Chapter 60 Beating up the Uchiha clan

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  Early on the next morning, Chen Tian came to the Uchiha rental land openly and honestly.

  This place is now incompatible with Konoha. It still looks like a primitive village with backward wooden houses.

  "Stop! This is the land of the Uchiha clan. Get out of here, all the rest!"

  Before he could get through the door, Chen Tian was stopped by two Uchiha chuunin. The two looked at Chen Tian with disdain.

  They had heard Chen Tian's name, but they didn't believe that Chen Tian really had that kind of strength.

  "Hehehe, isn't this the great genius of Konoha? Should we teach him a lesson?"

  A hook-nosed Uchiha chuunin rolled his eyes, showed a sinister smile, and stared at Chentian with evil intentions.

  "Okay, I like to teach geniuses the best!" The other person didn't hesitate at all and nodded instantly in agreement.

  No matter how talented or powerful you are, they are all useless in front of me, the Uchiha clan!
  Aren't you Konoha blowing very hard? Then no wonder we slap you in the face.

  Seeing the two of them working together, constantly pushing towards him, a smile suddenly appeared on Chen Tian's lips, revealing a cute dimple.

  I didn’t expect that Fugaku would be so cooperative and even find someone to act opposite me. It seemed like he was really into it!

  The two of them had already discussed before, letting Chen Tian defeat all the Uchiha by himself, so that they would surrender.

  This makes it particularly suitable for Chen Tian to come, because Chen Tian is young enough and strong enough to fully attack Uchiha.

  In this way, under Fugaku's instructions, Chen Tian could give lectures to Uchiha, and no one was dissatisfied.

  "Since Fugaku is so fully prepared, I can't let him down. Thank you both for the hard work!" I apologized

  secretly in my heart, and activated the morning sky teleportation technique, and appeared behind the two of them like a black lightning bolt. Neither of them had it. react to.

  The next moment, in order to be realistic enough, Chen Tian did not show any mercy and circled the backs of the two people's heads.


  The blood chakra eyes of the two Uchihas were still turning, but they no longer had the chance to look at Chen Tian, ​​and they fell limply to the ground.

  "Good acting, I must let Fugaku give you two chicken legs!" He nodded with satisfaction, turned around and continued forward.

  That is to say, Fugaku doesn't know what's going on here, so he must be very confused about taking charge. "I haven't arranged any manpower at all. I'm just waiting for you to call me!" The two Uchiha chuunin said: "We are not acting, we just want to pretend

  . Come on, you don't have to be so harsh!"

  It's a pity that Chen Tian didn't know all this, otherwise he would have used more force to keep them in the hospital for ten days and a half.

  But this did not affect Chen Tian's follow-up plan. He went straight to the Uchiha ancestral land.

  In order to establish his authority, Fugaku summoned most of the people there in the name of a meeting and waited for Chen Tian to come.

  So he didn't encounter any obstacles afterwards and came here smoothly.

  "Creak!" With a sound, the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan was pushed open, and hundreds of pairs of blood eyes suddenly looked over.

  Turning a blind eye to these looks, Chen Tian said leisurely: "I heard that your Uchiha clan is very crazy? How can I try to see if you have this strength!" "Boy, you dare to come to

  my Uchiha clan to run wild. The Hokage is here today. I can't save you!"

  "Looking for death! I don't know how high the earth is, but you, the Uchiha clan, can challenge me?" "

  Here I go, I'll kill this little brat!"

  In an instant, all the Uchiha people were so excited that they wanted to spit. His flesh and eyes were full of anger.

  As long as Uchiha Fugaku gives the order, they will immediately tear Chentian into pieces!

  Fugaku just watched quietly, with no intention of speaking, but secretly sighed in worry, "The Uchiha are really rotten, even Madara is not as crazy as them." "Haha, one person is not enough for me, you

  guys Let's come together!" Chen Tian sneered and gave Fugaku a wink, indicating that he could start.

  Blinking in understanding, Fugaku's angry voice suddenly sounded: "If you dare to let me, Uchiha, act wild, kill him!" "


  Uchiha, who had been furious for a long time, heard this and instantly exploded, all facing Chentian. Coming at a gallop.

  This is the Uchiha ancestral land, and they have too many people of their own. Using ninjutsu will not only destroy the ancestral land, but also accidentally injure their own people, so it is better to use taijutsu.

  Chen Tian instantly understood what they meant, "In that case, I won't take advantage of you!"

  He came here just to defeat Uchiha, but taking advantage would have no effect.

  Although under the effect of so many blood chakra eyes, the insight must be terrible, but this is the best effect.

  "Brush! Brush! Brush!" In

  terms of physical fitness in a single round, Chentian is not weaker than Metkai, who will not be able to use the eight-door armor in the future. In addition, he can use thunder chakra to stimulate cells, and his teleportation ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. technique.

  Like a constantly ejecting electric current, Chentian's figure flashed back and forth in the Uchiha ancestral land, and the afterimages lingered for a long time.

  In just two or three minutes, Chentian appeared in front of Uchiha Fugaku again.

  The afterimages behind him began to dissipate. Every time the afterimages dissipated, an Uchiha clan member fell to the ground and let out bursts of wailing.

  For the drama of beating Fugaku down later, Chen Tian deliberately did not knock these people out so that they could see clearly.

  But he might as well faint. In order to establish his authority, he showed no mercy, and these people broke a few bones.

  Fugaku's eyelids jumped at the sight. Here are all the clansmen who have opened their blood chakra eyes. Now they are all beaten. How much medical expenses will this cost?

  Uchiha has a big business, but he can't stand being so pretentious!
  "Is this the so-called Uchiha? It's really funny! I hope you won't disappoint me, Uchiha clan leader."

  Chen Tian gave full play to his previous life's understanding, that is, cursing people has no effect, but yin and yang's strange energy can make people mad. !
  Looking at the Uchiha who were lying on the ground behind him, they didn't even care about howling, and their eyes were piercing Chen Tian like a knife.

  If looks could kill, Chen Tian would probably have died countless times, but unfortunately these people's illusions couldn't affect him at all.

  "If you dare to insult me ​​Uchiha like this, I will die with you today!"

  Fugaku, who was originally kneeling, was about to stand up, but other voices sounded next to him.

  Following the sound, it turned out to be the elders of the Uchiha clan.

  Seeing these people stand up tremblingly, Chen Tian was afraid that they would fall apart.

  "Are you going to fight? Are you here to fight? Are there people in the ninja world who are cheating?" With his

  eyelids shaking wildly, Chen Tian hurriedly signaled to Fugaku that he didn't want to fight these people. What if a few of them died suddenly?

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