234. Chapter 233 Subdue

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  Chapter 233

  After subduing it for a while, the strong wind disappeared, and the red light pillar soaring into the sky also disappeared.

  Naruto's figure reappeared in Mirror Man's eyes.

  The appearance is almost the same as before. There is still a white skeleton all over the body. The only difference is

  "Do you have five tails?"

  Mirror Man murmured in a low voice.

  Generally speaking, the number of tails does not represent the strength of the tailed beast, it only represents the amount of chakra in the tailed beast's body, but this is not the case with Naruto at this moment. Naruto is borrowing chakra from the nine tails in his body. , and the complete form of the Nine-Tails is nine tails, so the closer to the nine tails, the more chakra Naruto borrows. To put it bluntly, Naruto who goes completely berserk will have more tails behind him. The stronger the strength.


  Naruto, who had transformed into a tailed beast, started to move. After transforming into a tailed beast, his body seemed to be extra soft, and his movements did not look like actions that a human could make. His whole body was really like a weapon at this moment. The sharp arrows brought up bursts of sonic booms, and instantly hit Mirror Man's Susanoo!


  Susanoo was knocked back more than ten meters, leaving a long mark on the ground.


  Kagami was also panting slightly. Although he was not injured in this collision because he was within Susanoo, the impact force really made him uncomfortable.

  "Is the tailed beast's body so outrageous?"

  Mirror Man couldn't help but wonder.

  Naruto's speed just now was so fast, it was so fast that it exceeded the limit of ordinary humans. In fact, at that speed, Mirror Man could do it at all costs, but the consequence would be that Mirror Man's body would collapse directly!

  That level of speed is simply not something a normal human body can bear!

  This is one of the reasons why Mirror Man feels that Flying Thunder God is better than the teleportation technique in the later stage, because Flying Thunder God is free from the constraints of the human body in terms of speed.

  But at this moment, Naruto, who had transformed into a tailed beast, seemed to have forced himself to break through the limits of the human body, displaying a speed that stunned the Mirror Man.


  Naruto raised his head, and black dots gathered above his mouth.

  Tailed beast cannon!

  It gathered quickly, and in the next second, a black tailed beast cannon was instantly fired towards Kagami's Susanoo.

  But it’s not over yet. After one, the second and third were immediately followed!

  There are three Tailed Beast Cannons in total!




  A dazzling bright light lit up with Kagami's Susanoo as the center, and a huge explosion appeared together!

  "Damn it! Can you only do this? No, with that kind of ability, I will kill that brat!!!"

  Kyuubi said with hatred in his eyes.

  The appearance of Susanoo completely touched Kyuubi's sore spot, and the memory of being driven by that man like a beast was still vivid in his mind.

  For humans, Madara's era may have happened nearly a hundred years ago. Although it is not very far away, it is indeed not close. Many people have no memory of that era, and only a few legends have been passed down. .

  After all, in the Ninja Age, many ninjas do not live until they die of old age. They may die in missions at a young age. Therefore, for the Ninja Age, eras change very quickly. It is possible that an era can be counted as about twenty years. , twenty years will pass and it will be the next era.

  For example, Kakashi and Naruto are actually only thirteen or fourteen years apart in age, but most people think of Kakashi as a person from the previous era, and Naruto as a person from the next era.

  From this point of view, Madara is not very far away from now, but because of the special nature of the ninja era, few people have clear memories of that era.

  After all, ninjas die too quickly. For ninjas whose average age is not very high, nearly a hundred years is indeed a very long time.

  But for an immortal creature like the Kyuubi, a hundred years? That’s no different from [yesterday]!

  The hatred and disgust that Madara had when he drove Kyuubi, Kyuubi still remembers it firmly!

  The so-called [Prestige Armor Susanoo] in the later period was actually not called that at all in the beginning, but was called [The Difficulty of the Beast].

  Just look at the name and you will know that Madara does not regard the Nine-Tails as a human being at all, or even as a spiritual creature. Madara completely regards the Nine-Tails as a beast!

  How could Kyuubi not be annoyed? How could you not be angry? How could you not hate it?

  That's why Kyuubi was so angry when he saw Susanoo.

  However, the Kyuubi is now in a sealed state. It has tried everything it can, but it can only transport so much chakra. No matter how much chakra it is, it will be impossible for the Kyuubi to transport it. It is always in a sealed state. The current chakra The seal was not loose enough that the Kyuubi could deliver more power.

  Just, five tails? Or just five tails in the form of a small tailed beast? How could this possibly kill that kid!

  Kyuubi doesn't know the strength of Kagami, but Kyuubi knows very well what Susanoo is!

  It has personally experienced the terrifying defensive power of that ability.

  It's impossible for a tailed beast with five tails to kill that kid!

  But the seal restricted the Kyuubi, making it impossible for the Kyuubi to deliver more chakra.

  "Naruto, it's not enough! You can't bring back that kid like this. You need more chakra!"

  Kyuubi opened his mouth wide and lowered his head towards the one in front. He lost consciousness and only instinct was left. Naruto spoke.

  In front of the Kyuubi's cage, Naruto lowered his head at this moment, his blue eyes turned red. He was completely furious and had completely lost consciousness.

  "Not enough"

  Naruto instinctively repeated Kyuubi's words.

  Kyuubi smiled, and a seductive voice came from its mouth.

  "Yes, it's not enough! You need to borrow more of my power! Come on, loosen the seal and let me give you more chakra!" The

  Nine-Tails head composed of red chakra lies outside the cage. , the terrifying big mouth was very close to Naruto, and it seemed that it could swallow Naruto in one bite.

  Although the seal is not loose enough to allow Kyuubi to break through, for now, it is indeed loosened a lot. Kyuubi can now use chakra to form a huge head and appear outside the cage!

  "Release the seal"

  Naruto repeated Kyuubi's words with dull eyes.

  Kyuubi smiled even more happily. It seemed that Naruto was really bewitched by it. This was a great opportunity, maybe he could break through the seal in one fell swoop!

  "Yes! That's right, come on, raise your head, see the seal on the door? Tear it off! I can help you take that boy back to Konoha! Hahaha" red chakra surged towards Naruto

  , Lifting Naruto high to the center of the cage door, there was a piece of paper with the word "sealing" written on it.

  This is the sealing technique of the Fourth Hokage.

  Slowly raise your hand, and then stop!

  One hand stopped in front of Kyuubi's head, which was exposed outside the cage.

  "You seem to be a little carried away, Kyuubi."

  Mirror Man stood on the water and looked at Kyuubi expressionlessly.

  Kyuubi's eyes narrowed.

  "Uchiha brat, your Sharingan"

  Kagami smiled.

  "Why, you didn't expect that my Sharingan would reach this level, did you? You didn't think that I was just a three-magatama Sharingan or something, right? The moment I activated Susanoo, you should You should just keep your head down and avoid me. It's a pity that you had a chance to avoid me before, but now, you have no chance."

  An emotion called anger rose from Kyuubi's heart.

  "Those eyes of yours are kaleidoscopes, right? Those complicated stripes are indeed similar to his eyes. I want to kill him."

  Mirror Man moved his hand forward and pressed it to the top of Kyuubi's mouth.

  "Go back."

  The red eternal kaleidoscope flashed, and the exposed Nine-Tails head instantly collapsed!

  Naruto, who was lifted up by the Nine-Tails Chakra, instantly lost his support and fell to the ground.

  "Evil Uchiha brat, you"

  In the dark cage, the Nine-Tails body stood up directly, staring at the mirror man with its red eyes.

  The Mirror Man clapped his hands.

  "I don't have time to play with you now. If you don't want to experience the feeling of being controlled by the Sharingan again, then I advise you to stay in the cage. By the way, let me tell you one thing. "

  After saying this, the mirror man smiled strangely and spoke in a meaningful way.

  "My eyes are at the same level as the one you mentioned."

  Kyuubi's eyes widened instantly.

  "How does it feel to be controlled by the Sharingan? You brat, do you know Uchiha?"

  Kagami stretched out his hand to interrupt Kyuubi's words.

  "It doesn't matter whether I know it or not. You just need to know that I have the ability to let you experience the original feeling again. To be honest, I don't have any malice towards you, so I also hope that you don't have any malice towards me, otherwise , you can try."

  "You are threatening me! Kid!"

  "Yes, I am threatening you. At this point, I don't want you to misunderstand. I want you to know clearly that I am I'm threatening you! After all, the first time I came in here, I saw the intention to kill me in my eyes. I don't quite understand. I have no enmity with you, so why would you have the intention to kill me? Of course, It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not now. Since you have murderous intention towards me, don't expect me to give you a good look! Let me say it again, don't get me wrong, I'm just threatening you!" "Kid, I want

  to "Kill!"

  Before Kyuubi could finish his words, the next second, Kyuubi's eyes turned into the same eyes as Mirror Man's, and then, it couldn't move at all!

  It's controlled!

  "Climb down!"

  Mirror Man shouted in a low voice.

  Afterwards, Kyuubi crawled into the cage without saying a word.

  "This is just a warning, remember it."

  After saying that, Mirror Man released his control, and Kyuubi's eyes slowly returned to normal.

  However, even though the Mirror Man had released his control, there was no sound coming from the cage anymore and it was very quiet.

  The mirror man snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and exited.

  With the Eternal Kaleidoscope, he can see the tailed beast in the jinchuriki's body and enter the sealed land.

  In fact, let alone the Eternal Kaleidoscope, in the original work, Sasuke even did this with the three Magatama Sharingan. Therefore, it is really not too easy for Kagami to enter the sealed place in the Jinchūriki's body.

  Back outside, the dark red chakra began to fade from Naruto's body, and eventually disappeared completely, leaving a comatose Naruto.

  Kagami also disarmed Susanoo. Although he had carried three tailed beast cannons just now, Kagami put armor on Susanoo at the last moment, so it was no big deal.

  Sighing, Kagami felt that Jiraiya was still there in the distance, so he ignored Naruto and left with Koso and Shiro.

  Kagami was very grateful to Naruto for helping Shiro, but unfortunately, he could not return to Konoha. Helping to suppress the Nine-Tails was just a small reward for him.

  Jiraiya looked at the large tracts of flattened land and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  "Are you able to control the rampaging Jinchuuriki alone? Uchiha Kagami, what is your current strength?" In fact, Jiraiya

  can also control the rampaging Naruto by himself, but at most it can only be about a three-tailed or four-tailed one. As for the five-tailed one, , it really put Jiraiya in a bit of trouble.

  In fact, it's not impossible. It should be possible to risk one's life, but there is really no way to subdue the rampaging Naruto without any injuries like Mirror Man.

  At that moment, Jiraiya even felt that Kagami was a tailed beast, while Kyuubi was an ordinary ninja.

  Isn't it normal for ordinary ninjas to go all out to challenge the tailed beasts?

  Konoha 62 years.

  This was a year of despair for all underground organizations.

  In just half a month, almost all underground organizations were wiped out, which is unimaginable.

  "Did a big country take action?"

  "It should be. Which big country do you think it is?"


  In the ninja world, most people from chunin and above are discussing this matter, but almost no one dares to talk about it. Say something, after all, there are too many things involved in this matter.

  For example, what do so-called underground organizations actually do? To put it simply, they do some shameful things.

  And among them, many of them specialize in serving and doing things for some big countries.

  Mirror Man used to receive missions from some big countries in Akatsuki to assassinate a daimyo, princess, etc. of a certain country. In short, there were so many that I can’t tell you.

  Therefore, the destruction of the underground organization directly involved the five major countries!

  How can anyone dare to say more about something of this level?

  In this turmoil, only a few organizations were avoided, such as Xiao.

  "We were not involved."

  Obito said, wearing a mask so that Mirror Man could not see his expression.

  The mirror man sneered.

  "Really? Are you sure?"

  "Of course, our Akatsuki was not involved in this whole process." "Of

  course I don't doubt Akatsuki. The purpose of the Akatsuki organization is not me. What I suspect is you!"

  Obito masked His eyes fluctuated imperceptibly.

  "If you don't want to believe me, then there's nothing I can do."

  Mirror Man narrowed his eyes and looked at Obito, sneering.

  "You will definitely pay the price for what you have done, Uchiha."

  Kagami didn't say the last two words aloud, but gestured with his mouth.

  Then, the mirror man left.

  Although Kagami strongly suspected that Obito was responsible, it was not appropriate to target Obito too much now. If they were in a hurry, they would be doomed if they resurrected Madara in advance. The resurrected Madara would have the Rinnegan.

  Nagato has the Samsara Eye, and Kagami doesn't care much about it, but once Madara has the Samsara Eye, he becomes a truly invincible BOSS.

  When one day Kagami possesses the Samsara Eye, then it will be time for Kagami to settle accounts with Obito.

  After the mirror man left, Obito felt great fear in his heart, his eyes widened and even became bloodshot.

  "This guy"

  was the last two words Kagami didn't say, but Obito saw them clearly.

  The last name Kagami said was not [Uchiha Madara], but [Uchiha Obito].

  "How did he know?!"

  (End of chapter)

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