284.Chapter 282 is valid

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  Chapter 282 Effective

  [What’s going on, this inexplicable feeling of uneasiness. ]

  Shikamaru subconsciously took a step back, but soon, Shikamaru took back the step back.

  The current situation is that everyone here has a circle drawn under their feet. No one can leave the circle without permission. The reason for this is to prevent Bai Jue.

  White Zetsu can completely disguise himself as a ninja from the Ninja Alliance. Even his chakra can be disguised. The current Ninja Alliance has no other way to effectively and reliably detect White Zetsu's disguise except Naruto's method of sensing malice.

  Therefore, in order to prevent "traitors", this is the only way to do it when there is no other way.

  However, Shikamaru no longer cared about the so-called White Zetsu at all. His eyes were fixed on the coffin that appeared in the Four Purple Yang Formation.

  Logically speaking, once the Four Purple Sun Formation is established, it is impossible to destroy it from the inside. When Orochimaru invaded Konoha, he also used the Four Purple Sun Formation to trap the third generation. It can be seen that the Four Purple Sun Formation, even if it is A shadow-level powerhouse can be trapped if he is imprisoned.

  The coffin in front of him was actually summoned directly into the Four Purple Yang Formation. So, he should have been trapped at the moment of summoning, and could only wait helplessly for the seal.

  But what's going on with this uneasiness?

  Cold sweat flowed down Shikamaru's forehead. Shikamaru is an extremely smart person. Mu Yong doubts this. However, at this moment, the smarter the person, the more he thinks, and the more he thinks, the more scared he becomes!

  Shikamaru doesn't think that the person behind the dirty soil reincarnation is a fool. If anyone thinks that the person who performs such a large-scale dirty soil reincarnation is a fool, then Shikamaru will definitely give him two slaps. Therefore, the problem arises here. Since the person behind the scenes If he's not a fool, why would he be reincarnated into the Four Purple Yang Formation alone?

  Coming to be trapped? impossible!

  It can only be that the people behind the scenes think that this person reincarnated from the dirty soil can break the Four Purple Yang Formation!


  Shikamaru muttered to himself. If an enemy with the strength to break the Four Purple Sun Formation appeared in front of them, it would undoubtedly be a huge disaster for them who had just suffered several battles.


  At this moment, a man covered in golden light arrived here.

  No need to guess, in the entire Naruto series, the only one who can maintain this shining golden look at all times is Naruto in Nine-Tails mode.

  This is a clone of Naruto. The purpose of coming here was to help distinguish which ones were White Zetsu and which ones were allied ninjas. But as soon as Naruto came here, he found that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Everyone's eyes were on him. They all looked at the same place.

  There was a purple light curtain, and inside there was a reincarnated person from the dirty land that Naruto didn't know. Next to him, there was an erected coffin. The lid was not opened, so the person inside could not be seen.

  "What's going on? Shikamaru."

  Naruto, who subconsciously couldn't understand the situation, immediately asked Shikamaru.

  Shikamaru glanced at Naruto and smiled bitterly.

  "Naruto, you're here. As you can see, there may be a troublesome enemy in the coffin in front. It seems that the task of finding Bai Zetsu will be delayed a little." "Pop!" At


  moment , the lid of the coffin was pushed open from the inside.

  "Yuki, are you there?"

  Mirror Man walked out of the coffin and looked around, a little stunned. He seemed to be trapped in a purple barrier. Outside the barrier, there were many ninjas and many corpses.

  How is this going?

  Where is Yuki?

  "Who are you?!"

  Kato Dan was the first to ask Mirror Man. Although the coffin of the Mirror Man was summoned by Kato Dan himself, Kato Dan was only controlled and he did not know who he summoned.

  Kagami glanced at Kato Dan and closed his eyes without speaking.

  Although the surrounding scene was beyond Jingren's expectation, it even made Jingren not know where this place was.

  But Mirror Man did not panic. He immediately began to use the characteristics of the reincarnation of dirty soil to search for the caster in reverse.

  "So far!"

  Mirror Man noticed something was wrong. The caster was very far away from him. Logically speaking, when Yuki resurrected him, he shouldn't be so far away from him.

  Frowning, Mirror Man realized that some big change must have occurred, so Mirror Man began to seriously look at the people around him.

  [Shikamaru, Naruto, Choji, Ino, Choza, hey, is this serious? ! ]

  Mirror Man’s eyes widened. How could these people in front of him appear in front of him? !

  You know, when Kagami died, it was long before the Warring States Period. How come he was resurrected and came to the Konoha era of Hokage, and even the Fourth Ninja War? !

  "Is there no concept of time in the afterlife?"

  Mirror Man whispered to himself.

  In the pure land world, from the perspective of the mirror person, only a few minutes have passed, but in the outside world, hundreds of years have passed, and things have long since changed.

  What happened to Yuki and the others? And what about the Five Tails?

  With a slight sense, Mirror Man immediately sensed the Five-Tails in his body, and then awakened the Five-Tails.

  "King Mu, what happened? Why didn't I come back to life until now?"

  After Wuwei woke up, he immediately heard the Mirror Man's question. It was silent for a while before answering.

  "After you died, the Mangekyou from the Uchiha clan came after you."

  Mirror Man was stunned. This development, how should I put it, was expected, but it could be said that it was not expected.

  Kagami did think about this possibility, but he didn't expect that the group of kaleidoscopes in the Uchiha clan would actually dare to chase him out.

  "What happened next?"

  "Later, they created your filthy reincarnation body in a hurry, but before they could resurrect you," "Did you


  "No, they managed to escape, and I relied on you to stay. My illusion skills barely resisted those kaleidoscope ninjas, but your illusion skills are not permanent. Once your illusion skills are gone, I will be controlled by them immediately. There are too many of them, and I can't kill them all at once. In desperation, I could only escape with your coffin."

  "Then you entered my body and waited for someone to resurrect me?" "


  "What about Yuki and the others? What happened to them in the end?"

  " Yuki asked me to escape separately from them, because the purpose of Uchiha's group of kaleidoscopes is the kaleidoscope in Yuki's eyes, so if we escape separately, I will have a greater chance of escaping with your coffin. So, I don't know what happened to them in the end. Yes."

  The mirror man was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

  "Can you tell me who you are? Senior."

  Outside the barrier, Shikamaru suddenly asked.

  Judging from the enemies Shikamaru and the others had encountered before, some of them were unwilling to be enemies, but were controlled and had no choice but to raise their weapons.

  Like Kato Dan, although he was controlled to fight Shikamaru and the others, he would still tell Shikamaru and the others how to defeat him while fighting.

  Therefore, Shikamaru wanted to test whether the new enemy in front of him was the "forced control" type.

  Kagami came back to his senses and glanced at Shikamaru, but did not answer Shikamaru's question, and instead began to look at the barrier around him.

  "Four Purple Yang Formation? No matter what, let's get my eyes back first. By the way, Wuwei, where are my eyes?"

  Wuwei replied.

  "I was in your coffin not long ago, but when you woke me up, I was already gone. I guess it was in the hands of the person who woke you up." The Mirror

  Man closed his eyes and once again passed through the gap between the reincarnated person and the caster. Sense and determine the location of the caster.

  "I understand. It's the Fourth Ninja War now. The person who woke me up should be Kabuto, so let's go find him first." Mirror Man also has eyes

  now and can also open the Reincarnation Eye, but those are just those reincarnated in the dirt. The artificial eyes, once truly resurrected, will disappear completely.

  Besides, it is impossible for artificial eyes to be as good as real eyes.

  After shaking hands, Mirror Man felt that he had lost more than half of his chakra.

  This is because Kagami cannot borrow the chakra of the Five-Tails, and the reincarnated body of the dirty earth cannot become a Jinchūriki!

  Although the Five-Tails is now sealed in Mirror Man's body, it is just equivalent to the Five-Tails treating Mirror Man's body as a barrier and locking himself in it. There is no "channel" between the Five-Tails and Mirror Man.

  The Mirror Man is not a Jinchuriki, it can only be regarded as an object that seals the Five-Tails.

  A piece of wood or a stone can serve the same purpose as a mirror man.

  This is also the point in the original work where Madara gave up his immortal body and infinite chakra to be reincarnated in the dirt and was resurrected. If he is not resurrected, he will not be able to become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The state can't do it.

  After all, the reason why Mirror Man can reach this state of sealing the Five-Tails is because the Five-Tails was voluntary and even sealed into Mirror Man's body on its own.

  "It's really weak."

  Mirror Man frowned. Although his chakra has been continuously replenished due to the reincarnation of the dirty earth, the total amount cannot increase. The current strength of Mirror Man, compared to when he was alive, is really Much weaker.

  Not to mention anything else, just losing a five-tailed person would be very hurtful to Mirror Man.

  Walking in front of the Four Purple Yang Formation, the black pupils quickly turned into the appearance of an eternal kaleidoscope. Then, a golden bone arm appeared and punched the Four Purple Yang Formation fiercely!


  The entire barrier was shaking violently because of this punch.

  Shikamaru spoke subconsciously outside the barrier.

  "Is that Susanoo? Is it a member of the Uchiha clan?"

  Kagami looked at the Four Purple Yang Formation in front of him. This barrier was indeed quite powerful. He punched it with all his strength with Susanoo, but it didn't break it. , it seems that it takes some serious action to break this thing.

  A large amount of golden chakra gushes out from the mirror man's body. A six-meter-tall Susanoo appears within the barrier. A broken giant sword appears in his hand, and then he swings out the sword!

  boom! ! !

  A huge force acted on the barrier, and in an instant, the barrier began to vibrate most violently.

  "Click, click."

  White cracks appeared on the purple light screen, spreading continuously, and then

  clicked after a few seconds!

  With a crisp sound, the entire Four Purple Sun Formation was shattered, and the four ninjas who maintained the Four Purple Sun Formation were knocked unconscious.

  "How is it possible?! Dingzuo! The barrier is broken, be careful of me! And the guy next to me, be careful of him! Find a place to lock me up alone with the Four Purple Sun Formation again. As for the guy next to me, I have nothing A good idea, I have to spend time thinking about it, but before that, you must be careful!"

  Kato Dan was the first to shout loudly. Although Kato Dan's actions were out of control, Kabuto did not do anything in order to preserve Kato Dan's strength. Deliberately suppressing Kato Dan's consciousness, he did not forcefully control Kato Dan, so Kato Dan attacked Shikamaru and the others while also giving them advice.

  "I know!"

  Dingzuo yelled.

  "The art of doubling!"

  The body instantly became huge, almost as big as Kagami's Susanoo, and then he rushed towards Kagami.

  "Did you break that barrier? He seems to be a great guy."

  Darui on the side also pulled out the knife from his back and stared at the mirror man.

  Mirror Man looked calmly at Ding Zuo who rushed towards him. He originally didn't want to be enemies with these people, but they seemed to have mistakenly thought that Mirror Man was an enemy and took the initiative to attack Mirror Man.

  That's no wonder Jingren. Although he doesn't want to be enemies with these people, his fist is about to hit his face. He can't stick his face out to get beaten, right?

  Choza punched Susanoo's body, but Susanoo didn't move at all!

  The golden right hand clenched the sword, and swung it fiercely from right to left!

  A gust of wind arose.

  The six-meter-tall Ding seat spurted out a large amount of blood instantly on his abdomen.

  Although he retreated at the last moment, Mirror Man's sword ignored distance. If he wanted to hide, he had to avoid the direction of Mirror Man's sword.


  Ding Zuo shrunk in an instant. Although Kagami had already kept his hand, the injury caused by Susanoo's sword was painful enough for a person.

  The man in the mirror looked calm and was just about to say that he had no intention of becoming their enemy.

  "You guy!!!"

  But Naruto, who was covered in gold, obviously didn't intend to give Mirror Man a chance to speak. After seeing Ding Zao being so injured, this guy obviously became angry instantly and turned into a golden light. Click and rush towards the mirror man.

  Kagami frowned slightly, Susanoo stretched out his left hand to catch Naruto in the air.


  It was really like a ray of light, and Naruto avoided Susanoo's hand in an instant.

  Mirror Man raised his eyebrows. He almost forgot that Naruto was very fast after seizing the power of the Nine-Tails. Did this speed give him confidence?

  The huge Susanoo disappeared quickly, Kagami took a slight step forward, and then disappeared instantly!

  Boom boom boom! ! !

  A huge sonic boom sounded, followed immediately by another even bigger explosion.


  Naruto was kicked hard from the air to the ground, and was smashed into the depths of the ground. The ground more than ten meters around him all collapsed downward, forming a huge pit and causing bursts of smoke. .

  No one saw this confrontation. In people's perception, the moment the Mirror Man disappeared, the sound of sonic boom and the sound of Naruto hitting the ground followed.

  At this moment, the mirror man appeared on the spot and smiled slightly.

  "Is this the speed at which I'm going all out? I almost lost control." The

  Mirror Man looked very terrifying at this moment. Most of his head was broken, his entire abdomen was almost missing, his chest was also badly damaged, and only one leg was left. , still very dilapidated.

  It became like this because Jingren just let go of his speed desperately, and as a result, his body couldn't bear it, and he became like this.

  When Mirror Man was alive, he didn't dare to do this, but it was different now. The reincarnated body of the dirty earth was immortal. After just a few seconds, Mirror Man returned to his original state.

  As for Naruto, he has disappeared. It was just a clone. It was impossible not to disappear after enduring the kick at the full speed of the mirror man.

  The foot that Kagami just disappeared was lost because of kicking Naruto.

  At the speed at which Mirror Man goes all out, a normal body cannot bear it. Correspondingly, the opponent cannot withstand his attack.

  Shaking his hand that was back to normal, Mirror Man smiled.

  "The reincarnated body of the dirty soil is still somewhat useful. At least it is very effective for testing moves that I didn't dare to use before." Thank you [

   Still] for the 200 book coins reward!

    Thanks to [<Life is like a play>] for the reward of 999 book coins and 1888 book coins!

    grateful! grateful! grateful!



  (End of chapter)

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