22. Chapter 22 Teammates

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  Chapter 22 Teammates

  The next morning.

  Uchiha Takayuki woke up Kagami.

  "You know Konoha's training ground, right?"

  Mirror Man nodded.

  "I know."

  The training ground near Uchiha is a training ground belonging to the Uchiha clan, and the training ground in Konoha is a training ground belonging to the village. To put it simply, one is private and the other is official. Although both It's called a training ground, but the location is obviously different.

  After Kagami got up, he started to wash up. Uchiha Takayuki did not rush to go to work today, but stood beside Kagami, watching Kagami wash up and talking.

  "Your instructor and your teammates will go to the Konoha training ground and wait for you. Since you know the location, you can just go there by yourself later. I won't take you there. By the way, I heard that you The instructor this time seems to be from Anbu. People who come from that kind of place will be very strong, but their methods, temperament, etc. may not be so good. If you follow that instructor, you have to remember that there are some things that can Learn, there are some things you can't learn."

  "Yes, good father."

  Anbu came out? Kagami was a little surprised, thinking that a jounin would be randomly assigned to be the instructor, but he didn't expect that it would be an Anbu. What is an Anbu? Anbu is the eyes and sword of Hokage. People who come out of Anbu can basically be regarded as Hokage's people. It seems that the third generation of Hokage takes him seriously.

  Soon, after breakfast, Kaguya and Uchiha Takayuki went out together. Not long after leaving, they parted ways.

  Although the training ground in Konoha is not close to the Uchiha clan, fortunately Kagami got up early. Although it took some time to walk, he still arrived at the training ground in Konoha early. This time, it was different from the previous one. When he entered school, Sasuke and Inuzuka Kiba arrived before him. This time, he was the first to arrive.

  Mirror Man saw no one and was not idle. It was a training ground anyway, so he started practicing.

  After a while, a young man came over. He was a genin at this time. He should be twelve years old. He had black hair, which was slightly longer and had reached his shoulders. He was wearing light blue clothes. He smiled broadly and walked away. Go to the Mirror Man.

  "Are you my future teammate? I just saw it. Your shuriken is very powerful, but why do you look so small? My name is Saito Daisuke, what about you?" Mirror Man put away his practicing hand

  . Jian, replied politely.

  "My name is Uchiha Kagami."


  Daisuke Saito suddenly clapped his hands, widened his eyes, and looked at Kagami in surprise.

  "Kage Ren Uchiha? I've heard of you! Are you the student who graduated from the ninja school in one year? It's really amazing. We can become teammates. Doesn't that mean that the Hokage thinks that I am also a genius, so he treats me like a genius? Arranged to be on the same team as you? Hahaha."

  Mirror Man looked at Saito Daisuke blankly and said nothing, but he sighed slightly in his heart and made a judgment.

  [This is a fool. ]

  "Do you think so? Mirror Man."

  Daisuke Saito asked the Mirror Man.

  The mirror man put on a smile.

  "Well, it must be."

  A few minutes later, the last person in the three-person team also came. As expected, it was a girl who seemed to be slightly older than Daisuke Saito. Likewise, She has black hair that reaches her elbows. Her facial features look pretty at first glance, but they are not very beautiful either.

  "Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Suzuki Motoharu. What about you?"

  The girl was obviously not as careless as Daisuke Saito. She introduced herself very politely upon meeting.

  Daisuke Saito frowned and thought for a while.

  "Suzuki Motoharu? I haven't heard of it, but since you can be on the same team as us, it means you are also a genius, right? If you are a genius, it will be no problem." Even if they graduate from the same class, it is obviously impossible for everyone to know each other

  . .

  The mirror man smiled slightly and responded politely.

  "Hello, my name is Uchiha Kagami."

  Suzuki Motoji nodded slightly.

  "I see, I'd like to ask you two to give me more advice in the future."

  Daisuke Saito couldn't help but blush. This was the first time for him to be "please" by such a good-looking member of the opposite sex. In the past, he was always alone in the ninja school.

  "No problem, just keep it with me!"

  Mirror Man sighed in his heart.

  [Poor child who has never been in love. ]

  But he still replied with a smile on his face.

  "The same goes for me. Please give me your advice in the future."

  The three of them met for the first time. After introducing each other, they seemed to know each other.

  "Is the teacher not here yet?"

  Suzuki Motoharu looked around and asked a little strangely.

  The mirror man shook his head slightly and said nothing.

  Daisuke Saito spoke with a look of sudden realization.

  "Yes, the teacher is not here yet!"

  Mirror Man: ""

  Suzuki Motoharu: ""

  Then Daisuke Saito spoke angrily.

  "This teacher is really serious, how can he arrive later than the students?!"

  Jingren deliberately defended the unknown teacher.

  "Well, teacher, it's not necessarily that he might encounter some unexpected situation on the road."

  Daisuke Saito didn't take this at all. Just when he was about to refute the mirror person, another person spoke before Daisuke Saito.

  "You're absolutely right!"

  He had white hair and wore a black mask. Konoha's ninja protector was worn diagonally across his forehead, covering his left eye.

  "Teacher, there's nothing I can do. I helped an old lady cross the road, so I was delayed for a while. By the way, let me introduce myself. I will be your instructor from now on. My name is Hatake Kakashi." Daisuke Saito clenched his fists

  . I don't believe Kakashi's lies at all.

  "Who would believe you! You're a late teacher!"

  Kagami looked at Daisuke Saito, a little funny.

  [Frank, impulsive, and without consideration, do people like this often appear in Konoha? There was Obito when he was a child, Naruto was there next, and now, there is Daisuke Saito. ]

  Kakashi ignored Saito Daisuke's words very naturally and walked up to Kagami and the others.

  "You have all graduated from the ninja school. This means that you have learned most of the things taught in the ninja school. However, this does not mean that you are qualified to become genin! I hope you will keep this in mind from now on to become genin. Before that, you still need to pass a test."

  Suzuki Motoharu asked.

  "Did Mr. Kakashi mean to snatch the bell?"

  Kakashi glanced at Suzuki Motoji.

  "You know a lot, yes, the test you have to accept is to snatch the bell from my hand. Only the person who snatches the bell can become a genin." Daisuke Saito laughed


  "Hahaha, grab a bell. Isn't that very simple? Very good. It depends on me, Kakashi-sensei. I will grab the bell from you as quickly as possible! Yes, Kakashi-sensei, Where is your bell?"

  Kagami, Genji, and Kakashi: ""

  Kakashi took out his right hand from his trouser pocket and clicked the bell on his waist.

  "Here, but I believe you have also seen that there are only two bells in total, that is to say"

  Kakashi smiled slightly, and then his face turned very cold.

  "In other words, one of the three of you will be eliminated and go back to the ninja school!"

  Mirror Man didn't react to this sentence. He already knew it.

  But Daisuke Saito was frightened and his eyes widened.

  "No, no."

  Suzuki Motoharu seemed a little surprised, but did not speak.

  Kakashi's aura at this time was very cold and impersonal.

  "I'm not kidding. One of you must return to the ninja school to re-enroll today. So, who will it be? Also, are you ready to start?" (End of Chapter


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