202. Chapter 201 Monster

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  Chapter 201 Monsters

  Of course, although there are not too many forbidden techniques, you cannot learn them all at once. At least, you must be able to use them after learning them. Therefore, Orochimaru is not interested in learning the technique of multiple shadow clones.

  It's not that Orochimaru really doesn't even have the chakra to cast multiple shadow clones once. On the contrary, if he only casts it once and the number is not too scary, even someone with less chakra like Mirror Man can do it, but , both for Kagami and Orochimaru, that technique is not worth it. What can dozens of multiple shadow clones do? For Kagami, with this little chakra, wouldn't it be much better if he used a Susanoo than this multiple shadow clone?

  In the same way, for Orochimaru, there are too many ninjutsus compared to the multiple shadow clones. There is no need to spend a lot of chakra to perform such a ninjutsu. This kind of ninjutsu only requires that kind of chakra for free. Only people are eligible to use it.

  "Then what do you want?"

  Kagami asked Orochimaru one by one with no interest in the ninjutsu. Since Orochimaru took the initiative to mention the book of seals, it is probably Orochimaru's goal.

  Sure enough, the next second, Orochimaru spoke.

  "Flying Thunder God."

  "You really want it?"

  "Of course."

  "Then, the price will increase."

  "Aren't Hashirama's cells not enough? Kagami-kun."

  "Enough is enough, but I think you should still be able to do it. Bring out more."

  "You are openly blackmailing!"


  Both of them looked at each other with a smile. After a moment of silence, Orochimaru spoke.

  "What do you want?"

  "Ryuchi Cave."

  Hearing these three words, Orochimaru couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

  "Do you know all this? Kagami-kun."

  "So? Will you tell me?"

  Orochimaru took a deep breath.


  After a while, Kagami came out of the Sound Ninja Village. He already knew the location of Ryūchi Cave and also obtained Hashirama Cells.

  Correspondingly, Orochimaru also got the Flying Thunder God.

  However, Kagami did not believe that Orochimaru could learn the Flying Thunder God technique. Kagami began to practice it almost a year ago. However, until now, Kagami has made little progress in his practice. It is really too difficult.

  Orochimaru may be a genius who studies ninjutsu, but he is definitely not a genius who studies ninjutsu. It is absolutely impossible for Orochimaru to learn the flying thunder god.

  Taking out the Hashirama cells given by Orochimaru, Kagami didn't ask Orochimaru to help him transplant Hashirama cells. He didn't like to transplant some strange things into his body. What's more, there was no need for transplantation. According to the book of seals, The saying is that he has the power of Uchiha and Senju at the same time. The power here should refer to Chakra. Then, Mirror Man only needs to get Chakra.

  A palm-sized bottle was filled with green liquid, and a piece of pale flesh was soaked in the liquid. This was Hashirama's cell. Don't tell me, it was a bit similar to the Bai Zetsu cultivated by the sacred tree from the human body.

  After all, the power of Hashirama's Wood Release also comes from the sacred tree, so no one of Hashirama's descendants inherits Wood Release. Although it is a ninjutsu created by Hashirama, to be honest, it is not so much a creation as that It was Hashirama who accidentally discovered the method of using the power of the sacred tree through the power of Asura.

  Therefore, Hashirama's Wood Release is so terrifying and invincible in the world, but no one of his descendants can inherit the Wood Release. This is because they have no way or qualifications to use the power of the sacred tree.

  Yamato in the back was even more funny. Orochimaru and Danzo took the cells of Hashirama's body that had controlled the power of the sacred tree and created a living Wood Release user. Seriously speaking, maybe Yamato's Wood Release is the real Wood Release. Hashirama's Wood Release comes from the sacred tree, and Yamato's Wood Release is really his own - even though he got it through Hashirama's cells. .   Therefore, Yamato's Wood Release is very weak. His Wood Release does not have the sacred tree as the source of power. He can only use the little bit of divine tree power that his Wood Release inherited from

  Hashirama's cells to suppress the tailed beast. There is nothing to do.

Greening and stuff.

  Yamato inherited the Wood Release by coincidence, but he is not Asura after all. If Yamato's Wood Release was given to Naruto, he might be able to recreate Hashirama's style, but unfortunately, there is no if.

  Let’s not talk about Yamato. The piece of meat in Kagami’s hand is indeed made of Hashirama’s cells. Perhaps the power of the sacred tree has faded a lot in it, but there is no doubt that there must be something inside. A large amount of Asura Chakra, Senju Chakra, and strong recovery power. These things cannot be taken away by the sacred tree. These belong to Hashirama.

  Kagami stretched out his hand to touch the bottle, and began to feel the chakra belonging to Hashirama through the bottle.

  What he felt was as vast as the sea, as if there was endless chakra.


  After a whole era, Mirror Man felt a sense of despair towards the ninja god for the first time.

  What he has in his hand is just a piece of meat! Just chunks of meat! !

  But just such a piece of meat has more chakra than Mirror Man's entire body!

  This really makes no sense at all. It’s too outrageous. The chakra of a piece of meat is more than the total chakra of Mirror Man’s whole body. With this kind of terrifying comparison, Mirror Man really rises to a level. A sense of despair.

  When he opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope, he thought that he might be able to compete with Hashirama and Madara, but now it seems that that was really a joke.

  Kagami has already understood a little bit of Madara's power through the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and Kagami also understands Hashirama's power at this moment.

  These are really two monsters! An absolute monster! !

  There are two such monsters in the same era. Others don't need to play, they can just hang up.

  Kagami still remembers that in the original work, when the four Hokages were resurrected, Tobirama just burst out with chakra, which frightened Sasuke, who was already an eternal kaleidoscope, and several others with nervous faces, but Hashirama instantly exploded with a chakra that was comparable to Tobirama The chakra suppressed Tobirama.

  Kagami knew now that Hashirama at that time definitely did not use all his strength! ! absolute! ! !

  Just from such a small piece of meat, Mirror Man understood what endless chakra meant? This is!

  If Hashirama was resurrected at this moment, and then went all out to give Kagami a chakra burst, Kagami estimated that the momentum of the chakra burst alone would be enough to immobilize him.

  A large amount of chakra does not mean strong strength. Currently, there are many people in the ninja world who have more chakra than Kagami, but Kagami is sure that most of them cannot beat him. However, [a large amount of chakra does not mean strong strength] This In a word, it can only be used to refer to normal people. If a monster like Hashirama has an extremely terrifying amount of chakra, then a large amount of chakra means strong strength!

  Monsters cannot be measured by common sense.

  For example, it is impossible for a ninja to defeat an army composed of a large number of powerful ninjas head-on, that is for sure.

  But when it comes to Madara, in the original work, he was resurrected later, and he really fought an army alone! Facing such monsters, it is impossible for you to use common sense to restrain them.

   Let’s continue talking about Izanagi.

    In the original work, Episode 473, Obito describes Izanagi as "The art that can materialize imagination into life, that is Izanagi". This description is very straightforward, which shows that the complete Izanagi is Being able to achieve an effect similar to that when Naruto was Kai, to put it simply, it is [giving life], which is the Yang Release in Naruto.

    The incomplete Izanagi could only turn the disadvantages into illusions to save his own life.

    This is the difference between incomplete and complete.

    And Perfect Izanagi is not so easy to cast. From Obito, we can know that to cast Complete Izanagi, you need to completely control Hashirama's power. This condition is too harsh. Except for Hashirama, there is no one who can fully control Hashirama's power. Apart from himself, Madara should be the only one, right? Not even Obito himself could do it.



  (End of chapter)

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