230.Chapter 229 Big Sister

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  Chapter 229 Big Sister

  "However, in the end, I hope you can think again. That guy named Uchiha Kagami is not necessarily on our side. At least, for now, I think he is an enemy. ."

  Jiraiya looked at Naruto seriously and said.

  Naruto looked at Jiraiya intently.

  "Yes, lecherous immortal, he will become a companion sooner or later! Definitely!"

  Jiraiya looked at Naruto's firm and powerful eyes, sighed again, but said nothing more.

  Yunyin Village.

  The Fourth Raikage wearing a blue and white bamboo hat looked at the three people in front of him and spoke slowly.

  "I called you here this time because I hope you can help hunt down two people. We don't have to kill them. The main purpose is to observe." The

  three people in front of Raikage were two women and one man, all dressed in gray and white . , and then a little bit of red is added, which is regarded as Yunyin's standard color scheme. The woman on the far right has blond hair, white skin, a very hot figure, and an ultimate calmness in her blue eyes. Her name is Sam according to.

  The woman in the middle has red hair and wears a white cloth connected to her forehead protector to cover her head. Her red scalp is draped behind her back to her shoulders. She has copper-colored skin and is carrying a slightly longer gun behind her back. Sword, her name is Karui.

  The man on the far left has white hair, a normal Kumogakure forehead protector, copper-colored skin, and also carries a sword behind his back. The most distinctive thing is that he always seems to have a lollipop in his mouth. in the mouth.

  The blond woman, Samui, spoke.

  "Lord Raikage, what do we need to observe? Strength? Or character? Or something else?"

  Raikage replied.

  "The people you are going after this time are one named Xianglan and the other Bai. According to the information in my hand, they seem to be in the same group as the Uchiha Kagami that was rumored about in the beginning. I am sending you there. , I want you to take the opportunity to observe Uchiha Kagami. Since someone is hunting down the people around him, Uchiha Kagami will definitely take action. Regarding Uchiha Kagami, you should observe everything and try to do as much as possible. Get some information about him."

  Samyi was a little confused about this.

  "Lord Raikage, with all due respect, you seem to be particularly concerned about this Uchiha mirror?"

  Raikage shook his head.

  "No, I can't say that I care. It's just that from the information I collected, the thing that Uchiha Kagami is good at seems to be the teleportation technique, and the only person who can beat me in terms of speed is also a person from Konoha, so , I just want to take this opportunity to see his strength. If that Uchiha Kage-man is there, you don’t have to take action, you just need to observe. After all, that Uchiha Kage-man is also a character who attacked Konoha and severely damaged Konoha. , I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to defeat him.

  However, if the Uchiha Kageman is not here, then you can also consider finding an opportunity to kill those two people. It can reduce a little bit of combat power. Anyway, he is also a traitor. Ren, maybe you will provoke us Kumogakure at some point."

  After hearing this, Samyi immediately lowered his head and responded.

  "Yes, I understand, Lord Raikage!"

  Raikage asked again.

  "This operation, Omoyi, Karui, you two must obey Samyi's orders."



  Soon, the three of them retreated, while Raikage watched. There was silence at the door.

  Karui's character is too irritable, and he will take action if he disagrees. Omoyi's character is too cautious, and he often looks forward and backward. Only Samyi has always been an extremely calm character, calm and undisturbed.

  Therefore, although Samui's combat ability is the lowest among the three, Samui is the captain of the team. Samui is also one of Raikage's trusted subordinates. His natural calmness is really impressive. Watch with admiration.

  One month later.

  "Ice Release: Thousand Killings Shuixiang!"

  Countless thousands of ice escapes were stabbed at the enemy, stabbing the target directly and seriously injuring them.

  Afterwards, Bai squatted on the ground panting. The pursuit that lasted for half a year made Bai unable to hold on either physically or mentally.

  Contrary to Bai, although the ninjas in front were seriously injured, they all laughed.

  "Hahahaha, not dead! Not dead! The rumors are true!"

  "What a stroke of luck! Such a mission with extremely generous rewards, but in the end, the target is unable to kill? What could be better than this? Is it something?"

  "Hahahaha, as long as we wait for us to recover, we can catch up and continue to consume them. Sooner or later, we will be able to consume these two little bitches to death!"

  Several ninjas laughed wildly.

  Shiro has a fatal flaw, that is, Shiro cannot kill people. From the perspective of these ninja hunters, a mission with extremely generous rewards, and a mission that will definitely not lead to death. Isn't this kind of mission a good thing? alright?

  At first, when there were rumors that the target of this mission could not kill, these ninjas did not believe it at all. After all, in this era of ninjas, not everything can be understood, but killing is almost the same for ninjas. It's as normal as eating and sleeping, but there are still ninjas who don't know how to kill? Are you lying to a three-year-old kid here?

  As a result, when they couldn't resist the temptation and accepted the mission, they discovered that the target they were chasing really didn't know how to kill!

  This is simply not too surprising! Is there anything better than this? there is none left!

  Therefore, even though they are all seriously injured and unable to move, the unbridled smiles still appear on their faces.

  "Let's go, Bai."

  From behind a big rock behind Bai, Xiang Phosphorus slowly poked his head out and spoke in a very weak voice.

  So far, Xiang Ling has blocked countless fatal attacks for Bai. With the strong recovery power of the Uzumaki clan, although Xiang Ling was seriously injured, his life has never been in danger. However, if this continues, No matter how strong the vitality of the fragrant phosphorus is, it still has to be consumed alive.

  Bai nodded and said nothing. At this point, he had to save all his strength, even if it was such an extremely small power as speaking, he had to save it.

  Turning around, Bai picked up Xiang Phosphorus, who was pale and wearing blood-stained clothes, from behind the big stone and left here.

  At the same time, in a certain forest, with a flash of light, a figure appeared there.

  There was severe pain all over his body, but he still felt the same. Jingren frowned. It would take at least two or three days for him to recover from his physical condition. Before he recovered, Jingren didn't want to come into contact with the outside world.

  Chiba Yunki is the leader of a small underground organization. His strength is probably at the peak of Jonin, just short of reaching the Kage level. He is the kind of person who even Kakashi can come over without using the Sharingan. A powerful person who can only be at odds with him.

  I don't know how much better than some wandering ninjas.

  In fact, with Qianye Yungui's strength, his organization can become a powerful underground organization instead of a small organization. After all, for people like Mirror Man, shadow-level strength is just the beginning. The people in the mirror are too lazy to care about it, but for most people in the world, jounin is considered to be the top level of strength, and kage level strength? That is not the starting point, that is the unattainable end.

  I don’t know how many people there are in the entire ninja world, but there are only a dozen or so Kage-level experts who can survive. A few more, dozens, really can’t be more. Therefore, Chiba Yungui’s strength is really The underground organization is very powerful. With the exception of Akatsuki, Qianba Yungui can probably be regarded as a boss-level figure in the underground organization.

  However, his organization was founded not long ago and has only three people, so it can only be regarded as a small organization. I believe that as long as the number of people increases in the future, Qianye Yungui's organization will sooner or later become the top organization of underground organizations!

  Qianba Yungui and his two companions are currently preparing for the "start-up capital" of their organization! They took on a pursuit mission, and the reward was very rich. As long as they got this reward, Qianye Yungui's organization would definitely grow rapidly.

  In any era, money plays a huge role.

  What's more, he had "forcibly" verified a fact from another team of seriously injured ninjas - the mission target would not kill anyone!

  This made Qianye Yungui even more relieved.

  "Hirofumi, Naotō, follow me, I'm going to speed up!"

  Behind Chiba Yungui, there are two black-haired and black-clothed ninjas, namely Araki Hirofumi and Hanyu Naotō. The strength of these two people is only barely reached After all, except for the five major countries, there are very few decent ninjas in other places who can reach the strength of a jounin. As long as they don't provoke people from the five major countries, they can basically go sideways.

  People like Chiba Yungui who are one step closer to reaching Kage level strength are already considered genius ninjas outside the five major countries.



  With two responses, Qianye Yungui speeded up instantly, and the two people behind him immediately struggled to keep up.

  Two days later.

  "Ice Release: Thousand Killings of Water Soaring"

  "Earth Release: Earth Current Wall!"

  An earth wall rose up, blocking Bai's Thousand Killings of Water Soaring.

  Qianye Yungui spoke in amazement.

  "The penetrating power is so strong that it almost passed through my soil flow wall. If you were in your heyday, I must not be your opponent. It's a pity." Qianye Yungui stuck his head out and looked forward with a pale face

  . of white.

  "It's a pity. You've been exhausted too much. Now you are no longer my opponent."

  After saying that, Qianba Yungui looked at Araki Hirofumi and Hanyu Naogang beside him, and motioned for them to take action, while he Be ready to form seals at any time to guard against the dying counterattack of the person in front.

  Hirofumi Araki and Naoko Hanyu didn't do any ink. They immediately took out the kunai from the ninja bag at their waist and approached Shiro cautiously.

  Qianye Yungui sneered.

  "Little girl, do you know who drove you to death? It was no one else, it was you! Although the rewards of the mission to hunt you down are rich, for most people, their own lives are more important. However, You don't kill people. You are not kind. You have completely eliminated the worries of those who are chasing you. Money is valuable, but generally speaking, life is more valuable. And if there is no threat to life, then what is the highest? Of course. Profit! It's money!

  Little girl, if I were you, then I would definitely kill all the people who came to hunt me from the beginning. That way, it will definitely scare many latecomers, and the people who hunt you will also It will be greatly reduced. It's a pity that it's useless to say anything now. The above should be regarded as the last advice I give you before you die! Hongwen, Naogang, do it!" "Oh!"


  Oh !"

  The sword flashed, and several kunai were thrown at Bai. At the same time, the two of them followed the kunai and rushed towards Bai.

  Bai Youxin resisted, but the chakra was no longer enough.

  【I can only run away.

  Although he was not in a real deadlock at this moment, Bai knew that he could only run away at this moment and could not fight.


  A trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. Bai turned around and was about to start running away with Xiang Phosphorus not far away.

  "Earth Release: Earthflow Wall! I can do this move."


  A wall of earth rose in front of Bai Bai, blocking the oncoming attacks.

  Then, a blue light flashed, and the man named Naogo Hanyu was instantly knocked away.

  The people who showed up were naturally Jiraiya and Naruto. After searching for more than a month, they finally found the location of Shiro and Karin.

  Shiro looked at the sudden appearance of Jiraiya and Naruto, and subconsciously put on a vigilant posture.

  "Are you from Konoha? That kid from back then and the Sannin Jiraiya."

  At this point, Shiro's face turned even paler. He didn't expect that people of Jiraiya's level would also join in the pursuit of them. middle.

  Jiraiya looked at Shiro's alert look and could probably guess what Shiro was thinking.

  "Calm down, I remember you, you are one of the girls following Uchiha Kageto, right? We are here to help you this time, don't be so nervous." Shiro was slightly startled


  "Help us? Why?"

  Jiraiya rolled his eyes and raised his hand to point to Naruto in front of him.

  "Well, you have to ask my disciples about this."

  Naruto clenched his fists at this moment, looked at the person flying in front of him, and said loudly.

  "Oh! Deal with one!"

  Then, Naruto took a few steps back, retreated behind Jiraiya's earth flow wall, and looked at Shiro.

  "Sister, you are Mirror Man's companion, right?"

  Bai nodded.

  "It's not wrong to say companion."

  Regarding Naruto, Bai was relatively relieved, because, in Bai's view, Kagami seemed to have some extra trust in Naruto, which led to Bai also having some trust in Naruto.

  Naruto smiled slightly.

  "That's right! Big sister, you can rest here. The two enemies in front are left to me and the Lustful Immortal! Right, Lustful Immortal?" Jiraiya twitched the corner of his mouth


  "I'm already here, how can I not help?"

  Bai blinked. These two people seemed to be really here to help him.

  "Well, thank you very much for coming to help me."

  "Hahaha, big sister, you are so polite. You're welcome. Since you are Mirror Man's companion, you are my companion!" "

  Well, your name is Naruto, right? ?"

  "Yeah! That's right! Do you still remember me, big sister?"

  "Yes, but I have to correct you. I am a brother, not a sister."

  "Huh? Ha?"

  Even Jiraiya looked at Shiro in surprise at this moment.


  Then, the next second, Naruto and Jiraiya said in unison.

  "Are you a man?"

  Bai smiled and nodded.


  This smile was innocent and a little cute, and with its pure white skin, it looked like an elf in the snow.

   Thanks [still] for the reward!



  (End of chapter)

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