20.Chapter 20 Graduation

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  Chapter 20: Graduation

  Shisui's teleportation technique is difficult to learn. It took him a day, and Kagami only understood a rough idea. However, from this day, Kagami understood why in the original work, Shisui cloned Crow and other gods. He handed it to Itachi, but he didn't teach Itachi the teleportation technique. I guess it wasn't that Shisui didn't want to teach it, but Itachi's talent in the teleportation technique that made it difficult for Itachi to learn Shisui's teleportation technique in a short period of time. In addition, The relationship between Konoha and Uchiha at that time, they didn't have much time to practice, so they didn't learn.

  The difference between Jingren and Itachi is that, first of all, although Jingren is far inferior to Itachi in terms of fire escape and illusion, his talent in the teleportation technique is enough to amaze Itachi and Shisui. This talent has established the foundation for Secondly, Kagami is not currently involved in the incident between Konoha and Uchiha. He is still in the ninja school, and he has a lot of time to learn the blinking technique.

  These two advantages were the difference between him and Itachi, and the reason why Itachi couldn't learn Shisui Blinking Technique, but he could.

  Of course, regardless of these things, on the second day of the holiday, the most important thing for Mirror Man was,

  "Do you want to learn shadow clones?"

  Itachi looked at Mirror Man in surprise.

  "You also plan to use the shadow clone to teach?"


  Mirror Man answered naturally. Originally, his method was copying Itachi's. In front of Itachi, Mirror Man felt that he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

  Unlike Shisui's teasing, Itachi nodded seriously.

  "Well, it's a good choice. With your current strength, being in the ninja school is just a waste of time. I think that after you finish the next semester, you may be allowed to graduate early like me.

  " Stunned.


  If he graduates early, he will become a genin. Although that is what he expected, but if he really thinks about it, he will become a genin, which makes him feel a little inexplicably uneasy.

  The first few days of the holiday were mainly to set the direction for Kagami's training throughout the holiday. On the first day, Shisui taught Kagami his unique teleportation technique. On the second day, Itachi taught Kagami the shadow clone. Three days.

  Shisui held three leaves in his hand and handed one leaf to Kagami first.

  "Let me see the change in your nature."

  The Mirror Man nodded, took the leaf, and placed it on his palm. After a while, flames ignited from the leaf, and soon burned out the entire leaf.

  Shisui handed Kamento another leaf.

  "Where's Lei?"

  The mirror man took the leaf and placed it on his palm like the previous one, but this time, the leaf did not change much.

  "Brother Zhisui, I started by measuring my own attributes. So far, I have only practiced the changes in the nature of fire. I don't know how to change the nature of thunder and earth at all."

  Zhishui looked as if he had expected it.

  "I guess this is Takashi-sama telling you to give priority to practicing the changes in the nature of fire?" "


  "Uchiha has more fire-attribute ninjutsu, so there is nothing wrong with giving priority to practicing the changes in the nature of fire. However, from From now on, you are ready to practice the changes in the properties of thunder and earth. Such good attributes cannot be wasted."

  From this, Mirror Man will learn these three things during this holiday, the technique of instant body, shadow clone, Changes in the properties of thunder and earth.

  Among these three, although shadow clone is a forbidden technique in name, it has the highest style among the three ninjutsu, but in fact, it is the best to practice. It took two or three days to master the mirror. The person successfully cultivated the shadow clone, which made the mirror person have to sigh, Naruto's talent in the shadow clone is really incredible, he still needs two or three days, but Naruto learned it after watching it for a while.

  As for the teleportation technique, let’s not talk about it. Mirror Man estimates that he may not be able to master this technique within this year.

  As for the change in nature, it is not easy. It took the Mirror Man half a year to practice the change in the nature of fire. The change in the nature of thunder and earth took about a year in total.

  In March 1955 in Konoha, the ninja school opened.

  Mirror Man started to go to school as usual. The difference was that the one who went to school was the shadow clone, while the one who stayed at the training ground to train all day was the original body.

  September 1955 in Konoha.

  A semester has come to an end again. During this semester, nothing major happened. The only thing worth noting is that Shisui began to slowly fade out of many people's sight. Currently, only Shisui can be seen. Mirror Man and Itachi, as long as other people are present, Shisui will use the teleportation technique to evade. This makes Mirror Man realize that the situation of Uchiha and Konoha is further deteriorating. Shisui can only accept this behavior. Confidential mission, no one can be seen, so what kind of secret mission did Shisui accept?

  Kagami doesn't know the details, but what is certain is that this confidential mission must be related to Uchiha!

  Having said that, this semester, Kagami once again ranked first in all subjects without any surprises. Moreover, Kagami also learned the changes in the properties of thunder, and made great progress in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Shuriken. progress.

  However, the mirror man was not excited at all, but looked at the sky with a sad face.

  [The relationship between Uchiha and Konoha is further deteriorating, what about Shisui? Did Shisui listen to me and not tell Danzo about other gods? By the way, there is also Danzo. After I defeated Neji, he never touched me. Was it blocked by Shisui? Or is there a bigger intention? ]

  Mirror Man looked at his hands. He is now seven years old. His birthday is August 15th. He is one month younger than Sasuke and about two months older than Naruto, but he is still too young! Still too little! Time is too little!

  Time, time, time, give me more time.

  In a large and bright room, a group of people formed a row. In the center was the third generation wearing a Hokage hat and Hokage robe. On both sides sat Danzo, Men Yan, Koharu and others.

  In front of the Third Hokage, Iruka stood there and spoke seriously.

  "Hokage-sama, I would like to apply for the Uchiha Kagami in our class to graduate early."

  The third generation asked as usual.

  "What's the reason?"

  Iruka replied sternly.

  "Kage Uchiha, over the past year, has completely understood all the content I taught. Moreover, he has learned ninjutsu, and there is not a single mistake in the exam questions. I asked Kage Uchiha to try it in the previous final exam. The Three Body Technique that was supposed to be tested five years later, which is the graduation exam question. As a result, Uchiha Kagami used the Three Body Technique perfectly, and even used the forbidden shadow clone. I think, next After five years at the ninja school, I can no longer teach Uchiha Kagami, so I applied for early graduation on his behalf." The

  third generation hesitated.

  "Is he the same as the original Itachi? He is still the same age."

  Danzo looked at the third generation.

  "I think this is pretty good. Didn't there be a precedent like Itachi before?"

  Danzo has both good and bad qualities. He is not a complete villain. We cannot completely deny a person.

  The bad thing about Danzo is that he is very self-centered, and sometimes he is too cruel and cruel, and he also has some selfish desires, but the good thing about Danzo is that no matter what this person does, at least he really thinks it is good for Konoha in his heart, and , Danzo is very rational and rarely emotional.

  The third generation is worried that Kagami is too young and graduates as a genin early, fearing that Kagami's talent will be lost.

  Danzo's view is different. Genius is something that only survives and is called dead. There is nothing wrong with becoming a genin early, so as to save time in ninja school.

  The third generation sighed.


  Since Itachi has set a precedent, it's not impossible for Kagami to do it this time, but the third generation is still thinking about it.

  Danzo said calmly.

  "I have observed that child. His genius is not inferior to Itachi's. It is not a good thing to leave him in the ninja school." The

  third generation frowned and thought for a while, and finally relaxed.

  "Well, you are right. Staying in the Ninja School is of no use to him at present, so let him graduate."

  (End of Chapter)

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