Chapter 110 Special Commission

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  Chapter 110 Special Commission
  Returning to the Insect House from the Green Leaf Gym, Russell reviewed the several gym battles he participated in and watched from start to finish.

  The main difficulty of the Green Leaf Gym is actually the specialized cultivation of the leaves of the plant-type beasts and the environment that is very suitable for plant growth.

  Having broad and prosperous branches and leaves, including flying leaf skills and photosynthesis, and other leaf-related abilities will produce qualitative changes.

  Moreover, the decoration of the gymnasium is very particular. Not only does it have fertile soil to provide nutrients, a large number of plants provide an energy environment, but there are also many large fluorescent lamps on the walls surrounding the patio-style battle arena.

  Even on a hazy day, the battle arena of the Greenleaf Gym can still maintain a sunny scene.

  In this kind of environment with sufficient light, nutrients and being surrounded by the same kind of people, the strength of plant-type pets will naturally be greatly improved.

  If you want to defeat Green Leaf Gym, you naturally need to start from these two angles and find ways to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses to have a chance of winning.

  After thinking for a while, Russell went through several feasible combat methods in his mind.

  One is to use the most violent offensive to end the battle directly before the plant-type pet beasts can take advantage of their high recovery, thereby avoiding being dragged into a protracted battle.

  However, Ayou's main output skill, Nether Explosion, is not instantaneous. If you want to directly target the forest tree demon to attack, it may be too late to disperse the Flying Leaf Storm.

  If you use a hard-to-swap style of play, it won't be difficult for Ayou to withstand Flying Leaf Storm and Forest Dryad. There is also a gold-level Lotte Sunflower behind Ye Qingyu.

  As a gold-level pet, Lotte Sunflower's attack power is only stronger than that of the forest tree demon. It is basically impossible for Daodao Mantis, which is still a silver-level pet, to defeat it.

  Fortunately, the gym will first reveal the pet beasts it sends, and challengers can adjust the order of the pet beasts in time based on their own strengths and weaknesses.

  Russell, let Da Dao Mantis deal with the forest tree demon, and then let Ayou deal with Lotte Xiang Rukui.

  Lotte Himawari's main attack method is the solar cannon. This skill is a mid-level output skill of the plant system. It does extremely high damage and also comes with a light attribute restraint surface and a slight locking effect.

  In contrast to its powerful power, this skill requires a long time to charge under normal circumstances, and it may take more than ten seconds for low- to mid-level pet beasts to use it.

  Even on a sunny day, coupled with the effect of specialized cultivation of leaves, a late-stage third-level pet beast can release a solar cannon at a speed similar to that of Netherworld Explosion.

  However, the damage range of this skill is not very large, and it cannot clear Ayou's seven phantoms at once.

  Lotte Himawari does not have detection skills, so if Ayou were to attack it, the situation might be different.

  As long as the Great Sword Mantis can get close, the forest tree demon, which has almost given up its vines and torso abilities, will definitely not be its opponent.

  However, these tactics must be based on the premise that Dadao Mantis understands Mantis Fist and unparalleled fighting spirit.

  Otherwise, the sword mantis, which only knows one move with its alloy claws, will not be able to make any waves in front of these beasts with scientific skills and special training.

  For the next gym challenge, let’s wait until we come back from the field mission with Lu Dahu and his team to use the accumulated source of evolution.

  I don’t know how much evolution source I can accumulate by then. If I can only order one skill, Russell is going to arrange the Mantis Fist first.

  The unparalleled fighting spirit skill is a high-level skill derived from the war dragon. Even if it is released using the source of evolution, there must be a period of adaptation.

  The proficiency of self-created skills is inherently a mastery level, and the combat effectiveness displayed in the short term will definitely be higher.

  Although Russell's desire to win does not seem to be very strong, as a collector party player in his previous life, he really wants to get the Green Leaf Gym badge early...

  In addition, Russell also needs to consider learning some other attacks from Daodao Mantis. Skill.

  As the level of regular combat increases, the alloy claw skill with a single effect is obviously becoming more and more insufficient. In addition to the basic abilities of the hardness and sharpness of the blade arm, the Great Sword Mantis also needs to add explosive attack skills.

  According to the training route that he had thought up before, in order to maintain the flexibility of the Mantis, Russell was not prepared to over-enhance the steel-type attributes, so this time Russell focused on the insect-type skills.

  Insect melee skills like Cross Shear or Weakness Pursuit are quite effective.


  A few days later, Russell, who had once again lived a wonderful life of nurturing, eating, drinking and having fun, was hiding in the bedroom, secretly eating a big fried chicken with Lu Yinning behind his back, when Lu Dahu suddenly called him.

  "Russell, I received a rather special commission. I have to leave a little early. Have you made arrangements?" During the

  phone call, Lu Dahu's tone revealed excitement, as if he had received a large order with higher profits.

  "I can leave at any time. When will you leave?"

  Russell was worried that he had nowhere to improve his strength. When he heard the news that he would be able to explore the wild soon, Russell suddenly became excited.

  The Black Tiger Hunting Team has prepared all the equipment and items needed for survival in the wild. He only needs to bring some daily necessities and cultivation materials for his own use, so there is nothing to prepare.

  "I'll leave on the 1st tomorrow. I'll send you the commission content."

  After confirming that there was no problem with Russell, Lu Dahu hurriedly hung up the phone.

  As the leader of a hunting team, Lu Dahu needs to pay for hunting revenue and the safety of his teammates. There are still many things he needs to do before leaving the city and heading into the wild.

  After a while, Russell received an email on his phone.

  "Capture sunworms... a limited-time public entrustment will last from the 1st to the 15th of this month. The repurchase price will decrease by 10% every day after the time..." After reading

  this email, Russell roughly understood the reason why Lu Dahu was in a hurry to set off. .

  Capturing sunworms seems to be a large-scale hunting event in the southern principality in late summer.

  This first-order black iron-level beetle pet beast of the light system has a very small body, almost no different from an ordinary beetle, and the active skills it can master are also There are only two options: accumulating light energy and self-destruction.

  The only active skill is self-destruction, so the spirit of committing suicide at any time is doomed. No matter how mediocre the beast master is in talent, it is impossible to choose a sunworm as a pet beast.

  However, the sunworm's passive skill of accumulating light energy is very practical. It allows the sunworm to directly convert light into energy and store it in the body, thus transforming from a useless pet that everyone despises to a very popular and widely used beast. energy-based pet.

  The breeding period of sunworms is every summer. Relying on the hot summer sunshine, the newborn sunworms will reach maturity in late summer.

  When the weather gets colder, the light energy in their bodies will gradually be consumed by maintaining warmth, so now is the best time to catch sunworms.

  When the Beast Control Alliance detects that the quantity and quality of sunworms in the wild have reached a certain level, and publicly announces the task of purchasing sunworms at a high price, many hunting teams will flock to the wild.

  Although a vast undeveloped area like the Black Dew Forest is large enough for hundreds of hunting teams to explore at the same time, the wilderness is not all the same.

  Although some areas have not yet established human settlements, complete maps have been drawn and are less dangerous. There are also some areas with superior natural conditions and rich resources.

  If you start too late and all these good places are occupied, you have to choose between heading to remote areas or competing for territory with other hunting teams.

  (End of chapter)

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