearing the news that someone was approaching, Turandot quickly shook the sleepy Russell.

  "Stay still for now and see what they are doing."

  Pulling Russell and hiding behind a thick branch, Turandot let the three dragon snakes climb down the crown of the tree, wrap around the lower trunk, and continue sensing Looking at the situation of those humans.

  Snake beasts have a very strong ability to hide their auras. When the three-headed dragon snake is dormant and motionless, unless someone is extremely vigilant and carefully detects along the way, it will not be discovered at all.

  Seeing Turandot paying so much attention to the people who appeared below, Russell was also completely sleepless and looked down cautiously with her.

  Soon, the three-headed dragon snake provided more detailed information through its heat sensing ability.

  From Turandot's report, Russell learned that they were not in a hurry, but walking around, seemingly looking for something.

  Searching for something in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night is really unusual.

  For the sake of safety, ordinary hunting teams usually do not choose to operate at night.

  Even if there is a commission to capture nocturnal creatures, you can still step on it during the day and set some traps to wait for them, instead of wandering around like a headless fly in the middle of the night.

  The risk of doing so is too high, the efficiency is very low, and it is completely inconsistent with the hunting team's pursuit of economic interests.

  Moreover, in order to prevent the Longquan City Alliance Headquarters from dispatching too many personnel to alert the enemy, they clearly mentioned that only one person from Turandot was sent to take the lead. To find out the truth first, these people will definitely not be reinforcements or companions.

  After a few low-pitched discussions, Russell and Turandot came to the same opinion: they probably wanted to take advantage of the silence of the night to do something invisible.

  Combined with the information about the recent frequent activities of the Fire Stealing Group in this area, it is quite possible that these people are members of the Fire Stealing Group.

  The Fire Thieves have always regarded the Beast Mastering Alliance as their mortal enemy, and they do things unscrupulously. Their enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. If the identities of these Fire Thieves are confirmed, Turandot may not let them leave safely.

  Thinking that there might be a fight soon, Russell quietly summoned Ayou and Daodao Mantis.

  Ayou itself has ghost attributes. With the blessing of the dark scale powder, it is basically invisible in the deep night, and there is basically no need to worry about being discovered.

  In the wild, the mantis is a pet beast that is good at ambush. The first time Russell met it, it was ambushed by the mantis. Its figure lying among the branches and leaves of the ancient tree with its blade arms folded was also extremely hidden.

  Furthermore, insect-type beasts can be found everywhere in the forest. Even if the group saw Ayou and Daodao Mantis, they probably wouldn't be wary.

  This may also be a hidden buff for insect-type pets in actual combat in the wild...

  Because the sense of presence is too low, the enemy's vigilance is reduced by 80%, and the effect of sneak attacks is greatly improved.

  But Turandot still maintained a surveillance state and did not make too many moves.

  Firstly, it is because her main pet beasts generally reach level six or above, and the energy fluctuations generated when summoned are large, so it is very likely that the ambush will fail and expose herself.

  On the other hand, it is also because she is confident enough in her own strength.

  According to the information fed back by the three-headed dragon and snake, the strongest beast master among those people could only reach the mid-sixth level, while the average strength of the others was only at the fourth level.

  For such a small team, three dragons, snakes and one pet beast can take them all at once. .........

  After a while, the people walked around in circles and finally came to the tree where Turandot and Russell were hiding.

  They all wore night clothes made of special materials. The material of the clothes was somewhat similar to Ayou's scaly wings, and they looked particularly blurry in the dark.

  If it weren't for the heat-sensing ability of the three-headed dragon snakes, they might not have been able to discover the whereabouts of these people.

  "The smell disappeared after it reached here."

  After two circles under the tree, a man with a large wolfhound reported softly to the leader.

  The Great Wolf Dog is a gold-level pet beast with evil attributes. Its innate skill is called "Pursuit". It is famous for its scent tracking. Many police officers working in the Beast Control Alliance choose to breed this pet beast.

  However, the mouth of the big wolfdog next to him was tightly bound by an iron cover. From time to time, turbid saliva dripped from the gaps in the iron cover, accompanied by bursts of suppressed growls. In short, it didn't look good. Normal look.

  Turandot has rich experience in field combat, and he specially deodorized the tree before climbing up the tree to rest. Naturally, his exploration was fruitless.

  "The information from Fire did not say that the operating personnel had flying beasts this time. Pay attention to concealment and search carefully..."

  After hearing this, the man in black who was the leader of the group was silent for a moment, and then raised his head. He summoned his pet beast with his hand.

  The fire he mentioned is a kind of nickname given to themselves by the members of the Fire Stealing Group, which means the fire that aims to ignite mankind's sense of crisis and a strong future.

  However, everyone knows whether this fire brings hope or causes disaster.

  His pet beast looks like a big black bat, but its body shape has a tendency to be energetic, and the overall look is more like a ghost wearing a bat-like coat.

  Russell often crammed in knowledge about pet beasts, but he couldn't recall any similar pet beast information in his mind.

  After receiving the order from the beast master, this strange pet beast opened what could not be seen as wings or robes, and began to emit regular energy fluctuations all over its body, apparently using some kind of detection skill.

  "Get ready!"

  As a seventh-level beast master, Turandot's hearing is much sharper than ordinary people, and she heard all the words of several people under the tree.

  After confirming that these people were indeed members of the Fire Stealing Group, and that the sixth-level beast master had begun to use detection skills, Turandot decisively ordered the three dragon snakes to attack the people under the tree in order not to lose the opportunity.

  In the horrified eyes of the people under the tree, three dragon snakes jumped down from the tree trunk, and with a move of acid breath, a man in black who couldn't dodge was directly poured out of his heart.

  "Ahhhhh! Save me!!"

  Under the extremely violent poison erosion of the high-level poison beast, the heart-rending scream of the member of the Fire Thieves Group lasted for about five seconds, and soon, It stopped suddenly.

  When the thick smoke caused by corrosion dissipated, only a few blackened bones remained on the forest floor.

  This sudden and tragic scene not only frightened several other members of the Fire Thieves to death, but even traces of cold sweat broke out on Russell's forehead.

  He has indeed known for a long time that the world of beast control is not as peaceful as it seems, but when he saw it for the first time, he immediately started a deadly fight. It would be false to say that there was no fluctuation in his heart... (End of this chapter


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