Chapter 58 Sudden sneak attack

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  After returning to Konoha, I was naturally greeted by a road lined with people. Both sides of the road were densely packed with people.

  The civilians looked at them with pride, these are my ninjas of Konoha! The ninja looked at them all in admiration, as if they were looking at gods.

  Unknowingly, these ninjas became more loyal to Konoha and liked Konoha like this even more.

  If your own ninja is bullied, someone will naturally stand up for you, even if it means attacking other ninja villages.

  Minato didn't expect this, he didn't expect this at all, it was an unexpected surprise.

  After doing this, Orochimaru plunged into his laboratory; Jiraiya's eyes turned red when he looked at the bathhouse.

  The remaining two clan leaders couldn't wait to return to the clan. Only Chen Tian had nothing to do and slowly went to Ichiraku Ramen.

  "Uncle Handi, here's a bowl of miso ramen, please add some toppings!"

  "Okay, it'll be here right away!"

  After ordering, Chen Tian glanced around a few times and didn't see Acorus, so he stopped paying attention.

  Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw two little carrots, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi.

  Although Chen Tian is not very old, his modified figure is almost as tall as Kakashi.

  "What's the matter with you?" Seeing the two men, like turtles, holding a bowl and moving toward him little by little, Chen Tian drew two black lines on his forehead.

  Who would have thought that the future Itachi God would look like this funny now? Although he is Chen Tian's little fanboy.

  "Ahem." As if they were frightened, the two of them choked on the noodle soup. After they recovered, they said: "Senior Chentian, last time you said it took a while." "Oh!" After realizing it, it turned out that these two

  little Carrot Head couldn't wait any longer, and then said: "I have already talked with your father about this matter, and we will deal with it together. If you want to know, go back and ask your father!" Looking at Itachi's cute look, Chen Tian felt a mischievous feeling in his heart

  . The soul couldn't hold it in any longer.

  A Motousha held down Itachi's head and said, "My stupid brother, just leave this matter to us!" "

  Oh, I've wanted to try it for a long time!" For a moment, Chen Tian felt like he was in the middle of nowhere. The soul is satisfied.

  But what followed was unparalleled embarrassment, and I wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

  I finished the hand-made ramen in a few bites, dropped my money and walked away.

  After staying away from Ichiraku Ramen, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's too careless. But it feels so good! I guess all Naruto fans want to do this once." Chen Tian was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a "touch", and a

  person Hit him.


  Chen Tian's strong body didn't move at all, but the person who collided with him fell to the ground.

  Taking a closer look, you can see the jet-black hair, red pupils, rosy lips and an initially developing figure. Who else could it be if it wasn't Kurenai Yuhi?

  "Are you okay? I was distracted. I'm very sorry." He gently helped Yuri Hong up. Chen Tian's attitude was very sincere, but he wouldn't let go.

  There was nothing he could do, because next to Kurenai, his father, Yuhi Makoto, was staring at him with murderous eyes.

  Especially when he saw Chen Tian holding Hong's jade hand, this look was even more sinister.

  "You really think I didn't see it because you did it on purpose? Didn't I see the flash of smile on your lips before?"

  Seeing that Xiri Zhenhong couldn't hold it in any longer, Chentian let go of Hong's little hand. Then he greeted Zhen Hong as if nothing had happened.

  He and Zhenhong have always had a good relationship, especially after the Night of Nine Tails, their relationship became even stronger.

  That's why Zhen Hong allowed Hong to hit Chen Tian without taking any action to stop it.

  After finishing the conversation, Chentian went to Minato's house to sit with Kushina, and after teasing little Naruto, he was ready to return to his home.

  After a day of hard work, the sun had already set when Chen Tian returned home, leaving only the last ray of the setting sun.

  The golden setting sun shines on the earth, and the slightly rippling lake exudes tranquility, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

  Looking at the scenery in front of him, Chen Tian's irritable heart calmed down.

  But when he opened the door, an accident happened!
  "Peng!" The sound of water breaking suddenly sounded, and a figure galloped out of the lake and appeared behind Chen Tian in an instant.

  "Replacement Technique!"

  When he was about to catch Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian turned into a white mist, leaving only a tree trunk.

  After directly crushing the substitute wood, the man slowly turned around, and Chen Tian, ​​who was standing by the lake, saw his appearance clearly.

  I haven't seen this person since time travel, but I have seen it in the original work, and it turns out to be Beiliuhu.

  After recognizing the person's identity, Chen Tian knew his purpose. He was eyeing the limit of his blood inheritance!
  But Chentian was very curious, didn't Beiliuhu know his own strength? Where do you get the courage to target yourself?
  "You have good strength, so you can become my perfect nourishment!"

  Before Chen Tian could ask, Bei Liuhu had already spoken first. His perverted look made Chen Tian disgusted.

  However, Bei Liuhu obviously didn't care about Chen Tian's mood and continued: "It's not in vain that I hid in this lake for so many days. As long as you can get it, it's worth it!" Bei Liuhu's self-created Ghost Yaluo

  technique, You can use this technique to plunder the boundaries of other people's blood inheritance, so when you look at Chen Tian, ​​you can be as fanatical as you want; as greedy as you want!

  But his words unintentionally answered Chen Tian's doubts. It turned out that this guy had been in the lake and had not received any recent news. No wonder he came to find him.

  "It's true that the ignorant are fearless! Now that the doubts are gone, it's time to send you on your way!"

  Even Chen Tian felt annoyed after being attacked by someone.

  "Earth Release - Yellow Spring Numa!"


  "Blinking Body Technique!"

  In an instant, Chentian used three ninjutsu in succession, controlling Beiruhu and flashing past.

  Only Beiliuhu was left behind, a body that had begun to lose the breath of life.

  "How could it be so strong?"


  He spat out the last words with difficulty, and Beiliuhu turned into a corpse.

  But there was still a trace of shock and disbelief in his eyes. Even if he died, he never expected a child to be so powerful!
  This strength is probably not comparable to that of the Ninja God Senju Hashirama when he was the same age, right?

  With that speed before, not to mention him, there shouldn't be many people below the shadow level who can react, right?
  These thoughts were just fleeting and he could never speak them out again.

  After he died, a flashing red card appeared nearby, and Chen Tian put it away without hesitation.

  [The red card is the secret technique - Oni Meiluo's technique. Is it fused? ]

  "Trash! Give up!" With a curl of his lips, Chen Tian crushed the card in disgust.

  If I want to reach the limit of blood inheritance, shouldn’t I use the system instead, and use the art of Onigaura like you, a hot chick?
  It overlaps with the system, but it is not as easy to use and safe as the system. It also has many side effects. Chentian is not stupid, so why do you need this?
  "But this body cannot be handed over to the village chief, it must be disposed of!"

  "Fire Release - the art of fireball!"

  As he murmured, a fire in the morning sky burned Bei Liuhu's body, leaving nothing behind.

  If it is handed over to the village chief now, they will definitely learn the art of Oni Yaluo. This is a piece of cake to him, but to others it is a treasure!
  If someone can't resist its temptation, Konoha will definitely have another twists and turns.

  Even if no one is interested, there is still Danzo Shimura in Konoha.

  Having pressed the blood eye on his arm and injected Hashirama cells, he would not let go of such a secret technique.

  Chen Tian doesn't have the habit of helping his enemies, so it's better to end it once and for all.

  After washing the ground with water, Chen Tian returned to his room and began to rest.

  Because this place is far enough away from Konoha, and Beilihu didn't make any big noise for the sneak attack, so no one knows what happened here in Chentian.

  Beilihu disappeared into the ninja world without even noticing it, without causing any waves!

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