236. Chapter 235 Disruption

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  Chapter 235 Disruption

  [What? ! !

  Although he has the power of lightning to protect his body, but he resisted the blow of Mirror Man, there was still inevitable pain, and the most important thing is that this speed is too fast!

  There was a flash of lightning.

  Without giving the Mirror Man any chance to follow up on the attack, the Fourth Raikage immediately relied on his strong body to absorb the impact after landing, and then quickly used the force on the ground to push himself out.


  The sound of thunder and lightning kept exploding on Raikage. He clenched his fist and said.

  "Uchiha Kagami, I know you a little bit. It is said that you are very fast. I thought I had underestimated you, but now it seems that I still underestimated you." The lightning on Raikage's body accompanied

  him The words are getting stronger and stronger.

  "It seems that I must"

  Powerful chakra burst out, Raikage's hair stood up at this moment, and he took off his white coat.

  "You have to go all out!"


  Like thunder coming from the sky, the thunder shadow turned into an extremely thick thunder pillar and sprayed towards the mirror man in an instant.

  "Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

  The faster the speed, the stronger the attack power!

  If it is the Mirror Man, the above sentence is obviously wrong, because although the Mirror Man is fast, his relatively weak body cannot withstand too much impact, so the Mirror Man is very fast, but if you put aside the kaleidoscope, the Mirror Man is very fast. Human's attack power is very weak, and he cannot convert speed into attack power.

  However, if it is Raikage, everything is different. Raikage's body is extremely powerful. If we only discuss pure physical strength in the entire ninja world, Raikage must be among the best. In this case, Raikage There is also a thunder shield that greatly strengthens the body. It can be said that the Raikage's physical strength is very scary when he goes all out. In this case, the Raikage can completely convert his speed into attack power. !

  The so-called "Thunder Plow Hot Knife" is actually very simple. It is to run, condense the Thunder Escape Chakra, then raise a hand and hit it with your wrist.

  The attack method is extremely simple, and the principle is also very simple. Basically, anyone can learn it, but this simple move, in the hands of Raikage, coupled with Raikage's terrifying speed and physical strength, this move will usher in a Qualitative change!

  The blue lightning instantly passed through the golden light spots.

  A shocking explosion sounded out of thin air.

  The Mirror Man didn't avoid this move in the end.

  Raikage's speed is really too fast. With all his strength, this guy's speed actually surpassed Mirror Man!

  No, the most important thing is not the speed problem, but the physical problem. Raikage's body is too good, his speed limit is very high, but Kagami is not. His body is weak and his speed limit is lower than Raikage's. a lot of.

  Therefore, if everyone goes all out, there is actually no way for Mirror Man to surpass Raikage's speed.

  In fact, Kagami even believed that no one in the entire ninja world could surpass the Raikage in terms of speed simply by using the teleportation technique.

  As for the original Minato? Minato did not use the teleportation technique, but the more special time and space technique, which had no physical limitations, so he could surpass the Raikage.


  The mirror man, who was wrapped in golden ribs, was instantly knocked away by the blue lightning and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.



  A huge banging sound came, and the ground even shook slightly.

  "Mirror Man!" ""

  Bai and Xiang Ling spoke in unison. Their faces were more or less worried, but in the end they were not too excited. This was not the first day they followed Jingren. Deep down, they were very confident in Jingren. of.


  In the distance, Mirror Man coughed out two mouthfuls of blood.

  "I kind of underestimated this Raikage. I thought that after turning on the immortal mode, my physical fitness should be able to get closer to him. But now it seems that the gap is still too big. His speed is really fast, although I can see clearly with my kaleidoscope. , but my body does not allow me to keep up with such a fast speed."

  Although Kagami was not seriously injured because of Susanoo's protection, some impact force inevitably spread to Kagami's body, causing him to Coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

  He took a closer look at the Susanoo around him.

  "Well, there is nothing strange. It seems that although the attack brought by Raikage's speed is strong, it is not a threat to Susanoo yet."

  Standing up, the mirror man jumped a few times and disappeared here.

  After a while, the Mirror Man reappeared where the Raikage had just knocked him away.

  Lei Ying looked at the mirror man coldly.

  "You resisted my strike with the Thunder Plow Hot Knife, but nothing happened? Is it the strange bones around you that protected you? Humph, no matter what it is, you can't even think of walking away intact today!"

  The mirror man smiled and shook his head.

  "I admit that I underestimated you before, but now it seems that you are more crazy. You no longer treat me as an evenly matched enemy, but think that you can defeat me." Lei Ying took it for granted

  . of opening.

  "Isn't it?"

  The mirror man raised his hand, and a big golden bone arm appeared around him.

  The next second, golden light flashed.

  "No, of course not, you are too far behind!"

  Mirror Man appeared behind Raikage in an instant, and his big golden bone-armed hand grabbed Raikage directly without giving Raikage any time to react!

  Lei Ying's eyes widened and he spoke subconsciously.

  "No, no, this is not a teleportation technique! What you just did was!"

  Kagami smiled. Susanoo continued to hold the Raikage, while he himself lowered his body and picked up a piece of art on the ground that he had deliberately thrown before being knocked away. The remaining kunai.

  The mirror man lifted the kunai and showed it to the Raikage. Above the kunai, there was a mark of a small black sword.

  "Yes, this is the Flying Thunder God!"

  I have to say that Kagami's ninjutsu, illusions, and physical skills are all average, and his talent is really not outstanding, but corresponding to it, Kagami's extremely dazzling teleportation Kagami seemed to be able to learn any technique related to speed very quickly. In the last two months of the Warring States Period, Kagami used his top talent to easily modify what Tobirama taught him. The Flying Thunder God, now the Mirror Man, can completely use the Flying Thunder God!

  Raikage suddenly seemed to be frozen, and after a few seconds, he sighed.

  "After that person, has anyone in Konoha finally learned this move?"

  Kagami turned his hand, and the kunai disappeared silently in his hand.

  "Correction, I am not from Konoha, not anymore."

  Raikage smiled bitterly.

  "That's true."

  After saying that, the Raikage's body began to explode with lightning, and chakra kept erupting, trying to break away from Susanoo's big hand.

  Mirror Man frowned and increased his chakra. The strong grip directly caused the corners of Raikage's mouth to bleed.

  "Stop struggling. The moment you are held by my Susanoo, you have already lost."

  Raikage gritted his teeth. Susanoo's powerful grip kept squeezing him. Even Raikage Even the shielding body couldn't withstand this powerful grip.

  This is simply not the kind of grip a human being can exert!

  This is a ninjutsu, and it has nothing to do with this kid's own physical strength!

  The Raikage confirmed this.

  This is of course, the grip strength that Susanoo can exert is certainly not comparable to that of humans. Susanoo is a pupil technique. In terms of power, as long as the mirror person's pupil power is stronger, the power of Susanoo will be stronger. powerful.

  Susanoo's strength has nothing to do with Kagami's body.

  The mirror man looked at Raikage and said.

  "Let me ask you, why did you send people to kill my companions?"

  Lei Ying narrowed his eyes.

  "I saw a bit of the Fourth Hokage from your information, so I couldn't help but send people to observe you. As for killing your companions, that was just incidental. After all, you are just a rebel ninja after all. Maybe he will confront our Yunyin at some point, and he is considered a potential threat."

  Mirror Man nodded.

  "Well, it makes sense. The only unreasonable thing is that when did the irascible Fourth Raikage become so easy to talk to? What did I ask you and you just explained it honestly? This makes me not believe you."

  The Raikage was struck by lightning, and although he couldn't break free from Susanoo's big hand, it could be seen that he was very angry at the moment.

  "Do you think I'm an idiot? I've already beaten Fei Lei Shen once and lost. Now it's the second time and I've lost too. Facing a strong person, I will naturally give a certain amount of respect. You're just asking an unimportant question. It’s just a question, what will happen if I answer you? But you, Uchiha Kagami, don’t talk so much nonsense. I tried, but I can’t break free from your big golden hand. I have lost. Please give me a good time. , I just hope that for the sake of my death, you will not implicate Samyi and the other three in the future." The

  Mirror Man did not speak, but looked at Bai and Xiang Lu.

  For Kagami, it doesn't matter whether he kills Raikage or not, because his current strength is too strong. Before Madara of the Rinnamsara Eye comes out, Kagami is the real number one in the ninja world, and he doesn't need to fear any force at all. Therefore, Jingren is not afraid of the so-called revenge of Yunyin, nor is he afraid of enmity with Yunyin.

  For Jingren, what is more important is to look at the opinions of the parties involved. If they say kill, they will kill. If not, Then I won’t kill him.

  Bai shook his head decisively. Although he trusted Jingren's strength, in any case, he still didn't want to cause any extra trouble to Jingren because of his own reasons.

  Xiang Lu stared at the mirror man with a look of infatuation.

  "Just let the mirror person decide."

  The two important people expressed their opinions, one didn't want to and the other was casual.

  Kagami shrugged, and Susanoo suddenly increased his strength, causing the Raikage to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

  "This is a warning."

  After saying that, Susanoo disappeared and the Raikage fell to the ground.

  Standing up unsteadily, Raikage wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

  "To be honest, when I came to you alone, I never thought that I would lose so quickly."

  Mirror Man asked abruptly.

  "Aren't you going to avenge Samyi and the others?"

  Lei Ying was stunned for a moment, then spoke.

  "If I can defeat you, then I will definitely do it."

  "To put it simply, it means bullying the weak and fearing the strong."

  "That's right. The entire ninja world, no, the whole world, doesn't bully the weak and fear the strong?"

  This sentence As soon as the words came out, Mirror Man was stunned. He was silent for a few seconds before Mirror Man lowered his head and smiled.

  "It's true. The whole world is actually bullying the weak and shying away from the strong. It's just that some are obvious and some are not. I have no right to blame you." Not long after,

  Lei Ying left with injuries all over his body.

  The Mirror Man and his group stayed where they were, a little at a loss.

  Originally, Kagakure was going to Kumogakure to warn the Raikage, but he ran to Kagakure himself and got beaten in the face. Kagami also warned him, so naturally there was no need to go to Kumogakure.

  So the question becomes, where to go next?

  "Do you have a place you want to go?"

  Mirror Man looked at Xiang Lu and Bai.

  If Xiang Lu and Bai want to go somewhere, then Mirror Man will accompany them, but if not, Mirror Man will just find a place to start practicing the mutual multiplication detonating talisman that he has not yet mastered.

  Bai thought for a while, then shook his head.


  Xiang Phosphorus also spoke.

  "Me too, just follow Jingren."

  Jingren was not too surprised by the two people's answers. Since they didn't have anywhere they wanted to go, it was Jingren's turn to think about where he was going to practice.

  Kagami and the others are currently located in the Borderlands, northeast of Konoha and a little outside the southwest border of Kumogakure. It is wrong to say that it is a Borderlands. In fact, there is a country here, and it is a small country, but this It's a small country that doesn't even have a ninja village. To put it bluntly, it's a small country without military power. Mirror Man doesn't bother to find out what it's called, so he just thinks it's a land without one.

  Since it is cultivation, it seems that this small country is just right. After all, it is quiet enough.

  Originally, this was what Mirror Man thought.

  But the arrival of a crow slightly disrupted the Mirror Man's plan.

  The crow was used by Itachi to convey information. He said two things. The first thing was that the Akatsuki organization had discovered the Nanao and was preparing to capture it. The second thing was to ask Koro and Shiro to hold on. Itachi seemed to have gone there before. I carried out a long mission, so I couldn't learn about Bai Hexiang Phosphorus in time. Not long after I came back this time, I learned about Bai He Xiang Phosphorus, and I was ready to come over and secretly rescue Bai He Xiang Phosphorus.

  Regarding the second thing, Mirror Man gave a reply, telling Itachi not to come, since he was already back.

  And the first thing is worth considering.

  The Akatsuki organization begins to capture tailed beasts. Will the first tailed beast be the seven tails?

  However, in Mirror Man's memory, shouldn't the first tailed beast captured by the Akatsuki organization be one?


  maybe I forgot to remember it somewhere.

  However, now that the Akatsuki organization has begun to capture the tailed beasts, Mirror Man still has to disrupt them.

  The first is to retaliate for Obito's pursuit of Shiro and Karin, and the second is that Kagami will try his best to delay the appearance of the Ten-Tails before he has the Samsara Eye.

  Somehow, Kagami always felt that since he had Hashirama's chakra and Madara's chakra, his eyes seemed to be undergoing subtle changes that were difficult to detect.

  Although this change is so small that it is basically undetectable, the mirror person feels that way!

  Maybe what Madara said about combining the two forces was not wrong? Right! Maybe that's the way to evolve the Samsara Eye!

  For this reason, the Mirror Man must delay the appearance of the Ten-Tails. Otherwise, if Obito uses the Infinite Tsukiyomi, the Eternal Kaleidoscope will instantly fall under the illusion and be at the mercy of others.

   Naruto's map has always been a bit messy. The positions of the big countries are basically certain, but the positions of some small countries are really difficult to determine. It would be too difficult to make a completely correct map for them all. I had no choice here, so I used Baidu. For the map above, you can search [Naruto Geography] or [Naruto Map] to find out.

    In fact, there are many errors in that map. Compared with the map given in the original work, the locations of some small countries are obviously wrong. However, there is no way. The locations of small countries in Naruto are a bit confusing. As I said before, I want to get a 100% It is too difficult to write a correct and detailed map, so it would be better to write it on a map that is easier for everyone to see.



  (End of chapter)

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