52.Chapter 52 The future of the clan

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  Chapter 52 The future of the clan


  Uchiha Izumi raised his hand and shot two shurikens towards Obito.

  Although he has three magatama, Quan can't use it at all, and his attack methods are still too low-level. He is still using shuriken, which is a bit weak.

  Sure enough, the shuriken passed through Ah Fei's body without causing any harm to Ah Fei.

  "How is that possible?"

  Uchiha Izumi exclaimed. Anyone who sees A Fei's power for the first time will be shocked.


  A Fei threw out a chain in his hand and tied Quan instantly, then dragged Quan to the ground, dragged him to his feet, raised the chain high, and prepared to kill Quan.


  However, the mirror man spoke.

  "Save her life."

  A Fei glanced sideways at the person in the mirror.

  "These are a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes. I don't want to let them go."

  Mirror Man was unmoved.

  "There are a lot of three magatama in the Uchiha clan, and you can't take them all. Missing her is not a lot."

  A Fei was silent for a while, and then spoke.

  "You're right. If I kill all Uchiha, it doesn't matter to me if I lose her pair of Sharingan eyes. But, I want to know, why do you want to save her?" "Is this important?"


  I I think this is quite important."

  "She is an important person to Itachi. I have not been able to protect anyone before, but that situation will never happen again." "

  You should cut off the previous ties."

  A Fei The pupils under the mask stared at Kagami. He didn't want to see Kagami still being nostalgic for Konoha!

  The man in the mirror had no joy or worry on his face, and he replied calmly.

  "The Uchiha are about to be exterminated. I just want to save this person. Konoha has completely lost my foothold." "Really?" A Fei looked at the mirror


  and let go of Izumi. He has personally seen people's experiences, and he knows very well that for people who are burdened with that kind of pain, and now coupled with the Uchiha genocide incident, it is indeed impossible for Kagami to return to Konoha.

  "Then, I will continue to fulfill the agreement with Itachi. Since you have saved this woman, I will not do anything to her, but at the same time, I have no obligation to protect her. If she dies in this turmoil, but Don't blame me."

  Mirror Man closed his eyes, then opened them again, and San Magatama's blood-red eyes looked at A Fei calmly.

  "As long as I'm here, it won't happen."

  A Fei snorted coldly. He could feel that Mirror Man was very determined to protect this woman.

  "Okay then."

  After saying that, a whirlpool swept A Fei and disappeared, and he continued to kill.

  Mirror Man's pupils returned to black pupils and he looked at Quan.

  "Can you still stand up? If you can, just follow me."

  When he first came to Konoha, Kagami didn't know Izumi, but after four months of lurking in Konoha, if he didn't know Izumi anymore, he would be blind. .

  However, after all, Mirror Man is a kind of stranger in Konoha. Mirror Man knows Izumi and even knows the relationship between Izumi and Itachi, but Izumi is not that familiar with Mirror Man. She only remembers that she seems to have seen Mirror Man before. After all, he is It happened several months ago, so it's a little blurry.

  By the way, it was from that time!

  "Are you the child that day? Did you cause such a tragedy? Why? Your eyes just now, aren't you also a member of the Uchiha tribe? Why did you massacre your fellow tribesmen?" Mirror Man looked at Quan silently, he

  could Imagine this girl's despair, because he is no stranger to despair.

  "Do you believe me?"

  Quan looked at the mirror man as if he were a fool.

  "Believe you? Why do you ask me to believe you?!"

  "Then do you believe Itachi?"

  Quan Zheng was stunned. She may not believe A Fei or Mirror Man, but she has a feeling for Itachi deep in her heart. of trust.

  The mirror man continued to speak.

  "If you believe in Itachi, then come with me. This turmoil is not as simple as you see. Now that you see the death of your tribe, are you in pain? But I believe that Itachi must be in much more pain than you. Even if So, he still provoked this massacre with his own hands. I am as painful as you, but I still didn't stop it, why? Because, many things in this world are helpless." After saying that, the Mirror Man turned around and faced the

  clan He walked deep inside. He no longer planned to accompany A Fei to massacre outside Uchiha. He wanted to take this girl to meet the person she thought about day and night.

  Kagami didn't dare to let Izumi go alone. Under this horrific killing, who knows if any Uchiha clan members would become red-eyed and kill without distinction between friend and foe.

  Quan looked at the Mirror Man blankly. She really didn't believe the Mirror Man, but she really wanted to see Itachi and ask him to stop this killing. But in front of her, I'm afraid only the young man in the black red cloud robe could help. She saw Itachi and she had no choice.

  Quan got up from the ground and chased the mirror man.

  Endless slaughter, kill! kill! kill!

  Itachi wiped off the horrific blood on his face and continued to walk forward, but in front of him, a pair of kaleidoscopes lit up, staring at Itachi and the body behind Itachi.

  "Itachi, what is at the end of this killing? I have shown you the future of the clan, do you want me to see a different outcome?" The person waiting for Itachi here

  is none other than Uchiha Fugaku. Itachi's father.

  What Fugaku said about the future of the clan that Itachi had seen was the "bloodless revolution" that Fugaku told Itachi that day.

  Itachi didn't talk nonsense, the three Magatama Sharingan turned into a kaleidoscope, and cast an illusion on Fugaku, letting Fugaku see what Itachi saw, a different future.


  Fugaku entered the illusion. He wanted to see what the future Itachi saw was.

  In the first scene, Itachi helped Uchiha carry out the bloodless revolution, but it failed, so all the Uchiha were killed and no one was left.

  In the second act, the bloodless revolution succeeded, but due to the struggle with the village, Konoha's strength was greatly damaged. Other countries took the opportunity to invade Konoha, and all the Uchiha clan were also killed, leaving no one left.

  In the third act, Itachi did not help Uchiha carry out a bloodless revolution, but helped the village to eliminate Uchiha. The village did not lose much combat power. Other countries did not dare to invade easily. Itachi also retained Uchiha because of the agreement with the village. The only one in the clan - Sasuke.

  In this scene, Itachi pinned all his hopes on Sasuke, hoping that he would become Uchiha's last hope and help Uchiha regain his glory again in the future.

  The illusion ends here.

  "This is the future of the village and the future of the clan that I see."


  Fugaku looked at Itachi and answered.


  Fugaku said nothing more. Just as he said to the Mirror Man that day, he firmly believed that his son could "see" further than him. No matter what, he would support his decision. Even if his ideas were different, he would not To deny Itachi's opinion.

  Then, Fugaku disappeared into a ball of white mist. It was obvious that this was a shadow clone.

  "Shadow clone?!"

  Itachi said in surprise, then picked up the knife and walked towards the final destination, towards his home.

  [Father is my biggest enemy. This will be a battle between two Mangekyō Sharingan ninjas. ]

  Itachi came home, carefully hiding his figure and guarding against Fugaku.

  "This way"

  Itachi was surprised.

  "There is no trap, come in."

  Fugaku's voice came, without sadness or anger, just like usual, a father talking to his son.

  Itachi opened the door carefully and walked in. What caught his eye was his parents kneeling with their backs to him.


  Itachi's voice was a little shocked and inevitably a little sad. He understood his father's decision.

  "I don't want to kill each other with my own son."

  Itachi walked in with a knife, and Fugaku continued.

  "Really, you are on their side."

  "Father, mother, me"

  Uchiha Mikoto, Itachi's mother, finally spoke.

  "We all understand, Itachi."

  As a mother, her first words were not sad for her impending death, nor sad for the extinction of her tribe. She finally chose to comfort her son.

  "Itachi, finally promise me, and Sasuke will be entrusted to you."

  Fugaku then spoke. These parents, even now, still miss their son.

   Good morning, friends. It’s a new day, I hope all my friends are in a good mood.

    March 28th, today is the birthday of Gaara's father, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa.

    Let’s wish Luo Sha a happy birthday as usual!

    (By the way, it’s too insincere to start with a routine, 23333333)

    Also, I forgot to set a scheduled release yesterday, I’m very sorry!



  (End of chapter)

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