213. Chapter 212 At least not now (4K)

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  Chapter 212 At least not now (4K)

  [What should I do? ]

  Mirror Man looked at Tobirama in the distance and kept thinking about how he should deal with him.

  The Flying Thunder God is really too buggy. Although his teleportation technique is very fast, he is definitely not as fast as the Flying Thunder God.

  Speaking of which, why Tobirama ran over to stop him was the biggest question. Sure enough, it was too ostentatious to start Susanoo and rush on his way?

  But there is nothing that can be done. If you want to rush towards the center of the battle between Madara and Hashirama, you must activate Susanoo, otherwise several shock waves will come over and overturn Kagami in minutes.

  "Why did you stop me?"

  In desperation, Kagami took the initiative to speak to Tobirama.

  Tobirama smiled proudly.

  "Why, are you willing to speak? Didn't you just take action without saying a word? Now that you find there is no other way, are you ready to talk to me?"

  Mirror Man nodded.

  "Indeed, I want to ask you, can you let me go?"

  Tobirama looked at Kagami with a look that looked like an idiot.

  "Are you serious?"

  Mirror Man sighed.

  "Okay, I also know you won't agree."

  Tobirama snorted coldly.

  "Don't ask impossible things. Okay, now it's my turn to ask you, what is your relationship with Madara?"

  Mirror Man shook his head.

  "Since you won't let me go, do you still expect me to answer your question?"

  After saying that, Mirror Man lowered his head again and began to think about ways to break the situation.

  Tobirama frowned in the distance. The golden giant's light was so bright that Tobirama couldn't clearly see the appearance of the person inside. However, Tobirama could basically conclude that it was an Uchiha clansman. As for the others, he didn't know. .

  [Golden Giant Golden Giant]

  kept recalling his past, but Tobirama didn't expect any information about the golden giant in front of him. It was as if that person appeared out of thin air, which was really weird.

  After thinking for a long time, Tobirama could only make a rough guess.

  [Perhaps it is a power that Madara has hidden for a long time. From this point of view, I cannot let him get close to my elder brother and Madara. If he is a chess piece of Madara, it must be a vital chess piece. Madara must have never imagined that this important chess piece would be locked up here by me!

  Thinking of this, Tobirama smiled proudly again. He is usually very calm and does not easily express his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy on his face. However, he was able to show his emotions to Madara, Hashirama, and the golden giant in front of him. Tobirama couldn't help but feel a little proud of having gained an advantage in the game between the three.

  You must know that these three people plus Tobirama, a total of four people, are definitely the most terrifying and terrifying force in the entire ninja world. To gain an advantage in a game of peak power in the entire ninja world, this No matter who you are, you will get a great sense of accomplishment.

  Just when Tobirama was thinking this, the Kagami opposite him suddenly stood up!

  Yes, Mirror Man remembered.

  Flying Thunder God! Flying Thunder God! Flying Thunder God!

  He had been thinking about how difficult it was to deal with the Flying Thunder God, and how to hit Tobirama who had the Flying Thunder God. Then the more he thought about it, the more he neglected some basic things.

  How to deal with Flying Thunder God? This issue should be approached from the nature of Flying Thunder God.

  Can the Flying Thunder God be moved around? cannot!

  So, what does the Flying Thunder God need to move around? The answer is, rely on the Mark of Flying Thunder God!

  This is the breaking point!

  If Flying Thunder God wants to move, he must rely on Flying Thunder God's mark. This is the advantage and disadvantage of Flying Thunder God!

  As long as

  the mirror man smiled slightly, the golden giant sword gathered and took shape in Susanoo's right hand.

  [I know how to deal with you, Senju Tobirama!

  There is no nonsense, Susanoo of Kagami raised his sword and slashed it down at Tobirama!

  The ruined sword ignores distance!

  As expected, ignoring the distance was unexpected, but years of fighting intuition still allowed Tobirama to use Flying Thunder God to avoid the sword at the last moment.

  The mirror man's smile did not diminish.

  After Tobirama moved, the location that appeared was the left front, and there was a mark there!

  very good!

  Susanoo raised his sword and slashed down again.

  There was a flash of blue light, and Tobirama dodged again.

  This time it's directly behind the mirror man!

  The second mark point!

  Susanoo turned around, raised his sword, and slashed at Tobirama again.

  There was a flash of blue light, and Tobirama disappeared again.

  This time, Tobirama appeared to the right of Kagami.

  The third mark point!

  In this way, Kagami kept attacking Tobirama rapidly, forcing Tobirama to keep using Flying Thunder God, so as to remember Tobirama's Flying Thunder God mark point.

  Tobirama himself didn't know anything about it, and even looked at Mirror Man's attack with some amusement.

  This is not to say that Tobirama is stupid and cannot detect the purpose of the person in the mirror, but currently, in the entire ninja world, how many people know that the Flying Thunder God needs a mark to move? Tobirama is the only one!

  Under such circumstances, Tobirama of course assumes that Kagami doesn't know this. As long as he doesn't know that Flying Thunder God needs a mark to move, there is naturally no way to target the Flying Thunder God user.

  Taking a step back, even if Kagami knows that Flying Thunder God needs a mark to move and remembers all the mark points in Tobirama, what can he do?

  Can he lock so many mark points at the same time by himself?

  Obviously impossible!

  He could only use the clone technique to lock all the mark points at the same time, but the problem came again. Facing a clone, where did Tobirama need to use the Flying Thunder God Run? Wouldn't it be enough to just kill them? The clone is no match for the main body!

  Therefore, the Flying Thunder God is so unsolvable. Even if you know the mechanism, even if you know how to restrain the Flying Thunder God, you still need to have the corresponding conditions.

  In the original work, only the Fourth Raikage had done this method of memorizing the mark points to target the Flying Thunder God. So, what did the Fourth Raikage rely on? Because of his extremely fast physical movement speed, and because he can reach any mark point in an instant!

  But even with such strong conditions, he still lost to Minato.

  Therefore, no matter who comes here and understands everything, they don't think Kagami can do anything to Tobirama.

  Not for anything else, just because Flying Thunder God is so buggy!

  In terms of offense, Flying Thunder God may not be top-notch in ability, but when it comes to saving lives, Flying Thunder God is second, and no one dares to say first!

  A few minutes later, under continuous attacks, Mirror Man discovered that there were six Flying Thunder God mark points around him, namely, front, left front, right rear, right, right rear, and right front.

  Among them, the right side of Kagami at this moment is the direction of the center of the battle between Madara and Hashirama. In this direction, there are three Flying Thunder God mark points. It can be imagined that Tobirama is determined not to let Kagami pass.

  The golden Susanoo slowly disappeared, and a kunai appeared silently in the hand of Kagami.

  To deal with an extremely flexible character like Tobirama, Susanoo is still too bulky. Of course, if it is a complete Susanoo, then pretend I didn't tell you.

  What needs to be said is that when Kagami sat down before, he took Susanoo to find a commanding height and sat down, so that he was not flooded by the water in Tobirama.

  Therefore, at this moment, Kagami was relieved of Susanoo, and he was not afraid of being flooded.

  Tobirama, who returned to the front of the mirror man, looked at the disappearance of the golden giant in the distance with some confusion.

  [Removed this technique? what happened? But, just in time for me to see what you look like!

  The golden light slowly disappeared, but what Tobirama saw was not the appearance of the mirror figure, but a scarlet light flickering from the golden light!


  A great sense of crisis appeared in Tobirama's heart.

  The next moment, a kunai directly scratched Tobirama's forehead!

  There was a flash of blue light, and Tobirama dodged the fatal blow at the last moment.

  He couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. Tobirama was careless. He really didn't expect that person to have that level of speed!

  [What the hell is that speed? !

  Although Tobirama was later known as the best speed in the ninja world, in fact, all this mainly relied on Flying Thunder God, and his teleportation technique was not that outstanding.

  The speed of Kagami just now was really the first time Tobirama had seen. Without relying on the Flying Thunder God, he actually achieved such an instantaneous speed using the body-blinking technique? !

  Is this even a human being?

  【This guy! ]

  In Tobirama's mind, the danger of Mirror Man has increased significantly again.

  However, before Tobirama could think any more, the sound of wind came first, and then, a golden bone fist struck fiercely!

  【Two people? No, no, is it a clone? No, that's not right, the chakra is too strong, it's not a clone!

  Blue light flashed, and there was no time to look back at the person who attacked him. Tobirama left immediately.

  However, what Tobirama didn't know was that Kagami, who had just attacked him for the first time and was still "right in front", was smiling slightly.

  [The front is locked, the left front is locked, then, according to Tobirama's moving habits, the next one should be directly behind!

  The blue light flashed, centered on the position where the mirror person was before. Right behind the position just now, just as the mirror person expected, Tobirama appeared there, and then, without giving any time to react, the mirror person He punched Tobirama in the face! This time, Tobirama didn't dodge!

  Tobirama didn't even have time to think this time, so he quickly used the Flying Thunder God to disappear.

  Each of the six Flying Thunder God mark points is guarded by an instant clone. As soon as Tobirama appears, he will attack immediately!

  The mirror man in front looked ahead to the right, and sure enough, in a flash of blue light, Tobirama appeared there.

  This time, a kunai forced Tobirama back. Although it missed, it made Tobirama completely panic.

  Tobirama had a feeling that all the movement points of his Flying Thunder God were locked, right? ? ?

  Thinking of this, Tobirama couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. How did he know the characteristics of the Flying Thunder God? Moreover, what happened to his doppelganger? Does each one have the same power as the original body? This is unreasonable!

  Tobirama had many questions, but under the continuous attacks, he had no time to think about them.

  There was a flash of blue light and Tobirama disappeared.

  Kagami moved his gaze to the right rear in advance, and sure enough, there, Tobirama arrived as promised, and then disappeared in embarrassment with a kunai in his right arm.

  too fast! too fast!

  This was the first time Tobirama was pressed so hard. He didn't have any time to form seals, and he couldn't even use a technique like Flying Thunder God Slash that didn't require seals, because he didn't even have time to take out a kunai!

  Every time he appears in a place using the Flying Thunder God, he will be attacked immediately, without giving him any time to react!

  Therefore, Tobirama was unable to resist at this moment. It wasn't that he didn't want to resist, but that he simply didn't have the time to resist!

  He kept using the Flying Thunder God, but still couldn't escape the attack. Tobirama truly experienced this frustration and panic.

  The Mirror Man once again set his sights on the last imprint point in advance - to the right.

  This is the last mark point, and Tobirama has no escape!

  Sure enough, after a while, a kunai was placed on Tobirama's neck!

  At all the mark points here, there is a clone of Mirror Man standing, and Tobirama has no way to escape!

  Tobirama, who was punched in the face and had some bruises, gave a bitter smile.

  "Won't you kill me?"

  The mirror man in front of him shook his head and pointed at the Qingtian wooden man in the distance.

  "I don't want to be chased by your big brother, it must be a nightmare."

  Tobirama took a deep breath.

  "You are very powerful, beyond my imagination. Can you tell me, what kind of avatar is this of yours?"

  Mirror Man smiled proudly.

  "Instant clone, my elder brother taught me this!"

  Tobirama asked doubtfully.


  Mirror Man shook his head.

  "No, it's not him!"

  "That must be a very strong person."

  "Of course! That's the strongest illusionist in the Uchiha clan!"

  Kagami said with a proud face.

  Instant clone, each clone is both physical and virtual, so you don't have to worry about being killed by Tobirama if you don't have enough strength.

  As early as the moment Kagami released Susanoo, he used the instant clone technique. Each clone went to a mark point, completely blocking Tobirama's escape route!

  Tobirama closed his eyes and was silent for a while, then spoke.

  "Sure enough, I am still too confident. I should leave a Flying Thunder God mark somewhere else to prepare for my escape. But ha, forget it, it's useless to say this now. I really didn't expect that there are still people in this world. Someone can crack my Flying Thunder God."

  Mirror Man said helplessly.

  "I racked my brains and tried my best to plot against you, but you only used a Flying Thunder God. To be honest, this ninjutsu is really unreasonable. As long as you are a little more prepared, I won't do it." What might I do to you?"

  Tobirama looked at the man deeply.

  "No, I think that compared to the Flying Thunder God, you are the most unreasonable being. Your super high defense, terrifying speed, and sword that can hurt people from afar are all worthy of my admiration. You are really It's amazing. If I have a chance, I will kill you at all costs! You are too dangerous!"

  Mirror Man curled his lips.

  "Don't provoke me. It's very unlikely that you want to kill me. But if I kill you now, I will be slapped to death by your elder brother soon. So, no matter what you say, I can't kill you." Yes, okay, okay, since you have been subdued by me, just accept my illusion. I will not remove your illusion before the war is over, so when you wake up next time, the war should be over. "

  Mirror Man's eternal kaleidoscope flashed with red light, staring closely at Tobirama's eyes.

  At the end, Tobirama said something incomprehensible, and he spoke a little lonely.

  "You are indeed not Izuna."

  Then, Tobirama fell into the illusion of the eternal kaleidoscope.

  Kagami let go of Tobirama's hand that was holding Kunai at some point.

  "It's impossible to commit suicide. Also, what do you mean by your last sentence? If I were Quan Nai, wouldn't I stop you from committing suicide? Well, I haven't seen the Quan Nai in your mouth either. "Whether he will stop you from committing suicide, I don't know, but I will definitely stop it. It would be too troublesome to kill you, not to mention facing the anger of your elder brother. Even if you give me ten thousand courages, I wouldn't dare." I thought

  . After thinking for a while, the mirror man added another sentence.

  "Well, at least I don't dare now!"

   In the future, chapters should be unified into four thousand words per chapter. Don't ask why it is more expensive than before. This fee is calculated based on the number of words, and we, the authors, have no control over it.




  (End of this chapter)

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