Chapter 118 Ancient Creature Cemetery

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  Chapter 118 Cemetery of Ancient Creatures
  Standing on the heads of the three dragons and snakes, Turandot continued to introduce the details of the operation to Russell in a calm tone.

  What she said was pretty much the same as what Dr. Natsuki said. Basically, the Beast Taming Alliance started through the Garp Transportation Company and found that many camps of the Fire Pirates had recently withdrawn their personnel. Some camps were even in such a hurry that they didn't even have half of the pet beasts tamed. Take it away in time.

  And the whereabouts of those members of the Fire Stealing Group after they evacuated were almost all concentrated in the core area of ​​the Black Dew Forest.

  Combined with the increase in the production of black dew in the forest after the capture of the Moon Demon Rabbit, the alliance officials judged that the possibility of a source of black dew hidden deep in the forest is extremely high.

  Judging from the frequency and range of black dew, its source must be an extremely huge energy source.

  Before capturing the Moon Demon Rabbit, many high-level beastmasters from the alliance had actually explored the Black Dew Forest, but all found nothing.

  The giant satellite-like mechanical pet beast "Eye of the Sky" launched by the Beast Control Alliance in recent years has not captured the existence of large-scale energy fluctuations from the Black Dew Forest.

  You know, that is the most important weapon of the country that has theoretically reached the peak of the crystal level, and is only one step away from the real mythical creature. Even if their scanning area is very wide and the accuracy is slightly reduced, theoretically they will not miss a productive person. The source of energy that produces so much black dew.

  Then, there is only one explanation for the various situations in the Black Dew Forest - the energy source is hidden by something. There may be a natural barrier, or it may be an undeveloped resource that was once a Hope Divine Court and is now stolen. The regiment hid.

  A large energy source or a large secret realm can not only be used as a resource by the Beast Control Alliance, providing huge development opportunities for surrounding cities, but it can also be controlled by criminals like Stolen Fire Group to cultivate their own power. Or simply gather a huge amount of energy to launch a devastating strike.

  Unfortunately, due to the loss of a large amount of information, the alliance officials lag behind the Fire Stealing Group in terms of exploring secret realms and ruins. Even if they are at an advantage, they have to follow the clues step by step and use the Fire Stealing Group as clues to first find the specific location of the energy source. , and then officially launch the action.

  According to the alliance's estimates, it is not difficult for the Fire Stealing Group to arrive near the energy source in advance. However, such a huge amount of energy requires systematic conversion equipment to be effectively utilized. At the same time, they also have to lay some shielding devices to avoid detection, so The process won't be quick.

  Even after the secret realm of "Dreamweaver's Lair" was cracked, the Fire Thief Group fully grasped the location of the energy source. They felt that the time was ripe and evacuated most of the camps originally distributed around the Black Dew Forest. They wanted to concentrate their efforts on occupying the energy source. It will also take at least three months to build some basic fortifications.

  Therefore, although the alliance officials attach great importance to it, they are not in a hurry. Instead, they choose to proceed slowly and collect as much intelligence as possible first.

  This operation to seize control of the energy source has been officially named the "Black Dew Secret Realm" operation. It is one of the things that the Southern Principality Alliance headquarters is most concerned about recently.

  Turandot, a seventh-level beast master who works for the Ferocious Beast Management Bureau, is the spy and scout for this operation.

  Of course, her strength is there, and when necessary, she can also transform into an attacker, capturing or killing small groups of members of the Fire Stealing Group depending on the situation.

  "Based on interrogation records of peripheral members of the Fire Stealing Group and in-depth analysis of the composition of the Black Dew, alliance officials speculate that the source of the Black Dew may be a cemetery of ancient creatures." After introducing the basic situation of the Black Dew Secret Realm Operation

  , Turandot began to talk about some information that even Dr. Natsuki didn't have.

  "Ancient creature...cemetery?"

  Russell felt a little surprised when he heard this.

  This was not the first time he had heard this concept. The core function of the Fossil Museum where Li Moran worked was to study ancient organisms.

  However, the term "ancient creatures" is too general. There are strong and weak ancient creatures. For example, many of the dragon beasts that are now recognized as having the strongest attributes have maintained a similar appearance since ancient times.

  In the distant wilderness period, ancient creatures naturally did not hold funerals for their fellow creatures. Their cemeteries usually refer to places where creatures died in large numbers. The corpses of some ancient creatures can generate such huge energy, which has not dissipated after thousands of years. Then how powerful they must have been when they were alive... Could it be a purple-gold-level person who perished due to a natural disaster, or

  even The entire group of crystal-level pet beasts was buried under this land?

  Or... is it possible that there is a mythical creature buried in the black and green forest that is more powerful than a crystal-level pet beast, has no official public witness records at all, and almost only exists in legends?

  No matter which possibility it was, it was a big shock to Russell, who had never seen a purple-gold-level pet beast a few times, and whose bloodline level of his own contracted beast was only at the gold-level.

  Moreover, ancient biological cemeteries are different from ordinary energy sources. They usually have extremely high scientific research value.

  It can be seen from the fact that Senluo City has established a museum on some ancient biological fossil groups that even the remains of ancient organisms with little energy to use will be treated as important resources.

  "What kind of ancient creature is it? What can I do?"

  After calming down a little, Russell asked Turandot.

  It's really not normal for such a high-level operation that even Dr. Natsuki didn't know the whole story, but it was revealed to a little person like him.

  "This is some information about ancient creatures. You can read it yourself."

  Turandot, who cherished words like gold, probably didn't bother to explain slowly to Russell. He took out a confidential e-book from his pocket and handed it to him.

  "In-depth analysis report of black dew components... The functional level is attributeless. Raise the detection level to level nine, and you can identify weak non-same-frequency energy fluctuations..." Looking at the detection report on black dew and ancient creatures in his hand

  , Russell's breathing gradually became heavier.

  The test report pointed out that from the perspective of feeding pet animals and making breeding products, black dew can be regarded as a material without attributes.

  However, if the accuracy and power of the detection instrument are continuously increased, when the energy input reaches the ninth level, the instrument discovers other attributes deep in the energy structure of Heilu.

  There are two deep attributes discovered during the test, one is the ghost type, and the other is... the insect type!
  If it is assumed that the black dew does come from an ancient biological cemetery, then the detected deep attributes are most likely those of the ancient biological remains.

  Among them, the causes of ghost attributes are slightly more complicated.

  It may be that those ancient pet beasts themselves have ghost attributes, or it may be that a large number of pet beasts died, resulting in the accumulation of negative energy, thus producing ghost attributes.

  However, attributes of the insect type, which do not belong to elemental attributes, nor belong to the spirit series, are indeed unlikely to be generated after death.

  In other words, this energy source that both the Southern Principality Alliance Headquarters and the Fire Thieves attach great importance to is most likely the graveyard of ancient insect beasts...!
  In this case, it makes sense that the league officials chose to reveal such important information to Russell, a third-level weakling.

  The leakage of energy from ancient insect-type creatures will naturally attract other insect-type pets. His declared talent of "Insect Whisperer" is suitable for helping to search for useful information.

  (End of chapter)

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