49. Chapter 49 Bloodless Revolution

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  Chapter 49 Four months after the bloodless revolution


  Konoha in June of 1956.

  Mirror Man and A Fei made an appointment to meet up once a day to confirm each other's condition. After all, they are both Akatsuki organizations and still need to help each other.

  Of course, A Fei has been doing something recently and doesn't want the mirror person to know, so he meets up briefly every day and separates if nothing happens.

  Kagami didn't say anything. He vaguely remembered that during this period, Obito, also known as Ah Fei, should be checking the Uchiha clan monument. Kagami had no interest in the content that had been tampered with by Black Zetsu.

  This morning, Mirror Man and Ah Fei met up as usual. He thought that after saying hello, Ah Fei would leave. Unexpectedly, this time, Ah Fei spoke to Mirror Man.

  "I heard that the Uchiha police force has stepped up their vigilance recently?"

  "Can't you feel it? You don't need to hear about it. As soon as we take action, we can feel that there are more surveillance than before. No matter whether it is Uchiha The side or the Konoha side."

  A Fei's face under the mask had no expression. He didn't know what he was thinking, and asked the mirror man.

  "What do you think the final outcome of Konoha and Uchiha will be?"

  Although A Fei is a figure like a BOSS behind the scenes, in terms of the overall situation, he is not as good as Itachi and Mirror Man, so when he asked Mirror Man, he was obviously better than him. My guess is reliable.

  The Mirror Man looked at the blood-red eyes under A Fei's mask. He realized something, but he still answered A Fei.

  "The conflict has reached its peak, and the next step is to break out. Uchiha and Konoha will either fight, or use some means to resolve each other before the fight occurs. I think the situation is likely to be the second, because regardless of Uchiha and Konoha are absolutely unwilling to fight, so it depends on who is smart and who can destroy the other."

  Kagami is right. In the original work, at the end, Fugaku wants to rely on Itachi to achieve a bloodless revolution. , Konoha side is thinking of relying on Itachi to reconcile the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha. In short, neither side wants to fight.

  "Ha, then I hope it is Uchiha who is destroyed."

  A Fei smiled coldly.


  Mirror Man asked.

  "I need some Sharingan. That is useful to me. If it is Uchiha who is destroyed, if you are interested, maybe we can step in and get some Sharingan for use." This is A Fei

  's Answer, but this time, the mirror man did not answer Ah Fei and fell silent.

  "Then, let's end today's rendezvous."

  A Fei didn't wait for the mirror man to reply. He said a word and then disappeared from the spot with his divine power.

  Fugaku family.

  In the aisle, Itachi passed by Fugaku, and Fugaku spoke first.

  "You should know that there will be a gathering in the clan in three days."

  "I don't know."

  Shadows covered Itachi's eyes, and his voice was very calm.

  "After the meeting, you go to Nanga Shrine alone, without bringing any Anbu men with you."

  Fugaku didn't pay attention to Itachi's answer, and continued to speak with his back to Itachi.

  "I will leave the village to carry out a mission starting tomorrow."

  Itachi also spoke with his back to Fugaku. After speaking, Itachi stepped forward and walked forward.

  "Don't run away."

  Fugaku said.

  "Escape? What am I running from?"

  "Escape from your fate as an Uchiha."

  Itachi was stunned and did not speak.

  "Remember, I'll wait for you."

  After saying this, Fugaku also walked in front of him.

  The exchange between the two ended here.

  Three days later.

  Many Uchiha people walked out of Nanga Shrine. The gathering was over and they were ready to go back.

  Itachi led a group of ANBU and hid on the branches, watching the group of Uchiha people quietly. Itachi saw Izumi and a girl walking back talking and laughing, and saw his mother walking back with a gloomy face. Home.

  Under the ANBU mask, no one knew what Itachi was feeling at the moment.

  After a while, Itachi ordered to his men.

  "Stay where you are."

  "But, Captain"

  "Report the truth to Danzo-sama."

  Under the mask, the blood-red Sharingan was clearly visible.

  After a while.

  In Nanga Shrine, in front of the Uchiha clan monument, Fugaku stood in front of the clan monument, with his back to the entrance.

  When Itachi walked in, he saw this scene.

  Fugaku also felt Itachi's arrival, turned his back to Itachi and spoke.

  "Among the clan, only those with the Sharingan can read this stone tablet, but they can only read part of it. As you have the Mangekyo Sharingan, you should be able to read more." Itachi had already taken off his mask at this moment

  . , looked at his father who had his back turned, and spoke.

  "Do you want me to tell you the content?"

  "That's not necessary."

  Fugaku turned his head, the three magatama in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a strange pattern.

  Itachi's eyes widened.

  "Kaleidoscope! Dad also has one?"

  Fugaku replied.

  "It was during the Third Ninja War. My friend saved me at the cost of his life. With blood and tears, the kaleidoscope was opened." After speaking, Fugaku continued to bring the topic back to the stone tablet


  "This stone tablet records the path of salvation for the Uchiha clan. However, even with the Mangekyo Sharingan, we cannot read the text behind it. It seems that we can go further. However, although we can only read part of it, After reading it, you should understand, Itachi, what wrong situation the Uchiha clan is currently in."

  Itachi immediately retorted.

  "Even if this is the case, we cannot attempt to subvert it by force."

  Fugaku interrupted Itachi directly.

  "The higher-ups in the village are afraid of us, so they persecute us. They are afraid of the power of the Sharingan." "

  Indeed, there are even rumors that Uchiha will use the Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails."

  Fugaku closed his eyes angrily. Eye opening.

  "That's the legend of Uchiha Madara. No one has done that kind of thing since him, and we don't even know if it can be done. But despite this, the higher-ups are still full of fear of the former undead, and they isolated us because of fear. Since you are afraid, then we can only take charge."

  Itachi began to question directly.

  "Dad, do you plan to become Hokage by force?"

  "Because this is the wish of the clan, I can't stop everyone, but in order to avoid using force, I have been hiding the fact that I have the Mangekyo Sharingan." "Why?


  "The Mangekyō Sharingan can control the Nine-Tails. If anyone finds out, our Uchiha clan will do even more terrible things."

  At this point, Fugaku turned his head and used the Mangekyō to use an illusion on Itachi.


  In the illusion.

  Itachi saw that the members of the Uchiha clan knew that his father had a kaleidoscope, so several people kidnapped Naruto, threw him in front of Fugaku, and spoke excitedly.

  "We have brought the Jinchuuriki!"

  "Let's do it!"

  "The captain can do it!"

  "Please, captain."

  "Show the power of Uchiha!"

  Then, Fugaku opened the kaleidoscope and released the Nine Tails, Let Kyuubi go berserk and cause great harm to the village.

  The illusion ends.

  Itachi fell to his knees in disbelief.

  "How come?"

  Fugaku continued.

  "There are many people in the clan who are resentful of the village. If they are forced to do anything, they will definitely do it. Both sides will suffer heavy losses. But Itachi, as long as you are here, we can control the higher-ups when others are not prepared. Although it is a small-scale battle, It is inevitable, but as long as you, as an Anbu, help, the bloodless revolution can succeed."

  "Bloodless Revolution"

  "Itachi, you are my son, please, help the clan!" This

  is what Fugaku told Itachi. Does the path pointed out help Konoha suppress Uchiha, or does it help Uchiha's bloodless revolution? Itachi needed to make a choice.

  Itachi left, and Fugaku was the only one left here.

  But then, a mirror figure wearing a Xiao robe walked out from the darkness.

  "Clan leader, what do you think Brother Itachi will choose?"

  Fugaku was not surprised at all by the appearance of Mirror Man.

  "I don't know. Although he is my son, I can feel that his Sharingan can see farther than me. No matter what, I will believe in his decision." "Really?" Jingren


  . He nodded, then retreated into the darkness.

  Although Kagami has never dared to have excessive contact with Itachi because of Itachi's identity as an Anbu, Kagami has already had contact with Fugaku, and Fugaku is aware of his existence.

   Hello friends! Yesterday, I created a book review area and posted The Mirror Man’s Kaleidoscope. Friends who are interested can take a look.

    Today, I saw a friend say that Mirror Man’s kaleidoscope is so complicated that it can be used as an eternal kaleidoscope. I have also thought about this issue. Well, indeed, it was my fault here. The selection was more complicated at the time. I apologize to everyone.

    But now that I have chosen it, I will try not to change it if possible. I will slowly think of an eternal kaleidoscope shape. If I really can’t think of it, I will change it.

    I also hope that my friends can help me think about it. My abilities alone are very limited and I really need your help! Very, very needed! please! If you have any good ideas, you can post them in the comment area, message me privately, or talk to me in the group, it doesn’t matter!

    Here is the group number: 870904747

    Thank you!



  (End of chapter)

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