36. Chapter 36 Am I a prisoner?

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  Chapter 36 Am I a prisoner?

  "Arrest Uchiha Kageto? No! Arrest Uchiha Kageto's family."

  Danzo objected with a sullen face.

  "Since Uchiha Kagami has taken action against the roots, he is suspected of rebellion, and his whole family must be arrested to avoid the worst outcome." The third generation firmly refused


  "No! I think arresting the Uchiha Kagami family is the worst result. This will only arouse the dissatisfaction of the Uchiha clan."

  Danzo snorted coldly.

  "The Uchiha clan is an evil clan. Their dissatisfaction has long been clearly visible, so why not add a little more? The most important thing now is to prevent the rebellion of the Uchiha Kagami family." "It is precisely because the dissatisfaction has been clearly visible that we can no

  longer How dissatisfied, not to mention that it was Kagami who attacked the root and had nothing to do with his family."

  "It has nothing to do with it? Hiruzen, you are confused! How can a child's behavior have nothing to do with his parents? Maybe it was his parents who attacked the root. For instigating, I think the Uchiha Kagami family needs to be arrested!" "

  No! In short, I will never arrest Kagami's parents here." "

  Huh, then I will arrest his parents in the name of the root." "

  Tuan Hide! You"

  "Hiruzhan! There are things you can't do, so let me do it for you. Don't worry, if you decide that Uchiha Kageto is not guilty, I will follow suit and release his parents. "

  This conversation ended in this way.


  Kagami's training ground was surrounded by several jounin.

  "Uchiha Kagami, on the order of the Third Hokage, I am arresting you now."

  Kagami looked at these jounin in disbelief. Although he thought that the incident of killing the roots last night would not end like that, he absolutely couldn't Unexpectedly, only the next day, the Third Hokage issued an arrest warrant for him?

  When did the Third Generation collude with Danzo?

  Mirror Man asked calmly.

  "What's the reason?"

  the Jonin said expressionlessly.

  "You took the initiative to kill members of the root, and you are suspected of rebellion."

  Mirror Man said.

  "Actively killing? Rebellion? Haha"

  At this moment, Kagami's heart went cold. It seemed that Danzo sued him back. The problem was that the third generation still seemed to believe it.

  This is the first time that Kagami has been disappointed in Konoha, and this time, it is especially serious.

  It’s never a good feeling to be wrongly accused, especially when the guilt is confirmed after being wronged.

  "I understand, I'll go with you."

  Kagami didn't resist, and followed these people obediently. Several Jonin, this kind of power is definitely not something that the current Kagami can compete with.

  At the same time, Mirror Man's home was surrounded by root members, and they rushed in without ceremony.

  Several female members grabbed Uchiha Yuko roughly and took her away without saying a word.

  As for the Konoha Police Force, Danzo went there in person, and after a few words of negotiation with Fugaku with a cold face, a group of root members took Uchiha Takayuki away.

  At this point, the Kagami family were all arrested. This incident caused an uproar in Uchiha. Anger broke out instantly. They rushed into Uchiha and arrested the Uchiha clan members. The village did not even say a word to their Uchiha. Is it appropriate?

  What's more, arresting people was originally done by the Konoha Police Force, so why did the Roots do it? Does this still respect Uchiha?

  Fugaku personally found the Third Hokage and interceded for the Mirror Man and his family. However, he was rejected by the Third Hokage, claiming that when the truth was revealed, the Mirror Man and his family would definitely come out.

  Of course, the Mirror Man doesn’t know any of this.

  After he was taken away by the Jonin, his eyes were covered with a black cloth, as if they didn't want him to remember the road and escape, or they were afraid of his Sharingan.

  The wrists are also locked with a shackle with a sealing technique. As a result, Mirror Man cannot form seals or use any ninjutsu. What's more, the sealing technique also suppresses Mirror Man's chakra. As long as that Unless the shackles are removed, Mirror Man will never be able to use chakra.

  Soon, Mirror Man was taken to a room with very dim light. When he arrived, the black cloth covering Mirror Man's eyes was still not removed. It seemed that he was worried about Mirror Man's Sharingan.

  Being roughly pushed into the room by the Jonin, Kagami, who couldn't see anything, could only fumble around to find a place to sit, and sat down carefully.

  The former genius turned into a prisoner just because of a few words from Danzo. I have to say, this is really interesting.

  Every day that followed, Mirror Man could see nothing, and no one talked to him. Meals were only delivered once a day, leaving Mirror Man in a depressed state at all times, unable to escape.

  His hands were still shackled, so he had to spend a lot of effort to finish every meal.

  [Sandai, am I a prisoner?

  Jingren didn't say anything, but silently asked such a question in his heart.

  Isn't his current state of custody similar to that of a criminal who has committed a heinous crime?

  Why did the third generation do this? The third generation shouldn't have done this. Doesn't he understand the true situation of the Mirror Man?

  Well, Kagami suddenly thought of someone. Maybe Sandai understood the truth of the matter, but Sandai was too striving for stability. Maybe, he thought that it would be good to let himself suffer a little, so that Danzo could feel relieved and not attack Kagami. .


  this way of treating Mirror Man is very similar to the way he treats Naruto. They are all for the sake of protecting the target, and they do not hesitate to make the target suffer, so that others can rest assured and not do anything to the target.

  In this regard, Jingren didn't want to say anything. He just wandered on the edge of death day after day. He saw no one, no one talked to him, and only had one meal a day. These conditions were all forcing him to The person looking at the mirror can only be on the verge of death.

  Hokage's office.

  Shisui knelt down on one knee, faced the third generation, and begged.

  "Hokage-sama, I can vouch for the Mirror Man. It was the Root members who attacked the Mirror Man first, and it was not the Mirror Man who took the initiative to kill the Root members." The third generation frowned slightly, with a bitter look on his face


  "Zhisui, I also know this, but after all, you didn't see it with your own eyes. Now only people have seen Kagami attack the two Genbu. There is no evidence to prove that Kagami attacked Kagami first." Zhisui said anxiously


  "But, Danzo-sama, I swear in the name of Shunshen Shisui that Kagami is absolutely innocent." The

  third generation shook his head.

  "This cannot be counted as evidence. Please step aside first, Shisui."

  Shisui looked at the third generation blankly and begged again and again, but in the end, the third generation still did not agree to release Kagami.

  Shisui resigned with a disappointed look on his face.

  After a while, the door to the Hokage's office opened again, and Itachi wearing ANBU clothes came in.

  The third generation looked at Itachi with a headache.

  "Itachi, I know what you are going to say, but I really can't do it here."

  Itachi knelt on one knee and spoke with firm eyes.

  "Sandaime-sama, Mirror Man is innocent. I am convinced of this."

  (End of Chapter)

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