100.Chapter 99 Seal Formation Speed

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  Chapter 99: The speed of forming seals.

  To put it bluntly, the third generation just wants to use the Mirror Man to establish his authority!

  Thinking of this, Lu Jiu couldn't help but have a headache. This mission was a bit difficult.

  They want to establish their authority, but they don’t want to capture the Mirror Man, and the Mirror Man is not weak at all.


  Shikamaru looked at the jonins around him and thought to himself.

  [No wonder so many jounin were sent here. ]

  On the other side, Kagami didn't know that the third generation wanted to use him to establish his authority, nor did he know that Kakashi was leading a team of Jonin towards him.

  All the Mirror Man knows now is that a group of ANBU found them and started attacking them.

  "Did the Third Generation only send this group of Anbu to hunt us down?"

  Looking at the Anbu corpses lying around, Kagami was a little puzzled.

  As soon as this group of ANBU found them, they launched an attack without hesitation.

  And then there was no more, they were all wiped out, while Mirror Man and Shiro were unscathed.

  The Mirror Man didn't show any mercy to these Anbu. Whether it was the Anbu or the Roots, the Mirror Man never had a good impression of them.

  But these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that Kamento does not believe that the third generation will only send some Anbu to chase him.

  Previously in Konoha, the third generation should have seen the scene where Kyōto and Shiro neatly eliminated dozens of ANBU. Since he had seen it, wouldn't he simply be seeking death by sending a group of ANBU again?

  If the third generation is not stupid, then there is only one possibility, and that is that this group of Anbu found the Mirror Man before the main force chasing the Mirror Man, and then launched an attack.

  "Bai, sense your surroundings to see if anyone is coming towards us!"

  Mirror Man said to Bai. If this group of Anbu were the vanguard, then the main force would definitely not be too far away, and might have already arrived around them.


  Bai agreed, closed his eyes, and began to sense his surroundings.

  After a while, Bai opened his eyes and calmly shook his head in denial.

  "I didn't sense anyone coming towards us."

  Mirror Man frowned slightly at first, pondered for a while, and then suddenly laughed again.

  "Okay, let's continue training."


  After saying that, the two of them continued to practice.

  Mirror Man sat on the ground, opened the sealed book, and continued to study this mysterious Flying Thunder God.

  Not far away from Mirror Man and the others, Kakashi and his group were hiding on a dark branch.

  "It seems that the little girl has been controlled by Haiyi."

  Kai said softly.

  The art of mind turning!

  Just now, they came here and found Kagami and Shiro. However, under Shikaku's advice, the group decided to act cautiously. They hid first, and then asked Yamanaka Haiichi to find the opportunity and use [Heart Turn] Technique], quietly controlling the little girl next to Mirror Man in the distance.

  Shiro, who does not have strong mental power, was easily controlled by Yamanaka Hai once he got the chance.

  From the moment the Mirror Man asked Shiro to scout the surroundings, Shiro was already controlled by Yamanaka Haiichi.

  Shikaku looked at Aburame Shiwei.

  "Zhiwei, it's your turn!"

  Aburame Zhiwei nodded and said nothing. He is a taciturn person and very powerful. In the third ninja war, which battlefield did he go to? Combat power can increase several levels.

  His talent for using bugs is so superb that no one can even imagine when he was struck by them.

  At this moment, some small black insects climbed onto the branches along Aburame Zhiwei's arms, then slowly climbed to the ground, and then walked leisurely towards the mirror man.

  These bugs are very scattered. When they move forward, they will not only move forward, but sometimes they will go back for a while, making it look like normal bugs wandering around.

  Few people would have thought that these seemingly innocent bugs could turn out to be deadly killers!

  Aburame Shimi controlled the bugs very carefully. In order not to be discovered, these bugs really seemed to be wandering around.

  It took half an hour for these bugs to approach the Mirror Man.

  At this moment, the mirror man was still concentrating on looking at the sealed book, and was not aware of these approaching insects at all.

  Then, after a while, an insect quietly crawled into Mirror Man's sleeve.

  Then, a short while later, there was another one.

  Three, four, five.

  As time went by, more and more bugs crawled onto Mirror Man's body. Under the control of Aburame Zhiwei, these bugs would not cause any harm to people at all when they came into contact with them. Strange feeling, as long as you are not paying attention, it is difficult to find these bugs.

  Another half hour passed.

  Wearing sunglasses, Aburame Shiwei spoke concisely.

  "We succeeded."

  At this moment, the number of bugs in Mirror Man's body has reached a lethal level! As long as Aburame Shiwei controls it, the bugs in the body of the mirror can quickly kill the mirror, or quickly eat away all the chakra in the body of the mirror!

  Regardless of the outcome, Mirror Man has now become a target for human flesh.

  "What, isn't this very simple? Kakashi, you still said how powerful this kid is."

  Kai said carelessly.

  In the eyes of this group of Jonin, the battle to recover the Sealed Book was over.

  Except for two people, one is Kakashi and the other is Shikaku.

  Lu Jiu frowned, squinted his eyes, and looked cautious, not feeling relaxed at all. He always felt that the smile before Mirror Man was a bit weird! It was the Mirror Man who asked the girl to survey the surroundings, and when the girl replied that there was no one there, the Mirror Man frowned at first, and then smiled.

  Lu Jiu always felt that maybe it wasn't over yet. No, he must have missed some important information!

  Kakashi couldn't lie to himself. Then, as a shadow-level strongman, he couldn't be defeated so easily.

  "Wait, don't show up yet, hide for a while. Kakashi, is there anything else you need to pay attention to about the Mirror Man? Apart from speed and Sharingan?" Shikaku stopped everyone who wanted to show up

  . Thoughts, asked Kakashi.

  Kakashi frowned and began to think back. The speed and Sharingan of Mirror Man had such a profound impact on Kakashi that when Kakashi thought of Mirror Man, these were the first things he thought of.

  Apart from that, is there anything else we need to pay attention to?

  A technique slowly appeared in Kakashi's mind - Fire Release: High Fireball Technique!

  The technique itself is not a big deal. The main thing is that Kakashi remembered that the original Kagami had been using this technique to practice the speed of sealing. If Kagami had not slackened on this practice, Kagami's current seals would be The speed should be terrifying!

  right! The speed of sealing!

  "Seal speed! Mirror Man's seal speed is likely to be very fast!"

  Kakashi said quickly.

  And as soon as he opened his mouth, Shikaku's eyes widened and he spoke loudly without hesitation.

  "Oops! Disperse!"


  The jonins immediately dispersed without hesitation, except for one person - Yamanaka Haiichi!

  Kagami suddenly appeared on the branch where Kakashi and the others were standing, carrying the Book of Sealings on his back. He put his hand on Yamanaka Haiichi's shoulders and looked at the group of Jonin around him.

  "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, well, plus the one I have, there are eight jounin. The Third Hokage is really impressive. He sent so many jonin. Bear with it."

  Akimichi Tingzao broke out in cold sweat.


  Mirror Man smiled slightly.

  "When Bai answered me that there was no one around, the one sitting there practicing was already a clone."

  Mirror Man pointed to the clone who was still sitting on the ground, looking at the fake book of seals intently.

  (End of chapter)

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